Individual Details

Nellie Elizabeth Williams

(6 Oct 1918 - 29 Mar 2010)

BIRTH-PARENTS: 1920 U.S. Census, School District #8, Garfield MT; 1920; E.D.
122 Sheet 1A; Lines 31-35 ; Microfilm, Wisconsin State Historical Society,
Madison WI; NOTE: William and Carrie Williams family, copy in possession of Art
& Nancy Hawkinson.

PARENTS: Obituary of William Williams, "Old Timer Dies At Jordan Hospital,",
THE JORDAN TIMES, 23Feb1961; 1961; ; p1; Photocopy in possession of Nancy & Art
Hawkinson, Hudson WI.

Thomas Graham and Miss Williams Wed

At a quiet home wedding Sunday evening at E. C. Linebarger residence, Jordan,
Miss Nellie Williams, popular young woman of the Brusett neighborhood, became
the bride of Thomas L. Graham. The Rev. T. L. Kurtz, pastor of the American
Lutheran Church, conducted the ceremony which was in the presence of intimate
friends and members of the two families.

Soon after the ceremony Tommy and his bride were taken for a ride followed by a
long string of cars with sirens wide open. Later in the evening lunch was
served at the Linebarger home.

Mr. and Mrs. Graham will make their home on the groom's farm seven miles west
of Brusett.

In the 1940 census, Thomas Graham and Nellie are living at Lone Treee, School District No. 50. Living with them was Thomas' mother Pearl.

The Jordan Tribune, 21Aug1947, p4


Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Graham, Aug. 15; boy, weight 6 lb. 8 oz., Name,
Patrick Lynn.

Jordan Tribune, 9 Apr 2010
Nellie Elizabeth Amundson, 91, of Billings, Montana, passed away Monday, March 29, 2010, at St. Vincent Healthcafre.
The daughter of William and Carrie Williams, Nellie was born October 6, 1918, in Jordan, Montana.
Nellie married Maurice Amundson in Seward, Alaska, on January 21, 1963. They made their home in Cooper Landing, Alaska, and Yelm, Washington, for many years. Nellie has made her home in Billings since 2006.
Survivors include two sons: Thomas Graham and his wife, Georgia, of Ashland, Montana, and Douglas Graham of Washington; and numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
Nellie was preceded in death by her husband, March 10, 1988; two sons, Robert and Patrick Graham; two brothers, Jim and John; and two sisters, Carrie and Dolly.
Cremation has taken place and interment will be in the Yelm Cemetery, Yelm.
Michelotti-Sawyers Mortuary has charge of arrangements. Remembrances may be shared with the family by visiting

From: Mona Painter[]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 5:20 PM
Cc: Ken Hawkinson
Subject: Amundson
Hello Nancy and Ken, 
I haven't had time to do muchAmundson research; here is what I found so far. I don't know when they moved toCooper Landing or when they moved away, but I do know they were here in 1968and their names 
aren't on the population listI made in 1991. Nellie worked for Helen Gwin at Gwin's Lodge before I workedfor Helen in the 1970's. Helen died in 2007 and some of her photos and lodgerelated items were donated 
to the Cooper Landing Museum.I will look through them for any pictures and information about Nellie on Sat.when I am volunteering.
 Maurie was vicepresident of the community club in 1968. He was president in1969, 1972, and1973. Maurie and my husband, Larry,  worked for the Kenai National MooseRange (now the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge) at the same time in the early1970's. Maurie was a laborer. Larry also remembers Maurie having a statejob as some kind of highway work inspector. He remembers seeing Maurie in astate Dept. of Transportation pickup watching some fellows working on the highwayin Cooper Landing.
Nellie was a lovely person.She had a distinct way of speaking that was interesting and pleasant. You cansee in these 2 pictures how attractive and well-groomed she was. She was quietand I don't remember 
ever seeing her without a smile.
 A friendhere also worked for Helen Gwin, earlier than I did, and I will talk toher about Nellie. 
The place they lived is nowowned by Alaska Wildland Adventures under Wildland Projects LLC. I think theirhouse is still on the property but it is on the Kenai River and not visiblefrom the Sterling Highway. 
I have a list of peopleliving here when I moved to Cooper Landing in 1959 and I will check it, but Idon't remember them being here then. 
Mona Painter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gwin'sLodge in the 1950's  

Nellie Amundson with Helen and Pat Gwin in the 1970's Iwould guess. I don't recognize the building behind them.


Birth6 Oct 1918Jordan, Dawson, Montana
Marriage21 Jan 1963Seward, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska - Maurice Amundson
Death29 Mar 2010Billings, Montana
MarriageJordan, Garfield, Montana - Thomas L. Graham
DivorceThomas L. Graham
BurialYelm, Washington, Yelm Cemetery


SpouseThomas L. Graham (1904 - 1969)
ChildThomas W. Graham
ChildRobert David Graham (1941 - 1999)
ChildDouglas Farrand Graham (1942 - 2013)
ChildPatrick Lynn Graham (1947 - 2008)
SpouseMaurice Amundson (1922 - 1988)
FatherWilliam M. "Doc" Williams (1873 - )
MotherCarrie Ellen Broughton (1892 - 1966)
SiblingJoseph "Little Joe" Williams (1917 - 1963)
SiblingCarrie G. Williams (1925 - )
SiblingJohn Williams (1926 - 1995)
SiblingJames W. Williams (1928 - 1994)
SiblingCarrie Ellen Williams (1931 - 2008)
SiblingDollie Evelyn Williams (1934 - 1991)
