Individual Details

George Mabry Jr.

( - 1801)

This is the first record of George Mabry.
Edgecombe Co NC DB 3, p.204
16 Nov 1747 William and Mary Linsey of Brunswick Co VA to George Mabry of Brunswick. 20#'s. 200 acres, part of 400 acres sd Linsey purchased of Moses Siviney. Wit: George Mabry, Jr., Isaac Mabry, Joseph Mabry. Rec. May Court 1748. B. Wynns, Court Clerk.

p.205 17 May 1748 Samuel & Elizabeth Huckabee of Brunswick to George Mabry, Jr. for 16#'s. 200 acres joining the Spring branch, part of a patent to Moses Swaney on 15 Mar 1742. [obviously the other half of the property Linseys sold to George's father] Wit: Thomas Smith, Drury Harrington. Rec. May Court 1748
This 200 acres was sold back to George Sr. for 100 #'s, 19 Feb 1759.

p.242 16 May 1748 Giles Carter & wife to George Mabry Sr of Edgecombe Co. 34 #'s. 250 acres, joining the river at the mouth of a branch, part of a grant to Thomas Harrington for 300 acres on 2 Feb 1728. Wit: John Doyle, G. Mabry, Jr., Isaac Mabry. Rec. Aug Court 1748. Wife privately examined, but not named

By 1767, George Jr. with other members of the family had moved to Rowan Co, NC - he served on a jury the 15th of October. George & his brother Isaac served on a jury in Jan of 1768.

It is believed that George Mabry got mixed up the the Regulators, along with some of their family friends. George Jr. was accused of wronging Robert Jackson in an argument over a horse and fled the province. But there is a letter, 28 Jan 1771, asking the Regulators for permission for George Mabry Jr. to return home to bury his father.

There is a petition for judgment for debt against George Mayberry, Nov 1773, Pittsylvania Co VA. He is on the list of tithables there in 1775 - John Combs, a son-in-law was on the same list. Henry Co was formed out of Pittsylvania in Oct 1776 and George became a resident of the new county.

17 Feb 1777, Henry Co Court. "Money paid by Joseph Mabry for Hogg stealing to be retained in the hands of Abraham Penn Esq until such time it be called for"

30 Aug 1777, Joshua & Joseph Mayberry, sons of George, signed a petition refusing allegiance to King George III.

Henry Co DB 2, p.64
25 May 1780 Isaac McDonald sold to Jonathan Ison for 80£ 5 acres, fort of Rock Castle Creek, corner Benjamin Kinzey to line of George Mabry. Signed: Isaac McDonald.
DB 2, p.65
Also 25 May 1780. Isaac McDonald to Benj Kinzey Junr for 40£, 144 acres on North fork Rock Castle Creek. Joins George Mabry and the dividing ridge between the south and north fork to Jonathan Ison's corner. Signed: Isaac McDonald. Isaac's wife Mary relinquished dower.
DB 2, p.489
4 Mar 1784 Obediah Dickerson of Botetourt Co to George Mabery of Henry Co for 20£, 70 acres on Rockcastle Creek begin Walton's south line. Signed: Obediah (x) Dickerson. Wit: James Cutcham, David Kinzey, James Kinzey.

This George Mabry is found online in several places as married to a Mary, surname unknown, or to a Mary Lackey with no source given - his son of the same name is actually the George that married Mary Lackey. He has been "assumed" to be the George Mabry who died in Knox Co TN circa 1801 when his son George was appointed administrator of his somewhat meager estate. No one else is named - no wife or other children - and it is an intestate settlement. The deeds in Edgecombe Co NC, indicate that George Jr. was probably at least age 21 in 1748 when he bought a tract of land. This appears to be about the time the family moved to North Carolina. If George Jr was at least 21 in 1748, then he was born prior to 1727, possibly several years earlier since he can afford 200 acres. That would make him dying at least in his mid-seventies if he was the same man in Tennessee.

Some of this family seems to have been in Pittsylvania Co VA - Henry Co was formed from Pittsylvania: 1789 Aug, Henry Co. George Mabry, Jr in the amt of 100#'s and Henry Syms & James Poteell, Sr in the amt of 50#'s each gave security on condition that the sd Maberry be of good behaviour one year & a day & especially toward Mary Kinsey. (Order Book 5, p.63)

1801 Jul Knox Co TN
Inventory of Geo. Mabry returned by Geo. Mabry admns.: 1 Negro wench named Suckey; 1 horse saddle and briddle; 20 dollars worth of corn; 21 yards of linen; 1 dollar in cash; 4 head of cattle; 1 feather bed and furniture; 1 pot and Dutch oven and frying pan; 4 plates; 1 dish; 1 bunch of spoons; 2 pair pot hooks; 1 bailing hoe; 1 shovel plow; 1 log chain; 3 belts; 1 pitch fork; 1 trunk and the ____ papers therein; 1 large cotton wheel; 1 sow and 3 ghoats and 12 piggs. The deceased George3 Mabry was a son of George2 Mabry (Francis1) Source: Adm. & Settlements, Vol. 1, p. 82.

