Individual Details

Jesse Haden

(Abt 1776 - 11 May 1836)

Douglas Haden had two young men in his household in 1790, one is identified as his son, Billy Douglas Haden, in the will of Douglas' father. The deed from Douglas to Billy D. and to Jesse and then a joint sale of land that had been part of Douglas's earliest land grant, indicate that surely Jesse was also a son.

The exact date of 23 Oct 1776 for the birth of Jesse Haden, son of Zachariah, at St. James Northam, is NOT this Jesse.

Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
Petition for separate election. Legislative Papers, Petitions, Box 3, NC State Archives 1793-4
p.320 Includes Billy Haden, Jesse Hayden
p.321 Joseph Haden, Dugles Haden, Captn. Thos Maxwell Sen.

Groom: Jesse Haden
Bride: Rosana Sloan
Bond Date: 29 Aug 1797
Bond #: 000125423
Level Info: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
ImageNum: 007319
County: Rowan
Record #: 01 170
Bondsman: John Sloan
Witness: Jno Rogers

These two deeds made on the same day. John Sloan was the father of Rosanna, Jesse Haden's wife. They seem to be basically wedding gifts as they had married in August of 1797. One would assume Douglas was also making deed to his son, although the deed doen not so specify.

LDS #313551 Rowan Co NC Deeds
Deed Book 16 1798-99

p.241 1 May 1798 John Sloan to Jesse Haden. These tracts in Rowan Co on waters of Potts Crk One tract #383 dated 10th ___1783 200 acres. in Equity office of Rowan Co Box 9, p.482. 186 acres being a tract granted Henry Eustace McCulloch to Matthias Carns to Samuel Murrel and coveyed by him to Henry Sloan by deed 1 Jun 1783. Equity office, book 8, p.187. Another tract containing 260 acres granted by State to Henry Sloan by deed 10 Oct 1783 - Book 9, p.481. Signed: John Sloan
Wit: Jacob Fisher [German sig]
Acknowledged, May session of court

p.242 1 May 1798 Duglas Haden to Jesse Haden. 20# Tract on Yadkin begin Robert Bradshaw's Corner on the River bank, the North, original corner, along James Andrews line west, along Blanketpicklers line; his other line; river Bank down the river, 225 acres part of tract of 450 granted by state of NC to Dugless Haden as appears of record. “etc. etc. as in the last foregoing deed from John Sloan to Jesse Haden on Page 241. Signed: Dugless Haden Wit: Jacob Fisher [German sig]
Acknowledged, May Session of Court
By description this would appear to be about half of Douglas' original grant for 500 acres.

Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#955 DB 17, p.55
15 Oct 1799 Jesse Haden to Henry Clement for 10# 52a on Potts Crk adj Henry Eustace McCulloh. Part of grant of 186a from McCulloh to Matthias Carns 26 Mar 1765 [7:080] conveyed on 7 Aug 1771 to Samuel Murrel [7:339] who sold it 1 Jun 1773 to Henry Sloan [8:187] sold by John Sloan to Jesse Haden [16:241] Wit: Robert Wilson, Godfrey Ralls [I think this name should have been Ratz - Godfrey Ratz was a neighbor.]. Prvd by Wilson Nov Ct 1799
[Samuel Merrill was a brother to William Merrill who married Sally Haden, sister to Douglas Haden.]

#1192 DB 17, p.330
17 Jan 1800 Dugless Haden to Billy Dugless Haden for 15# 151a in Forks of the Yadkin R adj William Haden [formerly] and Joseph Haden. Part of land where said Dugless Haden lived and a state grant to him. Wit: Benjn Hodgens, W. Moore. Ack May? Ct 1800
Again, this would seem to be part of the 1780 grant for 500 acres in the Forks of the Yadkin. Leaves Douglas with about 100-150 acres.

p.74 DB 17, p.405
#1259 2 Sep 1800
Joel Noel & wf Rhode to Dugless Haden for $162, 45 A on S Yadkin adj Howards Road, Haden, and James Andrews, formerly now Jesse Haden's [?son]. Part of 240 acres originally belonging to Douglass Haden conveyed to John Howell [9:492] who sold part of it to Noel [13:958] Wit: Benjamin Hodgens, James Wilson, Jesse Haden. Prvd by Hodgens Nov Ct 1800
When I read the above abstract I thought I had found the proof of Jesse as Douglas' son. However, when I read the actual deed it said nothing about “son” - instead it plainly read “now Jesse Haden's on the west side of the road” Follows is a better abstract from the microfilm.

