Individual Details

Francis Jackson Jr.

(3 Jan 1768 - 10 Feb 1811)

Francis inherited his brother Joel's estate and was executor of Joel's will.
LDS #30451
Amelia Co Will Book 5 1793-
Joel Jackson of Amelia Co, Parish of Rawley.
Brother Frances Jackson and John Townes Jr my Executors
After debts paid residue both real & personal to beloved brother Francis Jackson including all things whatsoever.
12 Feb 1795 Signed: Joel Jackson L.S.
Wit: John Townes, Senr, Allen Townes, Jno Townes, Jur.
Court 23 Aug 1795 - will was proved by Allen Townes & John Townes Jr two of the witnesses. On motion of Francis Jackson he made oath and securities with Edward Ward & Peter Jones, $2000 as the law directs. Certificate granted for probate. Jno Townes Jr the other Exr named came into Court and refused to take upon himself the burthen of the Exr. Thereof. Teste: Jas. Townes CAC
Inventory & Appraisement of Estate of Joel Jackson Dec'd.
Slaves George & Davy, 7 horses, 10 head of cattle, yoke of oxen & cart, 30 head of hoggs, tools & household items
29 Aug 1795 by Jno Townes Jr, James Vaughan, Richard Clough
24 Sep 1795 Returned to court and ordered recorded
Teste: Jas. Townes CAC

Married Rebecca Perry on 14 Jan 1797. Their children born at "The Cottage" were:
1. John Harrison Jackson b. 10 Feb 1798, d. in 1848. He married Amelia W. "Ann" Jones, dau of Gabriel Jones, on 15 May 1824. He studied medicine at Transylvania Univ, Lexington, KY 1825-26
2. Joel Jackson, b. 1 Apr 1800, d. 7 Jul 1835
3. William Chesterfield Jackson, b. 10 Feb 1803. He also studied medicine at Transylvania Univ the same year as his brother John. He settled at Morgansville, Nottaway Co VA about 1828. He was shot on 11 Feb 1835. It is said another medical doctor, a Dr. Worshman, was responsible, because William refused to buy out his practice.
4. Francis Warren Jackson, b. 9 Oct 1804, d. 24 Jan 1867. Married Martha "Patsy" Taylor Wills on 13 Dec 1837 in Nottoway Co VA. She was the daughter of William Taylor Wills & Rachel William Epes.
5. An infant daughter who died.
6. Benjamin Burwell Jackson b. 9 Jul 1809 and d. 31 Jul 1876 in Nottoway Co VA. He married Louisa Dyson, daughter of Francis Dyson, on 7 Feb 1838. He studied medicine at Transylvanis Univ 1833-35.


Birth3 Jan 1768Amelia County, Virginia
Death10 Feb 1811


FatherFRANCIS JACKSON Sr. (1722 - 1792)
MotherMARY ?STEWART ( - )
SiblingBurwell Jackson (1744 - 1820)
SiblingJosiah JACKSON (1748 - 1786)
SiblingBenjamin JACKSON (1752 - 1791)
SiblingStewart JACKSON (1754 - 1835)
SiblingJoel JACKSON (1756 - 1795)
SiblingMartha JACKSON (1759 - )
SiblingMary JACKSON (1761 - )
SiblingElizabeth JACKSON (1763 - )
SiblingJOHN JACKSON (1765 - 1841)
SiblingPhoebe JACKSON (1770 - 1771)
