Individual Details
Nathan Williams
(26 Dec 1776 - 24 Jun 1838)
Nathan was born either Orange Co NC or Lunenburg Co VA.
He married Frances McNeilll, probably a sister to Hosea McNeill.
15 Jun 1821, Caswell Co NC. Nathan Williams of Rutherford County, TN, appoints Hosea McNeill of Caswell Co his power of attorney to secure legacy in right of his wife Frances from the estates of Thomas McNeill, Dec'd or Ann McNeill, Dec'd. of Person County, NC.
There were also two Nathaniel Williams, father and son, creating records in Caswell, although they lived at times in Rockingham Co. In one instance, I believe this Nathan was recorded as Nathl and at times the Nathaniel's were recorded as Nathan. That makes it difficult to sort out the records, unless locations or witnesses provide additional clues.
Caswell DB L, p.196
3 Oct 1795 Daniel Williams to Elisabeth Williams, 100 acres on Roley's Fork adj Joseph Williams & Nathl Williams. Wit: Charles Brookes, David Gooch.
p.133 24 Apr 1799
John Payne of Rockingham to Nathan Williams of Caswell for $500, negro man Daniel. Wit: David Henslee
p.265 27 May 1800
Joel Leath to Nathan Williams of Caswell, 124 acres adj Dudley Ballard, Benjamin Kidd, Moses Oldham, Anthony Swift. Wit: James Mallery, John Johnson
p.277 2 Jun 1800
Dudley Ballard to Nathan Williams, 47 3/10 acres on Stoney Cr adj Bondville Brown. Wit: Joseph Carter, Malon Stacey
1800 Census. Hillsboro, Caswell Co NC
Nathan Williams: 1m under 10, 1m 16-26. 1f under 10, 1f 16-26
Caswell DB M, p.342
8 Sep 1802 Nathan Williams to Jesse Payne, 150 acres on Toms Cr being entry of 150 acres granted Leonard Lanham by the State on 18 May 1789, on Hillsborough Rd adj Clifton Allen now Robert Brown, Zachariah Tait, Aldridge line, Richard Allen. Wit: David Hensle, Joseph Howell.
Nathan's father Henry had land on Toms Creek
Caswell DB N, p.83
25 Oct 1803 Jesse Payne to Nathan Williams, 150 acres on Thoms Cr being tract granted to Lanham [see deed above]. Wit: Jos. Anthony, James Mitchell
21 Dec 1803 Nathan Williams to Thomas Loyd, 150 acres on Thom's Cr of Stoney Cr of Haw R, tract entered by Lanham, etc. Wit: William Brown, George Shelton
In August 1803, one of the Nathan Williams purchased two slaves. The man Peter for $1000 from Zephaniah Tate, and the girl Ann for $300 from Richard Jones. Caswell DB N, p.202.
In Sep of 1804, Nathan Williams sold Peter back to Zephaniah Tate for $1060.
Caswell DB O, p.256
28 Sep 1805 Nathan Williams of Caswell to James Vaughan of same for $350, 175 acres on Country Line Cr. Wit: Robert Martin, Joseph Walker
Caswell DB P, p.190
24 Oct 1806 Howell Massey to Nathan Williams for 200£, 185 2/3 acres whereon Massy lives which he purchased of John Watlington, John Scoggings, Jeremiah Buch, Zachariah Hasting, James Ray, all now bounded by Benjamin Lane, Cuthbert King, Jeremiah Bush, legatees of David Hart. Wit: Jesse Payne, James Vaughan
p.226 25 Mar 1806
Nathan Williams to William Walker for $60, 90 acres on south fork of Country Line Cr adj Goforth old corner, Simmons, Moore, Brown. Wit: Alex Kerr, Edmumd Hearndon
Grant was recorded after the fact on p.294
Entered 19 Jul 1798. 18 Dec 1799
State of NC grant #1154 to Nathan Williams, 90 acres, south fork of Country Line Cr adj old corner, Simmons, Moore, Brown.
