Individual Details
William Douglas "Billy D." Haden
(Abt 1775 - Bet 1843 and 1848)
When William Haden wrote his will in 1789, he left his home tract to his wife Unity for her lifetime, then it was to descend to Douglas for his lifetime, then to the son of Douglas, Billy Douglas Haden.
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
Petition for separate election. Legislative Papers, Petitions, Box 3, NC State Archives 1793-4
p.320 Includes Billy Haden, Jesse Hayden
p.321 Joseph Haden, Dugles Haden, Captn. Thos Maxwell Sen.
3 May 1796 Marriage to Elizabeth Linster
Bond: Billy D. Haden & Moses Linster Witness: A. Balfour
1800 Census. Rowan Co NC; Salisbury [alpha]
William Headon (16-26); 1 female under 5. He likely had a daughter by first wife Elizabeth Linster, who was deceased. 5 slaves
The young girl is likely the Mary Haden who married John Campbell, 23 Sep 1823, in Rowan Co.
1802 Marriage to Elizabeth Ham
Bond: Billy D. Haden & Isaac Linster Witness: Jno. Brem [Brown?].
Abstracts of Wills & Estates Records of Rowan Co NC 1753-1805
And Rowan Co Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778
Jo White Linn, 1979
p.65 WB D; 246 Elias Williams. 14 Oct 1799, prb 1800. Wife Agatha to have man Sam who then goes to son James who is also to have ½ the crop at Willm. Duglas Haden's. Dau. Jean Hillard, to have the other ½. Exrs: son James Williams and neighbor Capt. Duglas Haden. Wit: Wm. Merell, Moses Linster
William Merrill was a brother-in-law to Douglas. Moses Linster was the father of Billy D's first wife Elizabeth Linster.
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#1192 DB 17, p.330
17 Jan 1800 Dugless Haden to Billy Dugless Haden for 15# 151a in Forks of the Yadkin R adj William Haden [formerly] and Joseph Haden. Part of land where said Dugless Haden lived and a state grant to him. Wit: Benjn Hodgens, W. Moore. Ack May? Ct 1800
[this land given to Billy D. over and above what he was to inherit from his grandfather]
By June of 1801, Douglas Haden had died, apparently intestate as no will has ever been found or indicated. Douglas' widow Elizabeth was still living. The following quit claim, guaranteed by bond, may have been necessary because of the will of William Haden, passing the land down to Billy D. only.
LDS #313552 Rowan Co Deed Book 18 1801-1817
p.179 State of North Carolina.
Know all men by these presents that I Billy Duglass Haden of the County of Rowan & State aforesaid am held & firmly bound to Jesse Haden of the same place in the penal sum of One thousand Dollars money of the United States of America for the true payment of which I bind myself my heirs Executors & Administrators to the said Jesse Haden his heirs Executors & Administrators or Assigns firmly by these presents sealed this thirteenth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred & one.
The condition of the above obligations in such that the above bounded Billy Duglass Haden does himself his heirs & Administrators give up relinquish Quit Claim & Confirm to the said Jesse Haden all his right title or Claim to the tract of land on which his mother Elizabeth Haden now lives, containing in the whole 394 acres, with all the Houses, tenements & appurtenances thereunto belonging, except the said Billy Duglass Haden his family and property, to be ferried free at any time hereafter across the South Yadkin at the ferry where James Williams now living and his right to a Waggon and the said Billy Duglass Haden shall & will forever Warrant & defend the right of the aforesaid premisies & his right to the Waggon to the said Jesse Haden his heirs or assigns free & clear from any Claim molestation or trouble whatsoever from by or under him or his. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above written.
Billy D. Haden
Signed Sealed & Delivered: James Linster, Joseph Hall
Rowan Co. Nov Sessn. 1801 This Bond was duly Acknowledged by Billy D. Haden, recorded & ordered to be registered.
