Individual Details


(Ca 1654 - Jan 1715)

Elizabeth was also married first to a West, prior to 1673, because her son John West deposed on 1 Feb 1693 that he was 20 years of age. By 6 Nov 1679, Elizabeth was married to William Bevin when she surrendered her dower right. Bevin died about 1685-86 - his will dated 11 May 1685. In that will he mentioned his "son in law [son by law, or stepson] John West, and sons William, Matthew, and daughter Elizabeth. Wife Elizabeth was appointed sole executor, the will proved 1 Feb 1685. Administration was granted Francis Maybury on 22 Oct 1685 - he had married Elizabeth Gillam West Bevin.

p.476 13 Jun 1720 John West to Instance Hall. 200 acres in Bristol Parish bounded by Drury Bolling, John Gillam, being land given to Elizabeth Gillam by her dec'd father, John Gillam, Sr. and from her descended to her son and heir John West. Signed: John (W) West Rec. 8 Aug 1721

Will of Elizabeth Maybury
6 June 1713 In the name of God, Amen: I Elizabeth Maybury, widow and relict of Francis Maybury, late of Surry County. deceased, being weak of body but of sound mind and memory, do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say:
Item First I bequeath my soul to God that gave it me, believing remission of sins and everlasting life by the merritts death and passion of Jesus Christ, my Lord and only Saviour.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Charles Maybury my Indian slave named Robin to him and his heirs forever, also one featherbed and furniture, curtaines and vallance excepted, as also my riding horse named Paul and one well fixtt gunn. Item I give and bequeath to my son Hinshaw Maybury, my Indian slave named Jack to him and his heirs forever, also the featherbed and furniture as to my son Charles, as also one gray mare about a year old and now running with my old mare, and one well fixt gunn.
Item I give to my son George Maybury one featherbed and furniture as to my sons above men’d, also one young horse named Dearich, as also one long gunn now in my house, also to my said son three cows and the largest iron pott and hooks and racks that I have now in my house.
Item I give to my daughter Judith one bed I commonly lye on. with all the furniture thereto belonging, one Indian girl called Nan now about five year, to serve my old mare, one iron kettle, one pr pott racks, also my pewter & three cows.
Item I give and bequeath to my two sons, Charles and Hinshaw, to each of them three cows and my will is that all the rest of my cattle be equally divided by my two brothers, John and Hinshaw Gilliam, between my four children above mentioned, as also my sheep except five, which are to be first set apart for my son Francis Maybury [I] desire also may be divided amongst my four children above by my two bothers, John and Hinshaw, or the survivors of them.
Item I give to my son Francis Maybury over and above the five sheep, all my carpenters. coopers, and joyners tools, and one long table and form and one silver dram cup.
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Eliz. Paine, widow, my largest gold ring.
Item I give to my son Francis West my smallest gold ring.
Item I give to my daughter Mary one Pr. of Womens …
Item I give to my daughter Ann all my weaving tackle.
Item I give and bequeath to my son John West one gold ring I formerly lent him and now in his possession. also one pound and a half of drest flax, also one cowbell without a clapper. All the rest of my estate of what nature or quality soever after my just debts and funeral expenses are first satisfied and paid, I give to be equally divided amongst my four children, Charles, Hinshaw, George and Judith, and the division to be made by my brothers, John and Hinshaw Gilliam, whom I leave as trustees to my two sons, Charles and Hinshaw Maybury, and I do appoint my two sons to be sole, Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. hereby revoking all other or former wills by me made. In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixt my seal, this 6th day of June Anno 1713. My will is that all my wearing linnen be equally divided between my two daughters Judith and Ann.
Elizabeth her “E” mark Maybury Sealed with a wafer.
Signed, Sealed, and Published in the Presence of Henry Walthall, John Bolling, Susan Featherstone
Elizabeth was dead by 15 February 1715/6 when her will was proved in open court and ordered recorded.

p.64 [97]-70
[18 Jan 1715/16]
LW&T of Elizabeth Maybury dec'd presented by Charles Maybury one of her Executrs who made oath thereto and proved by John Bolling witness. Admitted to record. On motion of Charles Maybury certificate is granted for probate.
p.68 [104]-76
[21 Mar 1715]
Charles Maybury Executr of LW&T of Elizth. Maybury dec'd presented Inv & Appraisal of said deceased's estate. Ordered recorded.
[The contents of the Inventory contained many of the same articles found in her husband's inventory.]


BirthCa 1654
MarriageBy 1679William Bevin
MarriageBy Oct 1685FRANCIS Maybury
DeathJan 1715Surry County, Virginia


SpouseFRANCIS Maybury ( - 1712)
ChildAnn Mabry (1685 - )
ChildMary Mabry (1687 - )
ChildFrancis Mabry Jr. (1689 - 1728)
ChildGEORGE Mabry (1691 - 1770)
ChildCharles Mabry (1693 - 1750)
ChildJudith Mabry (1695 - )
ChildHinshia/Hinshaw Mabry (1697 - 1761)
SpouseWest ( - 1679)
ChildJohn West (1673 - )
SpouseWilliam Bevin (1647 - 1685)
ChildElizabeth Bevin ( - 1759)
FatherJOHN Gilliam (1614 - 1673)
MotherMARGERY Henshaw ( - 1688)
SiblingJohn Gilliam (1665 - 1737)
SiblingCharles Gilliam (1664 - )
SiblingHenshaw\Hinshiah Gilliam (1666 - )