Individual Details


(3 Nov 1734 - Abt 1785)

In 1771, Henry was a charter member of the Meherrin Baptist Church in Lunenburg Co VA. He resided in Mecklenburg Co VA in 1772 and before and in Orange Co in NC [probably before the area became Caswell Co.]

It has been suggested Henry served in the Revolution and, there was a Henry Williams who served as a private in Capt John Johnstone's Co., John Collin's Regt of the NC Militia, commanded by John Butler, Brig. Gen. He apparently served only one tour of duty and was discharged. There is a company pay roll card listing his service has 106 days, $20 subsistence per month and he was owed $176. Dates on the card listed his pay from 8 Sep 1780 - 22 Dec 1780. In 1781, Butler led the NC militia in the Battle of Guilford Courthouse - his men at that time said to be raised primarily from Orange Co. has a list of the payroll which agrees with the payroll card and no other Caswell Co men are recognized - by 1780, Henry was apparently living in Caswell Co. I would be very hesitant to assume this might be the same Henry Williams. No one has ever joined DAR on Henry's service or patriotism.

Caswell Co DB A
3 Mar 1779 State of NC grant #37 to Henry Williams, 127 acres on Stoney Crk adj his deeded land and claim of William Brown, Maxfield Hensley. Entry 65, 9 Jun 1778.
3 Mar 1779 NC Grant #66 to Henry Williams, 216 acres on branches of Shaws, Toms & Stoney Creeks adj William Brown, claims of Arthur Lovings, John Brothers. Chaincarriers: Wm. Brown, Geo Brooks Jun. [not sure who this might be - doesn't work out with known Georges] Entry 252, 4 Sep 1778.
3 Mar 1779 NC Grant #88 to William Brown. 500 acres both sides Harts Hillsborough Road, waters of Stoney Crk, Toms Crk, County Line Crk adj Henry Williams, Leonard Brown. Chaincarriers: Leonard Brown, George Barker, Jr.

Caswell DB A, p.196
1 Mar 1779 Reubin Estes to Henry Williams for 300£, 43 acres on Moon's Cr adj John Walker, being tract William Robinson purchased of John Walker & part of larger tract Walker purchase of Earl Granville on 20 Jan 1761. Wit: William Rice, Thomas Rice, John Graves.
Another 146 acres, south side of Moon's and part of same tract was sold by Estes to William Rice on 27 Feb of 1779, and one of the witnesses was Henry Williams. Henry's daughter Nancy did marry a William Rice but it's doubtful she old enough to be married in 1779 - possibly she married Rice's son of the same name.
p.197 - same date Reubin Estes to Henry Williams for 425£, 191 acres on Moon's Cr adj his own line, Runnals corner, land Wm Robinson purchased of Hugh Dobbins, part of tract Dobbins purchased of Earl Granville, 1760. Same witnesses.
p.204 27 Feb 1779 Rueben Estes to William Rice, 85 acres on south side Moon's Cr, part of tract Venerias Turner purchased of Earl Granville. Wit: James Barker, Henry Williams, Williams Gwyn.

NC grants to John & Maxfield Hensley on Stoney Cr, Cantrels Br, were both adj Henry Williams. DB A, p.250 & 251
DB A, p.306 23 Sep 1779 Power of Attorney from Isaac Denton to Henry Williams to make deed to Greenwood Payne for land on Country Line Cr adj Thos. Hart, John Jones, & John Lay

DB A, p.323 14 Mar 1780 John Henslee and Rachel his wife to Henry Williams for 600£, 640 acres on Stoney Cr, crossing Campbell's Br, claim of Cantrill. Wit: George Barker, William Mitchell, Maxfield Henslee

DB B., p.262 13 Oct 1783 State of NC, #596, to Henry Williams, 700 acres on Stoney and Country Line Creeks, adj claims of Henslee, Mitchell, Barker, and Kerr. [entry 728, made 17 Mar 1779]
On the same day, Alexander Kerr received a grant for 350 acres on Country Line Cr adj Henry Williams' old corner, John Rice's old corner and R. Estis.

