Individual Details
(Abt 1650 - Abt 1708)
Col. Jack Thacker states that Ralph Jackson arrived in Virginia ca 1675. but states no authority for this date.
On 10 Feb 1680 in a deposition in Henrico Co Ralph Jackson stated his age as 30.
This Baptismal record has been found, but there is no confirmation this is the correct Ralph Jackson:
Baptisms: Aberford, Yorkshire Co., England - certainly it is the approximate age.
January 6, 1649/50 (o.s. dating) Ralph Jackson, son of William Jackson
3 Dec 1689 At Court held at Westopher, Administration granted Ralph Jackson on Estate of Robert Weeks, dec'd. Sd Jackson & John Hardiman gave bond to administer estate.
Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687 – 1695, page 295
August 1690, Jenny an Indian girl belonging to Ralph Jackson is adjudged to be 6 years old.
VA Land Patent; PB 8, p.244 29 Apr 1692 Ralph Jackson, Joseph Maddox & John Dugles, 784 acres in Bristol Parish, Charles City County for importation of 15 persons.
Land Office Patents No. 8, 1689 - 1695, p. 244, Reel 8, The Library of Virginia
(VirginiaDigital Library),
To all ye whomever ye now know that I Francis Nicholson Esq His Maj Liet Gov Gen do give & grant unto Ralph Jackson Joseph Maddox and John Dugles a tract of land containing seven hundred and eighty four acres lying and being in ye County Charles City and in ye Parish of Bristoll, viz
Beginning at a corner white oak standing over a small branch falling into Moncuseneck Main Creek & runneth thence west two hundred poles crossing Wildcatt fall down to a corner hickrey, thence west north west ninety five poles to a corner pine, thence north by west one hundred twenty six poles to a corner hickory, thence north east one hundred and seven poles to a corner white oak, thence north by west one hundred and twenty six poles to a corner white oak, thence west north west ten poles, thence north sixty two poles to a corner black oak, thence east north east fifty one poles to a corner black oak, thence south east seventy five poles to a corner black oak, thence north east & by east one hundred fifty six poles to a corner white oak, thence south east & by east twenty poles to a corner hickory, thence east north east twenty nine poles to a corner oak, thence south forty three poles crossing Wildcatt fall down, thence south east & by east one hundred poles to a corner _ oak, thence south one hundred forty two poles to a corner white oak, thence south west & by west one hundred twenty six poles to two corner pines standing on our center branch, thence down that branch as it runneth to the place it began. The sd land being due unto ... Ralph Jackson, Joseph Maddux & John Dugles by and for transportation of sixteen persons To have and to hold, yielding & paying, provided per date twenty ninth day of April and year 1692
Geo. Hattan, Klis. Kendall, Rich. Longwell, Pomply & Gay (Jay), 11 by cert. from Wm Edwards 6/-/1689
The tract was divided, 10 Feb 1692/3
Fragment of a Will and Deed Book 1692 – 1694, page 152, Charles City County, Virginia
Records 1737 – 1774 with several 17th century fragments
Land Office Patents No. 8, 1689 – 1695, p. 244, Reel 8, Charles City County, The Library of
Virginia, Land Office Grants
Ralph Jackson of 1st part, Joseph Maddox of 2nd part, and John Dowglas of 3rd part: Whereas Gov. Fra. Nicholson granted to above persons 784 acres in Charles City Co., Bristol Parish, 21 April 1692, the three parties have agreed land should be divided into 3 unequal parts. To Ralph Jackson, 284 acres, to Joseph Maddox 200 acres in the middle and to John Dowglas the southernmost 300 acres.
Wit. Thomas Anderson, Charles Blanchvill
Signed Ralph (R) Jackson, Joseph (IM) Maddox, John Dowglas
Recorded 13 April 1693
THE JACKSONS OF LOWER VIRGINIA author maintains that this land fell into Prince George County where the following deed is recorded in Deeds & Wills, 1713-28, p.29
William Mayes of Bristol Parish, Prince George Co, to Samuel Birch, 180 acres on Arthur's Swamp, beside the land of John Douglas, dec'd and Ralph Jackson, dec'd [Ralph had died about 1708], now called the land of Edward Clarke & Gabriel Arthur.
