Individual Details
(Bef 1697 - 1750)
The marriage of John Johnson to Mary Pledge is proved by the will of her father, John Pledge, in Henrico Co VA, 22 Nov 1720.
Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol III
p.204 John Johnson, 400 acres (N.L.) Henrico Co on N side James River adj. Cha. Eavens on N side & near head of Tuckahoe Cr; James Johnson, & Michael Johnson. 12 Jul 1718. PB 10, p.380
VA Patent Bk 14, p.439 11 Apr 1732 John Johnson 400 A Goochland Co, N side James River, branches of Deep Creek of Licking Hole Crk & those of the E'most main branch of Byrd Crk adj George Southerland's, crossing Duncan's Branch, a branch of Deep Creek, to Tindal's land.
VA Patent, Bk 15, p.119 12 Sep 1733 John Johnson, 400 acres Goochland Co on branches of Lickinghole and Bird Creeks. Tindal's line, Johnson's line, branch of Dunkan's branch, branch of the Bird, Burton's Line.
Goochland DB 4, p.1
2 Oct 1741 Francis Hill, Gentleman of Charles City Co to James George, planter, of Goochland. N side of James River on Little Byrd Creek. 200 acres. James George's line, JOHN JOHNSON's line, George Payne's line crossing the Little Byrd and down the creek on Joseph Peace's line. Purchased by Francis Hill of Thomas Murrell. Wit: John Pace, John Enggel, George Smother.
Goochland DB 4, p.398
20 Aug 1744 Robert Chowning of Christs Church Parish, Middlesex, to John Page of St. James, Goochland. For 25£. N side James River on branch of Lickinghole Crk. 150 acres: branch of Creek on Wm Spurlock, Wm Swift's line, Arthur Hopkins, JOHN JOHNSON, George Southerland. Signed: Robert Chowning.
Wit: James George, John Kidd, Robert Page. Ack. 21 Aug 1744
Goochland DB 4, p.512
19 Mar 1744 David Davis of Goochland to Wm Davis of King William for 40£. 400 acres on N side James on two branches of the Little Byrd Creek called Deep Creek & Beach Creek. On lines of Michael Holland, Marvil Moseley, John Hardee, Robert Williams, JOHN JOHNSON, Thomas Sanders. David Davis purchased from Howell Burton, see records of Goochland. Signed: David Davis. Wit: James George, George Payne.
[The John Johnson of the above could be either father or son]
Goochland DB 6, p.121
30 Jul 1750. Will of John Johnson. 400 acres where he's already living to son Daniel. 400 acres adj Daniel, being the 1st survey he took up on Byrd Creek to son John. 200 acres, both sides Mill Creek [Dover Mill Creek near Tuckahoe in eastern Goochland] to son Joseph. 200 acres of plantation to son James. [This would account for the three 400 acre patents listed above, but does not take into consideration any land inherited from his father.] 50 acres each to brother Isaac Johnson and Stephen Benjamin Johnson [No relationship stated but possibly a nephew, son of John's brother Benjamin who had died 1744], part of Father's first tract. Wife Mary and son Daniel, executors. Wit: Joseph Peace, Benjamin Watkins, James Johnson. Benjamin Watkins, a Quaker solemnly affirmed; Peace & James Johnson proved will on 19 Feb 1750/51.
p.136 Inventory of Estate of John Johnson Senr. Jos. Peace, Benja Watkins, Benja Bradshaw. Rec. 19 Mar 1750
John wrote his will on July 30, 1750 and died by the next February. He was at least 54 years old.
Will of John Johnson. July 30, 1750 Goochland Co.
Item: I give unto my son Daniel 400a of land whereon he liveth.
Item: I give unto my son John 400 a. adjoining Daniel being the first survey I took up on the Branches of the Byrd Creek.
Item: I give to my son Joseph 200 a. being part of the survey whereon I now live, lying on both sides of Mill Creek.
Item: I give unto my son James 200 a. and plantation where I now live.
Item: I give unto my brother Isaac 50 a. part of my father's first tract being left out of his will when made to him.
Item: I give unto Stephen Benjamin Johnson 50 a. being part of the above mentioned.
Item: I give unto my wife Mary the rest of my estate.