LDS #313551 Rowan Co NC Deeds
Deed Book 17 1799-1801
p.405 2 Sep 1800 Joel Noel & Rhode his wife to Duglass Haden. $162 Parcel of land being part of Original tract formerly belonging to said Haden. Bank of South Yadkin River, west side of Howards road on said Hadens original line; James Andrews original line now Jesse Haden's on the west side said road; 45 acres. Part of a tract of 240 conveyed from Haden to John Howell and afterwards in part conveyed to said Noel as appears of record. Signed: Joel Noel, Rhody (x) Noel
Wit: Benjamin Hodgins, James Williams, Jesse Haden
Nov Session 1800 proved by Benjamin Hodgins

Douglas Haden bought John Andrew's land at a sheriff's sale, apparently in two parcels [see his notes]. He sold one to Jesse. One tract may have been sold to his brother-in-law Robert Bradshaw but not recorded, but Bradshaw sold to Jesse, too:
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#1295 DB 17, p.448
18 Feb 1800
Douglas Haden & wf Elizabeth to Jesse Haden for $30. 100a adj Robert Andrews, formerly, now Benjn Hodgin and Jesse Haden's. Part of a 200a State grant to James Andrews sold by the sheriff to this Grantor. Wit: Robt Bradshaw, Benj Hodgins. Hodgins prvd Nov Ct 1800
p.77 DB 17, p.454
#1300 18 Feb 1800
Robert Bradshaw & wf Betsy to Jesse Haden for $250. 100a adj Duglas Haden & James Andrew dec'd. Part of State grant to Andrew which was conveyed at a sheriff's sale to Haden. Wit: Benj Hodgins who provd Nov Ct 1800

The following abstract is interesting became of the neighbors named, particularly Pearson, Andrew, and Obadiah Smith. One of the witnesses was Henry Hardin - effectively illustrating the presence of a Harden family in Rowan Co at the same time.
#1719 DB 18, p.128
1 Jan 1800 Benj Hodgins to Nathaniel Pearson for $500. 200a except 40a on NW side of tract which Robert Andrew conveyed to Levi Silvers, adj river, Jesse Haden, Hodgins, Humphrey Marshall - now Thomas Smith, and Obadiah Smith. Wit: James Shelden, Henry H. Hardin, Daniel Hillard. Ack May Ct 1801

By June of 1801, Douglas Haden had died, apparently intestate as no will has ever been found or indicated. Douglas' widow Elizabeth was still living. The following quit claim, guaranteed by bond, may have been necessary because of the will of William Haden, passing the land down to Billy D. only.
LDS #313552 Rowan Co Deed Book 18 1801-1817
p.179 State of North Carolina.
Know all men by these presents that I Billy Duglass Haden of the County of Rowan & State aforesaid am held & firmly bound to Jesse Haden of the same place in the penal sum of One thousand Dollars money of the United States of America for the true payment of which I bind myself my heirs Executors & Administrators to the said Jesse Haden his heirs Executors & Administrators or Assigns firmly by these presents sealed this thirteenth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred & one.
The condition of the above obligations in such that the above bounded Billy Duglass Haden does himself his heirs & Administrators give up relinquish Quit Claim & Confirm to the said Jesse Haden all his right title or Claim to the tract of land on which his mother Elizabeth Haden now lives, containing in the whole 394 acres, with all the Houses, tenements & appurtenances thereunto belonging, except the said Billy Duglass Haden his family and property, to be ferried free at any time hereafter across the South Yadkin at the ferry where James Williams now living and his right to a Waggon and the said Billy Duglass Haden shall & will forever Warrant & defend the right of the aforesaid premisies & his right to the Waggon to the said Jesse Haden his heirs or assigns free & clear from any Claim molestation or trouble whatsoever from by or under him or his. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above written.
Billy D. Haden
Signed Sealed & Delivered: James Linster, Joseph Hall
Rowan Co. Nov Sessn. 1801 This Bond was duly Acknowledged by Billy D. Haden, recorded & ordered to be registered.

Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997

#1833 DB 18, p.245
26 Sep 1799 Jesse Haden to Godfrey Ratz for $40, 50a Potts Crk adj John Sloan & Benj Simpson. Part of State Grant to Sloan who coveyed to Haden [16:241] Wit: Thos. Carson, Jacob Beck. Prvd by Beck Feb Ct 1802

Jesse sold the 200 acres that had originally been that of John Andrew's.
#2562 DB 18, p.935
3 Apr 1802 Jesse Haden to Joseph Kincaid for $213, 100a adj Robert Andrews, formerly, now Benj Hodgins & this Grantor. Part of a State grant to Andrew and sold by the sheriff to Douglas Haden. Wit: Isaac Linster, Jas. Williams. Prvd by Linster Aug Ct 1804
Joseph Kincaid was married to Eleanor Linster - another daughter of Moses Linster. Isaac Linster was a son of Moses.

#2700 DB 19, p.41
3 Apr 1802 Jesse Haden and wife Rosannah to Joseph Kincaid for $213.50, 100a adj Dugless Haden and James Andrew. Part of state grant to James Andrew, sold by Sheriff Nathan Chaffin to Dugless Haden. Wit: Isaac Linster, Jas. Williams. Prvd by Linster Aug Ct 1804

Rowan Deed Book 22, page 793 or 893 (numbered twice)
Nov. 25, 1804, James Willis.. no wife signs.... lets John Williams (both of
Rowan Co. N.C.) have 102 acres on Potts Creek next a field and George
Willis, for $100.00, witnessed by Jesse Haden and John Adams and proved by
the latter in Nov 16, ?

Here is a tract of land - likely the remainder of the 500 acre grant in 1780 - sold by Jesse & Billy D. to James Ham who then sold it back to Billy D. three days later. If Jesse and Billy D. were in agreement that this property should belong to Billy D., one wonders why Jesse did not deed it to him directly.
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#2996 p.176 DB 19, p.357
15 Jun 1805 Jesse Haden & Billy Dugless Haden to James Ham for 100# 164a in Forks of Yadkin adj this Grantee and Charles Burrow. Part of state grant to Dugless Haden, dec'd. Wit: Dd Craige, Elizabeth Haden. Prvd by Craige Aug Ct 1805
Surveys in this time period were notoriously erroneous and could be off as much as 50 acres which explain acreage discrepancies in deeds. It is interesting that Douglas had 564 acres to claim for tax in 1789 and this is a 164 acres tract.
#2785 DB 19, p.134
18 Jun 1805 John Ham to Billy Dugless Haden for 100#, 164 a in forks of Yadkin adj N and S forks of Yadkin and Charles Burrow. Conveyeance from Jesse Haden & Billy Dugless Haden to said Ham. Wit: David Craige. Prvd by Craige at Aug Ct 1805
[See DB 19, p.357 for the deed from Jesse & Billy Dugless to John Ham. These deeds were proved in court on the same day but recorded in the deed book out of order.]

#2844 DB 19, p.198
7 May 1805 Jesse Haden to Nathaniel Peables for $160. 65a E side Yadkin adj David Woodson, formerly and Thomas [surname unreadable - possibly started with a P] Part of 250 acres State grant to Woodson. Wit: Conrod Patterson, John Adams. Prvd by Patterson May Ct 1805

#2851 DB 19, p.204
3 Nov 1804 William Wheeler to Jesse Haden for 600#, 291 ½ a both sides Potts Crk adj Henry Sloan. Part of State grant to Elizabeth Denman and from her to Barzilla Beard 25 May 1786 who conveyed it to David Miller on 3 Nov 1794 [13:794] and from Miller to Wheeler on 1 May 1801 [17:655]. Wit: John Sloan, Thomas Williams. Prvd by Sloan May Ct 1805

Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999
Here is proof of a sister, Jane, and Rosanna's inheritance from their father John Sloan, now deceased. A Jacob Fisher had witnessed deeds of Douglas Haden with his German signature - likely he was the father of this younger Jacob.
#1308 DB 21, p.817
29 Aug 1809 Jacob Fisher, Jane Fisher, Jesse Haden & Rosanna Haden of Rowan Co as heirs of John Sloan dec'd to Van N. , John H., Alexander & James Zively as heirs of Henry Zively dec'd of Stokes Co NC for $80. 200a on Swans & Potts Crk adj Henry Stagnor. Jean Fisher & Rosanna Haden relinq dower 7 Aug 1810. Ack Aug Ct 1810

#1329 DB 21, p.842
10 Mar 1804 William D. Hadden & Jesse Hadden to Charles Burroughs for $1000. 198a W side main Yadkin E side South Yadkin adj Joseph Kincaid, Joseph Pickler, Hadden & Howards Rd. Grantors signed as Billy D. Haden & Jesse Haden
Wit: James Wilson, Jno. Sheriff Smith Provd Aug Ct 1810
The brothers sold another tract of land that belonged to their father, Douglas. Notice it was six years between the sale and proving the deed in court.