Another estate settlement in Knox Co TN is for a Joseph A. Mabry - who by all indications was quite well-to-do. His will was dated 17 Apr 1837, probate granted at the June, 1837, session of court. His wife was named "Alcy" probably for Alice. A brother-in-law, Maj. William T. Givins is mentioned in the will and appointed one of the Executors. In fact, Mabry requested land be purchased in Benton Co AL, next to Givins, for the use of his wife in her widowhood. [Benton Co AL was changed to Calhoun Co in 1832, but Mabry seems not to have been aware of that fact.] A George W. Mabry of Lebanon TN is also mentioned as having a horse in his possession, which Mabry bequeathed to him, and he was also appointed one of the executors. I believe this to be a different George Mabry, than Joseph Mabry's son of that name, because of the wording of the will. Possibly a brother. Children named in the will are sons George Washington and Joseph Alexander; and daughters Polly Parnett, Margaret Parlea, and Capernia. I suspect the girls have middle names and those were not their married names because of the 1840 census. Joseph A. Mabry does not say his children were minors but the census does indicate that - he did add a clause to provide for any child his wife might be pregnant with so she was certainly of child-bearing age. He also had a son by Sarah Ann Wells of Nashville, called James Ransom, that he directs his executors to provide for and educate.
George W. Mabry, William T. Givins, and James Cox were qualified as executors - bond was $150,000.
On 5 Jul 1837, Alcy Mabry filed her dissent to the will of Joseph A. Mabry.
The will was also filed in Tuscaloosa Co AL.
19 Oct 1838 - fifteen Negro slaves were sold for a total of $10,070. His estate inventory was presented to the Court as a bound book - no information is given in the court records.
The last page in the Estate Book 6, 1839, gives an accounting from Mabry's executors including numberous debts owing the estate, they believe to be uncollectable. There was a sale of perishable property on 24 Oct 1837, which netted $22,700. Land was sold for a total of $3475. The total value including cash on hand, notes, etc. was listed as just over $85,000.

The next estate book might very well have more information regarding the estate. There may be guardianship records regarding his children.

The 1830 census of Knox Co listed Joseph A. Mabry with a male child under 5, a male child between 5-10, and a male age 15-20, as well as himself, aged 30-40 [born between 1790 and 1800]. There are two girls under 5 and a female age 20-30. Since Joseph was no older than 40 in 1830, it seems unlikely that he was a son of the George Mabry, formerly of Edgecombe Co NC - he certainly could be a grandson.

The 1840 census of Knox Co has Alsey H. Mabry with 2 males age 15-20 that could be the two young boys from 1830. There is a female between 5-10 and two females between 10-15. Alsey appears to be age 40-50. The two boys and three girls match up nicely to the five children named in Joseph Mabry's will.

There is a George W. Mayberry, in Tennessee, of an age to have served as Executor of Joseph Mabry's will and about the same age as Joseph Mabry. He lived in Williamson Co in Middle Tennessee - there is no Lebanon in that county today that I can find. In 1840 he was age 40-50 with a spouse the same age and five children, most teenagers. In 1850, George W. Mayberry, age 49, born in Virginia, was still in Williamson Co, and only a girl Frances W., age 14, born TN, was living with him.


Death1801Knox County, Tennessee
MarriageMary [Mabry]


SpouseMary [Mabry] ( - )
ChildFrancis Maybury (1748 - 1818)
ChildJoshua Mabry (1750 - )
ChildJoseph Mabry ( - 1778)
ChildWinifred Mabry (1760 - 1810)
ChildGeorge Mabry (1763 - 1817)
FatherGEORGE Mabry (1691 - 1770)
MotherMARTHA Bradley ( - )
SiblingJoseph Mabry ( - 1778)
SiblingJohn Mabry ( - 1815)
SiblingISAAC Mabry (1727 - )
SiblingMartha Mabry ( - )
SiblingSusannah Mabry ( - )
SiblingBertha Mabry ( - )
SiblingJames Mabry (1739 - 1782)
SiblingLuisa Mabry ( - )
SiblingFrances Mabry (1745 - 1829)