Individual Details

Benjamin JOHNSON

( - Bef Aug 1744)

By 1725 Benjamin was named as a neighbor in the land patent of Roger Powell so was probably born before 1704.
13 Oct 1727 Patent to Benjamin Johnson for 326 acres in Henrico Co, north side James River. Bounded by Robert Woodson, low ground of Genitoe Creek, adj Mr. Addams & Benj. Woodson.
11 Apr 1732 Patent to Benjamin Johnson for 400 acres on branches of Byrd Creek, on Horsepen Branch of said Creek.

Goochland Co Order Book 5, p.389
May Court 1744 Agnes Johnson came into court & made oath that Benj Johnson died without any will. Certificate granted for Letters of Administration. Securities: Isaac Johnson, William Arrington, ?Outring Thompson.
Ordered that Philip Webber, George Payne, Thomas Wadlow, Robt Burton Junr or any three appraise the estate of Benj Johnson, dec'd.
Aug Court 1744 Inventory & appraisement of estate of Benj Johnson present and ordered recorded.

The inventory and appraisal of Benjamin Johnson's estate is in Goochland Co Deed Book 4, p.405. The inventory is dated 21 Aug 1744.
Geo. Payne, Phill. Webber, Thomas [X] Wodlow
Two Steers, one Cow & Yearling, parcel of cattles
3 Ewes & Lamb, parcel of hogs, a har? A bell
2 horses, 1 Bed & furniture, parcel of old pewter & tin pail
1 cedar pail, 2 piggins, a gun, a bagg, sifter, pother, small trumpery
an old saddle & bridel, a parcel of old iron
2 spinning wheels, woll cars, 1 iron pott & hooks
a Drawing knife, a parcel of old Lumber, a parcel of Leather
his wearing apparel, cash
2 sows & shotes, 1 hundred feet pine plank
Total 34.9.6
Presented in Court & ordered to be Recorded

Goochland Order Book 6, p.191.
May Court 1746. Johnson agst. Barnet. Isaac Johnson agt. John Barnet Jr & Agnes his wife setting forth that they wasted the estate of Benjamin Johnson deceased for which Agnes's administration the petitioner was security and is praying to be relieved. Ordered that John Barnet Jr enter bond and sufficient security to indemnify the petitioner. Barnet is ordered to deliver unto the petitioner the estate of the said Benjamin Johnson, dec'd.
Benjamin's wife Agnes has remarried.

The Douglas Register has the following entires for John Barnard and Agness Arrington. They had a daughter Mary Howard, born 26 Apr 1757 and a son Daniel, born 14 Jul 1759. So apparently Benjamin Johnson's wife was nee Agnes Arrington. Her parents may have been William & Susannah Arrington who were early residents of Goochland County. Also, a William Arrington signed the security bond for Agnes' administration of Benjamin Johnson's estate.

Land of Benj Johnson dec'd was named in a deed of Isaac Johnson's in 1756.
19 Jan 1756 Isaac Johnson of "Looningburg" Co to John Johnson of Goochland, 150 acres on South side Tuckahoe Crk bounded by Benj. Johnson dec'd, Daniel Johnson dec'd, John Johnson, dec'd, and Moses Brumfield, except the graveyard where Michael Johnson, his wife & child his buried.
[Isaac's inheritance from his father Michael. Isaac had moved to Lunenburg Co possibly as early as 1747.]
Benjamin Johnson and Agnes apparently had two children, a son Benjamin and a daughter Elizabeth.

Deed dated 15 Jan 1763; Albemarle DB 8, p.322
Benjamin Johnson, the son [Stephen Benjamin? See below], sold 150 acres on Tuckahoe Creek, joining Benjamin Woodson, William Webber, John Laprade, and Moses Brumfield, dec'd. John Barnett & wife Agness were also grantees. [Land sold by Isaac also mentions Brumfield - Agnes Barnett was one of the witnesses to Moses Brumfield's will in 1758..] Witnesses included John and Joseph Johnson, Benjamin Woodson Jr, and William Hodges. Rec. 19 Apr 1763.
Agness relinquished dower rights.
The implication is that this 150 acres was originally part of the land of Michael Johnson, inherited by son Benjamin and finally sold by Benjamin and Agnes the widow who had married John Barnett - she was releasing her dower rights, to Elisha Leake]

19 Feb 1765 [Albemarle DB 8, p.448] Benjamin Johnson, son of Benjamin Johnson of Albemarle to William Liggon, 200 acres in Goochland and Albemarle counties. Granted to Benjamin Johnson dec'd by patent on 11 Apr 1732, being half of 400 acres. Bounded by John Lowry, on Horsepen Branch of Byrd Creek. Signed: Benjamin Johnson. Rec. 19 Feb 1765
Here's the patent:
Johnson, Benjamin. 11 April 1732. Goochland County. Description: 400 acres on the branches of the Byrd beginn.g &c on the head of the Horsepen Branch. Source: Land Office Patents No. 14, , p. 398