I don't know if this is the same man or different Henry Williams? Certainly other members of his family lived in Granville Co.
NC land grant to Henry Williams. 620 acres Indian Fork of Little Island, Granville Co, Oct 1783, and 135 acres at Fork of Little Island at Barnett's line, Granville Co Oct. 1783.
[NC Land Grants: Bk 50, p.307-8]

TN Land Entries
#3985 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 308 to James Bryant heir of Ambrose Bryant deceased. 640 acres delivered to Henry Williams; 84 months; file #3; grant to Wm Holderness [Vol. 3, p.336] [for grant see file #206, Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud]
#3986 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 309 to John Emery. 640 acres delived to Henry Williams; 84 months; file #17. Grant to Wm Holderness [Vol. 3, p.336] [for grant see file #744 in Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud]
#3987 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 310 to Sgt James Summers, 857 acres delivered to Henry Williams; 72 months; file #3. Grant to James Summers. [for grant see file #207 in Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud] [Summers sold this grant to William Holderness; see disposition later.] [Vol. 3, p.336]
#3988 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 311. Sgt. Andrew Haddock, 429 acres delivered to Henry William; 36 months; file #3. Grant to Thomas Brooks. [see grant file #108 in Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud]
#3989 25 Nov 1783 Warrant 312 Cr.William Brooks, heir of Sgt. George Brooks, 1,000 acres delivered to Henry Williams; 84 months; file #13. Grant to Christopher William Brooks. [Vol 3, p.336] [for grant see file #104 in Davidson Co; warrant not mentioned in Glasgow land fraud]

[I don't know why these grants were all delived to Henry Williams - he's apparently the one who took them from the land office in Nashville.]
Caswell Co NC
Caswell DB B
7 Jul 1784 Henry Williams and wife Elizabeth to George Barker Sen. for 400£. 142 acres adj Alexr. Kerr, Thomas Hart, crossing Hart's Hillsborough Road. Wit: Charles Brooks, Alexander Kerr.
Deed to Alexander Kerr 7 Jul 1784. Henry Williams and Elizabeth his wife. 177a adjacent Williams & Kerr, George Barker. Wit: Charles Brookes, George ??

Caswell DB J, p.367
26 Nov 1793 [The elder Henry had been dead since 1785, and young Henry was probably a teen-ager] NC grant #1086 to Henry Williams. 100 acres on Nats Fork of Country Line Cr adj Barton.
The Entry #1184, for this grant, was made 1 Nov 1780 - a good example of how long it sometimes was between the entry and the actual grant.

Left will dated 20 Apr 1785; proved Jan Court 1786. Names wife Elizabeth and children; Daniel, Joseph - the land purchased from Henslee, Nathan - land purchased of Thomas Hart, Henry - McVier's old tract, Nancy Rice, Elizabeth Williams, Susannah Rice, Ursley Duke Peoples, Salley Brookes, Jane Williams; granddaughter Mary Slade, son-in-law, William Rice.
Executors: wife, son-in-law William Rice, son Daniel when he reaches age 21.
Wit: John Henslee, Wm. Brown, Thomas Rice
Caswell Co NC Will Books, 1777-1814; Katharine Kerr Kendall, 1979

