Individual Details

Williams Jackson

(Abt 1688 - 1739)

Married Sarah Burton. She was the daughter of John Burton whose will was written 23 Feb 1754; Chesterfield Co Will Book 1. John Burton/Barton wrote his will on 23 Feb 1754 & it was proved 4 Jun 1756. He gave to his wife Elizabeth the land & plantation he lived on for life and after her death to William Shapperd Junr. To son John's heirs 5sh. Bequests to sons Thomas, Samuel & James, and to daughters, Sarah Jackson, Elizabeth Tirpin, Susannah Tanner, Febue [Phebe?] Johnson, Ann Burton, Ezar Burton, and granddaughter Arrobello Burton each one sh. Wife appointed executrix. Wit: John Baker, Robert Cayce, & Sarah Baker. Inventory was recorded Jun 1756.

Janice Friel believes his name to have been Williams, possibly for mother's surname. Any transcribed, abstracted records I have found to date all have William. THE JACKSONS OF LOWER VIRGINIA authors also give his name as Williams.

p.269 William Jackson of Prince George Co, 249 acres Prince George Co, both sides Cattail Swamp. 9 Jul 1724. [Although most of the patents state that William Jackson is of Henrico, this one says Prince George.]
p.373 Robert Honeycutt 296 acres Pr Geo Co between land where he lives, Cornelius Cargill's & Wm Jackson's lines on Cattail Br, crossing 2 brs. of Reedy Branch. 28 Sep 1730
p.291 Thomas Frankling, 200 acres Henrico Co, S side Swift Crk, adj William Jackson & on N side Licking Crek 17 Aug 1725. PB 12, p.303
p.408 Francis Rice, 276 acres Henrico Co on S side Swift Crk adj Moses Ferguson/Farguson & William Jackson. 17 Sep 1731.
p.422 William Jackson of Henrico Co, 354 acres in Prince George Co, N side of Flatt Creek above Neal's Branch on line of his BROTHER Ralph Jackson; his own lower corner near Neal's Branch. 28 Sep 1732 PB 14, p.492
[This deed established the relationship of Williams to the family.]

More VA Land Patents:
10 Jan 1735 William Jackson of Henrico Co, Tract in Amelia Co, 260 acres on upper side Flatt Creek and both sides of Mays Branch. PB 16, p.520
15 Mar 1735 William Jackson, Henrico Co, 490 acres on North side Appomattax River, on Licking Creek; Capt Henry Randolph's line; Capt Jefferson's line. PB 17, p.47
9 Aug 1735 William Jackson, Tract in Amelia Co, 400 acres on the Beaver Pond branch of Deep Crk, adj Thomas Neales, Willm Marshalls & James Long's lines. PB 16, p.146 [This location is a little south and east of the Flatt Creek tracts]

Williams Jackson lived in Dale Parish, created in 1735 from Henrico lying south of the James River and North of the Appomattox.

Will is in Henrico Miscellaneous Court Records, Vol 4, 1738-1746. Named 6 sons and 2 daughters.
Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia Part Two 1737 - 1781, page 1095
Will of Williams Jackson of Dale Parish
To son Mathew 150 acres in Henrico County on south side of Swift Creek, upon Licking Creek, where he lately lived and 1 negro after death of his mother Sarah Jackson; to son William 177acres in Amelia County on Mayes Branch on lower side, and 1 negro; To son John, 200 acres in Amelia on lower end of my survey on Beaver Pond Branch, negro and items; To cousin Thomas Neal, son of Thomas Neal, 200 acres; To my friend John Brown all of my land on Mayes Branch, part of a survey of 260 acres ["cousin" often meant nephew in this time period - this indicates a possible link either to his wife's family or a previously unknown sister of Williams], Rest of land on upper side of Mayes Branch to my son Francis, 200 acres, plus 1 negro and items; To son Mark,100 acres on north side of Swift Creek on upper end of land where I live, 1 negro and items; To son Thomas, all land and plantation where I live, also 80 acres on Licking Creek, at lower end of his brother Mathew’s line, and 1negro
To daughter Ruth Moor, 1 shilling
To daughter Agnes Jones, 1 cow & calf
To wife Sarah, use of all above Negroes and my plantation during widowhood and to be executrix
Dated 26 Nov. 1738
Wit: John Green, John Blankenship and William Turner
Recorded 5 Sept. 1739

1 Sept. 1739 Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia Part Two 1737 - 1781, September Court 1739,
Henrico County, Virginia Miscellaneous Records, Vol. 4
, page 89
Sarah Jackson produced the will of William Jackson, proved by oath of John Blankenship and William Turner, two witnesses; John Nunnally and John Blankenship, security.

