Individual Details
( - Bef Mar 1761)
1733 June 20: Daniel Johnson, Joseph Johnson and John NICKS, 300 acres on the North side of James River adjoing land of Michael Johnson and on the North Side of Mill Creek: Land Office Patents # 15, 1732-1735 vol 1 & 2 pg 37 on reel 13: Library of Viriginia Archives Section;
Have also seen this as John Hicks.
Joseph Johnson relocated from Goochland by 1747. In 1747 a land patent was issued in Brunswick Co to Isaac Johnson and Joseph Johnson. Joseph Johnson also patented a neighboring tract of 400 acres in 1755 - by this date the area had become Lunenburg.
Pages 22 and 27
"Taken up by the Subscriber, living on the Middle of Meherin River in Lunenburg County, a young middle sized yellowish colored grey Mare, with a large Star in her Forehead, and without either Dock or Brand; she has been posted and appraised at fifty Shillings. The Owner may have her of me, on paying as the Law directs.
Joseph Johnson Sen."
1756 - Lunenburg County
"In August of 1756, Joseph(1) and Isaac(2) swapped 200 acre tracts of land in Lunenburg County. For what reason they did this is unclear for when one examines the records found in book 4 pg 307 and pg 308 the two tracts are adjoining! Perhaps thhe answer lies in the record found in the same deed book on page 310 where we find a deed by JOSEPH JOHNSON of the parish of Cumberland and County of Lunenburg for good will and affection for son-in-law STEPHEN WOOD and five shillings one hundred acres on the North side of the Robertson Fork of the Meherrin... etc! A close check of this deed description identifies this land to be part of the two hundred acre tract Joseph received in the trade with Isaac."
He also sold his inheritance in Goochland. 13 Oct 1759 Joseph Johnson of Lunenburg Co to John Laprade of Goochland, 200 acres for 71£ 5sh. Land in Goochland Co on Dover Mill Creek adj Robert Burton, John Barnett, Daniel Johnson and Richerson. The land was willed to the said Joseph Johnson by his father Michael Johnson. Wit: William Wodlow, John Watkins, Stephen Sampson & Miller Doged. Rec. 19 Feb 1760, Book 8, p.62
Joseph died before 3 Mar 1761. His will is in Lunenburg County, Book 2, p.28, and names wife Mary; son Mical, son Isaac [who married first Ann and second Rebekah Bowen], dau Sarah [married Peter Womack], dau Mary Winningham [married Jerrel Winningham], son David, dau Ann who married Stephen Wood, son Joseph, dau Susannah who married [Peter] Hudson, daus Elizabeth [married Josiah Foster] Sisley [married Drury Malone] and Charlot.
Executors: John Brown, Sherwood Walton
Wit: Isaac Johnson, John Thomason, Anne (X) Brown
Lunenburg Co., VA
Will Book 2, Page 28
Joseph Johnson
1761, Jan 8
In the name of God Amen, I, Joseph Johnson the County of Lunenburg being sick and weak of but of Perfect Sense and Memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following;
Imprimis, I give and Bequeath my soul to Almighty God who gave it and as for what Temporal Estate it hath Pleased God to Bless me with I give and dispose in manner following;
Item, first I give and bequeath to my son Mical Johnson one negro woman named Susey and two cows and calves, to him and his heares and assigns forever-
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Isaac Johnson one negro man named Caffey and one bay mare named Winney branded on the near Buttock this with a Star on her forehead to and his hears and Assigns forever-
Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Womack one nigro boy named Aberson(?) and one white mare named Diamond and side saddle which three articles she has now in possession of, I give to hur one cow to hur & hur hears & assigns forever-
Item, I give to my daughter Mary Wenigham one Shilling Sterling to hur and assigns forever-
Item, I give and bequeath to my son David Johnston eight shillings and eight pence which he owes me by a judgement before a Magistrate to him and his heirs and assigns forever-
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Wood one nigro boye named Harper now in his possession to him & his heirs & assigns forever-
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Johnston one negro man named Dick and two cows which I lent him which cows he now has in his possession and two hundred acres of land whereon he now lives to him and his heirs and assigns forever-
Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Susanah Hudson two cows & calfs to hur and hur heirs and assigns forever-
Item, I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Johnston two negro boys one named Jacob, the other named Harry, one bed and furniture, one gray mare named Hasord and one side saddle, two cows and two calfs to hur and hur heirs and assigns forever-
Item, I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Sisley Johnston two negro boyes, one named Samson, the other named Jamey, also one bed and furniture and two cows and two calfs, also one gray mare named Tanny, also one side saddle to hur and hur heirs and assigns forever-
Item, I lend to my Beloved wife Mary Johnston my lands and Negros not yet mentioned in my will and all other of my Estate not yet mentioned during her Life or in case she should marry that she should Deliver to my Daughter Charity Johnson which is now in hur mother's heirs one hundred pounds current money of Virginia at the Time of my Daughter's marriage-
Item, I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Charity Johnston last mentioned, after the decease of my wife Mary Johnston, my lands, my negrows and all other of my Estate not yet mentioned in legress in my will to hur and hur heirs and assigns forever and in case Should Dy without heirs are of her body that then the said Estate shall be Equally divided Between my Daughter Elizabeth Johnston and my Daughter Sisley Johnston and lastly I do constitute and appoint John Bacon & Sherwood Walton to be Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all wills by me formerly made and that my Executors shall unto and provided to have my three younger daughters shall have wolling Out of my Estate as shall sum sufficient and also see to their Maintenance.
