Individual Details

Miles Query

(Jul 2, 1842 - Dec 16, 1929)

BIOGRAPHY: Miles enlisted in 1862 and was a part of the Jackson Townsh ip (India na) Militia with father Daniel and Uncle Harden. It is sai d that he bought his way out of the Civil War by giving two mules t o the Union Army, a common pract ice of the time. From the "The Query 's in America", Melba Haltom wrote: "When I first heard of Miles, he l ived at Oakland in Cloverdale Township in Putnam Co unty. He farme d a place plus a portion of ground that belonged to the Northwes ter n Mutual Life Insurance Co. and formerly belonging to Wallace Dunkin . My Gr andfather purchased the Dunkin place about 1890 or 1891. H e (Miles) later move d to Southwest Cataract. He was pretty much o f a trader and had owned a number of places in that vicinity. Whe n I was a small child, he used to drive a one- horse hack up to visi t his son, Curt and family, who lived south of Wallace Jun ction. H e enjoyed going to the Quincy picnic and was always the first one t o g o from his neighborhood. I remember going to visit him and his wi fe with my gr andparents at his home just a few weeks before his death . They lived in a larg e two-story log house that faced north. I wa s impressed by his long flowing wh ite beard that came almost to his w aist. He was bedfast then." In a newspaper article dated July 13, 1 922 the headline read, "Octogenarian Celebration". Th e article read s in part, "Mr. Miles Query and Mrs. Eliza Query, natives of Owen Cou nty, together with their relatives unto the third generation, celebrat ed th eir birthday at their home near Buckskin, Indiana on July 1, 192 2, Mr. Query be ing eighty years old, and Mrs. Query being sixty-nin e years old. Mrs. Wm. Hube r of Quincy, and Mrs. Isaac Lucas of Jorda n, sisters of Mrs. Query, the only tw o living out of a family of 13 . Those present were Harry Sackett and family of five, Julia A. Hube r of Quincy, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller and Rube F. Miller of Jordan , Mrs. Emma Trefz of Indianapolis, Emory Kaiser and family of Patric k sburg, Thomas, John and Kenneth Query, Roy Query and wife and thre e children, E rnst Query, wife and child. Robert D. Query and wife, E dward Query, Ezra Query and family...A bountiful dinner was served fr om eleven till two, consisting of fried chicken, roast beef, salads o f all kinds, beets, beans, pies, cakes and many other things. Mr. an d Mrs. Query received many substantial presents, and after a pleasan t evening the guests departed wishing them many more such happy birthd ays." At Miles' burial, his casket was pulled to the Mt. Pleasant/Buc ksk in Cemetery on a wagon by two white mules that were named Caps an d Mollie.


BirthJul 2, 1842Bartholomew County, Indiana
MarriageFeb 12, 1861Owen County, Indiana, USA - Jincey Emeline Stevens
MarriageJan 2, 1908Owen County, Indiana, USA - Eliza A Wise
DeathDec 16, 1929Buckskin, Owen, Indiana
Alt nameMiles Querry
Unknownthe Civil War, Union Army, Jackson Township Militia, Owen County,
BurialMt. Pleasant Cemetery, Jennings Township, Owen County, Indiana
Event (I)the Civil War, Union Army, Jackson Township Militia, Owen County, Indiana. He enlisted in 1862.


SpouseJincey Emeline Stevens (1844 - 1906)
ChildHenry Edward Jackson Query (1862 - 1949)
ChildThomas Willard Miles Query (1865 - 1937)
ChildJames William Curtis Query (1869 - 1938)
ChildMary Ann Query (1876 - 1930)
ChildDaniel Boone Webster Query (1881 - 1947)
ChildRobert Dorsey Query (1884 - 1959)
SpouseEliza A Wise (1853 - 1938)
FatherDaniel Boone Query Sr. (1819 - 1901)
MotherSusannah Cox (1824 - 1913)
SiblingInfant Query (1841 - 1841)
SiblingAndrew Jackson Query (1845 - 1880)
SiblingSolomon Query (1847 - 1921)
SiblingNancy J Query (1849 - 1906)
SiblingJulia Ann Query (1851 - 1943)
SiblingSusannah Query (1852 - 1939)
SiblingDaniel Boone Query Jr. (1856 - 1899)
SiblingElizabeth Ann Query (1859 - 1889)
SiblingElizabeth Ann Query (1859 - 1910)
SiblingEmmanuel Query (1861 - 1888)
SiblingMartha Jane Query (1864 - 1903)
SiblingNathan Asbury Query (1867 - 1921)