#2505 DB 23,p.347
20 Feb 1815 Jacob Fisher to Jess Hadan for $300, 99a South side Yadkin adj Hudgin now Long and Wm Moore. Part of plantation where John Sloan dec'd lived. Wit: Patrick Twomey who prvd May Ct 1815
Jacob Fisher was Jesse Haden's brother-in-law. Their wives were sisters.

#2711 DB 23, p.581
20 Nov 1815 Jacob & Jane Fisher, Jesse & Rosannah Haden to Lewis Beard for $350 186a two tracts N side Yadkin. One adj Wm Moore, John Sloan & Willes and one adj John Sloan, Long & Merrel. Jane & Rosannah relinquished their dower right. Reg. Nov Ct 1815

Did Jesse and Billy D. have property near each other? Yes, they did.
#3034 DB 24, p.2
1 Nov 1816 Nathaniel Pearson to John P. Hodgins of Anson Co NC for $181. 200a West side Yadkin adj Jesse Haden, now William Moor's heirs. Pearson, Humphry Marshal, now Isaac Hendricks, Obadiah Smith, now Herod B. Pruitt. 40 a on the NW side excepted land which was conv by Robert Andrew to Levi Silvers, now Billy D. Haden. Wit: Nichos. W. Gaither who prvd Feb Ct 1817 [See 18:128]

Rowan Co NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1815-1816
June Clodfelter Watson, no date
p.49 Deeds Rec, May 1815 Jacob Fisher to Jesse Haden 99 acres. 20 Feb 1815. Proved by Patrick Twomy
p.81 Mon. 20 Nov 1815 Examination of Jane Fisher & Rosanna Haden as to Execution of Deed to Lewis Beard.
p.98 Deeds Rec, Nov 1815 Jacob Fisher & wife, Jesse Haden & wife to Lewis Beard. 186 acres. 20 Nov 1815, proved by Thos. L. Cowan
p.131 Billy D. Haden & Jesse Haden on jury Tues 21 May 1816
p.172 Overseers of Roads, Aug Session, 1816 Anderson Ellis, overseer of road from big island on the Yadkin from forks of the road in Jesse Hadens lane to the Middle of the Island.

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1817-1818
Sat 23 Aug 1817 J. Haden guardian of Polly, Boon & J. Wilson exhibited receipt of his wards in full. [This is Jesse. These are three of the children of Samuel Wilson and Lucy Haden, daughter to Joseph & Jenny.]
Jesse Haden acted as Commissioner to divide estates at least three time; also served as security; on grand jury venue - I did not take notes of all of these.
p.197 Thus 19 Nov 1818
Jesse Haden …Guardian of Spruce Wilson exhibited the receipt of his ward [Spruce was another child of Samuel & Lucy Haden Wilson]
p.142 Wed May 1818
Petition of Robert Moore & Elizabeth his wife, Henry & James Ellis by Guardian Anderson Ellis …. Maurice Davis, Joseph Haden, Jesse Haden, Peter Smith and George Smith act as commissioners to divide the estate of Willis Ellis Dec'd according to the direction of his last will & testament
Here are Joseph and Jesse on a commission together. Peter Smith was married to Joseph's daughter Martha. Jesse's daughter was married to Casper Smith Jr. Rachel Smith, daughter of Casper/Gasper Smith Sr, was married to Richmond Pearson Hughes, son of Sargent Hughes & Judith Haden. The George Smith, here, was possibly the George named in the will of Casper Sr. Peter Smith is not believed to be another sibling, but there may have been some other relationship.

Abstracts of Deed Books 25-29 Rowan Co NC 1818-1828
Salisbury NC 2002
James W. Klutz
#55 DB 25, p.74
6 Jul 1818 Jesse Haden to John P. Hodgens & wife Nancy for 500#. 203 a both sides Potts Crk adj Wm Denham & George Wells. Part of conveyance from Wm Wheeler to Jesse Haden 3 Nov 1804 [19:204] Ack Feb Ct 1819
The tract sold by Wheeler to Jesse was 291 1/2 acres.

