Individual Details


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Edward Smith is credited with having as many as three wives named Catherine. I rather doubt this happened. A wife Catherine was named in his will. Proposed wives, none of whom I've been able to find documentation regarding include Catherine Stumpf, Agnes Catherina Steinseifer [Stonecipher, Stonecypher] and a second Catherine or Katrinka Stonecipher, who is said to be a niece of the first. [All these names, Catherine, Catherina, & Katrinka are forms of the same name.] The only proof given of the existence of any of these ladies is a Baptism record in Rodgen Parish, Eisern, Germany, for Agnes Catharina Steinseifer on 26 Aug 1736, daughter of Johannes Steinseifer & Elizabeth Schuster. The will of Johannes Steinseifer in Culpeper Co VA dated 2 Apr 1754, mentions his "four daughters" but gives no given names, nor hint of their married names. There do seem to be records of all these surnames in Culpeper Co.

Agnes Catharina Steinseifer was baptized in the parish of Rodgen, Eisern, Germany, 26 Aug 1736. Her parents were Johannes Steinseifer, born 6 Jul 1698 at Eiserfeld, and Elisabeth Schuster of Eiseran. They married 3 Aug 1723. Johannes was the third son of Johann Steinseifer and Anna Gehla Grebe. Johannes arrived in Philadelphia on the ship Patience, Sep 19, 1749. He came to bring the balance of money Heinrich Jung of Eisern owned to Johann Henrich Hoffman of Orange Co VA. Hoffman had moved to Americe in 1743. The Steinseifers had four sons, four daughters, all baptized in the same Parish. The eldest son did not come with his parents to America, but came in 1753. The will of Johannes Steinseifer names the four sons, but just mentions four daughters generically.
Neighbors of The Steinseifers included Michael Smith, John Kains, Maj. William Roan, Henry Hoffman and Jacob Manspile. Henry Hoffman's wife was also a Schuster.


SpouseEDWARD SMITH (1720 - 1807)
ChildNicholas SMITH (1760 - 1830)
ChildJacob SMITH ( - 1823)
ChildWilliam SMITH ( - 1842)
ChildDaniel SMITH (1778 - 1841)
ChildJohn SMITH ( - 1805)
ChildCatherine SMITH ( - )
ChildSarah SMITH (1768 - )
ChildMARGARET "PEGGY" SMITH (1770 - 1830)
ChildSusannah SMITH (1771 - )
ChildMary SMITH ( - 1807)
ChildElizabeth SMITH ( - 1807)