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
#1329 DB 21, p.842
10 Mar 1804 William D. Hadden & Jesse Hadden to Charles Burroughs for $1000. 198a W side main Yadkin E side South Yadkin adj Joseph Kincaid, Joseph Pickler, Hadden & Howards Rd. Grantors signed as Billy D. Haden & Jesse Haden
Wit: James Wilson, Jno. Sheriff Smith Provd Aug Ct 1810
I believe the brothers are selling a tract of land that belonged to their father, Douglas. There was a six-year lapse between the making of this deed and it's recording.
Here is a tract of land - likely the remainder of the 500 acre grant in 1780 - sold by Jesse & Billy D. to James Ham who then sold it back to Billy D. three days later. If Jesse and Billy D. were in agreement that this property should belong to Billy D., one wonders why Jesse did not deed it to him directly. Billy D. married in 1802 to Elizabeth Ham - likely some relationship exists to James.
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#2996 p.176 DB 19, p.357
15 Jun 1805 Jesse Haden & Billy Dugless Haden to James Ham for 100# 164a in Forks of Yadkin adj this Grantee and Charles Burrow. Part of state grant to Dugless Haden, dec'd. Wit: Dd Craige, Elizabeth Haden. Prvd by Craige Aug Ct 1805
Surveys in this time period were notoriously erroneous and could be off as much as 50 acres which explain acreage discrepancies in deeds. It is interesting that Douglas had 564 acres to claim for tax in 1789 and this is a 164 acre tract.
#2785 DB 19, p.134
18 Jun 1805 John Ham to Billy Dugless Haden for 100#, 164 a in forks of Yadkin adj N and S forks of Yadkin and Charles Burrow. Conveyeance from Jesse Haden & Billy Dugless Haden to said Ham. Wit: David Craige. Prvd by Craige at Aug Ct 1805
[ These deeds were proved in court on the same day but recorded in the deed book out of order.]
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
#489 DB 20, p.485
6 Sep 1807 Geo Fisher to Joseph Pearson Esq for $800 248a in forks of Yadkin adj the fish dam, William D. Haden & Fisher. Wit: John Andrews, John Smith, Prvd by Andrews at Aug Ct 1815
The fish dam has previously been mentioned years ago in deeds of the brothers Joseph & William Haden, Billy D.'s great uncle and his grandfather. This deed proved some eight years after it was made.
#980 DB 21, p.414
11 Jan 1808 Mortgage from Robert Roberts to Sterling Morgan both of Mecklenburg Co VA. Wit: James Whitton Jr. Billy D. Haden, James B. Morgan, William Haden.
Prvd by Billy D. Nov Ct 1808
This is probably William Haden, son of Joseph & Margaret Maxwell - he was born after 1785 and would be a young man by this time.
1810 US Census, Rowan Co NC: p.062;
Billy D. Haden: 2m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45 [Billy D.]. 1f -10, 1f 10-16 [daughter from 1800 - possibly Mary who married John Campbell], 1f 16-26 [Elizabeth Ham, 2nd wife?], 1f over 45 [Is this Elizabeth, his mother?]. There are several unknown children. At least two and probably all three of the known daughters of Billy D. & Elizabeth Ham were born after 1810 - they would not be in this census. However, if they married as early as 1802, there would have been time for several children before these three daughters. Or was the older woman Elizabeth Ham's mother and she had several younger children? One of the young sons is surely Douglas P. Haden who first appears in Rowan as a witness to one of Billy D's deeds in 1825.
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
#2162 DB 22, p.924
20 Oct 1813 Maryann Silvers, James & William Lucs to William D. Haden for 45# 40a West side big Yadkin adj. Obediah Smith, James Andrews, Thomas Smith, Humphrey Marshall. Prvd by Jno. Craig Nov Ct 1813
#2584 DB 23, p.440
11 Jul 1815 Robert Bradshaw & wf Betsy/Elizabeth to Billy D. Haden for $250. 66a S side main Yadkin adj Charles Borroughs, formerly; the road leading from Billy D. Haden's ferry to Mocks Old Field & Dr. Wm Moore, dec'd. Wit: D. Craige, Joseph Kincaid. Prvd by Craige Aug Ct 1815
p.16 Duplicate List of C. H. Burk's Company: William Haden, not returned.
p.44 List of Capt. Tabb's Company: Billy D. Haden, 1 white poll, 9 black polls, 172 acres, another 157 acres on S. Yadkin, 1 stud horse.
Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
#2764 DB 23, p.648
11 Jan 1816 John Smith to Billy D. Haden for $2450 260a Reedy Run of Yadkin adj Smith, Dedmon, and John Piner [Pinex], formerly. Wit: John Click, Richard Barnes. Ack. Feb Ct 1816
#546 DB 20, p.546
24 Feb 1816 John & Thomas Smith to Billy D. Haden for $50. two of three undivided parts of 10a, their interest in land from John Pines [Pinex], adj John Pines. Harod B Pruitt had claim to other part. Wit: Harrod B. Pruitt, John March Jr. Prvd by Pruett May Ct 1816
Based on research in the county - the name "Pines" was more likely Pinex/Pinnex. Many of the deeds in Deed Book 20 were recorded out of date sequence - perhaps empty pages in the back of the book were used when a later book filled up. Book 15 also has deeds out of date sequence.
Did Jesse and Billy D. have property near each other? Yes, they did.
#3034 DB 24, p.2
1 Nov 1816 Nathaniel Pearson to John P. Hodgins of Anson Co NC for $181. 200a West side Yadkin adj Jesse Haden, now William Moor's heirs. Pearson, Humphry Marshal, now Isaac Hendricks, Obadiah Smith, now Herod B. Pruitt. 40 a on the NW side excepted land which was conv by Robert Andrew to Levi Silvers, now Billy D. Haden. Wit: Nichos. W. Gaither who prvd Feb Ct 1817 [See 18:128]
Rowan Co NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1815-1816
June Clodfelter Watson, no date of publication
p.151 Deeds Recorded, May 1816
John & Thomas Smith to Billy D. Haden. 10 acres. 24 Feb 1816, proven by Harrod B. Pruitt.
p.73 Deeds rec Aug 1815
Robert Bradshaw & Betsey his wife to Billy D. Headen 66 acres, 11 Jul 1815. Proved by D. Craige
p.131 Billy D. Haden & Jesse Haden on jury Tues 21 May 1816
p.123 Deeds rec. Feb 1816
John Smith to Billy D. Headon. 260 acres, 11 Jun 1815. Ack by John Smith
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
There is a problem - the deed book numbers are not consistent with the dates on the deeds contained therein.
#438 DB 15, p.586
12 Nov 1819 George Locke, Clerk of Court of Equity to William D. Haden for $100. 10 acres with a small mill on Reedy Branch in the Forks of the Yadkin adj John Pine [Pinex]. In accordance with a decree of the Apr 1817 term of Rowan Ct to sell the undivided interest of the heirs of Herod B. Pruit in the property. Ack Nov Ct 1819
1820 Census, Rowan Co NC; Battalion 3/Forks of the Yadkin, p.394
William D. Haden
3m -10 [William S.?], 1m 16-26 [Douglas P.?], 1m over 45 [Billy D.] 4f -10 [Justine, Elizabeth, Vienna - is the other young girl Caroline?], 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45 [Elizabeth Ham] Still there are extra children. 25 Slaves.
[60 pages from Jesse Haden, listed as on the "Lexington Side". There is in this census also a James Haden [marked widow! maybe they meant this entry for the widow of James Haden]] in the Forks of the Yadkin - the oldest male was 16-26, oldest female was over 45; perhaps the oldest male was listed rather than the head of the household.]
Abstracts of Deed Books 25-29 Rowan Co NC 1818-1828
Salisbury NC 2002
James W. Klutz
#1559 DB 27, p.199
26 Sep 1821 William D. Haden to John P. Hodgens for $100 40a West side Big Yadkin adj Obediah Smith, James Andrews, Thomas Smart & Humphrey Marshal. Wit: B. Austin, Thomas B. Ives. Prvd by Austin Aug Ct 1822
Jesse Haden's daughter Nancy was married first to John P. Hodgens.