The following deeds were all recorded in DB P, but dated 12 Mar 1804, involving a warrant granted Nathan's father Henry in Tennessee and apparently giving Nathan title to the land.
p.325 William H. Rice for $10 pd by Nathan Williams, relinquished all right and interest in land warrant granted Henry Williams, #1759, in John Anthony's office for 1500 acres. Said warrant is in the hand of Thomas Dalton of Tennesse & Nathan Williams of Caswell, he being entitled to same in consequence of former wife Susannah, an heir of Henry Williams. Wit: Henry Williams [brother of Nathan & Susannah who witnessed all the deeds except his own]
p.326 Charles Brooks relinquished for $10. This deed and the following one state the deed was issued by John Armstrong, not Anthony. Brooks interest in right of Sally, heir of Henry Williams.
p.326 William Rice relinquished for $10 in right of former wife Nancey, heir of Henry.
p.326 Elizabeth Williams reliquished her interest in land granted to Henry Williams, her father.
p.327 Joseph Williams of Madison Co KY relinquished for $10
p.327 Henry Williams reliquished claim to land granted his father Henry Williams for $10. Wit: Williams Rice
Caswell DB P, p.335
8 Nov 1808 Articles of agreement between Solomon Debow and Nathan Williams. Whereas Henry Williams, father of Nathan, entered land in John Armstrong's office for western lands now in TN, 1580 acres on the west fork of Donbigby [Tombigbee?] or indian Cr adj David Craig, warrant #1759. John Rice, late of Tennessee was justly entitled to 1/3 of the entry by contract with Williams for 500 acres. Solomon Debow is the legal agent for heirs of John Rice dec'd [probably his siblings]. For $500, Debow sold the 500 acres to Nathan Williams and agreed to identify location of the land within two years. Wit: W. Gooch Sen., Geo. Williamson Jun.
Nathan is also mentioned in the will of Charles B. Brooks as his brother-in-law.
Caswell DB Q, p.233
15 Jul 1808 Nathan Williams to Christopher Wm Brooks for 200£, between 185 & 200 acres purchased of Howell Massey where Massey lives adj Benjamin Lane, Cuthbert King, Jeremiah Bush, David Hart, legatees. Wit: Henry Williams, Jesse Payne.
1810 Caswell Co Census. Nathan Williams. 1m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 26-45.
3f -10, 2f 10-16, 1f 26-45.
Caswell DB Q, p.477
13 Jul 1812 Aaron Simpson to Nathan Williams of Caswell, 49 1/2 acres on Stoney Cr in Orange Co adj Rodger Simpson, Azariah Graves, Williams, Ack.
Caswell DB R, p.7
27 Feb 1811 Nathan Williams of Caswell to John Simmons for $1050, 234 acres on Stoney Cr adj Thos. Foster, John Anderson, John Henslee. Wit: John Penix, John Henslee.
p.112 15 Mar 1811 Aaron Simpson to Nathan Williams for $562.50, 152 acres in Caswell and Orange Counties, west side Stoney Cr to Williams mill, adj John Barker, John Garner, Roger Simpson. wit: Mahlon Stacie, Wm. V. Brown
Caswell Estate Files on Filed under the name of Nathan Williams although it is obviously not his estate. Jan Court 1814.
The amount of Sale made on the tenth day of March 1813.
Sold to Nathan Williams the Interest of Henry Williams, Dec'd one Thousand acres of land lying in the State of Tennessee, Murrey (sic - would be Maury) County on the Waters of big tom bigby or Indian creek for the Sum of one thousand Dollars. Elizabeth Williams, Executrix.
Here was the grant to Henry Williams:
Henry Williams, File 8. 1000 acres, Maury County TN. Grant 23, 14 Jul 1812, Entry 1759 dated 30 Nov 1784. Book 126, p.435. Both sides Big TomBigby Creek. [not marked as a military grant]
Caswell DB R, p.444-5
22 Oct 1816
Power of Attorney. Ezekiel Jones of Montgomery Co TN to Nathan Williams of Caswell to demand and recover from Richard Jones of Caswell, executor of John Jones dec'd all monies due him. Wit: Thomas Williamson, Anthony Williamson.