Was wife Sarah still living as late as 1752?
13 Feb. 1752 Chesterfield County, Virginia Court Orders, 1749 – 1752
The petition brought by Sarah Jackson against William Sparrill is ordered to be dimissed, the
parties failing to appear.

The children of William and Sarah as named in his will, dated 26 Nov 1738 and recorded 5 Sep 1739, were:

1. Matthew inherited 150 acres land on S side Swift Creek on Licking Creek in Henrico Co. [Now in Chesterfield Co] His wife was Anne Dunavant, daughter of William Dunavant.

Amelia Co DB 1, p.48 10 Jun 1737. William Dunevant of Henrico Co to Matthew Jackson & Ann his wife. 100 acres, bounded by Worsham, part of 1137 acres patened to Dunavant.

Amelia Co DB 4, p.86 15 Mar 1750 Mathew Jackson to Joseph Jackson. 177 acres on South branch of Flatt Creek adj Ralph Jackson's corner & Neal's Branch. 1/2 of patent to William Jackson. wit: Richard Booker, Philip Jobson, Rachel Booker. Proved by witnesses 26 Jul 1751. [prob patent of 28 Sep 1732]

5 Jan. 1761 Amelia County, Virginia, Deed Book 7, page 391
from Joseph Jackson of Chesterfield County to William Jackson of Amelia for 100£ a certain
tract of land of 177 acres in Amelia on the upper side of Flat Creek which is now part of the 354acre tract whereon the said William Jackson now lives and which was patented to William Jackson, decd, and it is the same land that the said Joseph Jackson purchased of Mathew Jackson, son and heir of William Jackson, decd, as per the said Joseph Jackson’s deed from the said Mathew Jackson recorded in Amelia on March 15, 1750. The land adjoins John Brown, Nicholas Hudson, James Chappel, Christopher Ford, Stewart Farley and the said William Jackson.
Signed Joseph (his mark) Jackson.
Wit. Edmd Booker, Francis Jackson, Nicholas Hudson, Mathew Jackson.
Recorded Feb. 26, 1761 after Martha, the wife of the said Joseph Jackson, and Ann, the wife of Mathew Jackson, personally appeared in court and relinquished their right of dower.

Among others he had a son Burwell [Will in Nottoway Co dated 1 Mary 1792, Probate 4 Oct 1792] and daughter Agnes. His will written in Amelia Co was dated 4 Mar 1783. He gave bequests to wife Ann, daughters Agnes Jackson, Obedience Jackson, Martha Worsham & Sarah Deaton/Benton, and to sons William & Matthew & grandson Moses Jackson. Henry Cottington & Hodges Dunavant were executors. Wit: Thomas Bailey, George Rawlett, Elsey Risen. The grandson Moses Jackson married Rhoda Dunavant on 9 Oct 1803 in Amelia Co.

Here is my abstract of his will:
#30450 Amelia Co Wills
Book 3 1780-1786
Matthew Jackson of Amelia County
To beloved wife Ann Jackson, the plantation whereon I now live in her right & title during her life, one featherbed & furniture being the Bed she now lies on, the grat pott & the small one, Two dishes, plates, spoons. Two cows & calves, One sow & pigs & corn to feed them. One horse & to be found of the plantation sufficient Bred & Meat to be her Certain use and behoof during her life then to return to my son Burwell Jackson
To daughter Agnes Jackson feather bed with its furniture being theBed which stand under Mothers also a loom & wheel & cards to be hers
To grandson Moses Jackson one mare named Dance to be delivered to him with her increase by the last of November
To son William 5sh out of my estate
To Matthew Jackson [relationship not stated] 7£ lawful Money
To Daughter Alice Deaton 5sh
To dau Sarah Deaton, 5 sh
To daughter Martha Worsham, 5sh
Henry Cuttington & Hodges Dunnavant, Executors.
14 Mar 1783 Matthew Jackson
Wit: Thomas Bailey, George Rowlett, Elery Risen

2. William Jr received 177 acres on south side Mayes Branch in Amelia Co VA. William lived on this land in Amelia Co. He married Susannah Worsham, daughter of George Worsham. [John Worsham Sr & Jr and William Worsham had witnessed the will of his grandfather Ralph Jackson in 1709]