#2093 DB 27, p.885
19 Nov 1823 Joseph T. Burroughs to Zachariah McAtee for $400. 198a W side of Yadkin and South fork of Yadkin adj Billy D. Haden & William Moor. It was a conveyance from Billy D. Haden & Jesse Haden to Charles Burroughs dec'd [21:842] and from him to his heir J. T. Burroughs. Wit: Robert Lyster, Nancy McAtte. Prvd by Lyster Aug Ct 1824
#2430 DB 28, p.395
2 Aug 1825 Billy D. Haden to Zachariah McAtee for $50, 21 acres S side of Yadkin adj. Haden. It had been a conveyance from John Ham to Haden. Wit: W. Moore, Douglas P. Haden. Prvd. By Moor, Feb Ct 1826
This is the earliest record I found of Douglas P. Haden. I believe he must have been a son of Billy D.
#2673 DB 29, p.125
23 Jun 1820 Billy D. Haden to Jesse A. Pearson and John Calloway & Citizen S. Woods of Franklin Co VA for $340. 11 1/3 a in forks of Yadkin adj Joseph Pearson now the Clinton Town Co. and the Clinton Rd. It was conveyed to these Grantees for the purpose of conveying it to others and in trust for the Clinton Town Co. composed of Jesse A. Pearson, John Callawy, Citizen S. Woods, Wm Langhorn, John S. Burwell, A. D. Murphey, George T. Hearsey, Zachariah Haman, Joseph Pearson, Emanuel Shobe & John C. Blum. Wit: Isaac D. Jones who proved Nov Ct 1826
Notice that this deed was not recorded until six years after it was made. Jesse A. Pearson, son of Richmond & Sarah Haden, was still alive in 1820. Jesse had died by December of 1825.
#2681 DB 29, p.149
22 Nov 1826 William D. B. D. Haden to Joseph Pearson for $1000. 288a Forks of Yadkin adj John Pickler, Joseph Pearson, John Campbell and the N and S forks of the Yadkin. All the unsold parts of two tract conv to Haden from Douglas Haden, dec'd and from William Haden, dec'd. Wit: H. S. Parker, R. Pearson. Prvd to R. Pearson Nov Ct 1826
The remainder of the land Billy D. had inherited from his father and grandfather. And he's not really selling it out of the family, as Joseph Pearson was his second cousin.
This marriage in Rowan Co may explain one of the missing daughters of Billy D. John Campbell [see above deed] married Mary Haden, 23 Sep 1823. Citizen S. Woods was bondsman; Hy Giles, wit. There are six marriages for John Campbells between 1775 and 1861 - obviously more than one John lived in Rowan.
Abstracts of Deed Books 30-34 Rowan Co NC 1828-1840
James W. Klutz
#225 DB 30, p.339
15 Nov 1828 William Haden of Alabama, under Power of Attorney from Sarah & John Noell of Alabama to Frederick Ford for $412 2/3 of two 72 acres lots in Forks of Yadkin. Lots devised to Sarah Noel & John Noel as heirs of Joel & Rody Noell who owned the land as devisees of their grandmother, Molly Howell where Molly Howell lived. John Little, surv & Henry Parker, Billy D. Haden, Henry Fraley & Thos. Craige, commissioners. chosen by William Haden & Ford, on 25 Sep 1828 allotted 72 A in Lot #2 to John Noel adj Lot #1; Ford is to pay $48. Lot #3 of 72 a was to Sarah Noell adj Lot #2, Ford & John Gillis, and is to receive $132. Wit: Jess A. Hodgens, John Foard. Foard prvd Nov 1828 Ct.
This power of attorney apparently prefaces the return of a William Haden who had gone to Alabama, but returns to Rowan Co. He must be the William, son of Joseph Haden & Margaret Maxwell who was born circa 1790. Joseph & Margaret's son Robert G. did go to Alabama and continue on to Louisiana. Their son William born after 1785. This William did have a close association with Billy D. and later deeds prove he had inherited land from the Maxwell along with Robert G. and their two sisters.