Caswell DB S, p.248
2 Apr 1818 State of NC Grant #1239 To George Williamson, 200 acres on Country Line Cr adj heirs of John Kerr dec'd, Thomas Slade, Henry Williams, Robert Mitchell, Rice old line, Nathan Williams.
Caswell DB S, p.283
2 Oct 1816 James Bird to Nathan Williams for $712, 178 acres both sides of a fork of the south fork of County Line Cr adj Edmund Browning. Wit: Drury Pinson, Thomas Shanks
Caswell DB S, p.272
9 Oct 1818 Nathan Williams to Joseph King for $700. 178 acres both sides of a fork of the South fork Country Line Cr adj Enoch, Edmund Browning. Wit: Henry Williams, John Pinson.
All from Caswell DB T, p.34
27 Jan 1819 Joseph King to Nathan Williams, 178 acres on fork of the south fork of Country Line Cr adj Enoch, Edmund Browning. Wit: Hosea McNeill, Jas Love
[James Bird sold to Nathan, Nathan sold to Joseph King who then sold the same tract back to Nathan....]
p.47 7 Nov 1818 Nathan Williams to Williams Smith Sen., both of Caswell for $150, 50 acres on Country Line Cr adj Barton, crossing road from Williamson Store to Brown Store. Wit: Drury Pinson, Thomas Garner. [This land bought at public auction on 11 May 1818 - that deed recorded later]
p.50 12 Apr 1819 Nathan Williams to Benjamin Fielder both of Caswell for $1000, 201 1/2 acres on Stoney Cr in Caswell & Orange Cos. adj John Barker, Garner, Roger Simpson. Wit: Freeman Leath, Richard Jones
p.60 9 Apr 1819 Nathan Williams to William Hall of Orange Co for $1000, 178 acres both side the south fork of Country Line Crk adj Enoch, Edmund Browning. Wit: ____Williams, ____ Courts
p.62 28 Apr 1815 Nathan Williams to James Haden, both of Caswell for 125£, 118 1/2 acres adj Dudley Ballard old corner, Benjamin Kidd old line, Moses Oldham old line, Anthony Swift. Wit: John Henslee, Coleman Leath [Purchased in 1800 from Joel Leath]
p.65 11 May 1818 John Kinebrew to Nathan Williams, by virtue of deed of trust by Howell Massey dec'd. Public auction sale, 75 acres on Country Line Cr for $225 and 50 acres crossing the road Williamson Store to Brown Store for $81.
p.129 25 Sep 1819 David Buchanan of Surry Co NC, executor of the last will of Andrew Ballard, dec'd, late of Surry, to Nathan Williams of Caswell for $171.29, Warrant #5094 in Missouri Territory, 160 acres given by act of Congress for military bounties [War of 1812]. Wit: Thomas Williamson, Anthony Williamson
Caswell DB T, p.129
25 Sep 1819 David Buchanan of Surry Co NC, exec. of last will of Andrew Ballard, dec'd, late of Surry Co., to Nathan Williams for $171.29. Warrant #5094 in Missouri Territory, 160 acres, given by act of Congress for military bounties. Wit: Thomas Williamson, Anthony Williamson
[Probably bounty land for the War of 1812 - most of it was in Missouri]
p.183 5 Oct 1819 Nathan Williams of Caswell to Sterling Ruffin of Rockingham, for $7614. Two tracts. 851.8 acres adj Henry Williams, James Shapard line to Rawley Fork Cr, Hargrave old line, Simmons, Barton, John Mitchell, John Anderson. 100 acres, adj lands of Daniel Williams now owned by heirs of Elizabeth Williams dec'd [his mother]. Wit: James Wilder, Hosea McNeil
[Nathan's brother Henry sold land to Ruffin on the same day.]
In 1836, Caswell DB DD, p.272 shows that Thomas Ruffin of Orange Co sold this 851.8 acres, one of three tracts, to James Miles of Caswell. The grave mentions a graveyard where Ruffin's father and mother are interred. It also states that the 851.8 acres was conveyed by Nathan Williams to Sterling Ruffin and another tract of 507 acres conveyed by Henry Williams.
