Individual Details

Ernest Estil Query

(Feb 12, 1896 - Dec 12, 1958)

Obituary: Owen Leader, December 18, 1958. Ernest E. Query, 62, Dies I n Hospita l; Funeral Rites Monday. Ernest E. Query, 62 years old, a V eteran of World War I, died Friday evening in the Veteran's hospital , Indianapolis, where he had b een a patient for the past six weeks . He had been ill for the past several mon ths. He was born at Catar act February 12, 1896, a son of Thomas and Nancy Stev ens Query. Man y years ago he was married to Miss Eliza Smith, who survives. O the r survivors include on daughter, Mrs. Naomi Coons, Indianapolis; one s on Way ne Query of Indianapolis; and three brothers, John of Indianapo lis and Rot and Kenneth Query, both of Spencer. He also leaves two gr andchildren. He was a re tired farmer and had lived at Cloverdale fo r the past several years. He was a member of the Cataract Baptist Chu rch, and a member of the Hurst-Collins Post, No. 281, American Legion , Cloverdale. Following death the body was taken to th e Whitaker Fun eral Home in Cloverdale, where final rites were held Monday after noo n at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Conrad Clearwaters, officiating, and militar y rites were held at Cloverdale Cemetery.


BirthFeb 12, 1896Owen County, Indiana, USA
MarriageFeb 7, 1920Owen County, Indiana, USA - Eliza Genevieve Smith
DeathDec 12, 1958Veterans Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana
BurialCloverdale Cemetery, Cloverdale Township, Putnam County, Indiana


SpouseEliza Genevieve Smith (1901 - 1995)
ChildNaomi M Query (1920 - )
ChildWilbur Wayne Query (1929 - )
FatherThomas Willard Miles Query (1865 - 1937)
MotherNancy Jane Stevens (1872 - 1921)
SiblingEzra C Query (1890 - 1941)
SiblingRoy Estus Query (1893 - 1965)
SiblingAda Mae Query (1901 - 1919)
SiblingJohn Lee Query (1904 - 1963)
SiblingKenneth E Query (1910 - 1976)
