Individual Details
( - Bef Apr 1816)
I have seen the Elizabeth was Elizabeth Gooch Duke, daughter of John Duke and Sarah Peale possibly related to the Gooch family. Certainly the Williams, Gooch and Rice families were all closely entwined in Caswell Co. However, no marriage record has been discovered.
Caswell Co NC Jan Court 1794, WB C, p.143
Power of Attorney. Sarah Williams, exec of Joseph Williams late of Granville Co NC, to Matthew Clay of Pittsylvania Co VA, to collect and recover a judgment obtained in Pittsylvania, May 1788, by the Exec. of said Joseph Williams, against Daniel Williams Jr. and Elizabeth Williams, exec. of Henry Williams, dec'd, who was exec. of James Williams, dec'd. for the sum of 58#'s which is 345 lb. tobacco.
11 Sep 1795. Wit: Greaf Barksdale, John C. Russell, John Dawson.
1800 Census. Hillsboro, Caswell Co NC [next to son Henry and near Nathan]
Elizabeth Williams: 1f under 10, 1f 16-26, 1f 26-45, 1f over 45.
Two Elizabeth Williams are in the 1810 Caswell Co NC Census, p.55. One has 1f age 16-26, and 2 females, over age 45. 19 slaves. [The daughters were long since marriageable age - daughter Elizabeth may never have married - see estate data later - and she is likely one of the females other than Elizabeth.]
Another Elizabeth Williams has a notation (of Jno.) after her name. She was 1m 26-45 and 1f over 45; 20 slaves.
I would assume the first to be Henry's widow. The second likely Elizabeth Williamson Williams, the widow of Col. John Williams, a cousin of Henry's who had died in Caswell Co in 1805.
Caswell Estate Files on Filed under the name of Nathan Williams although it is obviously not his estate. Jan Court 1814.
The amount of Sale made on the tenth day of March 1813.
Sold to Nathan Williams the Interest of Henry Williams, Dec'd one Thousand acres of land lying in the State of Tennessee, Murrey County on the Waters of big tom bigby or Indian creek for the Sum of one thousand Dollars. Elizabeth Williams, Executrix.
Elizabeth probably died late in the year 1815. April Court 1816: Inventory of Estates of both Henry and his widow Elizabeth Williams by Nathan Williams, Adm. 7 Apr 1816. [Likely filed with Henry's estate papers.]
Caswell WB G, p.168, 170.
Elizabeth's inventory included bonds on George Brooks, Susanna Rice, Henry Williams, and Benjamin Spencer [noted as doubtful of collection]
There are apparently two Elizabeth Williams that died in Caswell County and their estate files have been mistakenly combined at the North Carolina Archives. The first paper is an Administrators Bond, 10 Jan 1814, granting Administration of the estate of Elizabeth Williams to Nathan Williams in the sum of 400£. Securities were John Henslee and Quinton Anderson. Nathan returned the Inventory to the Jan Court, 1814, apparently taken on 15 Oct 1813. The inventory included two Negro men, Sampson and Jacob. Elizabeth's father had given her Sampson in his Will in 1785, and she was not then married, though sisters mentioned in the will were already wed.
Item. I given and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Williams one mare named Bounce a woman's saddle, one feather bed and furniture two cows and calves two Ewes and lambs and other household furniture equal with Nancy Rice to her and her heirs forever. I also lend to my Elizabeth one Negro man named Sampson & fifty pounds during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided among the heirs of her body lawfully begotten in wedlock.
Also when the sale of the estate of Elizabeth was held on the 24th of Jan 1814, another Elizabeth Williams purchased Sampson for just over $100. Presumably this was her mother. Other purchasers included her brother-in-law Charles Brooks, a nephew-in-law, Zachariah Neal, Hosea McNeill, probably related to Frances McNeil that married Elizabeth's brother Nathan Williams, Nathaniel L. Rice, James Graves, John Henslee, one of the securities to the administrator.
Then on 8 Jan 1816, Nathan Williams was again appointed administrator for an Elizabeth Williams, surely his mother. Henry Williams & William Lea were his securities in the sum of 5,000£, certainly a much, much more valuable estate that that of the first Elizabeth.
The Estate sale was 12 Jan 1816. Buyers included Sally Brooks, H. Williams, Geo. Brooks, John Henslee, Christopher Brooks, N. Williams. Bonds in possession at her death included one on George Brooks and one on Nathan Williams. There was one note from 1794 on Benjamin Spencer and another from 1787 on Daniel Williams, considered uncollectable.
Supplementary sales were held on the 12th and 29th of January, 1816 - again the names were primarily known family members or neighbors.
Caswell WB G, p.354
Jan Court 1817 Inv of bonds and cash of Elizabeth Williams, decd. Bonds on Henry & Nathan Williams, George Brooks, Susanna, Benjamin Spencer considered of no value [he is insolvent and a non-resident] Daniel Williams due 1787 of no value. Nathan Williams adm.
Caswell Co Deed Book U, p.68: Henry Williams to Willis Ashford, 3 undivided lots of 10 acres each that Elizabeth Williams decd was possessed being part of Henry Williams, Daniel Williams and David & Jane Gooch. 5 Oct 1819. Wit: Jas. Wilder
Spouse | HENRY WILLIAMS (1734 - 1785) |
Child | Nancy Williams (1758 - 1793) |
Child | Mary Williams (1760 - 1782) |
Child | Susannah Williams (1762 - 1795) |
Child | Ursula Duke Williams (1763 - 1803) |
Child | SARAH "SALLY" WILLIAMS (1765 - 1840) |
Child | Daniel Williams (1766 - ) |
Child | Elizabeth Williams ( - 1813) |
Child | Jane Williams (1770 - 1841) |
Child | Joseph Williams (1775 - ) |
Child | Nathan Williams (1776 - 1838) |
Child | Henry Williams (1778 - 1819) |
1. Beatrice Mackey Doughtie, Documented Notes on Jennings and Allied Families, (Decatur, GA: Bowen Press, Inc., 1961) Microfilm #0924572, Family History LIbrary [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah., p.185.
2. Compiler, W. Leigh Brookes., Correspondence, documents, family group sheets., Family Group Sheet of Charles B. Brookes.