#340 DB 25, p.450
20 Aug 1819 Jesse Haden to Jesse A. Pearson, George McCulloh, John Ward, Thomas Hampton, Robt Horne, Daniel Cress & Jacob Krider, as wardens of the poor & their successors in office for $1200, 201 ½ A adj Click & Ratts, one acre excepted for a public burying ground. Wit: Henry Allemong, Patrick Twomey. Ack Aug Ct 1819
Jesse Pearson was a son of Richmond Pearson and Sarah Haden, whose identity is obscure. They had several children, as many as four or five. Sarah was dead before her probable father Joseph - the omission of her children from his will has been justified as reasonable given the fact that Richmond Pearson was a very wealthy man which is proved by his land and slave holdings.

1820 Census. Rowan Co. NC Battalion 2 & 4/Lexington Side, p.334
Jesse Haden: 1m under 10 [Franklin] 1m 26-45 [Jesse would be 44]. 1f under 10 [Rosanna?], 2f 16-26 [two unmarried daughters], 1f 26-45 [wife Rosana] 24 slaves.

Abstracts of Deed Books 25-29 Rowan Co NC 1818-1828
Salisbury NC 2002
James W. Klutz

#730 DB 26, p.76
4 Dec 1820 William Durham to Wilson McCrary for $1550, 130a on Potts Crk adj the Great Road, Cunningham, George Miller, John March & Jesse Haden.
Joseph Haden Jr had a close relationship with the family of Thomas Durham - there is not a William known to be in Thomas's family. Two of the children of Joseph & Jenny Haden's son William H. Haden, married in into the McCrary family - I have made no attempt to sort out the McCrary's.

#1887 DB 27, p.613
27 Sep 1823 Jesse Haden & wife Rosanna to Meshack Pinkston & wife Rosanna for 20#, 129a on Potts Crk adj Casper Smith. Wit: W. Moore, John P., Hodgens. 27 Sep 1823, Hodgens certified the deed. Rosanna relinq. Dower. Ack Nov Ct 1823
This deed would seem to guarantee Rosanna, wife of Meshack, as a daughter of Jesse. Meshack was the son of an older Meshack Pinkston and Susannah Coughenour who married 2 Dec 1793 in Rowan Co. William Pinkston who married Jesse's daughter Elizabeth also was a son of the elder Meshack & Susannah. John P. Hodgens who witnessed and proved the deed was also a son-in-law of Jesse.

#2089 DB 27, p.879
12 Apr 1824 Nathaniel Gadberry to Jacob Fisher and his living children, and Jesse Haden and wife Rosannah and their heirs for $50, a release of his entire claim in 200 acres on Potts Crk adj John Davis. Wit: Wm Taylor who prvd Aug Ct 1824
Jacob Fisher had been married to Rosannah's sister Jane; Jane apparently had died.

#2093 DB 27, p.885
19 Nov 1823 Joseph T. Burroughs to Zachariah McAtee for $400. 198a W side of Yadkin and South fork of Yadkin adj Billy D. Haden & William Moor. It was a conveyance from Billy D. Haden & Jesse Haden to Charles Burroughs dec'd [21:842] and from him to his heir J. T. Burroughs. Wit: Robert Lyster, Nancy McAtte. Prvd by Lyster Aug Ct 1824

#2097 DB 27, p.891
27 Sep 1823 Jesse Haden & wf Rosanna to Casper Smith & wf Jane for $500. 122a on Potts Crk adj Meshack Pinkston. Wit: W. Moore, John P. Hodgens. Rosanna Relinq dower to John P. Hodgens, 27 Sep 1823. Prvd by Hodgens Aug Ct 1824
Hodgens was often abstracted as “Hodges”. He was probably a Justice of the Peace.

#2431 DB 28, p.396
6 Dec 1825 Chas. Fisher, Sheriff to Joseph Pearson by virtue of execution of Rowan Ct against the heirs of Jesse A. Peason, dec'd. in the amount of $1236.29 which sum was recovered by Jesse Haden. Fisher seized five tract - sold 21 Nov 1825 to Jos. Pearson as highest bidder. Ack Feb Ct 1826
Joseph, a brother to Jesse Pearson.

