Individual Details

Hinshia/Hinshaw Mabry

(Abt 1697 - Ca Jul 1761)

Hinchia's name is found in many variations. It is apparently a corruption of his maternal grandmother's family name, Henshaw. Both Hinchia and his brother Charles were underage when their father's will was probated in Surry County in 1712, which left each of them one half of a patent on Fountain Creek which their father Francis had entered.

He was apparently born about 1697 as he gave his age as 31 in a disposition in 1728.

Hinchia's first wife was Frances Parham, and he probably married her about 1719-1720 when he bought the following 100 acres from Charles & Frances Giliiam.

That he married Frances, daughter of Ephraim Parham & Frances Green is proved by the will of Ephraim Parham, 7 Apr 1726 in Surry County which names his wife as Frances, nee Green, his daughter Frances, wife of "Hanchey" Mabry, and granddaughter Elizabeth Mabry. The will was probated in Surry Court 15 Jun 1726.

SURRY CO VA DEEDS 1684-1733 & OTHER COURT PAPERS, Wm Lindsay Hopkins
p.104/186 Surry Co D&WB 7
19 May 1719 Charles Gilliam & wife Frances of Bristol Parish, Prince Geo to Hencher Mayberry of Southwarke Parish in Surry for 600# tobacco and 10sh. 100a in Southwarke on N side of Nottoway R adj Marmaduke Brown. Signed: Charles (X) Gilliam, Frances (X) Gilliam. Wit: Lewis Green Jr, Jane (X) Mathews, Mary Green.
Rec. 20 May 1719

VA Land Patents:
18 Feb 1722. James Matthews. Land in Surry Co, 350 acres on S Side Nottaway River, a corner tree of Hinshiah Mayberry's Land. PB 11, p.190
5 Nov 1724 Kinshiah [Hinshiah] Maybury. Land in Surry Co. 485 acres on the S side of the Nottaway River, begin and extending by the side of the said rive. PB 12, p.118

SURRY CO VA DEEDS 1684-1733 & OTHER COURT PAPERS, Wm Lindsay Hopkins
p.135/656 Surry Co D&WB 7
19 Oct 1726 Robert Mitchell of Southwarke to his brother John Mitchell Jr for Love and Affection. 150 acres, part of 330 granted my father Robert Mitchell with this land divided from the land which I have given my Brother Peter Mitchell. Bounded by Thomas Jones & the Race Path. Signed: Robert Mitchell. Wit: John Mitchell, Hency (X) Maybury and Thomas Eldridge Rec. 19 Oct 1726
p.135/657 19 Oct 1726 Robert Mitchell to his brother Peter. 165 acres.
p.142/822 Surry Co D&SB 7
18 Jun 1728 John Carter to Benjamin Willard 190 acres S side of Nottoway [bound by Geo Reeves, John Brooks, Hinshaw Maybray & the College Land) and 400 a on S side of Nottoway [bounded by John Gillum, Hinshaw Maybray, Moores Swamp & sd Carter). Signed: John (x) Carter
Wit: James Baker & John Chapman. Rec. 19 Jun 1728
p.145/890 Surry Co D&SB 7
19 Feb 1728 Wm Pettaway to John Smith for 17#. 200 acres on N side Indian Swamp bounded by Leathercoats Branch, Peter Fairfax, the county line & John Man [part of patent granted Pettaway on 13 Oct 1727]. Signed: Wm Pettaway. Wit: Hincy (X) Mabry & Christopher Tatum
Rec. 19 Feb 1727
p.145/891 Surry Co D&WB 7
19 Feb 1728 Deposition of Christopher Tatum, aged 45, states that he visited Francis Maybury on 12 Jan 1728, found him ill, wrote his will for him & took it to Thomas Eldridge. [Eldridge was an attorney]
p.145/891 19 Feb 1728 Deposition of Henche Maybury, aged 31, states that on 12 Jan 1728 he was at the house of Francis Maybury who lay very ill and that he asked Christopher Tatum to take notes for his will.
p.163/297 Surry Co D&WB 8
7 Apr 1733 James Adams of Brunswick Co to Robert Jones of Surry. 100 acres near Asomosack Swamp in Southwarke and bounded by Thomas Harrison, Chappell, & Jones. Signed: James (X) Adams. Wit: Robert Wynne, Mathew Parham, & Henche (X) Maybury. Rec. 20 Jun 1733

14 Nov 1737 Hinchia Mabry purchased 242 acres of land from John & Mary Brown of Brunswick County for 45 #'s. It was part of 342 acres granted James Mathews 18 Feb 1722 and conveyed to John Brown on 28 Oct 1735. The 242 acres adjoined other land of Hinchey Mabry, Henry Brown & John Pettway. The deed was proved 2 Mar 1727/28 & witnessed by John Pettway, Samuel Russell, John Pollard, & George (G) Mabry.
Also in 1737, Hinchia, his brother George & John Pettway were witnesses to the sale of Henry Browne to Samuel Russell, 200 acres in Brunswick Co.