Will of Henry Williams recorded in Caswell Co NC; WB B, p.92
In the Name of God Amen, I Henry Williams of the County of Caswell & the State of North Carolina being in perfect health thanks be to Almighty God for his _____ but taking into consideration the shortness and uncertainty of this transitory life & that it is appointed for all men once to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. That is to say, First and principally I commend my soul unto Almighty God my Creator assuredly believing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins and be saved by the precious death and merits of my Savior and Redeemer Christ Jesus -- Item, my desire first and last is that all my lawful debts be paid off -- Item, I give and bequeath to my ELDEST SON DANIEL WILLIAMS three hundred and forty acres of land, taken off the North side of the Tract of land I purchased from John Henslee by an East and West Line, and one Negro boy named Jacob and one Negro girl named Amy one feather bed and furniture, one gray horse, two cows and calves, & two Ewes and lambs and other household furniture Equal with Nancy Rice to him and his heirs forever -- Item, I give and bequeath to my SON JOSEPH WILLIAMS the other three hundred acres of land that I purchased of Henslee and also two hundred and sixteen acres adjacent thereto lying on the waters of Toms Creek and one Negro boy named James, One Negro girl named Dinah, one horse and saddle to the value of twenty pounds one feather bed & furniture two cows and calves, two Ewes and lambs and other house furniture Equal with Nancy Rice to him and his heirs forever -- Item, I give and bequeath to my SON NATHAN WILLIAMS a tract of land I purchased of Thomas Hart containing three hundred and fifty acres, one Negro boy named Tom and one Negro girl named Phoebe, one horse and saddle to the value of twenty pounds one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, two Ewes and lambs and other household furniture equal with Nancy Rice, to him and his heirs forever -- Item I give and bequeath to my SON HENRY WILLIAMS the tract of land whereon I now live called McKevis old tract at my wifes death or Intermarriage and also one hundred & twenty seven acres of land lying between where I now live and the land purchased from John Henslee, One Negro girl named Charlotte and one hundred pounds to purchase him a Negro fellow, one horse and saddle to the value of twenty pounds, one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves two Ewes and lambs and other household furniture Equal with Nancy Rice to him and his heirs forever -- I also give the remainder of my land lying on the waters of Country Line Creek to be equally divided between my FOUR SONS to support their other land with timber --Item, I give and bequeath to my DAUGHTER NANCY RICE one mare and saddle one feather bed and furniture two cows and calves two Ewes and lambs, half dozen pewter plates, two pewter basins - one pewter dish one iron pot, one iron skillet to her and her heirs forever, I also lend to my daughter Nancy Rice one Negro woman named Rachael and one Negro boy named Bob during her natural life and at her death they and their increase to be equally divided among the heirs of her body Lawfully begotten in wedlock -- Item. I given and bequeath to my DAUGHTER ELIZABETH WILLIAMS one mare named Bounce a woman's saddle, one feather bed and furniture two cows and calves two Ewes and lambs and other household furniture equal with Nancy Rice to her and her heirs forever. I also lend to my Elizabeth one Negro man named Sampson & fifty pounds during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided among the heirs of her body lawfully begotten in wedlock. Item, I give and bequeath to my DAUGHTER SUSANNAH RICE one bed and furniture, one mare & saddle, half dozen pewter plates, two pewter basins, one pewter dish one iron pot one iron skillet all which she has already received, and also two cows and calves two ewes and lambs to her and her heirs forever. I also lend to my daughter Susannah Rice one Negro girl named Rose and one Negro boy named Simon and twenty pounds during her natural life and at her death to be Equally divided and their increase among the heirs of her body lawfully begotten in Wedlock -- Item, I given and bequeath to my DAUGHTER URSLEY [Ursula] DUKE PEOPLES one feather bed and furniture one women's saddle half dozen pewter plates two pewter basins one pewter dish, one iron skillet all which she has already received. I likewise give her a mare colt that came out of Bounce & one iron pot two cows and calves two Ewes and lambs to her and her heirs forever, I also lend to my Daughter Ursley Duke Peoples one Negro boy named Peter and one Negro girl named Jean during her natural life and at her death they and their increase to be equally divided among the heirs of her body lawfully begotten in wedlock. Item I give and bequeath to my DAUGHTER SALLY BROOKES one feather bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever. I also lend to my Daughter Sally Brookes one Negro woman named Hannah and her child named Diza and a horse colt that came out of my Bounce mare and two cows during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided among the heirs of her body lawfully begotten in wedlock -- Item I give and bequeath to my DAUGHTER JANE WILLIAMS one horse and saddle to the value of twenty pounds one feather bed and furniture two cows and calves, to Ewes and lambs, and other household furniture equal with Nancy Rice - I also lend my Daughter Jane Williams one Negro man named Will and one Negro girl named Ester during her natural life, and at her death they and their increase to be equally divided among the heirs of her body lawfully begotten in Wedlock. Item, I lend to my beloved WIFE ELIZABETH WILLIAMS my Mannos plantation and all my slaves that is not mentioned in my former legacies and four work horses and all the remaining part of my stock of cattle, hogs and sheep and two beds and furniture and the remaining part kitchen furniture during her widowhood to maintain school the children upon -- But if she should intermarry I appoint that all my estate be taken out of her hands except five Negroes, To witt, Frank, Sall, Tammy, Sarah, and little Hannah, one feather bed and furniture which I lend her during her natural life and at her Decease to be equally divided between my sons and daughters and their heirs and my GRAND-DAUGHTER MARY SLADE and all the rest of my estate be it of what kind or quality so ever I appoint that it be sold and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided among my sons and daughters and also my grand-daughter Mary Slade or their heirs -- I also appoint that if my daughter Elizabeth should live longer than her mothers widowhood that at her intermarriage my daughter Elizabeth and her estate, I leave to be conducted by my SON-IN-LAW WILLIAM RICE and her Negro I leave to be equally divided with the other part of my estate that is divided -- Lastly I appoint my wife and my son-in-law William Rice and my son Daniel Williams at the arrival of twenty one years of age, whole and sole executors and executrix of this my last will and testament to be performed, in witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this twentieth day April One thousand seven hundred and eighty five.
Signed sealed published and declared in presence of Henry Williams
John Henslee
William Brown
Thomas Rice

