Individual Details

Nancy Jane Stevens

(Sep 28, 1872 - Mar 28, 1921)

Also Known As:<_AKA> Stephens BIOGRAPHY: Grandson Arthur C. wrot e these words about Nancy Jane. "Nancy Jane Stevens, born 28 Septembe r 1872, married Thomas Willard Miles Query on 14 March 1889. It seem s evident that Nancy was first a member of Williams Chapel and then la ter on became a member of Mt. Pleasant Chu rch (both Methodist). Accor ding to her obituary, Nancy (Stevens) Query died at the hospital in Br azil, Indiana on 28 March 1921 at the age of 49 years and 6 m onths . She is buried in the Buckskin (Mt. Pleasant) Cemetery." Her grav e has not been located.


BirthSep 28, 1872
MarriageMar 14, 1889Owen County, Indiana, USA - Thomas Willard Miles Query
DeathMar 28, 1921Brazil, Clay County, Indiana
BurialMt. Pleasant Cemetery, Jennings Township, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseThomas Willard Miles Query (1865 - 1937)
ChildEzra C Query (1890 - 1941)
ChildRoy Estus Query (1893 - 1965)
ChildErnest Estil Query (1896 - 1958)
ChildAda Mae Query (1901 - 1919)
ChildJohn Lee Query (1904 - 1963)
ChildKenneth E Query (1910 - 1976)
FatherJames Randall Stevens (1847 - 1932)
MotherRachel Ellen Parrish (1851 - 1884)
SiblingWilliam J Stevens (1869 - )
SiblingAlbert Stevens (1873 - )
SiblingMary Jane Stevens (1877 - )
SiblingLillian Stevens (1878 - )
SiblingEmma C Stevens (1881 - )
