Individual Details

William Wishard

(28 Feb 1815 - 20 Jan 1866)

1840 Census, Shelby Co, Jackson
William was age 20-30. Wife [Polly] was age 15-20. One female child under 5 [Elizabeth]

License granted for marriage to Margaret Breeding on 14 Jun 1843. Married the next day by Giles Holmes, Preacher of the Gospel.

1850 Census in Bloomfield Twp, Davis Co IA. According to the birth places of the children the family moved to Iowa about 1845.

1856 Iowa State Census. Bloomfield, David, IA, Hh 95
William Wishard, 41, married and has lived in the state for 9 years, b. KY, Farmer
Margaret, 32, in the state 9 years, b. KY
Elizabeth 17, b. Indiana; Abraham, 15, b. IN, Nancy 12, b. IN
Polly 8, b. Iowa, Susan 1, b. Iowa
Amos Hawks, 8, b. Iowa
Robt Mills, 24, just arrived in the state, b. PA, blacksmith
Isaac W. Dunn, 21, just arrived in the state, b. Ohio, laborer

1860 Census, Bloomfield, Davis Co Iowa
William Wishard age 45, b. KY. Margaret age 36, b. KY
Abram, age 19, child of first marriage,
and Nancy age 15, b. Indiana
Polly 12, Susan 9, William 5, John 3, Henry 1, born in Iowa
Elisha Wallace age 21, b. Iowa living with the family.

Sgt. in Company A, 3rd Iowa Cavalry in Civil War; his son Abram and brother Robert served in the same unit.
3rd Iowa Cavalry Roster
Company A
Wishard, William. Age 45. Residence Bloomfield, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 31, 1861, as Company Quartermaster Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 7, 1861. Promoted First Battalion Commissary Sergeant Sept. 20, 1861.
See Field and Staff.
William Wishard. Age 45. Residence Bloomfield, nativity Kentucky. Promoted First Battalion Commissary Sergeant from Company Quartermaster Sergeant Sept. 20, 1861. Discharged for disability Aug. —, 1862, Helena, Ark.

William Wishard was injured during the Civil War - he hurt his spine when his horse jumped a fence at the Battle of Pea Ridge. His NARA pension file is lengthy - he applied for an invalid pension; his wife applied for pension after his death; his children applied for their coverage as minor children after they were grown; then a woman who had had an alliance with the youngest son George attempted to get his share for the benefit of a child, claimed as the illegitimate daughter of George - George had died before collecting his share.
William's first application was 30 Mar 1864. He stated that he was a resident of Davis Co Iowa, aged 49 and he was a Commissary Sargent of Company A, commanded by Lt. M. L. Baker, 3rd Regt of the Iowa Cavalry commanded by Col. Cyris Bussey for the "suppression of the rebellion in certain States". He volunteered at Bloomfield on 30 Aug 1861 for three years. He was discharged at St. Louis and had his certificate of discharge. At a place called Pea Ridge in Arkansas on 7 Mar 1862, during the battle of Pea Ridge he was injured when his horse jumped a rail fence, straining his back and spine. He was thereafter unable to perform any military duty and the injury continues so that he is incapacitated from earning a living. He has been a farmer in Davis Co Iowa since leaving the service. Signed by William Wishard.
Witnessed & the above attested to by M. H. Jones & Elisha Wallace
Note: Elisha Wallace lived with the Wishard family in the 1860 census.
Deposition of M. L. Baker, Van Buren Co, Iowa, states on the 7 of Mar 1862 he was a 1st Lt in Commanding Co A of the 3rd Regt of the Iowa Cavalry and was acquainted with William Wishard, a member of the company. He was mustered into service on or about the 30th of Aug 1861 and discharged on 9 Aug 1862, having become disabled from doing duty. On or about the 7 of Mar 1862 while in the service and line of duty and in the battle of Pea Ridge, he received an injury of the spine by his horse jumping over a rail fence with him during the fight. He was afterwards unable to perform military duty up until his discharge and is now unable to earn a living by manual labor. The said soldier was in good health at the time he entered the service; the above disability affected him while in the service and at his discharge by rendering him unable to ride and a good part of the time he is confined to his bed.
Signed: M. L. Baker
Day & month, missing but signed in 1864 in the presence of the District Court Clerk, Van Buren Co, Iowa.
Copy of Certificate of Disability for Discharge is included. HeadQuarters, Army of the South West, Helena, AR, Augst 2, 1862. Approved & forwarded to Dr. Mills, Medical Director at St. Louis MO. Approved by Med. Director. Stamped 8 Oct 1862.
His death is given as Feb 20, 1866, which doesn't agree with other sources. This dated 18 May 1866, Dept of the Interior, Pension Office.
One document from the Adjutant General's Office in Washington, D.C., dated 21 May 1866 states that Wm Wishard was enrolled on the 30 day of Aug 1861 at Bloomfield in Co A, 3rd Regt Iowa Cav. to serve three years & mustered into service as a Com. Serft on 7 Sep 1861 at Keokuk, A. He is shown on the Muster Roll of Field & Staff of that regiment but in Jul & Aug 1863 he was reported "Absent without Leave" [Note: He was discharged in 1862.] There is no evidence of death on file.
20 Jan 1864 Examining Surgeon's Certificate. Bloomfield, Iowa. Notes that Wishard was discharged 9 Aug 1862 and has disability resulting from falling from a horse jumping a fence. He states that Wishard is one third incapacitated from obtaining his subsistence by manuel labor. There was an injury of the spine producing continued pain in the small of the back. Signed: Wm. M. K. Findley.
Under Act of Jul 14, 1862. Claim for an Invalid Pension. Proof Exhibited: Certiciate of Disability for Discharge; Certificate of Capt Baker; Certificate of Medical Examination. Admitted April 17th, 1864 to pension of $2.66 2/3 per month beginning 5 Apr 1864. Semi-annual Examination required.

