Individual Details
(Abt 1691 - Dec 1770)
From the Will of Francis Mabry, dated 22 Mar 1711. To son George, 125 acres on the Horn Branch at the Three Creeks. [A 1734 patent to Charles Maybury reveals that this land was on the Hornet Swamp & S side of the Nottaway River, granted to Francis on 13 Nov 1713 after his death. George did not cultivate this land and it reverted to Charles.]
p. 253 George Maybury, 115 acres NL, Surry Co. N side Nottoway River; W side of Woodyard Swamp to land of Marmaduke Brown; 5 Sep 1723 PB 11, p.265
Some have suggested that George had an unknown wife before Sarah Williamson, but I think that is based on the deed involving their daughter Sarah which was dated in 1746 - she was likely of age at that time. If George had an earlier wife, she was also named Martha, because a Martha relinquished dower in the following deed, 1727.
However, there is a newpaper account that suggest his son John was born as early as 1713, if indeed he was age 102 when he died in 1815.
SURRY CO VA DEEDS 1684-1733 & OTHER COURT PAPERS, by Wm Lindsay Hopkins
p.138/750 Surry Co D&WB 7
17 Apr 1727 George Maybury to William Raney 115 acres on N side Nottoway R, granted to George on 5 Sep 1723, and bounded by Woodyard Swamp and Marmaduke Brown. Martha Maybury, wife, relinquished Right of Dower. Signed: George (X) Mabury. Wit: John Allen & R. S. Woobank. Rec. 21 Jun 1727
p.152/13 Surry Co D&WB 8
20 May 1730 Jury presents .... George Maybre for not going to church.
Signed: Carter Crafford, Foreman
VA Land Patents
10 Jan 1735 George Maybury. Surry Co. 225 acres on S side Nottaway River. begin on East side of Flatt Swamp, adj land of William Bridges; corner of Peter Poythress and his line; side of Flatt Swamp and up it courses to the beginning. PB 16, p.428 [This land sold to Richard Bland on 19 Apr 1737, see next]
Brunswick County Deeds & Wills, No. 1, 1732-1740, The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1959, p.68
DB 1, p.344-46
8 & 9 May 1737 William Poole, joyner, of Brunswick Co to George Mabry of same. Deeds of lease & release. 400 acres, south side of Nottoway River, corner tree of George Tillman's on north side of Simon's branch; south side of Simon's Branch; tree in county line; James Loftin's corner tree; granted to Thos. Willson on 20 Jan 1730. Signed: William Poole. Wit: James Arnoll, John Ezell
2 Jun 1737 Acknowledged by William Poole & Elizabeth his wife.
Brunswick Co Deeds & Wills, Vol. 1, The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1959, p.66
DB 1, p.333-34
12 Mar 1737 James Matthews Jur of Brunswick to John Pettway. 280 acres, south side Nottoway River on Moore's Swamp; John Williamson line; John Brown; Henry Brown's line.
Signed: James Matthews Jur., Ann (x) Matthews
Wit: John Brown, George (G) Mabry, Hinshey (H) Mabry
12 Mar 1737 Possession granted John Pettway.
John Pettway agreed that if he hath any lawfull heir by Eliza his wife, daughter to Hinshey Mabry that one of his children by her shall enjoy the said land after his decease. Signed: John Pettway
2 Jun 1737 Ack. by James Matthews, and wife Ann.
Brunswick Co Deeds & Wills, Vol. 1, The Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1959, p.104-105
DB 1, p.391-94
14 & 15 Nov 1737 John Brown of Brunswick Co and wife Mary to Hinshey Mabry of Surry Co. Deeds of lease & release. 242 acres, part of 342 acres granted James Matthews 18 Feb 1722 and conveyed to John Brown on 28 Oct 1735; Hinshey Mabry's line; Henry Brown's line; John Pettway's line.
Signed: John Brown. Witness: John Pettway, Samuel Russell, John Pollard, George (G) Mabry
2 Mar 1737/38 Proved by George Mabry & John Pettway. Mary Brown's relinquishment of dower proved by John Eaton & Joseph Marston.