VA Land Patents:
29 Jun 1739. Hinshea Mabury. Brunswick Co [formed 1720 from Surry, Prince George & Isle of Wight]. 130 acres S side Nottoway River

p.98/300 Jun 1745 Hinchia Mabry plt agst Richard Hamlin. Parties came by their attornies. The deft comes & defends the force & injury, etc. and says he did not undertake in manner & form as the plt complains against him. He puts himself upon the Country & plt. Let a Jury come on 3rd Wed in July next.
p.120/381 Mar 1745/46 Phillip Lightfoot Junr Gent & witness for Richard Hamlin at the Suit of Hincia Mabry was called and did not appear.
p.121/382 On the motion of Edward Farrington a witness for Hinchia Mabry against Richard Hamlin it is ordered he pay him 200#'s of tobacco for 8 days.
On the motion of William Gilliam a witness for Hinchia Mabry against Richard Hamlin it is ordered that he pay him 200#'s of tobacco for 8 days attendance according to Law
On the motion of Thomas Addison a witness for Hinchia Mabry agst Richard Hamlin it is ordered that he pay him 175#'s tobacco for 7 days attendance

1747; Brunswick Co. DB 3, p. 310 Hinchia gave son Joshua 227 acres.

3 Jul 1746, DB ? Hinchia gave Hinchia Mabry Jr. 200 acres on the South side of the Nottoway river.

Hinchia married Ann Jackson, widow of Ambrose Jackson Sr., on 22 Jun 1747. She died prior to 28 Mar 1751.

Brunswick Co DB 3, p.515
13 Jun 1748 Poll for Sterling Clack. Names listed include John Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Lewis Parham, Hincha Maybry, Samuel Harwell [married to Anne Jackson, a stepdaughter of Hinchia Mabry.]

SURRY CO VA DEEDS & ESTATE ACCOUNTS 1734-1755 William Lindsay Hopkins,
p.115/403 DB 5
20 Jun 1749 Hinchia Mabry of Brunswick Co to William Hewett of Surry for 100#'s. 100a N side Nottoway and bounded by Marmaduke Brown [granted to Charles Gillum on 23 Mar 1715] Signed: Hinchia (X) Mabry. Wit: Wm Gray, Christopher Mason, John Paynter. Rec. 21 Jun 1749 [See deed from Gilliam to Mabry on 19 May 1719.]
p.147/p.608 20 Mar 1753 William Hewitt & wife, Elizabeth, to Joseph Newsum for 60#'s. 100 acres N side Nottoway R and bounded by Marmaduke Brown [land granted to Charles Gilliam on 23 Mar 1715] 20 ft. square is excepted out of the deed as it contains the graves of the wife and child of Hinchia Mabry. Signed: William Hewitt. Rec. 20 Mar1753.

Brunswick Co VA DB 4, p.11
27 Mar 1750 Nathaniel Bradford, son and heir of John Bradford dec'd and Richard Moore, both of NC to Hinchia Mabry of Brunswick Co. 680 acres, John Bradford died seized of bet Three Creeks & Otterdam Swamp. Nathaniel Bradford as eldest son & heir sold & conveyed the same to Richard Moore who has agreed with the said Hinchia Mabry to sell & convey the lands to him. At the time of making the conveyance to Richard Moore Nathaniel Bradford was under the age of 21 but has since arrived to full age. The 680 acres is a part of 1220 acres granted to Richard Pace on 5 Nov 1724 and conveyed by Pace to the sd John Bradford dec'd, recorded 7 Jun 1733. Signed: Nathaniel Bradford, Richard Moore.
25 Sep 1750 Hinchia Mabry of Brunswick to Joel Mabry. 200 acres between Moor's Swamp and the Nottoway River. Signed: Hinchia (X) Mabry. Wit: Lewis Parham, Cuthbert Smith, Jehu Peebles. Ack 25 Sep 1750.

Brunswick Co VA DB 5, p.76
27 Mar 1751 Hinchia Mabry the Elder of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick Co to Nathaniel & Daniel Mabry, sons of said Henchia. All that tract in Brunswick bet the Three Creeks and the Otterdam Swamp. 680 acres, the tract which the sd Henchia Mabry purchased by deed dated 27 Mar 1750 from Richard More. Signed: Henchia (X) Mabry. Wit: Lewis Parham, Thomas Stagg, William Smith. Ack. 27 Mar 1751
29 May 1751 Ephraim Mabry of St Andrew Parish, Brunswick Co to Hinchia Mabry Jr of same. 100 acres given by deed of gift to Ephraim by Hinchia Mabry his father and recorded 7 Jan 1747. Signed: Ephraim Mabery. Wit: Joshua Maby, Joel Mabry, Plant (X) Richardson. Proved by witnesses 25 Sep 1751.