#945 DB 31, p.231
14 Nov 1829 Zachariah McAtte to Jesse A. Hodgens & wf Patsy for $425. 198 a between N & S forks of Yadkin, adj Billy D. Haden, Abner Hall, & Dr. W. M. Morris. Wit: G. W. Pearson, Tho. Craige. Pearson proved Feb Ct 1831
1830 Census, Rowan Co NC, p. 406 [partially alpha]
Billy D. Haiden [indexed as Harden] 2m -5, 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15 [William S.?], 1m 50-60 [Billy D.] 2f 5-10, 3f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 20-30, 1f 40-50 [Elizabeth] 19 slaves.
On same page: John Haiden, 1m 20-30 [could this be the male in Billy D's household who was 16-26 in 1820?]. 1f 15-20, 1f 20-30, 1f 50-60
Abstracts of Deed Books 30-34 Rowan Co NC 1828-1840
James W. Klutz
#1204 DB 31, p.561
4 Apr 1832 Mortgage John Gibbens to Billy D. Haden & Adam Eddleman
Wit: J. W. Haden, A. Chesher. Chesher prvd May Ct 1832
[I have no idea who this J. W. Haden might be. Could it have been F. W. instead - that would be Jesse Haden's son, a nephew.]
Here is the 164 acres again. Billy had sold it to John Ham and then bought it back again. Billy D. might be selling to his great nephew, son of Nancy Haden & John P. Hodgens.
#2258 DB 33, p.184
6 Sep 1836 Billy D. Haden to Jess A. Hodgens for $400. 164.76 a in forks of Yadkin adj Hodgens & Joseph Pearson. Wit: W. C. Thompson,Rowland Crump. Ack Nov Ct 1836
Davie Co NC Will and Deed Abstracts
Wills 1836-1900 Deeds 1836-1850
Jo White Linn 1973
p.46 DB I, p.62 6 Sep 1837
Rowland Crump to Jesse Tatum for $50, 18 ¾ a N. Yadkin. Wit: Billy D. Haden, Thos Ratledge
p.63 6 Sep 1837
Rowland Crump to Billy D. Haden for $10 2A on N Yadkin. Wit: Thos. Ratledge, Jesse Tatum
p.63 6 Sep 1837
Jesse Tatum to Roland Crump for $50 18 ¾ A N Yadkin adj Billy D. Haden. WitL Thos. Ratledge, Billy D. Haden
p.64 6 Sep 1837 Billy D. Haden to Roland Crump for $200, 53a on N Yadkin. Wit: Thos. Ratledge, Jesse Tatum
Unproved date for marriage to Carolina Davis - 12 Dec 1838. Found online at WorldConnect Project.
It appears that most of Billy D's children by his previous wives departed for Texas about the time he married Caroline.
1840 US Census, Davie County NC [formed from Rowan Co 1836], p.8 [alpha]
Haden, W. D. 1m 10-15, 1m 60-70 [Billy D.] 1f 15-20, 2f 20-30, 1f 80-90, 11 slaves [possibly his mother is living with him - although I haven't seen any indication of her since 1810; he has guardian of a grandson who could be the young male]
Also found in Davie Co in 1840 is a Will. Haden. 1m age 20-30, 1m age 40-50, 2f age 5-10, 1f age 20-30. There is a lengthy estate file in Davie Co for William Haden who died in 1846 - he left a widow who died about 3 months later. They had married in 1838. He had a single daughter, not the daughter of the current wife, who is found with her guardian, Braxton Bailey, in 1850; she was then age 18, so she, Mary Jane, was born 1832. Deeds do show he was the William, son of Joseph & Margaret Maxwell Haden. He was also guardian for a Joseph Orton, who was called an "idiot" - perhaps that was the older young man in the household.
