Individual Details

Ann Mabry

(Ca 1685 - )

The birth order of the children of Francis Mabry is based on when they married, bought land, and also the order they were named in his will - he named four sons first, then the three daughters, a customary practice of the times.

Ann's married name was Peebles according to her father's will.

Research by descendants of the Peebles family suggests that David Peeble was the only man of that surname available to the be the husband of Ann Maybury. There is an account in the vestry meeting of Bristol Parish on 10 Nov 1726 of a payment to Mr. Richard Jones for burying David Peoples.

Before 1740, Ann had married for a second time to Abraham Burton. In that year, Abraham Burton bought 200 acres on the Meherrin River from John Duke and his wife Rejoice. On 28 Mar 1756, Ann Burton of Brunswick Co, St. Andrew's Parish gave to her son, Joseph Peebles, 200 acres, both sides of the Meherrin which her husband had purchased in 1740. Abraham Burton's undated will was recorded in Brunswick Co in 1750; he left his plantation to his wife Ann and her heirs.


BirthCa 1685
MarriageBef Mar 1711/12David Peebles
MarriageAbraham Burton


SpouseDavid Peebles ( - 1726)
ChildJehu Peebles (1705 - )
ChildDavid Peebles (1720 - 1795)
ChildJoseph Peebles (1725 - 1781)
SpouseAbraham Burton ( - 1750)
FatherFRANCIS Maybury ( - 1712)
MotherELIZABETH Gilliam (1654 - 1715)
SiblingMary Mabry (1687 - )
SiblingFrancis Mabry Jr. (1689 - 1728)
SiblingGEORGE Mabry (1691 - 1770)
SiblingCharles Mabry (1693 - 1750)
SiblingJudith Mabry (1695 - )
SiblingHinshia/Hinshaw Mabry (1697 - 1761)