5 Jan. 1761 Amelia County, Virginia, Deed Book 7, page 391
from Joseph Jackson of Chesterfield County to William Jackson of Amelia for 100£ a certain
tract of land of 177 acres in Amelia on the upper side of Flat Creek which is now part of the 354acre tract whereon the said William Jackson now lives and which was patented to William Jackson, decd, and it is the same land that the said Joseph Jackson purchased of Mathew Jackson, son and heir of William Jackson, decd, as per the said Joseph Jackson’s deed from the said Mathew Jackson recorded in Amelia on March 15, 1750. The land adjoins John Brown, Nicholas Hudson, James Chappel, Christopher Ford, Stewart Farley and the said William Jackson.
Signed Joseph (his mark) Jackson.
Wit. Edmd Booker, Francis Jackson, Nicholas Hudson, Mathew Jackson.
Recorded Feb. 26, 1761 after Martha, the wife of the said Joseph Jackson, and Ann, the wife of Mathew Jackson, personally appeared in court and relinquished their right of dower.

William Jr's will was written 1 Nov 1778, recorded 1779. He had daughters Mary Durham, Patty Clements, Betty Manire, Susanna Quarles, and Priscilla Jackson and sons William, Daniel and Isaac. His wife was named as Susannah. Executors were son Daniel & son-in-law John Manire. Wit: George & Charles Connally & John Bailey. There may have been other sons not named in the will to whom William had given land in his lifetime. There is a deed dated 22 Oct 1770 in which William Jackson gave to his son Samuel 125 acres between Neal's & Mayes Branch, part of land where William Jackson was living.

And on 22 Jul 1768, William Jackson gave to William Jackson Jr, 300 acres on a branch of Burchen Swamp [I believe assigning this deed to this William is an error; the William Jackson, son of John Jackson of Surry Co was the William Jackson that lived on Burchen Swamp - this area is today is on the line between Nottoway & Dinwiddie Counties.]

The following patent could be either William Jackson of the Henrico Jacksons or William of the Surry Co Jacksons - Bush River is far to the West of either of the other two locations and is today in Prince Edward Co:
12 Jul 1750 William Jackson Amelia Co. 250 acres, both sides of Bush River PB 29, p.249
The following patent may indicate neighbors that would further separate the two Williams.
29 Aug 1757 John Jones, Amelia Co. 300 acres between Wm Jackson, Henry Anderson, Joseph Wilkinson, and Jas. Wm. Jacksons lines.
[The above is taken from the Card File at the Library of VA website. The actual patent gives the lines of Wm Jackson where it crosses Tally's Horsepen Branch, Henry Anderson's line, Joseph Wilkinson's line and the line of Jas. Long. There is no such person as Jas. Wm. Jackson in this patent. Given that one of the locators for a patent of William Jackson from Henrico Co was the line of James Long's, this reference may be this family. However, there is a Horsepen Creek that runs into Bush River, as well as a Horsepen Creek that runs into Flatt Creek, neither of which is now called "Tally's" on a current map. Other patents of a Thomas Jones suggests Tally's Horsepen Branch was on Buckskin Creek and Ralph Jackson's lower corner, placing this land near that of the Henrico Jacksons].
My abstract of his will:
#30450 Amelia Co Wills
Book 2, 1771-1780
William Jackson of Amelia Co 1 Nov 1778
To Dau Mary Durham 100 acres by deed, she must pay 40# to her sister Patty Clemena & keep the negro boy Peter having given her before this
To son Wm Jackson one negro man Cezar after the death of my wife and not before
Dau Betty Manire, boy Sam
Son Daniel Jackson, Negro man Jack after wife's decease
To son Issac, remainder of my land after the decease of my wife, the house & the improvement with the orchard and negro woman Dinah after wife's decease
To daughter Susanna Quarles, boy Jupiter
Daughter Patty Clemans 50# from her sister Durham being part of the value of boy Peter and 30# out of my estate, in the whole 80#
To youngest dau Priscilla, girl Eve, feather bed & furniture
Lend to beloved wife Susanna, during her natural life house & plantation whereon I now live and use of three Negroes Cezar, Jack & Dinah & all the rest of my estate not given & after her decease and my debts paid the residue be eaually divided between son Isaac and daughter Priscilla
John Manire and son Daniel Jackson to be executors
Signed: Wm Jackson
Wit: Cha. Connally, John Bailey, Geo. Gonnally
My desire is my estate come to no appraisement
This is apparently the Will of his son Daniel:
#30450 Amelia Co Wills
Book 3 1780-1786
p.35 Daniel Jackson in County of Amelia
To son George, 150 acres of land
Son Wm. Jackson the remainder of my land, 150 acres
To daughter Susannah Worsham Jackson, girl named Jane & her increase
If my wife is deliverd of a son, he is to have boy Alexk and if a daughter to have boy Allick. To my well beloved wife Anne Jackson during her natural life one Negro wench Esther and boy Pompey & stocks of all kinds with household furniture, etc
Friends Joshua Durham & Stephen Clement to be Executors.
29 Jan 1781
It is my desire my Estate be not appraised
Signed: Daniel Jackson
Wit: Samuel Watkins, Charnel Hightown, Cha Connally, John Jackson
Inventory of Estate of Daniel Jackson Dec'd
24 Oct 1781 Stephen Clement, George (x) Harper

