Individual Details


(Abt 1724 - Bef 19 Nov 1781)

Inherited part of home plantation from his father - both sides Mill Creek. [Dover Mill Creek]

More than one Joseph Johnson lived on Dover Mill Creek. This Joseph son of John & Mary Pledge was devised 200 acres by his father on Dover Mill Creek. Joseph Johnson the son of Michael also lived on Dover Mill Creek until he left for Lunenburg Co about 1747.

Probably married circa 1750.
Goochland DB 7, p.116
18 Sep 1756 William Stamps to Margaret Hubbard. 100 acres South side Dover Mill Creek. Bounded near Johnson's Spring, line between JOSEPH JOHNSON & said Stamps to corner tree bet William Miller & William Stamps. Part of tract whereon Stamps now lives. Wit: Sherwood Harris, William Woodlow, William Johnson, James Mayo. Ack 21 Sep 1756.
[This tract appears to be near Johnson's Spring Branch, which belonged to James Johnson, son of Charles and also Joseph Johnson, son of John & Mary Pledge Johnson. There is no known relationship between the two families.]
Goochland DB 8, p.22
11 May 1759 William Stamps to Robert Burton. 300 acres for 290£. North side James River bounded by William Miller, Thomas Hubbard, JOSEPH JOHNSON & Philip Webber. Signed: William Stamps. Wit: John Brent, Charles Hunt, William Pay. Wm Stamps ack. 17 Jul 1759. Eleanor, wife, relinquished dower.

Goochland DB 8, p.331
1 Mar 1763. Joseph Johnson to John Guerrant for 191£. Land whereson the said Johnson now lives containing 200 acres, part of tract granted by patent to John Johnson, dec'd and by him devised to Joseph Johnson. Bounded by James Johnson, William ?Haws, John Johnson, Benj. Watkins, on Dover Mill Creek.
Wit: Thomas Binford, Joseph Mason, William Hodges, David Johnson
Signed: Joseph Johnson.
Rec. 17 May 1763 Mary Johnson, mother of sd Joseph, and Sarah his wife relinquished dower.

Fluvanna DB 1, p.4
1777 Joseph Johnson to John Johnson, son of sd Joseph. Tract of about 100 acres bounded by Jacob Laine, Daniel Young, on Rattlesnake Run. Signed: Joseph Johnson
Wit: Abram Parish, James (X) Martin, John (X) Martin. Rec. 7 Aug 1777

Goochland DB 12, p.178
21 Aug 1778 Joseph Johnson & Sarah his wife to Thomas Martin of Fluvanna for 190£ - 106 acres bounded by the Byrd Creek, John Johnson, Jacob Laine, John Gilbert, Turner Anderson, Samuel Richardson.
Wit: Jos. Haden, John Martin, John Gilbert, Ralph (x) Banks
Signed: Joseph Johnson, Sarah Johnson.
15 Mar 1779 Joseph Johnson ack deed.
p.34 To William Holmes, Nathl. Massie & John Hopkins, Gentlemen Justices of the Peace. Any two of you go to Sarah the wife of Johnson and privately examine her.
18 Dec 4th year of our Commonwealth.
Rec'd of Thomas Martin, 190£. Signed: Joseph Johnson.
Same witnesses as for deed.
15 Mar 1779 Joseph Johnson acknowledged the deed
Same day, John Hopkins & Nathl Massie privately examined Sarah, wife of Joseph Johnson and she relinquished.
20 Mar 1780. Presented in court, ordered recorded

Will at Goochland Co VA. Names beloved wife Sarah - all estate to support and raise and educate my young children Daughter Mary Cock; son John Johnson; dau ANN HADEN each 5 shillings sterling. Four youngest, Benjamin Johnson, Joannah Moss, Thomas Johnson, Patsy Johnson to share the whole estate after their Mother's decease or 2nd marriage. William Price, son Benjamin & wife Sarah Executors.
Wit: David Shelton, John Williamson, William Haley. Proved 19 Nov 1781 by Williamson & Haley and ordered recorded. DB 13, p.152-3