Davie Co NC Will and Deed Abstracts
Wills 1836-1900 Deeds 1836-1850
Jo White Linn 1973
p.104 DB 2, p.109
28 Jan 1843 Joseph Pack to Billy D. Haden for $60, still and apparatus. Wit: John Clement
p.106 DB 2, p. 125 15 Feb 1843
B. D. Haden to Jacob Fraley for $693.47 ½ and $147.50 from J. & J. Fraley, Negroes & personalty. Wit: John Clement.
p.110 DB 2, p.166
25 May 1843 Billy D. Haden to Evan A. Davis, trustee, of Davidson Co for $5, land adj Rowland Crump, Daniel Click & Thos Deadman where sd Haden lives & Negroes to pay debts. Wit: Forest Monroe [Probably a mortgage deed. He may have been in financial difficulty - he also sold a slave along with the 260 acres of land.]
[There is a marriage from an Elizabeth Haden to Evan A. Davis, 5 Mar 1839, Davidson Co. This is the remarriage of Douglas P. Haden's widow. There is also in Davie Co a marriage of Thomas J. Deadmond to Caroline E. Haden, 1 Jun 1848. Caroline initiated a lawsuit against William Haden, son of Joseph & Margaret Maxwell Haden. Davis researchers believe her to have been Caroline Davis, sister to Evan, and a wife to William D. Haden - she would have been his third wife.]
p.111 DB 2, p.176
20 May 1843. Billy D. Haden to Thomas S. Deadman for $500, Negro man James, 35. Wit: M. Pinkston, Evan A Davis
p.118 DB 2, p.235
22 Nov 1843 Billy D. Haden to William B. March & William Haden for $700. 260a adj Daniel Cleche, Thomas Deadman, Jesse Tuterow and Rowland Crump. Wit: N. Hainline, Melinda E. Haden
I have no clues as to who Melinda E. Haden might be. Unless this was misread and it's Caroline E.
#1941317 Estate Papers of Davie Co NC
Douglas Haden 1843 Douglas P. Haden died circa 1836.
Only the following paper was in the file, indicating that Billy D. Haden was no longer guardian of his grandson. Had Billy D. died?
Henry R. Austin, Nathan Hainline, and Wm. B. March $800 Bond
Henry R. Austin appointed Guardian of William Washington Haden, orphan of Duglas Haden dec'd.
30 Nov 1843
Spouse | Elizabeth Linster ( - 1800) |
Child | Mary Haden (1797 - ) |
Spouse | Elizabeth Ham ( - ) |
Child | Douglas P. Haden (1800 - 1836) |
Child | Elizabeth Brown Haden (1811 - 1878) |
Child | Justine Augusta Haden (1814 - 1869) |
Child | William S. Haden (1815 - 1839) |
Child | Vienna Louise Haden (1818 - 1851) |
Spouse | Caroline E. Davis (1818 - 1892) |
Child | C. America Haden (1841 - 1865) |
Father | Douglas Haden (1750 - 1801) |
Mother | Elizabeth [HADEN] ( - ) |
Sibling | Jesse Haden (1776 - 1836) |
1. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
2. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
3. Marriage Index: Selected Counties of MD,NC,VA 1624-1915 (Family Tree Maker CD ROM #4).
4. Elizabeth Wheeler Francis and Ethel Silvey Moore, Lost Links: New Recordings of Old Data From Many States (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore c1975 LDS Microfilm #0982004, 2nd on Roll), Rowan Co NC Marriages; p.38.
5. North Carolina Index to Marriage Bonds 1741-1868, North Carolina Division of Archives & History. Alphabetized by Groom or Bride. County shown as a code which can be found in the computer Card Catalog. LDS Microfiche #6330285 (80+ fiche) This Index is now available on , Groom Index.
6. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
7. Marriage Index: Selected Counties of MD,NC,VA 1624-1915 (Family Tree Maker CD ROM #4).
8. Elizabeth Wheeler Francis and Ethel Silvey Moore, Lost Links: New Recordings of Old Data From Many States (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore c1975 LDS Microfilm #0982004, 2nd on Roll), Rowan Co NC Marriages; p.38.
9. North Carolina Index to Marriage Bonds 1741-1868, North Carolina Division of Archives & History. Alphabetized by Groom or Bride. County shown as a code which can be found in the computer Card Catalog. LDS Microfiche #6330285 (80+ fiche) This Index is now available on , Groom Index.