Individual Details


( - Bef Oct 1793)

In 1747 a land patent was issued in Brunswick Co to Isaac Johnson and Joseph Johnson. Middle Fork of the Meherrin River. Joseph Johnson also patented a neighboring tract of 400 acres in 1755. This land became Lunenburg Co.

A deed back in Goochland dated 19 Jan 1756: Isaac Johnson of Looningburg Co (sic) to John Johnson of Goochland on the south side of Tucakhoe Creek bounded by Benj. Johnson dec'd, Daniel Johnson, dec'd, and John Johnson, dec'd and Moses Brumfield......except the graveyard where Michael Johnson his wife and child are buried. Mary, wife of Isaac relinquished her Dower right. Wit: William Miller, Daniel Johnson, Wilmanton Harris. Rec. 20 Jan 1756. Deed Book 7, p.59. [John's will named Isaac & Benjamin as brothers. The land involved above would seem to be that of Michael Johnson's, bequested to his sons in the unlocated will. This sale is to John, Isaac's nephew, who was the son of Daniel]]

Lunenburg Wills Book 4, p.39-40
13 Feb 1793 Isaac Johnson. Mentions wife but doesn't name her. Sons John and Joshua. Three granddaughters, daughters of son Michael. Mary Haley, relationship not stated, but son Michael had married Susannah Haley. Executors: Sons, John Johnson, Joshua Johnson.
Wit: John Wood, Asa Blankenship
Probate 10 Oct 1793

Michael, son of Isaac, died before his father
Lunenburg Wills, Book 3, p.127
28 Oct 1777 Michael Johnson. Wife Susannah. Children [not named].
Executors: Joshua Johnson, Ambrose Hailey
Wit: John White, Isaac Johnson, Ambrose Hailey

This is probably the son John.
Lunenburg Wills, Book 7, p.45
7 Dec 1812 John Johnson. Wife Emma. Sons John and Isaac. Daughters Susannah, Nancy, Permelia, and Mary Wood
Signed: John (X) Johnson
Executors: John Knight, David H. Williams
Wit: Joshua Johnson, Samuel Jordan, Susanna (X) Lester, Kiturah (X) Lester
16 Jan 1813 Will proved by three of the witnesses and ordered recorded.

Children of Isaac and Mary: Joshua, John, Michael who married Susannah Haley.
"Johnson-Hutcheson" from files of Stephen M. Lawson


DeathBef Oct 1793Lunenburg County, Virginia


FatherMICHAEL JOHNSON ( - 1719)
MotherSARAH Watson ( - )
SiblingDaniel JOHNSON ( - 1754)
SiblingJOHN JOHNSON (1697 - 1750)
SiblingJames JOHNSON the Elder (1697 - 1787)
SiblingJoseph JOHNSON ( - 1761)
SiblingBenjamin JOHNSON ( - 1744)
SiblingAnne Johnson ( - )
SiblingSarah Johnson ( - )
SiblingAgnes Johnson ( - )