Individual Details

James William Curtis Query

(Feb 12, 1869 - Jan 21, 1938)

Nickname:<NICK> Curt BIOGRAPHY: Excerpt from "The Query's in Ameri ca" by Melba Haltom: "They lived in Wallace Junction near Quincy, Owe n County, where he wa s employed by the Monon Railroad when I first re member them, but had lived in O akland. He worked in the yards, clean ing the big steamers while they were laid up there. This entaile d a lot of crawling around inside the engine thus earni ng him the nic kname "Squirrelly". Needless to say, this was a very dirty job a s th e engines were fueled by coal. Emma and Minnie cooked for some of th e crew s and furnished bedrooms for them. They used to get their stap le groceries via the Monon to the depot at Wallace Junction (such ite ms as 100 lbs of prunes, o f navy beans, etc from Sears Roebuck & Co) . My folks furnished them one gallon of milk a day at 10 cents. Len a, their daughter, would come up every day abou t 1pm and we would pla y until about 4pm and then would round up the old cow and milk her, o ne of us on each side. She must have been a gentle old soul or she nev er would have permitted such doings. Lena would then be ready to go h ome to get ready for supper at 5 o'clock. They had an icebox, about t he only one in the neighborhood, and they could keep their milk swee t overnight, and ready to use over cereal in the morning. The cream w ould rise to the top and it would b e skimmed off and used for coffee . If the milk soured, she would use it for ma king biscuits as we cou ldn't run to the grocery store to purchase a loaf of bre ad any time w e wanted to in those days". Obituary: James William Curtis Quer ry o f Quincy, Indiana, beloved son of Miles and Jessie (Stevens) Querry, w as bo rn at Mt. Pleasant near Cataract, Indiana, on February 12, 1869 , and departed t his life January 21, 1938, at 11:58am at the age of 6 8 years, 11 months and 9 d ays. He was the third of a family of six c hildren, namely Henry Querry of Pola nd, Tom Querry, deceased, then Cu rtis Querry, Mollie Sacket, deceased, Fred Que rry of Cloverdale and R obert Querry of Sand Cut, Indiana. In 1894 he united wi th the Method ist Church at Mt. Pleasant and in 1920 he moved his membership to Mil l Grove Methodist Church, where he remained a faithful member until hi s deat h. As a Church and Sunday School worker he was very faithful , having been infl uential in organizing a Sunday School at Oakland, a nd a yearly basket dinner me eting on his farm there at Oakland. In li fe we knew him as a Christian man, bei ng Sunday School Superintendent , and always ready to offer prayer at service. At home he always sai d grace at the family table, and his place at that table w ill be grea tly missed. On January 1st. 1893 he was united in Holy matrimony t o Emma Ann Jones. To this union were born nine children, namely, Otti e, Minnie, Hazel, Ted, Edward, Mae, George, Claude and Lena. They al l learned to know hi m as Dad, and he was a devoted father to all of h is children. He was always re ady to give them advice and came to the ir assistance in case of need. Honesty was his password and we will s trive to continue those ideas. The community in which he lived, and t he associates that knew him, can testify as to these quali ties as h e took a man at his word, and like our Master he was of a forgiving d i sposition, never holding malice against anyone. He was an employe e of Monon ra ilroad for about 45 years and was a retired railroad ma n at his death, this bei ng his main occupation. He leaves many clos e friends on the Monon. Dad was th e first to break the family circle . Few families of eleven grow to manhood wit hout a bereavement and o nly Jesus can know the greatness of this loss in this l ife to us. H e leaves to mourn his departure a faithful and devoted wife, none chil dren, 21 grandchildren, other relatives and host of neighbors and frie nds.


BirthFeb 12, 1869Jordan Village, Owen, Indiana, USA
MarriageJan 1, 1893Owen County, Indiana, USA - Emma Ann Jones
DeathJan 21, 1938Wallace Junction, Owen, Indiana, USA
BurialCombes Cemetery, Taylor Township, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseEmma Ann Jones (1875 - 1964)
ChildOttie B Query (1893 - 1961)
ChildMinnie C Query (1896 - 1979)
ChildHazel O Query (1898 - 1969)
ChildWilliam Theodore Query Sr. (1900 - 1979)
ChildEdward Miles Query (1903 - )
ChildMetta Maybelle Query (1905 - 1981)
ChildGeorge Wesley Query (1907 - 1982)
ChildClaude Forest Query (1910 - 1974)
ChildMable Lena Query (1913 - 1990)
FatherMiles Query (1842 - 1929)
MotherJincey Emeline Stevens (1844 - 1906)
SiblingHenry Edward Jackson Query (1862 - 1949)
SiblingThomas Willard Miles Query (1865 - 1937)
SiblingMary Ann Query (1876 - 1930)
SiblingDaniel Boone Webster Query (1881 - 1947)
SiblingRobert Dorsey Query (1884 - 1959)