Joseph's undated will was probated on Nov.19, 1781 when he was probably in his sixties. His daughter Joannah is called Joannah Moss and, since she married Nathaniel Moss on Dec. 31, 1780, it is obvious that her father wrote his will after that date. The complete text is as follows:
In the name of God Amen. I Joseph Johnson being sick in body, bit in my perfect senses and sound Memory do make this my last will & testament
First, I bequeath my soul to God that gave it & my body to be buryed in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors and as touching Such Estate as it has been please to God to bless me with in this life, I dispose of in manner following after my Just debts being first paid.
Viz. I lend to my beloved wife Sarah all my Estate both real and personal during her natural or second Marriage which may first happen to support and raise and Educate my young children on & at her decease
Item I give to my daughter Mary Cock five Shillings sterling
Item. I give to my son John Johnson five shillings sterling
Item. I likewise give to my Daughter Ann Haden five shillings Sterling
Item. I give my whole Estate both real & personal to my four youngest children Benjamin Johnson, Joannah Moss, & Thomas Johnson & Patsey Johnson to them & their Heirs forever after their Mother's decease or second marriage which may first happen to be equally divided amongst them. Except a horse colt and saddle which I singularly give to my son Thomas Johnson besides his equal part with my other three youngest Children . my desire is that none of my slaves should be sold but that my children may make out one amongst another with out selling them and if one of my four youngest Children should die without heirs my will and desire is that his her their parts shall be equally divided amongst them that are living of my four youngest children before mentioned, Benjamin, Joanah, Thomas & Patsey or such of them as may be living. I appoint William Price & my son Benjamin & my wife Sarah Executors to my last William & Testament
Signed and delivered in the presence of David Shelton, John Williamson, William Haley.
Signed: Joseph Johnson
At a Court held for Goochland County Nov. 19th, 1781. This writing was presented in court, proved by the oaths of John Williamson and William Haley to be the last Will and testament of Joseph Johnson dec. and ordered to be recorded. Then on the motion of Benjamin Johnson one of the executors herein named who made oath according to law and together with Peter Parrish and Barret Farrar his securities entered into bond conditioned as the law requites. Probate hereof was granted him in due form. (DB#13, 152)

In 1782, the tax list in District #6 in the western part of the county shows a Sarah Johnson with three slaves, but no Joseph Johnson. No Josephs are listed until 1787 and that Joseph is described as "son of James". [Personal property]

From Bonnie Flythe
I just got the land Tax book for Goochland co. For most years the listings are in alphabetical order per district. However, 1782 lists are not. The list seems to be of neighbors in a particular area. Here is a part of the list:
Stephen G. Letcher, Moses Parish, Harrison Harris, Mary Hix, Meshick Hix, Daniel Powers, Francis Clarke for Mr. Douglass, Estate Joseph Johnson (for ditto) , Samuel Powel, Cornelius Towler,............
So Joseph and Sarah were probably living near a Harrison Harris. Perhaps he was Sarah's brother? Father? or some other sort of relative.
From other tax records, Rev. William Douglass seems to have acted as some sort of Executor or administrator of Joseph's estate.


BirthAbt 1724
DeathBef 19 Nov 1781Goochland County, Virginia
MarriageSARAH Harris


SpouseSARAH Harris ( - )
ChildMary JOHNSON ( - )
ChildJohn JOHNSON ( - )
ChildANN "NANCY" JOHNSON (1757 - 1798)
ChildDavid JOHNSON (1760 - 1761)
ChildBenjamin JOHNSON (1764 - )
ChildJoanna JOHNSON (1765 - 1826)
ChildThomas JOHNSON (1767 - )
ChildPatsy JOHNSON (1769 - )
FatherJOHN JOHNSON (1697 - 1750)
MotherMARY Pledge ( - 1763)
SiblingJohn JOHNSON (1722 - )
SiblingDaniel JOHNSON (1725 - )
SiblingJames JOHNSON (1726 - )
