Individual Details


(Abt 1722 - Bef 29 Dec 1792)

In 1748, Ralph Jackson deeded 200 acres to his son Francis, land in Amelia Co. His wife is believed to be Mary Stewart, but I think this is doubtful - I've seen no proof.

Amelia DB 3, p.419 6 Jan 1748. Deed of Gift. Ralph Jackson of Dale Parish, Henrico, to beloved son Francis Jackson of Amelia. For natural affection. 200 acres, adj Ward's corner, lines of Jones, Towns, Samuel Jones' corner near head of a branch of Buckskin Crk, ?Kashes corner, Ward's line to the beginning, lying below Knibbs Creek. Signed: Ralph (X) Jackson. Wit: Benj. Stogner, Francis Osborne, Robt Thompson.
Acknowledged by Ralph Jackson and Recorded. 20 Jul 1750.

Amelia County, Virginia Tithables 1736 – 1771
Col. Edward Booker’s List Below Flatt Creek and Nibbs Creek
Fran Jackson
3 tithables
Tona (?), Jupiter
Peter Patrick’s List
Fran Jackson
3 tithables
Tom, Jubete (?)
18 head of cattle
10 June 1750
Samuel Tarry’s List Below Flat and Nibbs Creek
Fran Jackson
1 tithable
6 head of cattle
Samuel Terry’s List Below Flatt and Nibbs Creek
Fran Jackson
1 tithable
Below Flatt and Nibbs Creek 10 June 1752
Fran Jackson
1 tithable
Wood Jones List Lower Side of Deep Creek Raleigh Parish
Francis Jackson
1 tithable
Thomas Tabb’s List
Francis Jackson
1 tithable

Neighbors in Amelia Co:
Amelia County, Virginia Deeds, 1759 – 1765
28 May 1760 page 263 in original document
May 28, 1760 from Wm Towns of the Parish of Blisland and County of New Kent, to Richard Clough of Raleigh Parish and Amelia, for £300, a certain tract of land of about 500 acres, being part of a tract of 1595 acres patented to Wm Towns on Jul 30, 1742. The tract is in Raleigh Parish in Amelia on both sides of Buckskin Creek, joining the lines of Thomas Worsham, John Towns, Francis Jackson, Major Peter Jones deceased, Daniel Jones, George Steegall and Thoams Bevel. Signed Willm Towns. Wit: John Winn, Thos. Loury, Francis Ford, Sam Smith Recorded Jun 26, 1760
22 April 1762 page 588 in original document
John Smyth of Amelia, to William Hall of Amelia, for £35, a certain tract of land of about 190 acres in Amelia on the south side of Wintocomake Creek and bounded by Francis Jackson, John Wilson, Wm Tisdale
Signed John Smyth Recorded Apr 22, 1762 after Martha, the wife of the said John, personally appeared in court and relinquished her right of dower.

Amelia County, Virginia Tithables 1736 – 1771
Richard Booker’s List
Fra Jackson
2 tithables
Benj. Ward’s List Rawleigh Parish
Francis Jackson
4 tithables
Tom, Bowser, Nell
200 acres
Francis Jackson
3 tithables
Bowser, Nell
200 acres
Francis Jackson
3 tithables
Joshua Jackson, Nell
200 acres

Amelia County, Virginia Deeds, 1759 – 1765
24 Oct. 1765 page 635 in original document
William Watkins & Martha his wife of Charlotte County to Benjamin Ward of Amelia for £262 a certain tract of land of 300 acres in Amelia which were patented to Thomas Jones & by several conveyances since has been vested unto William & Martha Watkins. The tract adjoins the land of the above said Benjamin Ward & is within the lines of Francis Jackson, Thomas Jones, Rowland Ward & Joseph Wilkerson
Signed: William Watkins, Martha (M) Watkins Recorded: Oct. 24, 1765

Amelia County, Virginia Tithables 1736 – 1771
John Booker’s List Rawleigh Parish
Francis Jackson
4 tithables
William Foster, Moil (?), Hannah
200 acres
John Booker’s List
Francis Jackson
4 tithables
Josiah Jackson, Barnette [Burwell?] Jackson, Nell
200 acres