Caswell DB T, p.323
12 Jun 1810 [I suspect the date is an error; it's among deeds dated 1818-1820]
Christopher W. Brooks to Elijah Barton for $375, about 185-200 acres which he purchased of Nathan Williams where Howell Massey lives and was purchased of Massey who purchased it from John Watlington, John Scoggins, Jeremiah Bush, Zachariah Hastins, James Ray. Adj Benjamin Lane, Cuthbert King, Davis Hart's legatees. Wit: Nathan Sims, Burnley Barker.
See DB Q, p.233 for the purchase
Caswell DB U, p.62
15 Jan 1822 Sarah [Sally] Brooks to Edmund McCubbins. 3 undivided lots, former property of Elizabeth Williams dec'd on Brown Cr. 2 of which she purchased of Joseph Williams and Nathan Williams and 1 lot her part of 100 acres belonging to her mother. Wit: Rob Holderness, Wm Marony
Caswell DB U, p.96
22 Sep 1819 Nathan Williams to Pleasant Rudd, 34.4 acres on Country Line Crk being part of land of Joseph Bush dec'd adj Richard Martin. Mary Bush, widow, has a dower on such land as long as she lives. Wit: Edmund Herndon, Christopher Brooks.
DB U, p.361
21 Feb 1818 Adam Simmons of Wilson Co TN to Nathan Williams of Caswell [Simmons in debt to Thomas Turner of Caswell for $1647.50 and wishes to secure same]. 627 acres in Rutherford & Wilson Counties, TN, adj William Bow, James Sanders, William Donoho, John G. Murphy. If debt unpaid by 21 Feb 1821, same to be sold. Wit: James Yancey, W. Slade Jr. Proved Superior Court 13 May 1824.
Caswell DB V, p.140
22 Jul 1819 Thomas Shanks to Swift Williamson for bond given on negroes with Nathan Williams & Thomas Williamson sureties. Hanner, Pheby, Moses & Latter. Bond against Shanks by Davis. Wit: Anthony Williamson, R. R. Prather
DB V, p.350
27 Sep 1820 John Simmons of Orange Co to John Page for $1055, 235 acres on Stoney Cr adj Thomas Foster, John Anderson, Nathan Williams old line, John Henslee. Wit: Anthony Foster, Colby Foster
Caswell DB X, p.40 [Registered 28 Nov 1826 - years after the fact]
25 Sep 1819 Elizabeth Kimbro of Rutherford Co TN, power of attorney to Nathan Williams of Caswell to demand and receive her part from the estate of William Gooch Senr dec'd and make sale as he sees fit. [Elizabeth was the daughter of William Gooch]
Soon after Nathan received the PofA from Elizabeth Kimbro, he must have departed for Rutherford Co himself.
1820 Census. Rutherford Co TN
Nathan Williams: 2m under 10, 2m 16-26, 1m 26-45. 2f under 10, 3f 16-26, 1f 26-45, 1f over 45. numerous slaves
15 Jun 1821 Nathan Williams of Rutherford Co TN appointed Hosea McNeil of Caswell Co NC, attorney, to recover from the estate of Thomas McNeil, decd. or Ann McNeil, dec'd, late of Person Co NC - legacy in right of his wife Frances. From: NC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY JOURNAL, V. 8, p.33 "Migrations As Shown in Powers of Attorney" by Ransom McBride.
Caswell WB I, p.35; Oct Court 1821
I'm sure there were other children of Nathan & Frances. The Jennings book states that in late 1819, early 1820, daughter Elizabeth and her husband Jennings Courts, went from North Carolina to Rutherford Co TN. After a few years they went on to Henry Co TN, where both families lived and died. There is a Nathan Williams Family cemetery about 11 miles northeast of Paris, Henry Co TN. There are marked graves for J. H. and Eliza G. Courts and several of their children. Nathan & Frances are also buried in this cemetery.