1 Feb. 1697/98 Henrico County, Virginia Record Book 3, page 179
At a court held for the county of Henrico April the first of his majesties justice of ye peace for ye county in the tenth year of the reign of William the third by the grace of god King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith in the year of our Lord 1698
Upon the motion of Ralph Jackson it is ordered that _ _ _ _ land from Mabury with ye _ _ _ _ of dowry from ye said Maburys wife
page 195
Samuel Newman acknowledgeth a deed of sale of one hundred and sixty acres of land to
Ralph Jackson & his wife relinquisheth her right of dower and it is ordered that ye land be
entered upon record
1 April 1698 Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1677 – 1705, page 75
Francis Mabury of Charles City Co., for £11, to Ralph Jackson of same, 440 acres in Bristol
Parish on north side of Swift Creek, bounded by land formerly Mr. King’s (now Henry
Randolph’s), Samuel Newman and William Pride; being land granted to said Maybury 29 April
1692. 1 April 1698
Wit: Pete. Field, Eliz. Soane
Signed: Francis Maybury
Recorded 1 April 1698
Elizabeth, wife of Francis, relinquished her dower right.
Francis Mayberry had received a Virginia Land Patent for this 440 acres, 29 Apr 1692. Francis Maybury, Henrico County. 440 acres on North side of Swift Creek in Bristol Parish, adj land formerly Mr. Kings but now Henry Randolph's, on Saml Newman, William Pride, etc. Import of 9 persons.
1 April 1698, Henrico County, Virginia Order Book, 1694 – 1701, page 179
At a court held at Varina for ye county of Henrico Aprill the first by his majesties justices of ye peas for ye said county in the tenth year of the reign of William the third by the grace of god King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith and in the year of our lord god 1698 Upon the motion of Ralph Jackson it is ordered that this conveyance of land from Mabury with ye relinquishment of dowry from ye said Maybury’s wife be entered upon record.
p.104/90 Samuel Newman of Henrico sold 190 acres to Ralph Jackson of Charles City. Land on the North side of Swift Creek. 17 Apr 1698. [Apparently Ralph Jackson did not move at that time to Henrico Co.]
p.108/146 Ralph Jackson of Bristol Parish, Charles City Co gave to John Perkinson and Elizabeth his wife and my daughter. Land on North side of Swift Creek purchased of Samuel Newman and another tract purchased of Fra. Maybury. Bounded by the creek, King, Ligon & Bowman. 300 acres total. 1 Aug 1699. Wit: Seth (x) Perkinson, Nich. Dison. Ralph Jackson signed with his mark; Leah, wife, relinquished dower rights.
p.21 Nicholas Overbey in Bristol Parish of Charles City took out a patent which bounded on that of Ralph Jackson. 26 Apr 1698
"Nich: Overbey, 365 Acs., C. C. Co., Bristol Parish, beg. At the black oake side line to the sd. Overbeys land being a tract of 323 acres formerly taken up & Patented by him, the sd. Line being a W. 27 deg. S. line 89 pl. and runs then S. 15 deg. W. 104 po. to a pine by a slash called the round ponds, thence S. 50 deg. W. 60 po. to a Western Wading Path at a red oake near the upper side thereof, then 24 deg. W. 166 po. to 2 black oakes and a pine at the head of a Br. on a point then 64 deg. W. 109 po. to Ralph Jackson’s line at a small red oake, thence along the sd. Jacksons line W. 32 deg. E. 120 po. to a scrubbed black oake, thence N. 104 po. to a gum in a Br. of Rohoick in the line of Mr. Rich’d Jones, thence along the sd. Jones line E. 1 Deg. ¼ N. 82 po. to the sd. Jones corner ash S. along red oakes and a pine by the head of a Br. of Rohoick, thence along the sd. Jones line N. 10 deg. ¾ E. 17 po. to hickory corner tree to the sd. Jones and henry Wall, then along the sd. Walls land N. 29 deg. ¾ E. 17 po. to a small red oake corner of the sd Walls at or near the Main Br. of Rohoick on a hill side, then along the sd. Walls Land E. 13 deg. ¾ N. 13 po. to the Main Br. of Rohoick, then up the Main Br. of Rohoick along the sd. Overbeys old land S. by E. 116 po. to a pine, thence along the sd. Overbey’s old land E. 27 deg. N. 96 po. to the 1st mentioned beginning. The Land was due Nich. Overbey for Trans. of 7 psons (not named), 26 April 1698."
p.72 Capt Francis Epes, et al, patented 4000 acres in Henrico Co on 24 Apr 1703 for transport of 80 persons, including a Ralph Jackson. Henrico Deed dated 1 Feb 1687, stated that Mr. Francis Epes was due 1650 acres for importation of 11 negroes and 22 other persons, including Ralph Jackson.
