Individual Details

Bolling Clark

(4 Dec 1751 - 4 Dec 1818)

Married Elizabeth Cheadle in 1791.

Bowling settled on his Hill's Creek property which was occupied by a grandson [Clark Winston] in 1927.

Lamb's Church, built on the site of old Hill's Creek Metting House, stood one mile from Bowling Clark's house. It was destroyed by fire in 1925.

Will of Bowling Clark, 1817
To wife Elizabeth, plantation & dwelling house including land purchased of Micajah Davis and slave purchased of Micajah Clark.
To son Henry, plantation on Otter River, Bedford County, 800 acres known as Bains' old place, adjacent Reuben Conrad and Thos. Logwood.
To son Bowling Jr., three tracts; land whereon I live, 830 acres purchased of Micajah Davis after his wife's death; tract of 480 acres purchased of Samuel Moorman known as Butterworth's tract; and the 20 acres tract adjoining which was purchased of John C. Lamb.
To each of my five daughters - Lucy, Judith, Mary, Elizabeth, & Sarah - $500 in cash and the following tracts: one purchased of William Perkins in Bedford Co of 490 acres; tract in Amherst Co on Stovall's Creek given me by my father Micajah Clark of 433 acres; two tracts in Campbell Co purchased of Richard Bloxsam & John Organ containing 400 acres; 620 acre tract purchased of Robert Clark. These lands to be divided between them as they come of age or marry.
Executors directed to sell a tract in Kentucky, 500 acres, entitled to by a decree in the County Court of Albemarle, a suit in chancery against the heirs of Benjamin Henderson, deceased. Also to convey two tracts in Kentucky in case they have been sold by Augustine Kasten who was authorized to do so.
Executors: wife Elizabeth, friends - William Robinson & John B. Dabney, sons, Henry and Bowling Clark.
Bond of $60,000 was secured by the signatures of Thomas Moorman, Tucker W. Clark, Edward Lynch, Benjamin Haden, Edward B. Clark, Chiswell Dabney, Alexander Clement & John B. Dabney.


Birth4 Dec 1751Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle County, Virginia
Death4 Dec 1818Campbell County, Virginia


FatherMicajah Clark (1718 - 1808)
MotherJudith Adams (1716 - )
SiblingChristopher Clark (1737 - 1803)
SiblingRobert Clark (1738 - 1816)
SiblingMourning Clark (1740 - )
SiblingMicajah Clark Jr. (1741 - 1774)
SiblingJohn Clark (1743 - 1819)
SiblingEdward Clark (1745 - )
SiblingPenelope Clark (1747 - )
SiblingJudith Clark (1749 - )
SiblingElizabeth "Betty" Clark (1754 - )
SiblingJames Craven Clark (1757 - 1802)
SiblingWilliam Clark (1760 - 1800)
