Individual Details


( - 1823)

Jacob married Mary Dugger, widow of Drury Goodwin. DAR records show his birth as 1740; born in England. Stated that he came to Baltimore where he married Molly in 1766 at age 26, and that he died in Johnson Co TN. [Much of this is certainly inaccurate]. He served in the Washington Co MD Militia in 1777. Note: I believe nearly all of this to be wrong - I don't think this Jacob Smith was ever in Maryland - if so, he was not likely this Edward Smith's son.

Mary Dugger was the daughter of Benjamin Dugger and widow of Drury Goodwin. Note: information from other researchers suggest Mary was a sister to Benjamin not his daughter.

It seems to me that both the birth year for Jacob and his marriage year were too early. I have not found the source of this information other than early DAR papers. Daniel gave his age as 62 in the 1850 census, or born circa 1788, in North Carolina. Ezekiel, in earlier census, indicated a birth betwwen 1780-1790. That would suggest their parents married about 1785 or so. Jacob also did not die in Johnson Co TN - he was in Carter Co where his will is found.

I have an autosomal match to a descendant at Ancestry and his birth is given as early as 1740 in Culpeper, VA - has a marriage to Mary Dugger in 1816 - long after his children were born. Not much better than the old lineage applications.

The Washington Co Index to Deeds shows that Jacob and wife sold land to William Duggard on 9 Sep 1788.

In 1790 and subsequent years, Jacob paid tax on 100 acres.

Gov. Blount appoint Jacob constable for Washington Co in 1791.

When Carter County was formed, Jacob's land, as did his father's and brother's, became part of the new county.

Carter Co Minutes of Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, 1804-1805. Zachariah Campbell, Jr appointed overseer of road from the Ford of Watauga below Julius Duggard's [brother to Mary] to the dividing ridge between Doe River and Watauga. Hands: Daniel Smith, John Smith, William Smith, and Jacob Smith.
Minutes, Book 2, 1819-1820, p.102 12 Nov 1819. Elisha Campbell overseer of road from Elizabethton intersecting the Gar Road to Duggard's Ford. All hands living in Doe River Cove: Isaac Campbell [husband of Susannah Smith], Ezekiel & Daniel Smith [sons of Jacob], Jacob Smith and George Smith [son of Jacob's sister Mary]

3 Mar 1822 Jacob Smith to Daniel Smith for $500. Three tracts in Carter Co on S side of Watauga River. One the place whereon said Daniel Smith now lives. The two others joing that containing 200 acres. Two of the tracts left to me by my father Edward Smith, the other by covenant by the state of Tennessee. Signed: Jacob Smith
Wit: James Keys, Ezekiel Smith
Proved in Nov term of Court after the death of Jacob.

p.183 2nd Mon. Nov 1822. Bill of sale exhibited in Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Two slaves from Jacob Smith to Ezekiel Smith. Proven by witnesses James Keyes & Daniel Smith.
p.203 Bill of sale for 4 slaves. Jacob Smith to Daniel Smith.
p.216 12 Feb 1823 Ezekiel Smith & Daniel Smith qualified to Execute the Will of Jacob Smith. Bond with James P. Taylor and Caleb Smith for $5000.

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Vol. 3, p.198. Will of Jacob Smith
2nd Mon Feb 1823
Justices: Andrew Taylor, William Carter, John Williams, James Keyes, Esq., Lawson White, Ezekiel Smith, Caleb Smith
Ezekiel Smith exhibites the last Will of Testament of Jacob Smith in open Court. Lawson White & Thomas Berry, witnesses, proved the will.
To wife Mary, the land whereon I lived and one tract adjoining, all my stock, four Negroes, during her natural life. At her deceased the Negroes to go to son Daniel. Balance of to be equally divided between my two sons, Daniel and Ezekiel Smith. To oldest son Daniel, the tract where he lives and two adjoining tracts. To Ezekiel, my second son, the tract whereon he now lives and two negroes, and my Still. To daughter Selah George, $10. To step-son Lawson Goodwin, my blacksmith tools. To step-daughter Nancy Vaught, $50 at her mother's death to be paid in property. To my granddaughter Selah Smith, her bed and furniture and the mare and cow which she claims. To my beloved wife, Mary Smith, my wagon and all farming tools.
7 Oct 1822. Exec: trusty friends Daniel & Ezekiel Smith. Signed: Jacob Smith
Wit: Lawson White, Thomas Berry.

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, P.87 14 Aug 1827
Relinquishment from Charles M. George & Celia George, wife of Charles, heirs of Jacob Smith, dec'd. They have received from Daniel & Ezekiel Smith, Executors of Jacob Smith, $600 in full satisfaction of their share of the estate of the deceased.

In the Carter Co TN Court Minutes, Book 3, 1821-1826, p.497. Mary Smith was to be released of tax on 300 acres for the year 1825.

1830 Census. Carter Co TN
Mary Smith: 1f 70-80, 1f 80-90
Daniel and Ezekiel were listed next to each and only one household was between them and their mother.
Daniel Smith: 2m under 5, 2m 10-15, 2m 15-20, 1m 40-50 [born bet 1780-1790]
2f under 5, 1f 15-20, 1f 40-50
Ezekiel Smith: 2m under 5, 1m 5-10, 1m 15-20, 1m 40-50. 1f under 5, 1f 5-10, 3f 10-15, 1f 40-50.

In 1840, Mary was not found - she may have no longer lived alone.
Wilson Co TN, Bk 1843-1848, p.34-38, is an Inventory of the Estate of Mary Smith, returned June term of Court by James Young Adm. Recorded 28 Feb 1844.

In 1850, Daniel Smith was still living and in Carter Co. He gave his age as 62, born in North Carolina. So he was born 1788.

Pat Newport. Sept 2011 correspondence:
Daniel Smith and Mary Simerly
. Daniel and Mary had children Mathilda Smith, Edward Jones Smith, Celia Smith, Ezekial Smith, John Henderson Smith, Lawson W. Smith, Mary E. Smith, and Hiley Smith.
  The Simerly/Zimerle's were German emigrants that came to Pennsylvania, Virginia, and finally Carter County Tennessee.  . Daniel's parents were Jacob Smith and Mary Dugger, widow of Drury Goodwin
. Mary Dugger was the sister of Benjamin Dugger, and the aunt of Rhoda Dugger Dyer above.  Jacob Smith was the son of Edward Smith and Catherine Stumph. Jacob and Mary had children named Daniel, Ezekial, and
  Jacob raised his step-children, Nancy and Lawson Goodwin.


MarriageAbt 1786Mary Dugger
Death1823Carter County, Tennessee


SpouseMary Dugger (1759 - 1836)
ChildDaniel Smith (1788 - 1872)
ChildEzekiel Smith (1790 - 1881)
FatherEDWARD SMITH (1720 - 1807)
MotherCATHERINE Stumph ( - )
SiblingNicholas SMITH (1760 - 1830)
SiblingWilliam SMITH ( - 1842)
SiblingDaniel SMITH (1778 - 1841)
SiblingJohn SMITH ( - 1805)
SiblingCatherine SMITH ( - )
SiblingSarah SMITH (1768 - )
SiblingMARGARET "PEGGY" SMITH (1770 - 1830)
SiblingSusannah SMITH (1771 - )
SiblingMary SMITH ( - 1807)
SiblingElizabeth SMITH ( - 1807)