The gifts of land from Hinchia to his sons possible took place about the time of the death of his first wife.

The sale of the following tract indicates that Hinchia had married for the third time, to Ann Clack Courtney. The Clack Courtney named is likely her son.

Brunswick Co VA DB 5, p.143
1 Jan 1752 Hinchia Mabry the Elder of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick Co and Anne his wife to Clack Courtney, Chyrurgeon [Surgeon]. 578 acres, both sides of Stoney Hill Run by Patent dated 5 Jul 1751 granted to said Anne by the name of Anne Courtney. Signed: Hinchey (X) Mabry, Anne Mabry. Ack in Court 1 Jan 1752 and Anne relinquished dower.

In Brunswick Co, 1755, Hinchia Mabry Sr. was one of the executors of the estate of his son Hinshia Jr. The other executors were Joel Mabry & Richard Hill

Marriage Bonds, Brunswick Co VA. William & Mary Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 1, July 1898, pp.37-38: Clack Courteney to Prudence Clarke, October 6, 1756.

Brunswick Co VA DB 6, p.325
27 Feb 1759 Between Peter SMITH and John CARLOS of Dinwiddie County, for 240 pounds, conveying 180 acres on South side of Nottoway River, water griss mill across the said river and 1 acre lying in Sussex County, adjoining the said mill, being part of a 270 acre tract granted to John BROOKS, dec'd. by Patent bearing date of February 22, 1724, and adjoining the lands of REAVES and Hinchey MABRY (formerly POLLARDS). Witnesses were John DANIEL, Jr., and Charles MITCHEL. Indenture and Memorandum of Livery of Seizin were acknowledged in Court on February 27, 1759, by Peter SMITH and Sarah, his wife, personally came into Court and relinquished her right of dower.

Joshua Mabry was appointed administrator of the estate of Hinchia Mabry on 28 Jul 1761, so apparently Hinchia died intestate. Inventory & appraisal was returned 27 Arp 1762 by John Maclin, Edward Goodriche, & Frederick Maclin. The inventory included 14 slaves, 6 horses, 64 head of hogs, 33 head of cattle and a bull, 14 head of sheep, 3 goats, plus his furniture, etc - total value was over 1000#'s.

Frances Parham, the first wife, was undoubtedly the mother of the first seven children - an eight child likely did with his mother. Ann was the daughter of Ann Clack Courtney & Hinshia Mabry.

Henry Jackson's son, Henry Jr. married Ann Mabry, daughter of Hinchia Mabry and his third wife Anne Clack Counrtney, probably about 1765. Anne Clack is said to be the daughter of the Rev. James Clack and his 1st wife Jane Bolling. The will of Ann Clack Courtney Mabry was dated 2 May 1763 and proved in 1772. She named her daughter Ann Mabry as sole legatee with Joshua Mabry [stepson] and Clack Courtney [son by her 1st marriage] and John Pettway as Executors. By the time of the probate in 1772, Ann had married Henry Jackson Jr and they sued Joshua Mabry to recover Ann's share of slaves and their issue left by Hinchia Mabry. Joshua was ordered to deliver all slaves except David & Hall now in possession of Ephraim Mabry [Joshua's brother] to Henry Jackson.


BirthAbt 1697
MarriageAbt 1719Frances Parham
Marriage22 Jun 1747Ann [Jackson]
MarriageBef Jan 1752Living
DeathCa Jul 1761Brunswick County, Virginia


SpouseFrances Parham ( - 1747)
ChildElizabeth Mabry (1721 - 1795)
ChildHinchia Mabry Jr. (1723 - 1755)
ChildEphraim Mabry (1725 - 1789)
ChildJoshua Mabry (1727 - 1791)
ChildJoel Mabry (1729 - 1784)
ChildNathaniel Mabry (1730 - 1795)
ChildDaniel Mabry (1733 - 1815)
SpouseAnn [Jackson] ( - 1751)
ChildAnn Mabry (1752 - 1783)
FatherFRANCIS Maybury ( - 1712)
MotherELIZABETH Gilliam (1654 - 1715)
SiblingAnn Mabry (1685 - )
SiblingMary Mabry (1687 - )
SiblingFrancis Mabry Jr. (1689 - 1728)
SiblingGEORGE Mabry (1691 - 1770)
SiblingCharles Mabry (1693 - 1750)
SiblingJudith Mabry (1695 - )