[It should be noted that the granting of land for importation was rife with fraud. People were claimed multiple times; people born in the Colonies were claimed; in some cases names seem to have been lifted directly from tax rolls. Many times the claims were based on people who had come many years earlier - there was no time limit for claiming the importation.]
p.78 Robert Bolling, 365 acres in Charles City Co, Bristoll Parish. 23 Oct 1703. Beg in line of said Overbie's 323 acres [see above], by the round ponds slash, to the Western trading path; to Ralph Jackson's line, to branch of Rohoick in line of Mr. Richd Jones; to corner of Henry Wall. Granted Nicholas Overbey on 26 apr 1698, deserted, & now granted by order & Transport of 8 person. Pd William Byrd, Esqr, Auditor, for 8 rights. PB 9, p.571
VA COLONIAL RECORDS, 1600s-1700s; by online subscription. Militia Lists from Public Record Office, London.
Charles City Co, ca 1701/02 Joseph Wynn, Capt of Dragoons. His company includes Francis Mabery, John Gillum Jr., Thomas and Edward Parram [Parham], Ralph Jackson
Virginia Quit Rents, 1704 Ralph Jackson, 250 acres, Henrico Co
A Ralph Jackson was also taxed for 140 acres, Prince George Co.
p.4/21 1 Mar 1706 Samuel Newman sold 100 acres to John Bowman on N side Swift Creek stating it was bounded by Ralph Jackson and had been granted to sd Newman 20 Apr 1687. Wit: Isham Epes, Fran. Epes Jr.
Ralph Jackson's will was dated 7 Oct 1708 [Date in THE JACKSONS OF LOWER VIRGINIA is given as 27 Oct 1708]; probated 1 Feb 1709. [Colonial Records, Henrico Co VA 1706-1709, VA State Library] He gave each of his sons, not named, 100 acres of land on the North side of Swift Creek. The remaining parts of land to be divided equally among them; they should take their choice as they come of age. Wife to have her third when she thinks fit. To dau Elizabeth Perkinson, two ewes. A young cow to those children that I have not given cattle to. Remaining estate to be equally divided between my wife and children, only Elizabeth is to have no more than what I have already given her. Loving wife to be sole Executrix. Signed: Ralph (R) Jackson
Wit: John Worsham, J. W. Worsham, William Worsham.
Presented by witnesses 1 Feb 1709, Henrico Court.
Accounts of the estate of Ralph Jackson were presented in court by Leah Jackson and recorded 3 Sep 1711.
The sons of Ralph are proved by relationships shown in deeds as they dispose of the land their father left to them. At least one researcher has also suggested a son Francis, but I've found no indication of him.
Birth | Abt 1650 | England | |||
Immigration | 1675 | Virginia | |||
Death | Abt 1708 | Henrico County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | LEAH WILLIAMS |
Spouse | LEAH WILLIAMS ( - ) |
Child | Elizabeth JACKSON (1680 - ) |
Child | Williams Jackson (1688 - 1739) |
Child | John JACKSON (1690 - 1713) |
Child | RALPH JACKSON Jr. (1695 - 1776) |
Child | Daniel JACKSON (1698 - 1781) |
Child | Joseph Jackson (1700 - 1774) |
1. Lt. Col. Ret. Jack H. Thacker, Jack Thacker Family Group Sheets and Summaries. Descendant of Haden, Price, Jackson..
2. Lt. Col. Ret. Jack H. Thacker, Jack Thacker Family Group Sheets and Summaries. Descendant of Haden, Price, Jackson..
3. Jackson - Janice Friel
4. Lt. Col. Ret. Jack H. Thacker, Jack Thacker Family Group Sheets and Summaries. Descendant of Haden, Price, Jackson..