Individual Details
Burwell Jackson
(25 Feb 1744 - Abt 1820)
Amelia County, Virginia Tithables 1736 – 1771
Benj. Ward’s List Rawleigh Parish, 1770
Francis Jackson
4 tithes
Burwell Jackson, Benjamin Jackson
200 acres
Burwell Jackson served as a corporal in the 2nd VA Regt during the Revolution. His name appears on the roster of 1 Mar 1777 at Morristown, New Jersey.
Amelia Co bonds;
Bond reads 26 Oct 1787 Burwell Jackson and Lucy Farguson, dau of Peleg
Farguson who consents. Witnesses to consent James Townes Jr and Benja. Ward. Sur John Westbrook. p J 3. Note: 16 Oct is on outside of bond 26 Oct is on inside of bond.
This marriage has been ascribed both to this Burwell and also to the Burwell Jackson, son of Matthew, grandson of Williams Jackson, whose will is found in Nottoway Co VA dated 1 May 1792 and proved 4 Oct of that year. The Burwell of Nottoway had sons Ramsey and Nelson and daughters Patience & Dolly, both married to Dunnivants, and a daughter Anne, unmarried, at the time of the will; no wife named in this will.
Land Entries for Madison Co KY 1780-1793
Anne Crabb, 1996
p.51 27 Oct 1784 Burwell Jackson enters # 8791 two Treasury Warrants #11331 assignee of Edward Tabb and #21889 assignee of Anthony Hundly, assignee of Stephen Southall assignee of David Anders. On KY R, 1 ½ m direct line above the mouth of Station Camp Creek
VA Land Patent to Burwell Jackson, dated 24 Jul 1789. 3440 acres adjoing Matthew Walton's survey of 3000 acres in the forks of Station Camp Creek. Located in Madison Co KY.
Burwell migrated to Kentucky in the late 1770's. The first meeting of the Court in Logan Co on 25 Sep 1792 included the presence of Burwell Jackson; he signed the minutes. He was also swoorn in as one of the first three justices along with Ambrose Mauldin & Young Ewing.
Kentucky Land Grants -
29 March 1788. Surveyed 3,440 acres for Burwell Jackson in Madison Co, middle fork of Station Camp Creek (see above Land Entry)
6 Dec 1791. Survey for military grant to Burwell Jackson, 700 acres.
13 Nov 1793. Military grant to Burwell Jackson, 123 acres, surveyed on Little Muddy Creek.
Logan Co Order Book 1
p. 19, 1794. Burwell Jackson, John Cox, Henry Rhoads, Robert Ewing and Young Ewing are to divide the land held in partnership for the county.
27 Jan 1795. Indenture from Robert Caddock to James Ewing, testimony of Burwell Jackson, John Jackson, and Leroy Wilkerson, Witnesses.
Burwell Jackson was also the clerk of the Circuit Court, known at the time as the Court of Quarter Sessions, which met in Warren County. He was present at the first session 6 Jun 1797.
From HISTORY OF LOGAN CO KY by Alex C. Finley: p.33 "Burwell Jackson ...was a Surveyor and represented the Eastern division of Logan Co as most of his possessions lay in what is now Simpson, Warren, and Butler Counties. He lived on the Gasper about 1786 and was the richest man in the county. In 1793 his land assessed 6,302 acres..
p.49 "The first survey in Logan ...made by Burwell Jackson in 1784 for Gen. Abraham Buford who lived where Scott County was laid out afterwards. The survey was for 1,000 acres of land ...on Muddy River."
Burwell Jackson found in many, many deeds and on the tax rolls for Logan Co Kentucky throughout the early 1800's.
Warren Co KY Deeds
DB B; p.45 3 Feb 1800 Burwell Jackson and Esther his wife to John Walker. 660 2/3 acres above Chapman's improvements.
DB C; p.5 14 Feb 1804 Richard Taylor of Jefferson Co KY to Burwell Jackson for 75£, land set apart for soldiers of the VA Continental Line on Gaspers River below Black Lick Fork of sd river. Wit: David A. Stuart, John Jackson, Eleanor Stuart.
