Individual Details

Daniel Boone Query Sr.

(Mar 22, 1819 - Dec 17, 1901)

Biography; Daniel Boone Query, 1819-1901 f=document&guid=37f63ffb-1888-4064-926c-0 913513eb143&tid=21088376&pid =1055598914 Daniel Boone Query, 1819 - 1901 /rd?f=image&guid=ed0268d2-4967-4973-b75b-1e97 e6ce7dee&tid=21088376&pi d=1055598914 Site of Daniel Boone Query's Store http://trees.ancestry .com/rd?f=image&guid=9f4dc167-9557-4233-ac24-518a 4f6770a8&tid=2108837 6&pid=1055598914 Daniel Boone and Susanah Cox Query http://trees.ance 749b03b4&tid=210 88376&pid=1055598914 pleasantgrovecemowenIndiana http://trees.ancestr 5bd8bf30&tid=210883 76&pid=1055598914 Daniel Boone Query's Log Cabin, He built it, Owen C ounty, Indiana -4bf2-aafe-bd03 7eda411e&tid=21088376&pid=1055598914 Tombstone, Danie l Boone Query 4706-857b-dd6f 99318cb4&tid=21088376&pid=1055598914 Tombstone Danie l Boone Query, Closeup a0f-afdf-4dd0-b623-eb23 654b7ebc&tid=21088376&pid=1055598914 Daniel a nd Susannah a2-a32c-f36c 5b57ea2b&tid=21088376&pid=1055598914 Name Suffix:<NSFX& gt Sr. BIOGRAPHY: Daniel came to Bartholomew County, Indiana, from Har din County, Kentucky in 1833 with his parents, Solomon (1784 - 1863) a n d Elizabeth (1791 - 1866), and brother Harden (1824 - 1876). Afte r their marriage, Daniel and Susannah joined the United Brethren Churc h in 1842. They had a farm of 80 acres in section 2 of Flat Rock Towns hip in Bartholomew County that year, eventually owning 133 acres. On F ebruary 14, 1847, Daniel Query sold 90 acres and began a move west wit h his brother Hardin. Their intent was to go to California, but the y stopped in Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana. Daniel purchase d 100 acres there on January 1, 1848. It was the site of the town o f Atkinsonville, where he later owned a general store. Family traditi on says that he hauled his stock of goods overland from Louisville, Ke ntucky. Daniel enlisted in the Union Army, Jackson Township Militia , in 1862 along with son Miles and brother Harden. According to Arthu r C Query, "they lived in a two room log cabin on a hill west of Atkin sonville (the property is now a state forest preserve). Near the cabi n was Rattlesnale Creek. There was a spring at the foot of the hill a nd a cistern up near his house. Daniel's barn was across the road fro m the cabin." In 1862, Daniel and Susannah joined the Methodist Episc opal Church. Daniel taught Sunday School there and kissed everyone a s they came in ( "no doubt a holy kiss"). Daniel went blind 10 years b efore passing away, on December 17, 1901 at Atkinsonville. Although t hey owned over 400 acres at one time in Owen County, after Daniel's es tate was settled, only $70 was left for his heirs. Susannah died o n August 6, 1913 at Atkinsonville. Both are buried in the Pleasant Gr ove cemetery near that village, however she has no tombstone. Danie l and Susannah kept a log of their family's birth, deaths and marriage s in a family bible. According to Melba Huber Haltom in "The Query's i n America", Daniel would prepare a new bible, in very nice script, an d give it as a gift to each of his children upon their marriage. Copi es of pages from one of these bibles are available in "The Query's i n America" by Melba Huber Haltom. DEATH: Arthur Query relates this s tory that he got from his interviews with Clara Mugg. "Daniel had hi s knees drawn up and a sparrow flew in and landed on his knee a few da ys before he died. Mrs. Mugg also said Daniel claimed he heard music n ot long before he died."


BirthMar 22, 1819Hardin, Kentucky, United States
BirthMar 22, 1819Hardin County, Kentucky
MarriageDec 17, 1839Bartholomew, Indiana -
MarriageDec 17, 1839Bartholomew County, Indiana - Susannah Cox
Residence1880Morgan, Owen, Indiana, United States
DeathDec 17, 1901Morgan, Owen, Indiana, United States
DeathDec 17, 1901Owen County, Indiana, USA
BurialPleasant Grove Cemetery, Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana
Title (Nobility)Sr.


SpouseSusannah Cox (1824 - 1913)
ChildInfant Query (1841 - 1841)
ChildMiles Query (1842 - 1929)
ChildAndrew Jackson Query (1845 - 1880)
ChildSolomon Query (1847 - 1921)
ChildNancy J Query (1849 - 1906)
ChildJulia Ann Query (1851 - 1943)
ChildSusannah Query (1852 - 1939)
ChildDaniel Boone Query Jr. (1856 - 1899)
ChildElizabeth Ann Query (1859 - 1889)
ChildElizabeth Ann Query (1859 - 1910)
ChildEmmanuel Query (1861 - 1888)
ChildMartha Jane Query (1864 - 1903)
ChildNathan Asbury Query (1867 - 1921)
FatherSolomon Query (1784 - 1863)
MotherElizabeth Grass (1791 - 1866)
SiblingGeorge Washington Query Sr. (1812 - 1875)
SiblingHenry Query (1814 - 1894)
SiblingLetita Query (1817 - 1887)
SiblingHarden Query (1824 - 1876)
SiblingElizabeth Query (1827 - )
SiblingMary Anne Query (1833 - 1865)