Amelia County, Virginia Deeds, 1765 – 1768, Deed Book 9
24 Sep. 1767
From John Brown of Amelia to Francis Jackson of Amelia, for 30£, a certain tract of land in Amelia, about 100 acres bounded by Mays’ Branch in Nicholas Hudson’s line, William Jackson.
Signed John B Brown (his mark) Wit: Simon Clement, Obadiah Clement, Zephaniah Clement
Recorded 24 Sept. 1767

Amelia County, Virginia Tithables 1736 – 1771
Benj. Ward’s List Raleigh Parish
Francis Jackson
3 tithes
Josiah Jackson, Nell
200 acres
Benj. Ward’s List Rawleigh Parish
Francis Jackson
4 tithes
Burwell Jackson, Benjamin Jackson
200 acres
Edmd Booker’s List Raleigh Parish
Fra Jackson
5 tithables
Joel Jackson, Nill, Ess, Robert
Edm Booker’s List Raleigh Parish
Fra Jackson
6 tithes
Robin, Harry, Nid, Elf
Edmd Booker’s List Raleigh Parish
Frans Jackson
6 tithes
Joel Jackson, Robin, Harry, Nice, Eff
Henry Anderson’s List
Francis Jackson
8 tithes
John Jackson, Robert, Henry, George, H (?), Nell, Effie

Amelia County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Lists 1782 - 1813
27 May 1784
Henry Anderson’s List
Francis Jackson
9 tithes > 21
7 negroes < 16
7 horses
29 cattle
Francis Jackson
1 white > 21
2 whites < 16
5 black tithes
8 young negroes
6 horses
17 cattle
Francis Jackson
2 white males > 21
2 whites 16 – 21
5 negroe tithes > 16
8 negroes < 16
7 horses
7 cattle
23 Apr 1787
List 1
Francis Jackson
1 white male 16 – 21
6 blacks > 16
8 blacks < 16
6 horses
19 cattle
16 Mar
28 Mar 1788
George Booker’s Comm.
Fran Jackson
Names of white tithables: Fran Jackson Jr
5 blacks > 16
1 black 12 – 16
6 horses
28 May 1789
Francis Jackson
6 blacks > 16
1 black 12 – 16
4 horses
14 Mar 1790
Francis Jackson
7 blacks > 16
2 blacks 12 – 16
4 horses
2 Apr 1791
Francis Jackson Sr
7 blacks > 16
2 blacks as – 16
3 horses
9 May 1792
Francis Jackson
1 free male > 16
8 blacks > 16
3 blacks 12 – 16
2 horses

His will was dated 9 Oct 1792 and probated 29 Dec 1792. He referred to himself as Francis Jackson Senr and named children: sons - Burwell, Joel, John, and Francis, and son Leigh Wilkerson, and a daughter Polly Vaughn. He willed his house for 5 years to Sarah Hamblin who was living with him, after which the house would return to his sons.
[This abstract is incomplete - he also mentioned daughter Elizabeth, son Stewart, and Kitty Hamblin. A good example as to why one should go to the source.]