SURRY CO VA DEEDS & ESTATE ACCOUNTS 1734-1755; by William Lindsay Hopkins
p.14/677 Surry Co D&WB 8
19 Apr 1737 George Maybury and wife Martha of Surry to Richard Bland of Martins Brandon Parish in Prince Geo Co 225 acres granted to Geo Maybury on 10 Jan 1735 on E side of Flatt Swamp & bounded by Wm Bridges & the land late in tenure of Peter Poythress but now belonging to sd Richard Bland. Signed: George (X) Maybury, Martha (X) Maybury, Wit: Thomas Eldridge, Francis Maybury. Rec. 20 Apr 1737
p.18/769 Surry Co D&WB 8
21 Dec 1737 Account of Estate of Wm Martin, dec'd. Among accounts listed: Capt. Robert Wynne, Charles Maybury, George Maybury, Thomas Eldridge. Signed by Sarah Martin, Admin.
SURRY CO VA DEEDS & ESTATE ACCOUNTS 1734-1755, William Lindsay Hopkins,
p.92/495 21 Jan 1746 DB 4
Hollum Sturdivant & wife Elizabeth, and Sarah Mabry to John Rottenburry for 10#'s. John Williamson died seized of 175 acres on S side of Nottoway [granted to sd Williamson on 13 Oct 1727 and which land descended at his death to his son Cuthbert Williamson who died intestate and the land then descended to Elizabeth Sturdivant the wife of Hollum Sturdivant, Edith Leadbetter the wife of Henry Leadbetter, Hannah Fox the wife of Richard Fox, Sarah Mabry, daughter of Sarah Mabry, late wife of George Mabry, and Susannah Rottenbury the wife of John Rottenbury as coheirs] Hollum Sturdivant & wife Elizabeth Sturdivant and Mary [sic] Mabry now sell their 2/5 part of the tract to John Rottenbury. Signed: Hollum (x) Sturdivant, Elizabeth (x) Sturdivant, Sarah (X) Mabry. Wit: James Rae, Thomas Clarke, & Robt Jones Jr. Rec. 21 Jan 1746
[Surry Co DB 4, 1741-1746]
[Here is a further transfer of title re the 225 acres on Flatt Swamp]
p.119/36 Surry Co DB 6
20 Nov 1749 Augustine Claiborne Gent of Surry to John Ezell of Brunswick. 225 acres in Albemarle Parish, bought from Richard Bland of Jordans in Prince Geo Co & his wife Ann on 16 Oct 1746, being the 225 acres Richard Bland bought on 19 May 1747 from George Mabry and wife Martha. Signed: Augustine Claiborne. Rec. 21 Nov 1749
BRUNSWICK Co VA Deed Book 3 1744-1749
Abstracted online at Brunswick Co USGenWeb
DB 3, p.430
3 Nov 1747 George Mabry of Brunswick Co and Martha his wife to William Gilliam of Surry Co for £70. 400 acres on South side of Nottaway River.
Signed: George (X) Mabry, Martha (X) Mabry
Wit: H. Mabry, Junr, G. Mabry, William Gilliam
5 May 1748: Ack by George. Martha relinquished dower.
[See previous deeds of lease & release, May 8 & 9, 1737, from William Poole and wife Elizabeth above. Poole's wife said to have been Elizabeth Watson - not evident from deed abstract.]
Edgecombe Co NC
DB 3,
p.204 16 Nov 1747 William and Mary Linsey of Brunswick Co VA to George Mabry of Brunswick. 20#'s. 200 acres, part of 400 acres sd Linsey purchased of Moses Siviney. Wit: George Mabry, Jr., Isaac Mabry, Joseph Mabry. Rec. May Court 1748. B. Wynns, Court Clerk.
p.205 17 May 1748 Samuel & Elizabeth Huckabee of Brunswick to George Mabry, Jr. for 16#'s. 200 acres joining the Spring branch, part of a patent to Moses Swaney on 15 Mar 1742. [obviously the other half of the property Linseys sold to George's father] Wit: Thomas Smith, Drury Harrington. Rec. May Court 1748
p.242 16 May 1748 Giles Carter & wife to George Mabry Sr of Edgecombe Co. 34 #'s. 250 acres, joining the river at the mouth of a branch, part of a grant to Thomas Harrington for 300 acres on 2 Feb 1728. Wit: John Doyle, G. Mabry, Jr., Isaac Mabry. Rec. Aug Court 1748. Wife privately examined, but not named
DB 4
p.529 25 Oct 1753 Richard Smith to James Story for 50#'s. 291 acres on the South side of George Mabry, Sr. joining sd Smith, John M Schamp and Pork Creek. Wit: Robert Reynard, Giles Carter, John Doyle. Rec. Feb Court 1754.
DB 6
p.260 22 Sep 1757 George Mabury, Sr. to Isaac Mabury of Granville Co. 30#'s. 250 acres on the river at the mouth of a branch except the mill and 5 acres, part of a patent to Thomas Harrington for 300 acres on 2 Feb 1728. Wit: Francis Williams, Susannah (X) Mabury, James (X) Mabury. Rec. Feb Court 1758.