In witness whereof I have herunto set my hand this Eight day of January MDCCLX1.
Enter line before assigns in the twelf line of the second page these words, after the decease of my wife Mary Johnston.
Joseph Johnson S/S
Signed, sealed, published and Declared as his last will and Testament in Presence of us Isaac Johnson, Jn' Thomason, Ann (her A mark) Bacon.
The will was recorded 3 March 1761
After Joseph's death, his widow at the time of his death, Mary (nee Charlton?? - no proof of her surname!) Johnson married 2nd Charles B. Sullivant. Charles was the widower of Permelia Davis, who he married 15 Jan 1749 in Virginia.
Marriages of Lunenburg Co, VA 1746-1853
Page 119
8 May 1761
Charles Sullivant of Lunenburg Co.
Mary Johnson, widow
Surety: Owen Sullivant
Charles B. Sullivant's children born before 8 May 1761 were the children of his first wife, Permelia Davis.
Note: The surname Johnson is also Johnston in some records, and the surname Sullivant is also Sullivan in some records.
From: Tony Johnson []
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 2:52 AM
To: Lisa Grimes
1725 era: Stephen Wood was born abt 1725 in Goochland Co. Va or Henrico Co. Va. and died May 9 1782 in Lunenburg County Va. He married Ann Johnson July 6 1756 in Lunenburg Co. Va, daughter of Joseph Johnson and Mary WALKER. She was born 1731 in Goochland Co. and died aft 1782 in Lunenburg Co. Va.: Johnson Wood of this couple was born abt 1762 in Lunenburg Co. Va. and died aft 1845 in WILLIAMSON CO TN. He married Frances Fanny THOMPSON Nov 21 1783 Lunenburg Co. Va, married by David Ellington a Baptist Minister: She was born abt 1765 and deid aft 1830 in WILLIAMSON CO. TN Judith Woodson is married to Isaac Johnson son of Daniel Johnson and Hannah Edwards.
Notes: Ann Johnson is off the lines of Michael Johnson who died 1718 on Tuckahoe Creek, her Grandmother is on Sarah Watson, and Great grandmother was Alice first married to Henry Rown whose lands in 1630-1650 era are on Mathews Creek of the Weynoke River which are by one William Eaton, these lands will form into Nansemond Co. Va. by 1650
Death | Bef Mar 1761 | Lunenburg County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Mary [Johnson] |
Spouse | Mary [Johnson] ( - 1761) |
Child | Elizabeth Johnson (1742 - 1820) |
Child | Ann Johnson (1731 - 1824) |
Father | MICHAEL JOHNSON ( - 1719) |
Mother | SARAH Watson ( - ) |
Sibling | Daniel JOHNSON ( - 1754) |
Sibling | JOHN JOHNSON (1697 - 1750) |
Sibling | James JOHNSON the Elder (1697 - 1787) |
Sibling | Isaac JOHNSON ( - 1793) |
Sibling | Benjamin JOHNSON ( - 1744) |
Sibling | Anne Johnson ( - ) |
Sibling | Sarah Johnson ( - ) |
Sibling | Agnes Johnson ( - ) |