Individual Details


(30 May 1743 - Abt 1824)

Mary married Isaac Mitchell.
She may have remarried after his death. The will of Mary Satterwhite, dated 2 March 1820, names sons John & James Mitchell as heirs and executors. Laurens Co, SC. also named were daughters Martha Hill and Sarah Whitlow and a granddaughter, Mary Hill.
James Mitchell appointed executor 4 Dec 1824.
Inventory of her estate dated 12 Dec 1824 - same day as Sale. Buyers included Isaac Mitchell. Wm. W. Simpson bought a Negro woman & 3 children for $964.

Isaac Mitchell left will in Abbeville, [SC] 1789, naming his wife Mary executrix, and Nathan Sims, Robert Pollard, Richard Pollard, and son Isaac (minor) executors. Daughters Ursula, Catherine, Mary, and Sarah (married Whitlow), "other sons," and "all my children" are mentioned in will. Existing estate papers name other children William, Daniel, James, John (got family Bible), Martha (married Hill), and possibly Elisha. Old Isaac's widow Mary married John Satterwhite. Some of the Mitchell family moved to Laurens, [SC]and Mary Satterwhite left will in Laurens, 1824. Source -


Birth30 May 1743
DeathAbt 1824Laurens County, South Carolina


FatherDANIEL WILLIAMS (1710 - 1759)
MotherURSULA CLARK Henderson ( - )
SiblingMaria WILLIAMS (1733 - 1802)
SiblingHENRY WILLIAMS (1734 - 1785)
SiblingJohn WILLIAMS (1737 - 1794)
SiblingCol. James Henderson WILLIAMS (1740 - 1780)
SiblingJoseph WILLIAMS (1742 - 1773)
SiblingDaniel WILLIAMS (1747 - )