11 Aug 1766. Benjamin Johnson sold to Elizabeth Johnson, a cow & calf, a feather bed, a rifle gun, dish and basin, furniture, etc. Wit: Lucy Amos, Wm Amos, William Creasy. Signed: Ben Johson. Rec. Mar 1767
[Albemarle DB 4, p.365]

11 Dec 1767. Elizabeth Johnson sold to John Napier for 20£, 200 acres of land partly in Goochland and in Albemarle on the head branches of Sepin Creek, joining the lines of John Lowry, Andrew Grub & Wm Hughs to include the old Field known by the name of Gothods, descended to me from my deceased Brother Benjamin Johnson, the [other] part of the tract sold to Wm. Ligion.
Signed: Elizabeth (+) Johnson. Wit: Thompas Napier, Martha (+) Webb, Agness (S) Barnett. Albemarle DB 4, p.503.

The following will of John Johnson is often cited as being proof that there was a Stephen Benjamin, a son of Michael Johnson. However, this will was dated in 1750 and Benjamin, if he was a son of Michael, appears to have died earlier, in 1744. The will does definitely state that Isaac was a brother of John but is more ambiguous concerning Stephen Benjamin. I think quite possibly this Stephen Benjamin was the nephew, the only surviving son of Benjamin who in turn sold 100 acres inherited from his father and the 50 acres devised to him by his uncle John in the above deed dated 15 Jan 1763.
Goochland DB 6, p.121
30 Jul 1750. Will of John Johnson. 400 acres where he's already living to son Daniel. 400 acres adj Daniel, being the 1st survey he took up on Byrd Creek to son John. 200 acres, both sides Mill Creek to son Joseph. 200 acres of plantation to son James. 50 acres to brother Isaac and Stephen Benjamin, part of Father's first tract. Wife Mary and son Daniel, executors. Wit: Joseph Peace, Benjamin Watkins, James Johnson. Benjamin Watkins, a Quaker solemnly affirmed; Peace & James Johnson proved will on 19 Feb 1750/51.
p.136 Inventory of Estate of John Johnson Senr. Jos. Peace, Benja Watkins, Benja Bradshaw. Rec. 19 Mar 1750

The following is a different Benjamin, probably son of a William Johnson of Middlesex Co VA. Benjamin, son of Michael Johnson, did also have a son named Benjamin but he died in Albemarle Co, 1766, apparently without issue.
From THE DOUGLAS REGISTER: Benjamin Johnson married Susannah Pace 22 Jul 1759. The births of seven children are recorded in the "Register" between 1760 and 1776.
This Benjamin, husband of Susannah Pace, died early 1785.

Johnson, Benjamin. 26 July 1765. Albemarle County. Description: 260 acres on the north side of the Rivanna River on the branches of Phills Creek. adj. Arthur Hopkins, Wm Furbush & Phillip Thurmond Source: Land Office Patents No. 36, p. 812

3 Sep 1766; Albemarle DB 9, p.71 Josias Pace to Benjamin Johnson. 140 acres on Little Bird Creek. Bounded by George Payne, William Johnson, John Moseley & Joseph Pace. Signed: Josiah Pace. Wit: Andrew Harrison, Wm Harrison, Joseph Pace, Francis Houchins. Rec. 19 May 1767. Elizabeth Pace relinquished dower rights.

8 Mar 1785 Will of Benjamin Johnson. To wife Susanna, plantation whereon I live and 260 acres of land in Fluvannah County, salves, livestock, household furnishings, etc. After her death, estate to be sold and the money divided equally among children: Joseph Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Susannah Pace, William Johnson, Curtis Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, and grandson Charles Houchins. [dau Margaret had married James Houcins 18 Apr 1780, but must have died] Wife to be Executor. Signed: Benjamin Johnson
Wit: William Massie, William Johnson, Stephen Johnson.
Proved by Wm & Stephen Johnson on 16 May 1785 in Goochland Court. DB 14, p.160
Susannah Johnson appeared in the tax list in 1785 and 1786.


DeathBef Aug 1744Goochland County, Virginia


FatherMICHAEL JOHNSON ( - 1719)
MotherSARAH Watson ( - )
SiblingDaniel JOHNSON ( - 1754)
SiblingJOHN JOHNSON (1697 - 1750)
SiblingJames JOHNSON the Elder (1697 - 1787)
SiblingIsaac JOHNSON ( - 1793)
SiblingJoseph JOHNSON ( - 1761)
SiblingAnne Johnson ( - )
SiblingSarah Johnson ( - )
SiblingAgnes Johnson ( - )