Individual Details
James William Curtis Query
(Feb 12, 1869 - Jan 21, 1938)
Nickname:<NICK> Curt BIOGRAPHY: Excerpt from "The Query's in Ameri ca" by Melba Haltom: "They lived in Wallace Junction near Quincy, Owe n County, where he wa s employed by the Monon Railroad when I first re member them, but had lived in O akland. He worked in the yards, clean ing the big steamers while they were laid up there. This entaile d a lot of crawling around inside the engine thus earni ng him the nic kname "Squirrelly". Needless to say, this was a very dirty job a s th e engines were fueled by coal. Emma and Minnie cooked for some of th e crew s and furnished bedrooms for them. They used to get their stap le groceries via the Monon to the depot at Wallace Junction (such ite ms as 100 lbs of prunes, o f navy beans, etc from Sears Roebuck & Co) . My folks furnished them one gallon of milk a day at 10 cents. Len a, their daughter, would come up every day abou t 1pm and we would pla y until about 4pm and then would round up the old cow and milk her, o ne of us on each side. She must have been a gentle old soul or she nev er would have permitted such doings. Lena would then be ready to go h ome to get ready for supper at 5 o'clock. They had an icebox, about t he only one in the neighborhood, and they could keep their milk swee t overnight, and ready to use over cereal in the morning. The cream w ould rise to the top and it would b e skimmed off and used for coffee . If the milk soured, she would use it for ma king biscuits as we cou ldn't run to the grocery store to purchase a loaf of bre ad any time w e wanted to in those days". Obituary: James William Curtis Quer ry o f Quincy, Indiana, beloved son of Miles and Jessie (Stevens) Querry, w as bo rn at Mt. Pleasant near Cataract, Indiana, on February 12, 1869 , and departed t his life January 21, 1938, at 11:58am at the age of 6 8 years, 11 months and 9 d ays. He was the third of a family of six c hildren, namely Henry Querry of Pola nd, Tom Querry, deceased, then Cu rtis Querry, Mollie Sacket, deceased, Fred Que rry of Cloverdale and R obert Querry of Sand Cut, Indiana. In 1894 he united wi th the Method ist Church at Mt. Pleasant and in 1920 he moved his membership to Mil l Grove Methodist Church, where he remained a faithful member until hi s deat h. As a Church and Sunday School worker he was very faithful , having been infl uential in organizing a Sunday School at Oakland, a nd a yearly basket dinner me eting on his farm there at Oakland. In li fe we knew him as a Christian man, bei ng Sunday School Superintendent , and always ready to offer prayer at service. At home he always sai d grace at the family table, and his place at that table w ill be grea tly missed. On January 1st. 1893 he was united in Holy matrimony t o Emma Ann Jones. To this union were born nine children, namely, Otti e, Minnie, Hazel, Ted, Edward, Mae, George, Claude and Lena. They al l learned to know hi m as Dad, and he was a devoted father to all of h is children. He was always re ady to give them advice and came to the ir assistance in case of need. Honesty was his password and we will s trive to continue those ideas. The community in which he lived, and t he associates that knew him, can testify as to these quali ties as h e took a man at his word, and like our Master he was of a forgiving d i sposition, never holding malice against anyone. He was an employe e of Monon ra ilroad for about 45 years and was a retired railroad ma n at his death, this bei ng his main occupation. He leaves many clos e friends on the Monon. Dad was th e first to break the family circle . Few families of eleven grow to manhood wit hout a bereavement and o nly Jesus can know the greatness of this loss in this l ife to us. H e leaves to mourn his departure a faithful and devoted wife, none chil dren, 21 grandchildren, other relatives and host of neighbors and frie nds.
Spouse | Emma Ann Jones (1875 - 1964) |
Child | Ottie B Query (1893 - 1961) |
Child | Minnie C Query (1896 - 1979) |
Child | Hazel O Query (1898 - 1969) |
Child | William Theodore Query Sr. (1900 - 1979) |
Child | Edward Miles Query (1903 - ) |
Child | Metta Maybelle Query (1905 - 1981) |
Child | George Wesley Query (1907 - 1982) |
Child | Claude Forest Query (1910 - 1974) |
Child | Mable Lena Query (1913 - 1990) |
Father | Miles Query (1842 - 1929) |
Mother | Jincey Emeline Stevens (1844 - 1906) |
Sibling | Henry Edward Jackson Query (1862 - 1949) |
Sibling | Thomas Willard Miles Query (1865 - 1937) |
Sibling | Mary Ann Query (1876 - 1930) |
Sibling | Daniel Boone Webster Query (1881 - 1947) |
Sibling | Robert Dorsey Query (1884 - 1959) |
1. Indiana Marriages, Owen County, Book 33, OSP: 167.
2. Death Record, Owen County, Book H-19, Page 45.
3. Combes Cemetery, Taylor Township, Owen County Indiana.