In May of 1748, George Mabry Jr. had bought 200 acres from Samuel Huckabee - half of 400 acres originially granted Moses Swaney, the other half of the tract which George Sr bought from William and Mary Linsey in 1747 - see Edgecombe DB 3 above.
On 19 Feb 1759, George Jr. sold his 200 acres to his father for 100£ thus giving the entire 400 acres to George Sr.
2 Jan 1760 George Mabry Sr received a grant from the Earl of Granville for 609 acres. It was described as adjoining other lands of Mabry, Reynolds, Dwall, Harvey and Pretty Creek. This gave George Sr., two parcels, apparently adjoining totalling 1009 acres. On 10 Jan 1760, he sold both parcels to John Ellis. Both deeds were witnessed by John Mabry, John Doyle and James Jackson.
In 1762, George Mabrey is found on the list of tithables for Granville Co with the Negroes Cuffy, Chansworth and Pedillah [named later in his will]. He was in the Little Fishing Creek Dist (present Warren Co).
5 Oct 1762, John Muschamp of Halifax Co sold to George Mabury of Granville, 100 acres in Halifax along Muschamp's spring branch, part of 200 acres granted John Muschamp, dec'd, 20 Apr 1745. The deed was witnessed by Isaac Mabury, John Mabury, and Benjamin Carter.
On 18 Dec 1769, George Mabry of Halifax sold the same land both sides of Parke Creek and along the patent line, to William Carter being the land where said Mabry was living.
As no wife was named at the time of the sale of this land, there is the possibility that this purchase and sale was that of George Jr.
About 1747, George and family moved to Edgecombe Co NC on the Roanoke River near Pork & Pretty Creeks. In 1754, this part of Edgecombe became Halifax Co. About the mid 1760's all but one of George's sons moved west to the part of old Rowan Co which is now Davison. About 1769, George & his wife Martha sold their land in Halifax Co and moved west to Rowan to join their sons. George died not long after.
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
p.77 1768 Tax List of John Ford (Davidson Co area)
Frances Mabrery, 2p [This is curious because is there no known living Francis Maybury/Mabry in the area]
p. 94 1768 Tax List of Wm Millikan (southern Guilford & northern Randolph)
George Mabery, son Joseph, Benjamin, Reina... Negro Morris, Carry, Judah, Mary 7 p
Isaac Mabery, 1p [George's eldest son was Joseph - no Benjamin known, but perhaps this was someone else in the household - I'd like to see the original
A George Mabry served on a jury 15 Oct 1767 in Rowan Co. A George Mabry, along with Isaac, Hugh, and Francis Mabry, served as jurors in Rowant Co Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions several times from 1767-1771.
10 May 1769, George & Joseph Mabry registered their cattle brands before the Rowan County Court
15 Aug 1770, George Mabry was appointed to oversee the road from John Kimbroughts to John Elliots at the Cross Roads.
It is likely the above references are George Jr.
Will of George Mabry written on 15 Dec 1770 in Rowan Co NC and presented for probate 13 Feb 1771.
To beloved wife Martha during her widowhood all household good, livestock, 7 slaves [included Cuffie, Chanceworth and Padillor]
Son John slave
Son George a slave
Son Isaac a slave
Son James a slave. James is to take care of daughter Luisa during her life as she is not able to take care of herself. After wife's decease all furniture & livestock to be sold to pay debts and the overage equally divided among daughters; Susanna Jackson, Bertha Carter, Sarah Williams, Martha Worde, and Frances Ellis
Dau Luisa is to have her featherbed.
Signed: George (G) Mabry
Wit: John Kimbrough, Mary Kimbrough
Appoint son James and wife Martha to be Executors.
[If there was a son Joseph, he was not named in this will. There is no disposition of land. Another man speculated as a son of George [and not mentioned in his Will] was the Francis Mabry found in Pittsylvania Co VA at this time - he was definitely still living in Pittsylvania Co in the late 1790's and I doubt this connection.]
Transcript on The Maybury Family website:
The will of George2 Mabry (Francis1), written on December 15, 1770 names several slaves: "to my Beloved wife, negros to wit Cuffie and Chance Worth and Fadillor, a negro wench Esis and Sam and littell Chance and Sall, a negro garle and further my will is that after my wifes decease or if she should marry or which shall happen my beloved son John Mabry Fiddillor a negro wench to him and his heirs forever...; to my son George a negro fellor named oulde Chance worth to him and his heirs forever...; to my beloved son Isaac Mabry a negro fellow named old Cuffe and Sam a negro boy to him and his heirs forever...; to my beloved son James Mabry Esquire a negro boy and Little Chance and Sall a small negro garle to him and his heirs forever."
