Individual Details

John Gilliam

(Ca 1665 - 1737)

VA COLONIAl RECORDS, 1600s-1700s; by online subscription. Militia Lists from Public Record Office, London.
Charles City Co, ca 1701/02 Joseph Wynn, Capt of Dragoons. His company includes Francis Mabery, John Gillum Jr., Thomas and Edward Parram [Parham], Ralph Jackson

p.170 23 Dec 1714. John Gillum. 324 acres NL Pr. Geo. Co. being 4 islands: Thorny Point Island, Back Creek Island, divided by channel called Pye Alley. Bread Street divided by channel called Crooked Lane & Rose-Mary Lane Island divided by Channel called Rose Mary Lane. PB 10, p.233. Transport of 7 person.
p.204 12 Jul 1718. John Guillam. 390 acres NL Isle of Wight on N side Maherin R. PB 10, p.381. For Services performed toward makeing a new settlement for the Saponie Indians at Christanna, pursuant to a treaty with the Nation Etc. [being part of land whereon the Saponie Indians lately dwelt & which they surrendered in exchange for land assigned them at Christanna; adj. Francis West.
p.272 9 Jul 1724. Thomas Dunn. 125 acres NL, Surry Co. N side Guillum's branch, S side Nottoway; adj John Guillum's land. DB 12, p.96
p.279 22 Feb 1724. Lewis Green of Pr Geo Co. 400 acres NL, Surry Co. N side Nottoway. Beg at mouth of Stoney Crk to the South Wester Sw. adj John Guillum & Maj Robert Bolling. PB 12, p.170.
p.304 24 Mar 1725. Edward Clanton. 150 acres NL, Surry Co. S side Nottoway adj John Guillum's land. PB 12, p.431.
p.306 24 Mar 1725. John Guillum. 190 acres NL, Surry Co. S side Nottoway, S side the Little Swamp. adj Cornelius Loftin & John Battail's [Battle's] line. PB 12, p.449
p.320 31 Oct 1726. William Kinchen. 140 acres NL Is of Wight Co on N side Maherin. adj John Guillum's land. PB 13, p.40.
p.363 27 Sep 1729. Richard Clanton. 200 acres NL Surry Co. S side Nottoway adj John Guillum & Cornelius Loftin. PB 13, p.421
27 Sep 1729. Edward Clanton. 400 acres NL Surry Co. S side Nottoway R. adj John Guillum, Nathaniel Phillips & Robert Magee. Near the Nottoway Road. PB 13, p. 422
p.386 28 Sep 1728. John Guilliam of Surry. 446 acres NL, Brunswick Co. S side Nottoway R & S side of the Rocky Crk. adj land of John Davis. PB 14, p.67

Surry County, VA, Will Book 8, pages 902
Written 9 Aug 1738; Proved 20 Sep 1738
In the Name of God Amen I John GILLUM of Surry County being Sick and Week in body but of perfect Sence and Memerry thankes be to God for it and knowing that it is appoynted for all men once to dy do make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in maner & forme following.
Imprimis first and principally I gieve and recomend my Soule into the hands of Almigthy God that gave it to me in sure and sartin hope to receave the same at the general resurrecttion and my body to be bured at the discreation of my Execrs. hearafter metioned and as for what temproll Goods which it hath pleased God to bless me with in this World my Will and desire is that the same be disposed of in the following maner and form.
Itum: I give and bequase [bequeath] to my Son, John, my Plantation in Carralino on Ronoke with all the Lands their unto belonging to him & his Heairs for ever allso I gieve to my Son John one Negro Garle named Phebe.
Itum: I gieve and bequeath to my Son Hinche all the land on the north side of the Branch that my Mill stand upon containing about one hundred and Fifty Acres more or less to him and his Heirs for ever. And one Negro boy named Brister.
Itum: I gieve & bequave to my Son Burrell all the Land I hold on the South side of the great branch next to Charles Maybreay containing about one hundred and fifty Acreys to him & his Heirs for ever allso I gieve to my Son Burrell one Negro Boy named Jimmey.
Itum: I gieve and bequave to my Son Levi the Plantation that Mary Clanton formorly lieved upon containing one hundred and forty Acreys to him and his Heirs for ever, also I gieve to my Son Levi one Negro Boy named Robbin.
Itum: I gieve and bequave to my well beloved wife Sarah the use of my Plantation till hir Death and then to desend to my Son John.
Itum: Itum: I gieve & bequave to my Dafter Sarah one Negro Garle named Beth.
Itum: I gieve & bequave to my dafter Amy one Negro Garle named Su.
Itum: I gieve & bequave to my dafter Mary one Negro Garle named Custer*.
Itum: I give & bequave to my Dafter Milley one Negro Garle named Phillis.
Itum: I gieve the use of my three Negros Cottey* & Hannah and Catte* to my well beloved wife during her natural Life and all other my movable as well my Stock as all my houhold Good during her naturall Life and after her desease my Will is that what is left of my Estat it may be equally devided between my Son Osom (Isham) & Hansille (??) & my dafter Tabitha & Leada (Lydia) also I appoint my well beloved wife and my som John my Excutors and makeing void all other Wills by me before maid do hear deliver this as my last Will and Testament. In Witness whearof I have hear unto set my Hand & Seale this ninth day of August in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand seaven-hundred and thirty eight.
Signed, Sealed Declared
and Prenounced in the presents of us
Sig: John [his X mark] GILLIAM
Wit: John Dunn, Thomas [his X mark] Dunn, Mo: Johnson

At a Court held for Surry County
September the 20th 1738
The above mentioned Will of John GILLUM dec'ed was presented in Court by Sarah Guillum and John GILLUM thereof who made Oath thereto and gave Bond with Security according to Law and being proved by the Oaths of John Dunn, Thomas Dunn, and Moses Johnson Witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be recorded and is recorded by _____ Allen

Surry County, VA, Will Book 9, page 133.
Account of Estate of John GILLIAM, decd
Lists: Dr. Patrick Adams, Robert Cade, Charles Sward, William Ezill, William Lofin, John Bell, Wiliam Browne, Jr., James Peden, for funeral sermon, Col. John Allen, Quit rent for 747 acres of land, Col. Thomas Cocke and Sampson Newsum.
Sig: Sary GILLIAM and John GILLIAM, executors

Various Gilliams have been attributed to "Bristol Parish, Washington County, VA." No Gilliam is of "Bristol Parish, Washington County" for such a place does not exist. Bristol Parish in Prince George County along the James River has been confused by researchers with the City of Bristol, Washington County, in southwestern Virginia which lies along the Virginia/Tennessee border. Washington County is the first locality in the United States known to have been named for George Washington. It was formed from Fincastle County in 1776. The General Assembly granted a charter to the City of Bristol on February 12, 1890. The area of Bristol City has a history dating back to 1749, when it was called Sapling Grove.

From the Will of John GILLIAM, the husband of Jane Henry, we know that John did not have a son named William. Also, it is chronologically impossible for John Gilliam to be the father of William Gilliam who married Mary Jarratt.


BirthCa 1665
MarriageAbt 1715Sarah Briggs
Death1737Surry County, Virginia


SpouseSarah Briggs ( - )
FatherJOHN Gilliam (1614 - 1673)
MotherMARGERY Henshaw ( - 1688)
SiblingELIZABETH Gilliam (1654 - 1715)
SiblingCharles Gilliam (1664 - )
SiblingHenshaw\Hinshiah Gilliam (1666 - )