LDS #30451 Amelia Co Wills
Will Book 4, Amelia County, Virginia, page 337
In the name of almighty God amen I, Francis Jackson senior being of sound mind and memory do make this my last will and Testament as followeth. Item, First and principally it is my desire that all my just debts be paid as soon as it can be made Convenient and that all debts be due to me be settled and collected as soon as they can be done with convenience. Item, I give to my daughter Elizabeth Jackson five shillings cash to be paid out of my Estate after my other debts is paid off. Item, and it is my desire that my sons Burwell, Joel, John and Francis Jackson pay unto my son Stewart Jackson five pounds cash each of them out of my estate after my other debts is paid off. Item and I give to my son Leigh Wilkinson One Negro named Charles to him and to his Heirs forever but if he should die leaving no heir of his body the said Negro Charles to be returned and equally divided between my five sons. Item I give to Kitty Hamblin thats now living in my House One Negro Girl named Lucy her increase to her and her heirs forever but if she should die without heirs of her body to be returned and Equally divided between my five sons as above; Item it is my desire that Sarah Hamblin that is now living with me shall have the House.... I now live in as her own House and Home without molestation from any Person for the term of five years from the date of my death and I also give her one Negro girl named Jenny to her and her heirs forever - It is also my desire that she shall have choice of one other Negro of my estate for her Maintenance as long as she the said Hamblin shall live or remain unmarried but when she dies or marries The said Negro to be returned to my sons and Equally divided, I also give her one good feather Bed and furniture and two cows and calves and one large Painted Chest to her and her heirs forever. Item it is my desire that my Tract of Land I now live On be Equally divided between my sons to wit. Burwell, Stewart, Joel, John and Francis Jackson at the Expiration of five years after my death. Item I give my daughter Polly Vaughan two Negroes to wit David and Nancy to her and her Heirs forever, but if she should die leaving no Heir of her Body be Returned back and Equally Divided between my five sons as above mentioned. Burwell, Stewart, Joel, John and Francis Jackson. Item and it is my desire that the remainder part of my Estate not mentioned in this my will whether Real or Personal be Equally divided between my five sons to wit Burwell, Stewart, Joel, Francis and John Jackson to them and their heirs forever, but if either of them should die leaving no Heir of their body said property falling to them by this my will shall be returned and Equally divided between my other sons then living. Item, last of all I do appoint Thomas Perkinson and Stewart Jackson my whole and sole Executors to manage and settle my Estate as they shall think most proper as witness this my last will and Testament on this ninth day of October 1792.
Francis Jackson L.S.
Signed sealed and Acknowledged
After interlined and arasured
In presents of
Richard Clough
Abel Jackson Hamblin
Allen Townes

At a court held for Amelia County the 27th day of December 1792
This last will and Testament of Francis Jackson deceased was exhibited into Court And Proved by the Oaths of Richard Clough and Abel Jackson Hamblin two of the Witnesses thereto subscribed sworn to by Thomas Perkinson and Stewart Jackson the Executors therein named and was Ordered to be Recorded and On the motion of the said Executors who entered into and acknowledged Bond with Burwell Jackson, John Jackson and Francis Jackson their securities in the penalty of 2000£ with Condition According to law. Certificate is granted them for Obtaining Probate of the said will In due form.
Teste James Townes CAC
Truly Recorded Teste James Townes CAC

p.345 24 Jan 1793
Inventory and Appraisement of the Goods & Chattles belonging to the Estate of Francis Jackson.
[Some of the items:] 17 slaves named.
2 horses. 20 head of cattle 21 head of sheep 21 head of hoggs
55 gallons of Brandy
Total 1123.12.6


BirthAbt 1722Henrico County, Virginia
MarriageCa 1742MARY ?STEWART
DeathBef 29 Dec 1792Amelia County, Virginia


SpouseMARY ?STEWART ( - )
ChildBurwell Jackson (1744 - 1820)
ChildJosiah JACKSON (1748 - 1786)
ChildBenjamin JACKSON (1752 - 1791)
ChildStewart JACKSON (1754 - 1835)
ChildJoel JACKSON (1756 - 1795)
ChildMartha JACKSON (1759 - )
ChildMary JACKSON (1761 - )
ChildElizabeth JACKSON (1763 - )
ChildJOHN JACKSON (1765 - 1841)
ChildFrancis Jackson Jr. (1768 - 1811)
ChildPhoebe JACKSON (1770 - 1771)
SpouseWilkinson ( - )
ChildLeigh Roy Wilkinson Jackson (1774 - 1835)
FatherRALPH JACKSON Jr. (1695 - 1776)
SiblingRalph JACKSON ( - )
SiblingJoel Jackson (1736 - 1795)
SiblingLewis JACKSON ( - 1795)
SiblingSimon Jackson ( - )