Source: Rowan Co Will Bk 1, p. 101f.
This will in Rowan Co is signed by the same "G" mark used by George Mabry Sr to sign numerous documents in Brunswick Co VA and Edgecombe & Halifax Counties in North Carolina.
Here is another more complete transcript.
GEORGE MABRY'S WILL: "In the name o god amen I george Mabry being in good helth praise god and of a sound and prefect sense and Memory praise god for it Dow appointe this My Laste Will and Testament.
Item I leave unto my Beloved Wife Martha Mabry and to hur youse During hur Life or Widdohood all my housall goods With three feather beads and with thear furniture and My stock of Horsed meares and all My Cattall and My hogs and further My Will is that I leave unto My Beloved Wife During of hur Life or Widdohood seven Negros to which Cuffie and Chance Worth and fadillor a negro Wench Esis (?) and Sam and Littell Chance and Sall a negro garle and furthear My Will is that aftor My wifes Disease or if she should Marry of Which shall happen firste.
Item I give unto My Beloved son John Mabry fiddillor a negro Wench and to him and hhis heirs for ever.
Item I give unto My Beloved Son george Mabry a negro fellor names oulde Chance Worth to him and his heirs for evor.
Item I give unto My Beloved Son Isaak Mabry a negro fellor Naimed ould Cuffa and Sam a negro boy to him and his heirs for evor.
Item I give unto my beloved Son James Mabry Esquire a negro Boy and Littall Chance and Sall a small negro garle to him and his heirs for Evor and My Will is that My Son James Mabry is to take cear of My Beloved Daughtor Lusa Douring of hur Life as she is Not able to Take Cear of hur Self. And My Will is further at aftor My Wifes Disiase or the Day of her marrage Which shall firste that all My housall goods to to feathear Beads and furnature and all My Stock of horses and Meares and Cattall and hogs to Be Soulde by My Son James Mabry and that money so Raised My Son James is to pay all My Juste Debts oute of that Money so Raised and the over plush to be Eaqually Devided amongst My Daughtors Susanna Jackson and Burtha Cartor and Sarah Williams and Martha Worde and Francea Ellis.
Witness My Hand and Seal this fifteenth Day of Desember 1770.
My Will is furthior that I give unto My Daughtor Lusa Mabry hur feathear Bead and that to be in the cear of My son James Mabry. Witness My hand and sel on the fifteenth 1770.
George (G) Mabry
John Kimbrough
Mary Kimbrough
As Note having enny Exsecutors to this My Laste Will and Testament and now being in perfect Sense and memmary praise god for it My Will and Desiar is not and dow hear By appoyante My Son James Mabry and My Beloved Wife Martha Mabry to be My lawfull Exsecutors as Witness My hand and Seale Desember the fifteenth Day 1770.
George, Sr. and Martha also had a son, Joseph, not named in his will.
Birth | Abt 1691 | Virginia | |||
Death | Dec 1770 | Rowan County, North Carolina | |||
Marriage | Sarah Williamson | ||||
Marriage | MARTHA Bradley |
Spouse | MARTHA Bradley ( - ) |
Child | Joseph Mabry ( - 1778) |
Child | John Mabry ( - 1815) |
Child | ISAAC Mabry (1727 - ) |
Child | George Mabry Jr. ( - 1801) |
Child | Martha Mabry ( - ) |
Child | Susannah Mabry ( - ) |
Child | Bertha Mabry ( - ) |
Child | James Mabry (1739 - 1782) |
Child | Luisa Mabry ( - ) |
Child | Frances Mabry (1745 - 1829) |
Spouse | Sarah Williamson ( - ) |
Child | Sarah Mabry (1723 - ) |
Father | FRANCIS Maybury ( - 1712) |
Mother | ELIZABETH Gilliam (1654 - 1715) |
Sibling | Ann Mabry (1685 - ) |
Sibling | Mary Mabry (1687 - ) |
Sibling | Francis Mabry Jr. (1689 - 1728) |
Sibling | Charles Mabry (1693 - 1750) |
Sibling | Judith Mabry (1695 - ) |
Sibling | Hinshia/Hinshaw Mabry (1697 - 1761) |
1. Email, Don Collins
2. Email, Don Collins