Individual Details
( - 1763)
"1702 John the son of John Phippin of Bruton and Elizabeth his wife was baptized September ye 13th" West Cranmore Parish, Somerset England.
John Phippen, Elizabeth his wife and children John & Elizabeth were transfered from the West Cranmore Parish to Bruton Parish in 1714.
John Pippen, was tried in the July 1718 Assize Court of Somerset Co, England for theft and larceny. He was convicted and sentenced to be transported to His Majesties Colonies and Plantations in America for 7 years. John embarked at the Port of Bideford, Devon County, England in the ship "Sophia", Capt. John Law, Master. He arrived in Queen Anne's County MD in March of 1719. His indenture has not been found. Peter Wilson Coldham: "The Kings Passingers to Maryland & Virginia"
More Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775, Peter Wilson Coldham, GPC, 2002;
"Felons Sentenced to Transportation to America"
Pippen, John S [Sentenced to transportation] Summer 1718 Landing Certificate from Sophia. Queen Anne's Co., Md. Mar 1719. Somerset.
John and Rebecca were named in the records of the Holy Trinity Old Swedes Church in Wilmington, New Castle County DE. They leased a tract of land from John Johnson, Bee Tree Ridge, for seven years on 29 Mar 1753 in Queen Anne's County MD.
John executed a will in the same county 30 Oct 1762 which was proven 24 Mar 1763 in which he named his wife Rebecca, and one shilling each to his children: daughter Rebecca Emory, and sons Joseph, Robert, John, Solomon, and Benjamin.
Queen Anne's Co., MD. Deed Book Libre Vl No. D, Pg. 224.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I John Pipen of Queen Anne County, in the province of Maryland, the unprofitable servant of God being in health and in sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the certainty of death and not knowing how soon it shall please God to call me do make this my last will and testament and hereby revoking everything and making all void all former will or wills by me heretofore made by holding this and none other to be my last will and testament and painfully bequeath my sole unto God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in such Christian manner as my Executor may and shall think convenient hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ , my blessed savior and redeemer to receive a joyfully resurrection with the faithful at the last day and as to what worldly good it has pleased almighty God to bless me with I give and dispose of in manner following----------Imprimis. I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Rebeca Pipen all my personable after my just debts are paid to her and her heirs forever-------- I give and bequeath unto my loving sons Joseph Pipen, John Pipen junr., Robert Pipen, Solomon Pipen, Benjamin Pipen and Rebeca Emory to each one shilling after my just debts are paid to them and there heirs forever. Lastly. I hereby constitute and appoint my loving wife Rebeca Pipen my only and sole Executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I herewith put my hand and affix seal this 30th day of October ammo Domini Seventeen Hundred and Sixty Two. Singed, sealed and ordered published and declared by the within John Pipen to be his last will and testament in presence of His John X Pippen Mark Nathaniel Cleave Junior Humphrey Cleave Richard Cleave
Queen Anne,s County for the 24 March 1763. Nathaniel Cleave junr., one of the subscribing witnesses as to the within will bein g duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangells of Almighty God doth depose and say that he saw the testator John Pippen sign the same will and heard him publish and declare it to be his last will and testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind and memory and that he did subscribe his name as a witness to the same will in the presence of the said testator at his request. And further that he saw Richard Cleave sign the same will as a witness thereto as a witness in the presence & at the request of the said testator at the same time as Humphery Cleave another of the subscribing witnesses made oath that he heard the testator John Pippen say he had signed the within will and also heard him publish & declare it to be his last will and testament. That at the time of his so doing he was to the best of apprehension of sound & deposing mind & memory that he did subscribe his name as a witness to the said will in the presence & at the request of the Testator. Sworn before J. H. Wright, Depy Clerk of Queen Anne's County
Christen | 13 Sep 1702 | West Cranmore Parish, Somerset County, England | |||
Marriage | Abt 1725 | REBECCA [PIPPEN] | |||
Death | 1763 | Cecil County, Maryland |
Spouse | REBECCA [PIPPEN] ( - 1763) |
Child | Joseph Pippin (1727 - 1791) |
Child | Robert Pippin (1729 - 1778) |
Child | John Pippin (1730 - 1800) |
Child | SOLOMON PIPPIN (1733 - 1798) |
Child | Benjamin Pippin (1735 - 1810) |
Child | Rebecca Pippin ( - ) |
Father | JOHN PHIPPIN ( - ) |
Mother | ELIZABETH [PHIPPIN] ( - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Phippin ( - ) |
1. Emily L. Pippin, Editor, Pippin Family News (3120 Arrowwood Drive, Ft. Wayne, IN 46815) No longer being published, 2008., Fall 1998 Vol 2, Issue 1.