3. John rec'd 200 acres at lower of Beaver Pond Branch in Amelia. He signed his will in 1788 as John Jackson Sr, indicating perhaps a younger John. His wife's given name was Sarah.
Amelia Co DB 4, p.287
3 Jan 1752 John Jackson to Alexander Roberts. 200 acres Beaver Pond branch of Deep Crk. Adj Thomas Neals, William Marshall, James Long. Part of a survey to William Jackson. Wit: J. Burton, John Trabue, John Fergusson. Sarah, wife, relinquished dower. Rec. 26 Mar 1752.
If this is the same John - I did not see a "Sr" following his name and the date is slightly different:
LDS #30451
Amelia Co. Will Book 4 1786-1793
John Jackson of Amelia Co
Son Abner Negro boy Abram, girl Nanny. Also the track of land he now lives upon in Charlotte Co, 133 acres.
To son Henry, 10£ out of my estate and paid him after my wife's decease
Son Isaiah, boy Tom
Son Curtis, boy Jack, feather bed & furniture & two head of cattle
To wife Sarah Jackson during her natural life my plantation on which I now dwell with all land joining said plantation and at her death or intermarriage it may return to my son Curtis Jackson
Also lend my wife Sarah the following Negroes: Amey, Jude, Sawney, Milley, Tabby, Sampson with all my stock, household furniture andStill all which I lend her during her natural life or intermarriage and at her death or intermarriage, I desire all be equally divided between all my children viz: John, Arthur, Daniel, Abner, William, Henry, Isaiah and Curtis. There be no appraisment of my Estate
Sarah Jackson, wife, with son Arthur to be Exectors
14 Aug 1787
Signed: John Jackson
Wit: Berthom. Duprey, James Duprey, Sr, Josiah Foster, William Hindby
Inventory of Estate of John Jackson, Dec'd. Included six Negroes above.
25 Sep 1788, returned to court and ordered recorded.

4. Francis, born 1715 on Swift Creek, executed his will 4 Mar 1776. He had received from his father the remainder of a tract on the upper side of Mayes Branch except that which went to his brother William. On 12 Aug 1767, Francis Jackson bought from John Brown the 100 acres on Mayes Branch which his father had willed to him. In his will he named Roland who received the land purchased of John Brown, Josiah, Francis Jr, Elizabeth who married Joel Jackson, a cousin, Mary, and Priscilla.
My abstract of his will:
#30450 Amelia Co Wills
Book 2, 1771-1780
p. 181
Francis Jackson, County of Amelia and Parish of Raleigh
To son Rowland Jackson tract of land purchased of John Brown whereon he now lives and Negro man named Jo
To son Josiah Jackson tract he now lives on dividing from my plantation by a branch, up near the lower end of Simon Clements plantation, down the branch to birch tree in William Jackson's line and south side of Hayses branch
To daughter Mary Jackson negro woman Lucy & her increase to her & her heirs forever
To daughter Elizabeth Jackson, girl Rose
To Dau Prissilla Jackson girl Bid
To each of my daughters before mentioned one cow & calf apiece
To my son Francis the plantation whereon I now live & the remainder of my lands not before given Also the remainder of my Negroes: Pat & Tom, Shadrach & Jude and the remainder of stock of all kinds, household furniture, necessary utensils whatsoever to me belonging only he to pay my just debts
My daughters to have the priviledge of living with their brother Francis during the time they continue single
Friends Benjamin Lockett & Simon Clement to be Executors
4 Mar 1776
Signed: Francis Jackson
Wit: William Lockett, John Clement, William Clement

