Individual Details

Julia Ann Query

(Nov 17, 1851 - Mar 27, 1943)

Julia Ann Query and Francis William Huber ?f=image&guid=aaf270ac-ac24-487b-ace5-2c4a 160ffbfb&tid=21088376&pid=1 055569181 Julia Ann Query-Huber and friend Dolly Smith http://trees.a 271d441c&tid= 21088376&pid=1055569181 Julia Ann Query and Francis William Huber htt p:// 0a af9a06&tid=21088376&pid=1055569181 BIOGRAPHY: According to "The Query' s in America", Melba Haltom wrote: "They lived in many places includin g Morgan Township and Cloverdale, Illinois as a farmer. Julia Ann, li ke a lot of the Query's, was a great talker. Her daughter Alice Davis , who lived in Arkansas came back to take care of her in her last days . " Obituary: Julia Ann Huber was born November 17, 1851, near Atkins onville, Owen County, Indiana, and died at her home near Quincy, India na March 27, 1943, aged 91 years, 4 months, 10 days. She was one o f the 12 children born to Daniel and Susannah Cox Query and the last t o depart this life. When she was 16 years of age she united with Buck skin Methodist Church, later moving her membership to Millgrove M. E . church, where for many years, she was an active member. August 27, 1 868, she married Francis William Huber, who died in July 1949. They w ere the parents of 9 children, six of these children are yet living . They are Harve and Charles of Millgrove, Mrs. Alice Davis of Quinc y who for 8 years had made a home for her aged mother, Mrs. Hattie Smi th of Yellville, Arkansas, Mrs. Clara Mugg of Greencastle and Bert o f Fort Benjamin Harrison. There are 19 grandchildren and forty-seve n great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren. Her long lif e was almost wholly spent in Owen County where today many of the membe rs of this family are leaders in civic life. The world seems quite a n other place without the smile of mother's face, our thoughts go wond ering when daylight fades to the land of long ago. And merry paints t he scenes of old In the gold of the twilight glow, the years may wip e out many things But this they banish never - The memory of those hap py days when we were all together. Mrs. Alice Davis.


BirthNov 17, 1851Morgan, Owen, Indiana, United States
MarriageAug 27, 1868Owen, Indiana, United States - Francis William Huber
MarriageAug 27, 1868Owen County, Indiana, USA - Francis William Huber
Residence1870Flat Rock, Bartholomew, Indiana, United States
MarriageSep 1, 1870Jordan Village, Owen, Indiana, United States - Isaac Newton Lucas
Residence1900Jennings, Owen, Indiana
Residence1910Taylor, Owen, Indiana
Residence1920Taylor, Owen, Indiana
Residence1930Taylor, Owen, Indiana
DeathMar 27, 1943Quincy, Owen, Indiana, United States
DeathMar 27, 1943Owen County, Indiana, USA
BurialCarolina Cemetery, Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseIsaac Newton Lucas (1850 - 1944)
ChildRobert F Lucas (1887 - 1945)
SpouseFrancis William Huber (1850 - 1919)
ChildDaniel Harvey Huber (1870 - 1950)
ChildJohn H Huber (1872 - 1919)
ChildWilliam Huber (1875 - 1875)
ChildCharles Ross Huber (1878 - 1958)
ChildLaura Alice Huber (1881 - 1960)
ChildBertha Rosella Huber (1884 - 1885)
ChildHattie Florence Huber (1886 - 1959)
ChildClara E Huber (1889 - 1979)
ChildBert L Huber (1893 - 1970)
FatherDaniel Boone Query Sr. (1819 - 1901)
MotherSusannah Cox (1824 - 1913)
SiblingInfant Query (1841 - 1841)
SiblingMiles Query (1842 - 1929)
SiblingAndrew Jackson Query (1845 - 1880)
SiblingSolomon Query (1847 - 1921)
SiblingNancy J Query (1849 - 1906)
SiblingSusannah Query (1852 - 1939)
SiblingDaniel Boone Query Jr. (1856 - 1899)
SiblingElizabeth Ann Query (1859 - 1889)
SiblingElizabeth Ann Query (1859 - 1910)
SiblingEmmanuel Query (1861 - 1888)
SiblingMartha Jane Query (1864 - 1903)
SiblingNathan Asbury Query (1867 - 1921)