Executors: Mary Johnson, Daniel Johnson
Wit: Joseph Peace, Benjamin Watkins (a Quaker), and James Johnson
Rec; Feb. 19, 1751. (DB# 6,121)
In leaving 50 acres to his brother Isaac, John indicated that his father did leave a will, but Michael Johnson's will has been lost. Stephen Benja21min Johnson was not called brother by John in his will and most likely he was the son of the Benjamin Johnson who died in 1744 leaving the widow Agnes.
Will of John Johnson - July 30, 1750 (Goochland Co. VA, Deed book 6, 1749-1755, pages 121-122) In the name of God Amen. I John Johnson of the County of Goochland calling to mind that all Flesh must Die, & at present being much afflicted with sickness tho' of perfect Sence & memory, do make & ordain this my Last Will & testament, that is to say Imprimus, I give & bequeath my Soul into the Hand of God that gave it, & my Body to the dust to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors and as for the Worldly Goods I am possesed with in this World I give & dispose of as Followeth.
Imprimis, I give & bequeath unto my Son Danl. Johnson four hundred acres of Land whereon he liveth, to him my said son Daniel, to him & his Heirs forever.
Imprimis, I give & bequeath unto my Son John Johnson, four hundred acres of Land joyning on Daniel's line, being the first Survey I took up on the Branches of the byrd Creek to him my said son John, to him & his Heirs forever.
Imprimis, I give & bequeath unto my son Joseph Johnson two hundred acres of Land being part of the Survey whereon I now live, lying on both sides the Mill Creek of the South end of the Tract, to him my said son Joseph, & his Heirs Forever.
Imprimis, I give & bequeath unto my Son James Johnson two hundred acres & Plantation whereon I now live, to him my said Son James & his Heirs forever.
Imprimis, I give & bequeath unto my Brother Isaac Johnson fifty acres of Land part of my Father's first tract being left out of his Will when made to him the said Isaac, & his Heirs forever.
Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto Stephen Benja Johnson fifty Acres of Land laid of and being part of the Land above Mentioned.
I give to my Brother Isaac Johnson the said fifty Acres of Land.
I give to ye sd St Benja Johnson to him and his Heirs forever.
Item, and for ye rest of my estate be it of what kind or quallity soever I leave it to the disposiall of my bloved Wife Mary Johnson who [me?] with my son Daniel Johnson I apoint my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament utterly making Voy'd all former Wills & Testaments by me made. As Witnefs my hand & Seal this the 30th Day of July 1750.
John [J] Johnson Sen.
Wit: Joseph Peace, Benjn. Watkins, James Johnson.
At a Court held for Goochland County Febry 19, 1750/51 Joseph Peace & James Johnson prov'd this Writing to be the Last Will & Testament of John Johnson Sen. dec'd also Benjn Watkins a Quaker Solemnly Affirm'd the same to be the said last Will & Testament of John Johnson Sen. dec'd which was thereupon admitted to Record.
Spouse | MARY Pledge ( - 1763) |
Child | John JOHNSON (1722 - ) |
Child | JOSEPH JOHNSON (1724 - 1781) |
Child | Daniel JOHNSON (1725 - ) |
Child | James JOHNSON (1726 - ) |
Father | MICHAEL JOHNSON ( - 1719) |
Mother | SARAH Watson ( - ) |
Sibling | Daniel JOHNSON ( - 1754) |
Sibling | James JOHNSON the Elder (1697 - 1787) |
Sibling | Isaac JOHNSON ( - 1793) |
Sibling | Joseph JOHNSON ( - 1761) |
Sibling | Benjamin JOHNSON ( - 1744) |
Sibling | Anne Johnson ( - ) |
Sibling | Sarah Johnson ( - ) |
Sibling | Agnes Johnson ( - ) |
1. Harold Johnson, "Descendants of John Johnson" and report from Virginia Research Homepage
2. Harold Johnson, "Descendants of John Johnson" and report from Virginia Research Homepage
3. Goochland Co VA Deed Books 4-5; Microfilm #0031654. Deed Books 6-8; Microfilm #0031655. Deed Books 9-11 Microfilm #0031656. (LDS), DB 6, p.121.