5 Apr 1866 Margaret Wishard, age 41 years, applied for Widow's pension. William had died 20 Feb 1866 at his home in Davis Co Iowa of disease of the spine, kidneys & back which disease was contracted in the service of the United States. She was married to said William Wishard 15 Jun 1843 and has remained a widow ever since he died. Her husband left five surviving children under the age of sixteen: Wm aged 11, John 9, Henry 7, Sarah J. 4 & George Curtis age nine months. Further states that Pension Certificate #27718 issued to her said husband on 29 Apr 1864. Margaret Wishard made her mark, witnessed by Elisha Wallace and Abram Wishard.
25 Apr 1866 Pension Agency, Des Moines, Iowa. Wm Wishard, an Invalid Pensioner was paid to the 4th Mar 1865 and did not again apply for payment. Died 20 Jan 1866 and his widow applied for the arrears, the biennial period for examination having passed. Shall I pay the rate of $2.66. Respectfully, Peter Myers, Pension Agent.
Note at bottom of the page: Get the best evidence the case admist of Viz attending physician & if not him next best. [Margaret's Claim was Rejected, apparently because William had not continued to have his examinations every six months.]

18 Apr 1881 George C. Wishard, minor & heir at law of William Wishard is entitled to property for which he has no legal Guardian. Wm. T. Deupree, appointed.
26 May 1883 Filing of Claim for Pension of Children Under Sixteen Years of Age. Gave births of children and history of soldier as above. The five children were at that time aged 28, 26, 24, 21 and 18. They all signed with their own signatures - Sarah as Sarah J. Lester, formerly Sarah J. Wishard. A. D. Gibbons and A. C. Lester witnessed.
8 May 1884 Affidavit of D. C. Greenleaf of Bloomfield. He was acquainted with soldier for 16 years prior to his death & had treated him the last seven days of his sickness from 13 to 20 of Jan 1866 inclusive when he died. He had been sick for a long time. He complain of his back and having received injury while in the Army and I am of opinion he had chronic inflamation of the cord [spinal] in its lower portions. The nature was obscure but it is evident he suffered much. Said disease contributed largely to his death if not the whole cause. This affiant was present at the birth of his daughter Sarah J. Wishard born 8 Aug 1861. Signed: D. C. Greenleaf
11 Apr 1887 Request for report of payment to Certificate #27718 of William Wishard who died on the 20 day Jan or Feb 1866, for the claim of the Minors #305123.
Payment was made to include March 3, 1865. Des Moines, IA 20 Apr 1887
Submitted 22 Nov 1887. Claimants: William A., John O., George C., and Sarah J. Wishard now Lester, Bloomfield, Iowa and Henry Wishard, Dighton, Kansas. Guardian of George C. Wishard, William T. Deupree.
7 May 1887 Deposition of John O. Wishard. He is 30 years old and lives in Bloomfield. He has the family Bible of William and Margaret Wishard, now deceased in which is recorded their family record ....dates of birth of their children. Request the Clerk of Davis Co Court to copy and certify the entries relating to the births of Wm. A. Wishard, John O. Wishard, Henry Wishard, Sarah J. Wishard and George C. Wishard.
William Allen Wishard was born December the 14th A.D. 1854
John O. Washard was born March the 2nd A.D. 1857
Henry Wishard was born February the 25th A. D. 1859
Sarah Jane Wishard was born August the 8th A.D. 1861
George C. Wishard was born January 23rd 1865.
The above were written in different shades of ink and have the appearance of having been written for a long time; the book containing the entries is old and well worn. I am well acquainted with affiant John O. Wishard and certify that he is a Credible person.
Signed: W. D. Leech, Clerk District Court
Affidavit of Silas Breeding. 22 Sep 1887, Bloomfield Age 67 years. I was well acquainted with the soldier prior to his first marriage in 1837. He was married in that year to Polly Breeding...who died in Shelby Co IN about January or February of 1843. I have personal knowledge from being present at her funeral. Said soldier again married to Margaret Breeding in Shelby Co IN on or about Jun 1843. I was acquainted with Soldier up to time of his death 20 Jan 1866. His widow Margaret Wishard was remarried to James L. Thompson about Feb 1869 and she died in January 1871. From personal knowledge. Signed: Silas Breeding
Affidavit of Elisha Wallace. 8 Oct 1887, Bloomfield Elisha was listed as age 51 years. Was well acquainted with soldier & his family up to his death in January of 1866 and well acquainted with his family ever since. First knew them in 1859 and knew the ages of each member of his family. At the date of his death, he had only five children who were under the age of sixteen years: William A., John O., Henry, Sarah J. and George C. Wishard. These children were by his last wife. He had no children by his first wife who were under the age of sixteen years, his first wife having been dead for over twenty years. Signed: Elisha Wallace
Affidavit of Nancy Wallace. Was well acquainted with his family from early childhood and knew each member of his family at the time of his death. [Repeated Elisha's testimony] He was never married but twice.
License Issued 20 Nov 1837, Shelby Co IN, for William Wishard and Polly Breeding of Shelby Co. 1 Jan 1838 - Certificate filed by Alfred Phelps that William Wishard & Polly Breeding were married on the 23rd day of Nov 1837.
Certificate of marriage between William Wishard and Margaret Breeding, 23 Jun 1843. Giles Holmes, Preacher of the Gospel.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage of James L. Thompson and Mrs. Margaret Wishard. Married 26 Feb 1869 at Bloomfield, Davis Co Iowa. Signed Wm. J. Hamilton, Justice of the Peace. Certified 8 May 1884
29 Dec 1887 #239503 Original Pension of Minor Children. The children got their pension. A note in the margin of the approval says "Pay on their own vouchers" William A. was to receive Minor Pension at the rate of $8 per mo beginning 21 Jan 1866 [day following his father's death] until 13 Dec 1870 [when he reached age 16]. John O. to receive until 1 Mar 1973. Henry until 24 Feb 1875. Sarah J. Wishard, now Lester, until 7 Aug 1877, George C. until 22 Jan 1881. There is a note that William T. Deupree, guardian of George C. Wishard is not now recognized - George was by now of an age he didn't need a guardian. Unfortunately George died of a hunting accident before he actually received his voucher - he had a liason with an unmarried woman who attempted to claim George's share for a daughter said to be the child of George C. Wishard [see his notes for details]. The claim was rejected.
The pension approval also contains the following data:
Soldier's enlistment: Aug 30, 1861 [Same day his brother Robert enlisted in Co. A, 3rd Regt.]
Muster into rank: Sept 7, 1861
Discharge: Aug 9, 1862
Death: Jany 20, 1866
Invalid app. filed 5 Apr 1864
Widow's app. filed 2 May 1866. Rejected
Minor's app. filed: June 1, 1883
Guardian appointed: Apl 18, 1881
Former marriage: Nov 23, 1835
Death of former wife: Jany or Feb 1843
Last marriage: Jun 15, 1843
Re-marriage of widow: Feb 26, 1869
Death of widow: Jany, 1871