DB C; p.155 1 Jul 1805 Burwell Jackson to Absalom Chism; 200 acres on Chism's Crk near house where Chism lives.
DB C; p.158 27 Jul 1805 Burwell Jackson to John Cox. 200 acres on Chism's Crk of Gasper River.
DB C; p.220 18 Oct 1805 Burwell Jackson to Obediah Chism. 200 acres on Gasper R, big Absolom Chism's to John Cox's.
DB C; p.265 6 Jan 1806 Burwell Jackson to John Cook, 150 acres on Gasper River; to Fulker Cox's; Leroy Jackson's line.
[Is this John Cook the father or perhaps a brother of Mary Cook, wife of John Jackson?]
DB D; p.77 7 Oct 1808 Burwell Jackson & Esther his wife to Benj Hampton. 666 2/3 acres in Distrcit for soldiers of the Continental Line on Big Barren River by survey 19 Oct 1797.
DB F, p.435 8 Dec 1814 Burwell Jackson to Leroy Jackson, 250 acres on Gasper River to John Cook's corner. [Leroy Jackson was Burwell's half-brother; Burwell became his guardian and apparantly adopted him]
DB G, p.113 23 Dec 1815 Griffin Spencer of Fleming Co KY to Burwell Jackson for $1000 to be paid to Jackson before 25 Dec 1817, then this deed is void. 1400 acres in Grayson Co KY on Clify a water of Rought Creek.
From: Sandi Gorin
Burwell JACKSON, appraisal, May Term 1820
Burwell JACKSON, items sold 29 Dec 1820, Apr Term 1821
The Jackson book says he died in 1822 but the Warren Co records are evidence that he died some two years earlier.
Warren Co WB B:
JACKSON, Burwell. Inventory Admr. Thomas Bowles, R.W. Ryland signed appraisment march 29, 1823. Recorded April court 1823. pg519
The adopted son and half-brother of Burwell, Leroy Jackson, was named the guardian of Burwell's only son Chesterfield Jackson after Burwell's death. Burwell and Esther said to be buried on the Jackson farm in Warren Co KY.
Birth | 25 Feb 1744 | Amelia County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | 26 Oct 1787 | Amelia County, Virginia - Lucy Ferguson | |||
Marriage | 19 Apr 1796 | Esther Fort | |||
Death | Abt 1820 | Warren County, Kentucky |
Spouse | Lucy Ferguson ( - 1796) |
Spouse | Esther Fort (1768 - 1818) |
Child | Chesterfield Jackson (1801 - 1822) |
Father | FRANCIS JACKSON Sr. (1722 - 1792) |
Mother | MARY ?STEWART ( - ) |
Sibling | Josiah JACKSON (1748 - 1786) |
Sibling | Benjamin JACKSON (1752 - 1791) |
Sibling | Stewart JACKSON (1754 - 1835) |
Sibling | Joel JACKSON (1756 - 1795) |
Sibling | Martha JACKSON (1759 - ) |
Sibling | Mary JACKSON (1761 - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth JACKSON (1763 - ) |
Sibling | JOHN JACKSON (1765 - 1841) |
Sibling | Francis Jackson Jr. (1768 - 1811) |
Sibling | Phoebe JACKSON (1770 - 1771) |
1. William Neel Jackson, Jacksons of Kentucky: Their Ancestors and Descendants (Bowling Green KY, 1982: LDS Microfiche #6088935), p.87 Chapter 3 - Ralph Jackson, the Immigrant.
2. William Neel Jackson, Jacksons of Kentucky: Their Ancestors and Descendants (Bowling Green KY, 1982: LDS Microfiche #6088935), p.87 Chapter 3 - Ralph Jackson, the Immigrant.
3. Jordan R. Dodd, et al, Virginia Marriages - Early to 1800 Liahona Research, Inc. Online at by subscription. (Precisions Indexing Publishers; Boutiful, UT).
4. William Neel Jackson, Jacksons of Kentucky: Their Ancestors and Descendants (Bowling Green KY, 1982: LDS Microfiche #6088935), p.87 Chapter 3 - Ralph Jackson, the Immigrant.