FindAGrave shows other children, but it also has an extra wife that's not possible given that this Nathan married Frances McNeill in 1796 and she outlived him as shown by the 1840 census. He could not have had these children by a woman named Rebecca Jackson, during the same years he was having children by Frances. Locations are also not the same. Apparently men of the same name have been confused. I will list these supposed children in hopes someone has additional information:
Sarah "Sally", b. 1810, Caswell, married William Harrison "Boss" Guinn in Franklin Co TN about 1835, maybe died in Arkansas - I very much doubt she belongs to this Nathan
Thomas Jefferson Williams, b. 4 Jun 1811, Franklin Co TN, d. 15 Feb 1865, Conway Co, AR - pictured in a Civil War uniform; buried in AR. 1850 Census - he was in Conway Co, b. Tn abt 1809, wife Margaret and 10 children - the last four born in AR since 1843. A son is named Nathan, but no other names typical of this Williams family are present.
Julia Ann Williams, b. 12 Jun 1827, Franklin, TN, d. 7 Jul 1900, Conway, AR. Married William McCoy, 19 Mar 1848 in Pope Co, AR
There was no Nathan Williams in Henry Co TN in 1830. However, there was one in Franklin Co which had been formed from part of Rutherford Co and he was the approximate age:
Nathan Williams: 1m 5-10, 2m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 50-60 [Nathan would have been about 54] 2f -5, 1f 20-30, 1f 40-50. [he might have had a grown daughter living with him with young children] Slaves did not appear to have been counted by this enumerator. I believe this is NOT the same Nathan, but a Nathan Williams reported to have married a Rebecca Jackson about 1809 - as above. These two families have been co-mingled on both FindAGrave and on FamilySearch.
Undoubedtly this is the widow:
1840 Census. Henry Co TN
Frances Williams: 1m age 20-30. 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40, 1f 50-60. numerous slaves.
I found reference to a book that lists the children of Nathan & Frances, and have added them along with those I was able to prove.
Thomas McNeill of Caswell County, North Carolina, His Forebears & Descendants, Ben L. Rose (1984)
Found online at Genealogial Publications of The Mississippi Genealogical Socity, Vol. 9 Sep 1962 Cemetery & Bible Records, p.40-42 Williams-Courts Bible
This Bible was in possession of James C. Courts of Washington, DC, but lost - dates preserved in his papers.
Nathan Williams was born Dec 29, 1776
Frances McNeil was born October 19th 1781
Nathan Williams and Frances McNeill was married November 24th, 1796
Sarah Williams was born December 11, 1797
John Mc. Williams, was born August 28th, 1799
Susanna Williams was born April 6th, 1801
Elizabeth G. Williams was born March 20th, 1803
Anness L. Williams, was born February 20th, 1805
Franklin Williams was born October 15th 1807
Eunice R. Williams was born August 8th, 1809
Henry L. Williams was born October 8th, 1811
Robert Williams was born December 28th, 1813
Frances Mc. Williams was born February 7th, 1819
Hosea Mc. Williams, was born May 17th 1822
Ibby Malvina Williams was born August 31, 1824
Willams Henry Barksdale was born February 19, 1827 (grandson, son of Susanna)
Deaths and marriage also included and have been reproduced in the individual entries.
In the Bible:
Nathan Williams Senr, departed this life on the 24th of June 1838 in the 62 year of his Age. Being a Member of the Christian Congregation for thirty six year.
Will of Nathan Williams, Henry Co TN WB D, p.236-238
William of Henry County, Tennessee. Debts to be paid. Beloved wife Frances, six slaves: Jacob, his wife Peggy, old Luke, his wife Rachel, Arurline and Stephen and five hundred dollars to dispose of as she thinks proper.
To son Nathan, three slaves: Octer the blacksmith, Mark and Caolina, bed & furniture, hors and saddle worth $125, tract of land purchased of Samuel Cooney, 239 acres, when he arrives to the age of 21 years or marries
To daughter Elizabeth Williams, four slaves: young Ned, Mary, Nelson, and Martha, bed & furniture, horse & saddle worth $125 and $1000 to be delivered to her when she arrives to the age of 21 or marries.