1830 Census. Rowan Co NC
Jesse Haden: 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 50-60 [Jesse]. 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40, 1f 50-60 [Rosana] 26 slaves

Abstracts of Deed Books 30-34 Rowan Co NC 1828-1840
James W. Klutz

In early 1831, Rosanna Haden died. I believe these next series of deeds, dated on the same two days, are Jesse's attempt to give his children his lands and property after his death. This was sometimes done in lieu of a Will. All proved in the August session of the county court, 1832. Many of them witnesses by various brothers-in-law. I suspect the first two are probably in the form of bonds by son-in-law William Pinkston and son Franklin, for the provision of Jesse during his lifetime until they eventually inherit. The third, a kind of quit claim for the 490 acres on Potts Creek which was probably the home place.

#1236 DB 31, p.594
18 Aug 1832 Wm Pinkston and wife Elizabeth to Jesse Haden for $1000 during Haden's natural life, 229a n side of Yadkin adj Haden & Ellis. 7 Negroes: Caty, Mariah, young Mariah, Adderson, Adaline, Eveline, and Harriet Wit:; B. L. Beall, John March. Prvd by March on Aug Ct 1832

#1237 DB 31, p.595
18 Aug 1832 Franklin Haden to Jesse Haden for $1000 during the term of Haden's natural life. 490a on Potts Crk adjacent Godfrey Ratts, Meshack Pinkston, John P. Hodgens, Wilson McCreery [McCrary], John March & Clement. 12 negroes: John, Simon, David, Solomon, Abraham, Jeffry, young Dick, Allen, Critty, Polly, Phillis, little John. Wit: B. L. bEall, John March Prvd by March Aug Ct 1832

#1263 DB 31, p.627
18 Aug 1832 Jesse Haden, Casper Smith & wife Jane, Meshack Pinkston [would have been in right of his wife Rosanna, appartently deceased], Ira Fitzgerald & wf Nancy S., Charles F. Leopard & wf Lucinda, Wm Pinkston & wf Elizabeth to Franklin Haden for $500. 490a on Potts Crk.
Meshack Pinkson signed for his son Jesse F. Pinkston Wit: B. L. Beall, John March. Prvd by March Aug Ct 1832

#1276 DB 31, p.623
18 Aug 1832 Bill of Sale Jesse Haden to son Franklin for $100 the 12 Negroes listed DB 31, p.595. Wit: B. L. Beall, John March. Prvd by March Aug Ct 1832

#1277 DB 31, p.643
18 Aug 1832 Bill of Sale. Jesse Haden to dau Elizabeth Pinkston, wife of William Pinkston for $100 the following Negroes. Same as listed above. Same wit, etc.

#1278 DB 31, p.644
12 Jul 1832 Bill of Sale Jesse Haden to Casper Smith & wife Jane for $100 the following Negroes: Grace & children Eliza, Sarah & Rachel. Hannah & child Washington, and Mary. Wit: Meshack Pinkston, Ira Fitzgerald. Prvd by Fitzgerald Aug Ct 1832

#1279 DB 31, p.644
13 Jul 1832 Bill of Sale Jesse Haden to Ira Fitzgerald & wife Nancy S. for $100 the following Negroes: Sarah & child Fanny, Andrew, Sam, Critty. Wit: Meshack Pinkston, Casper Smith. Prvd. By Smith Aug Ct 1832

#1280 DB 31, p.645
12 Jul 1832 Bill of Sale Jesse Haden to Ira Fitzgerald, for benefit of ward Jesse H. Hodgins, for $25, Negro child Ellen. Wit: M. Pinkston, Wm Pinkston. Wm Pinkston prvd Aug Ct 1832
Jesse H. Hodgens was undoubtedly a son of Nancy's by her first husband John P. Hodgens.

#1315 DB 31, p.702
12 Jul 1832 Bill of Sale Jesse Haden to Meshack Pinkston and his son Jess F. Pinkston for $100, the following Negroes: Letty & her children Adeline & Maria, Hamett & her child Jane. Wit: Wm. Pinkston, Ira Fitzgerald. Prvd by Pinkston at Nov Ct 1832

#1360 DB 31, p.776
18 Aug 1832 Jesse Haden, Casper & Jane Smith, Meshack Pinkston for son Jesse, Ira & Nancy Fitzgerald. Charles F. & Lucinda Leoppard who did not sign; Franklin W. Haden [signed as “Franklin W. Pinston - obviously an error on the part of the court clerk”] To Elizabeth Pinkston, daughter of Jesse Haden for $500. 229 a N side Yadkin adj Jesse Haden & Ellis. Wit: John March, B. L. Beall, Prvd by Beall Feb Ct 1833