Buried Lester Cemetery, Drakesville, Davis Co,, IA.
Military stone: Co A 2nd IA Cav (the stone is not pictured and I believe this to be an error in transcription - he served in the 3rd Iowa, not the 2nd.)

The application for the military stone was made 7 Jun 1937 by Verne J. Schlegel, Lawyer, of Bloomfield, Davis Co. He notes William was a Sergeant in Co. A, 3rd Iowa Cavalry. Enlisted 30 Aug 1861, discharged 9 Aug 1862. Died 20 Jan 1866.


Birth28 Feb 1815Fleming County, Kentucky
Marriage23 Nov 1837Shelby County, Indiana - Mary "Polly" Breeding
Marriage15 Jun 1843Shelby County, Indiana - Margaret Breeding
Military1861 - 1862Co. A, 3rd Iowa Cavalry, Civil War
Death20 Jan 1866Davis County, Iowa
BurialLester Cemetery, Drakesville, Davis County, Iowa


SpouseMargaret Breeding (1824 - 1871)
ChildNancy Wishard (1844 - )
ChildAlexandria Wishard (1846 - 1847)
ChildMary Elizabeth "Polly" Wishard (1847 - )
ChildSusanna F. Wishard (1849 - 1880)
ChildJohn Wishard (1852 - 1854)
ChildWilliam Allen Wishard (1854 - )
ChildJohn Owen Wishard (1857 - 1929)
ChildHenry Arthur Wishard (1859 - 1949)
ChildSarah Jane Wishard (1861 - )
ChildGeorge Curtis Wishard (1865 - 1887)
SpouseMary "Polly" Breeding (1820 - 1843)
ChildElizabeth Wishard (1839 - 1868)
ChildAbraham "Abram" Wishard (1841 - 1893)
FatherABRAHAM "ABRAM" WISHARD (1779 - 1843)
MotherSARAH "SALLY" REYNOLDS (1783 - 1848)
SiblingElizabeth Wishard (1807 - 1889)
SiblingJohn R. Wishard (1808 - 1877)
SiblingElvira Wishard (1811 - 1847)
SiblingFrances Wishard (1813 - 1901)
SiblingSarah "Sally" Wishard (1817 - 1905)
SiblingMary Wishard (1820 - )
SiblingSusannah Lytle Wishard (1822 - 1899)
SiblingStewart Wishard (1825 - 1906)
SiblingROBERT THOMAS WISHARD (1829 - 1907)