This will was duly proven in open court by the oath of John Hembree and William Brown and ordered to be recorded. A.Murphy
WB B, p.92 Jan Court 1786

WB B, p.111
April Court 1786 Inventory of Henry Williams presented by Elizabeth Williams & William Rice.

WB B, p.217
January Court 1788 Estate of Henry Williams. Accounts paid to Donaldson & Stott of Petersburg, Charles Dixon, Lawrence Vanhook, Wyat Stubblefield, John Rice Sen., P. Williamson, Benjamin Hubbard, John Windsor, John McCully, Benj. Spencer, Edwd. Elam, Geo. Barker Sen., Lanslot Johnston, Empson Baird, James Gooch, Stephen Williamson. Expanses paid for carriage of tobacco to Petersburg - 5 lbs. 18 sh. Paid John McCulley for shoeing horses to carry tobacco, 1 lb. 9sh 6 p. 1786.
Additional accounts paid to Richard Oldham, John Herbin, John Rice, John Graves, Duncan Carmical, Joseph Patterson, Philip Vass, and Joel Rice.

WB B, p.256
Jan Court 1789 Sale of estate of Henry Williams by Elizabeth Williams, Wm Rice and Daniel Williams, exec. [it would seem that Daniel has now reached age 21]

Caswell Co NC; WB B, p.421
July Court 1791 The exec. of Henry Williams in acct. with Joseph Williams orphans. [must refer to children of Henry's brother Joseph]. 17 Jul 1791. Approved by David Hart, Lanslotte Johnston, James Williamson
WB C, p.143; Oct Court 1795. Letter of attorney. Sarah Williams, exec. of Joseph Williams late of Granville Co NC to Matthew Clay of Pittsylvania Co to collect and recover a Judgment obtained in Pittsylvania Co in May 1788 by Exec. of said Joseph Williams against Daniel Williams Junr and Elizabeth Williams, executors of Henry Williams dec'd who was exec. of James Williams dec'd, for the sum of 58£, or 345 #'s tobacco. 11 Sep 1795. Wit: Greaf Barksdale, Jno C Russell, John Dawson.