#2157 DB 33, p.81
29 Feb 1836 Jesse Haden of Davidson Co to Lucinda Lippard for $50. 100a in Davidson, N side of Yadkin adj Alexander Long, formerly Hodgens, the Main Road and Wm Moore. Part of the old plantation where John Sloan, dec'd had lived. Wit: Meshack Pinkston, John A. Coates, Prvd by Pinkston May Ct 1836

#2160 DB 33, p.83
29 Feb 1836 Bill of Sale Jesse Hardin [sic] of Davidson Co to Lucinda Lippard for $100,, girl Esther about 16 years. Wit: Meshack Pinkston, John A. Coates, Prvd by Pinkston May Cto 1836

#2184 DB 33, p.106
13 Jul 1832 Bill of Sale. Jesse Haden to Chas. G. Lippard & wife Lucinda for $100, the following Negroes: Emeling & child Miles; another child Maria. Lucinda must have issue. If she dies without heirs, ownership of the the Negroes to revert to Jesses' heirs Wit: Meshack Pinkston, Casper Smith, Ira Fitzgerald. Prvd by Pinkston May Ct 1836.
Obviously Lucinda has had no children - Charles Lippard's middle initial was read as F in one place and G in this deed. I believe his surname was actually Leopard.

When Jesse Haden died in 1836, he left a widow and no will. His second wife's name was Mary. She was not included in any of his deeds to his children after Rosanna's death.

Estate Papers of Jesse Haden - 1836
LDS Microfilm #188288 (Now digitzed on
Wills & Estates, Davidson County, NC
Begins p.1003; papers not in order

Mary Haden
Petetion for years Provision
To the Worshipfull County Court of Davidson. Whereas my Husband Jesse Haden departed this Life leaving no will, I therefore pray your body to have a Dower layd of for me.

To the Worshipful Court of Davidson County, whereas Jesse Haden departed this life leaving no Will and no provision for the Widow we therefore pray your body to appoint Commissioners to lay off Twelve months provision for the Widow of said Jesse Haden. We would recommend as suitable persons, A. Swicegood, Esqr, John March, B. Strange & H. Wilson for Commissioners.
Augt 8th 1836
Signed: Ira Fitzgerald, Franklin W. Haden

17th day of August 1836 The commissioners [John March being absent on account of sickness] laid off provisions for Mary Haden wife of Jesse Haden dec'd.
25 bushels corn [on hand], 10 bushel wheat [on hand], 50# bacon [on hand], 150# pork [not on hand], 1 cow & calf [on hand], 1 small shoat [on hand], 15# coffee [not on hand], 20# sugar [not on hand], 1 ½ bushel salt [not on hand] 1# pepper & 1# spice [not on hand] 1# ??? [not on hand], 5 gal. Vinegar [on hand]
Siged: Andrew Swiegood, JP, Benjamin Strange, Henderson Wilson
Henderson Wilson was a brother to Samuel & Sibby Wilson who married children of Joseph Haden Jr.

Account of Sales of the estate of Jesse Haden dec'd
2nd June 1836
Total $1,226.04 ½
Ira Fitzgerald, Franklin W. Haden, Adms.
Filed Augt 1836
Regd. Book 2, p.413

Account of Sales of the estate of Jesse Haden, dec'd
August 27, 1836
$48.31 ½
Filed Nov. 1836
Regd. Book 2, p.436
Signed: Ira Fitzgerald, Franklin W. Haden

The sales were not itemized according to who purchased the items but there was a statement of amounts paid out of the estate from June 1836 through Aug of 1838. Those paid included Casper Smith, Couts & Haden, Mary Haden, John M. Smith, Shff., Pinkston & Roberts, Meshack Pinkston, F. W. Haden, the Rev. McDonald, Attorney's fees.


BirthAbt 1776
Marriage29 Aug 1797Rowan County, North Carolina - Rosana Sloan
Death11 May 1836Davidson County, North Carolina


SpouseRosana Sloan (1777 - 1831)
ChildElizabeth Haden (1797 - 1853)
ChildNancy S. Haden (1799 - 1860)
ChildJane Haden (1801 - 1841)
ChildRosanna Haden (1805 - 1826)
ChildFranklin W. Haden (1811 - 1856)
ChildLucinda Haden (1815 - 1855)
FatherDouglas Haden (1750 - 1801)
MotherElizabeth [HADEN] ( - )
SiblingWilliam Douglas "Billy D." Haden (1775 - 1843)