To Sarah Rice that now lives with me, $200 when she removes her board from the family
To grandson, William Barksdale, $500 in cash if lives to arrive at the age of 21 years, to be delivered to him at age 21.
The two named children, Nathan & Isabella Barsdale to be raised and supported without any charge against them, William to be educated, sufficient for the mercantile business out of my estate free from any charge against him
In May of 1836, I purchased of William B. Goodman, a negro woman slave, Mariah which I left with him for use of my daughter Sarah. I now leave with with my daughter Sarah Goodman, said Mariah during her natural life and at her death, Mariah and her increase to the children of Sarah Goodman.
I have provided before for all my children that has married and left me and now by this will provide for those that live with me. Leave to beloved wife, Frances, all the balance of my estate during her widowhood. She is authorized to make a division of any part at any time she think proper so to the equal between all my now living children except Sarah Goodman.
If my wife should married then all my estate to be taken out of her possession except the land which I purchased of William T. King which is to remain hers. The balance to be equally divided between my living children except Sarah Goodman whose part is to be disposed of as directed. At my wife's death, whether she marries or not, the premises purchased of William T. King to be sold and the proceeds divided among all my living children. The plantation and land whereon Nancy Rice now lives will belong to my estate - she is to remain in peaceful possession of the same during her natural life and at her death to be sold and divided.
About the 8th of March 1833, Henry L. Williams, my son, executed his last will leaving myself his only heir returning everything from whence it came. I did not deem it necessary to record said will. Should any of my children or heirs take any exception or make attempt to get any part of the said Henry L. Williams, as his, I do hereby cut them off and exclude them from any port of my estate other than what they now have.
I authorize my executors to make titles to any land I have sold in Rutherford County or elsewhere
I appoint my son-in-law Jennings H. Courts, my son Nathan as soon as her arrives of age, and wife Rances and executors and executrix.
2 Oct 1837 Signed: Nathan Williams
Wit: S. Copeland, John F. Jackson
Birth | 26 Dec 1776 | Orange County, North Carolina | |||
Marriage | 14 Nov 1796 | Person County, North Carolina - Frances McNeill | |||
Death | 24 Jun 1838 | Henry County, Tennessee | |||
Burial | Williams Cemetery, Henry County, Tennessee |
Spouse | Frances McNeill (1781 - 1843) |
Child | Sarah Williams (1797 - ) |
Child | John McNeil Williams (1799 - 1863) |
Child | Susanna Williams (1801 - 1830) |
Child | Elizabeth G. Williams (1803 - 1862) |
Child | Anness Lea Williams (1805 - 1855) |
Child | Franklin Williams (1807 - 1814) |
Child | Eunice Rose Williams (1809 - ) |
Child | Henry L. Williams (1811 - 1833) |
Child | Robert Williams (1813 - 1815) |
Child | Frances McNeil Williams (1816 - 1829) |
Child | Nathan Williams (1819 - 1842) |
Child | Hosea McNeil Williams (1822 - 1837) |
Child | Isabella Malvina Williams (1824 - 1858) |
Father | HENRY WILLIAMS (1734 - 1785) |
Mother | ELIZABETH [WILLIAMS] ( - 1816) |
Sibling | Nancy Williams (1758 - 1793) |
Sibling | Mary Williams (1760 - 1782) |
Sibling | Susannah Williams (1762 - 1795) |
Sibling | Ursula Duke Williams (1763 - 1803) |
Sibling | SARAH "SALLY" WILLIAMS (1765 - 1840) |
Sibling | Daniel Williams (1766 - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Williams ( - 1813) |
Sibling | Jane Williams (1770 - 1841) |
Sibling | Joseph Williams (1775 - ) |
Sibling | Henry Williams (1778 - 1819) |
1. Rootsweb or USGenWeb Online Sources
2. Compiler, W. Leigh Brookes., Correspondence, documents, family group sheets..
3. Rootsweb or USGenWeb Online Sources
4. Rootsweb or USGenWeb Online Sources
5. Find A Grave, Jim Tipton, Founder, online [], , Memorial# 32143426.