5. Mark rec'd 100 acres on N side Swift Creek which he sold to George Cogbill in 1750. This Mark has been confused with the Mark who lived in Brunswick Co and was a grandson of Ambrose Jackson, son of Henry Jackson Sr, and who married Martha Warren. An inventory said filed in Prince Edward Co in 1791.
More on Mark Jackson:
p.30/197 16 Aug 1746 Mark Jackson to Thomas Franklin Jr 130 acres part of 490 a granted 15 Mar 1735 to William[s] Jackson, bounded by Licking Crk. Wit: Ralph (R) Jackson, John (S) Stuart, John Green, Patience (W) Sudbury, Martha Jackson [Joseph Jackson's wife? Or a different Martha?]
On this same date, Joseph Jackson, brother of Williams, relinquished all right in the above land to Thomas Franklin. Thomas Franklin had a patent dated 17 Aug 1725 for 200 acres in Henrico on the South side of Swift Creek adj Williams Jackson on the N side of Licking Creek. PB 12, p.303 [Franklin's patent predates any of those of Williams Jackson and may indicate the land Williams received from his father's will; perhaps Williams and Joseph had received this land jointly.]
15 Mar 1736 p.105 Williams Jackson 490a Henrico Co, N side Appomattox R on Licking Crk, adj Capt Henry Roger Randolph & Capt Jefferson PB 17, p.47
It's likely that Mark Jackson married a daughter of James Franklin, son or brother of Thomas Jackson named above. James Franklin died in Henrico Co in Jul of 1747 and in his Will he named wife Anne, daughters Loveday Burton, Ann Pucket, Elizabeth Jackson, Mary Jackson; and sons James, Joseph, & Alexander.
30 Jan 1750, Mark Jackson of Chesterfield [formed from Henrico in 1749] sold to William Norris, 75 acres on S side Swift Creek, next to land of Thomas Franklin & Matthew Jackson. His wife relinquished dower. Chesterfield DB2, p.238

6. Thomas rec'd from his father the house & plantation on the north side of Swift Creek & 80 acres along Licking Creek at lower end of Matthew's line. He sold the Swift Creek land to his uncle Ralph Jackson in 1748 and the rest to George Cogbill.
Amelia Co DB 4
p.8 26 Sep 1750 Alexander Mackie of Chesterfield Co formerly Henrico, to Thomas Jackson of Chesterfield. 400 acres in Raleigh Parish sold to Alexander Mackie by John Crawford on 16 May 1741. Wit: James Clark, John Scott, Andrew Donato, George Cogbille. Rec. 15 Mar 1750
Amelia Co DB 4,
p.10 15 Mar 1750 Thomas Jackson of Rawleigh Parish to Mark Jackson. 200 acres bounding on Richard Ward's & Benj Hawkins' lines on Little Sailors Branch. 1/2 of land purchased from Alexander Mackie. Wit: John Ward, Charles Burton, George Cogbill. Mary, wife of Thomas relinquished and deed Ack. 15 Mar 1750.
His will was recorded in Prince Edward Co VA in 1792.

7. Ruth Jackson who married a Moore.

8. Agnes Jackson who married a Jones.

Other bequests given in the will of William Jackson included one to cousin Thomas Neal, son of Thomas Neal, and land on Mayes Branch to friend John Brown.
Wit: John Green, John Blakenship, William Turner.


BirthAbt 1688
MarriageAbt 1715Virginia - Sarah Burton
Death1739Henrico County, Virginia


SpouseSarah Burton ( - )
ChildMathew Jackson (1715 - 1783)
ChildWilliam Jackson (1716 - 1783)
ChildMark Jackson (1720 - )
ChildFrancis Jackson (1725 - 1776)
ChildJohn Jackson (1727 - 1788)
ChildThomas Jackson (1728 - 1792)
ChildRuth Jackson ( - )
ChildAgnes Jackson ( - )
FatherRALPH JACKSON (1650 - 1708)
SiblingElizabeth JACKSON (1680 - )
SiblingJohn JACKSON (1690 - 1713)
SiblingRALPH JACKSON Jr. (1695 - 1776)
SiblingDaniel JACKSON (1698 - 1781)
SiblingJoseph Jackson (1700 - 1774)