WB C, p.140
Oct Court 1795 Sale, estate of Henry Williams, 22 Sep 1795 by William Rice, exec. Buyers included William Rice [son in law - husband of Nancy], Richard Oldham [Ursula's husband?], Joseph Williams [son], David Gooch [son in law - husband of Jane], Elizabeth Williams [could be widow or daughter], Charles Brooks [son in law, married to Sally], Thomas Slade [son in law, married to Mary], Nathan Williams [son], James Yancey, William H. Rice [son in law married to Susannah].

Several deeds in Caswell DB P, p.326-327, 335-336 indicate that Henry Williams had warrant #1759 for western lands in Tennessee, 1580 acres on the west fork of Tombigby or Indian Crk adj David Craig. On 8 Nov 1808, the heirs of John Rice late of Tennessee sold their right of 500 acres for $500 to Nathan Williams. Solomon Debow was agent for the heirs and stated John Rice had a contract with Williams for 500 acres. The other deeds dated earlier, 12 Mar 1804, were from the siblings of Nathan, relinquishing their rights in this warrant as heirs of their father Henry Williams.
Earliest Tennessee Land Records by Griffey:
Henry Williams, File 8. 1000 acres, Maury County TN. Grant 23, 14 Jul 1812, Entry 1759 dated 30 Nov 1784. Book 126, p.435. Both sides Big TomBigby Creek. [not marked as a military grant]

Caswell Estate Files on Filed under the name of Nathan Williams although it is obviously not his estate. Jan Court 1814.
The amount of Sale made on the tenth day of March 1813.
Sold to Nathan Williams the Interest of Henry Williams, Dec'd one Thousand acres of land lying in the State of Tennessee, Murrey County on the Waters of big tom bigby or Indian creek for the Sum of one thousand Dollars. Elizabeth Williams, Executrix.

April Court 1816: A short Inventory of Estate of Henry Williams, dec'd, following an Inventory of the Estate of the widow, Elizabeth Williams. Nathan Williams, Administrator, 7 Apr 1816.
There is an accounting of the Sale of the estate of Elizabeth Williams, dec'd, held 12 Jan 1816. The Sale Bill for Henry Williams included about 20 slaves. [Will Book G, p.193]
Heirs-at-law of Henry Williams, all of Caswell, are given in the Jennings book, but there should have been others. Wm H. Rice in right of his former wife Susanna. William Rice in right of his former wife Nancy, dec'd. Charles Brooks in right of wife Sally. Elizabeth, Joseph and Henry, daughter & sons of Henry Williams.


Birth3 Nov 1734
DeathAbt 1785Caswell County, North Carolina


SpouseELIZABETH [WILLIAMS] ( - 1816)
ChildNancy Williams (1758 - 1793)
ChildMary Williams (1760 - 1782)
ChildSusannah Williams (1762 - 1795)
ChildUrsula Duke Williams (1763 - 1803)
ChildSARAH "SALLY" WILLIAMS (1765 - 1840)
ChildDaniel Williams (1766 - )
ChildElizabeth Williams ( - 1813)
ChildJane Williams (1770 - 1841)
ChildJoseph Williams (1775 - )
ChildNathan Williams (1776 - 1838)
ChildHenry Williams (1778 - 1819)
FatherDANIEL WILLIAMS (1710 - 1759)
MotherURSULA CLARK Henderson ( - )
SiblingMaria WILLIAMS (1733 - 1802)
SiblingJohn WILLIAMS (1737 - 1794)
SiblingCol. James Henderson WILLIAMS (1740 - 1780)
SiblingJoseph WILLIAMS (1742 - 1773)
SiblingMary WILLIAMS (1743 - 1824)
SiblingDaniel WILLIAMS (1747 - )
