Individual Details

Carrie G. Williams

(4 Sep 1925 - 20 Sep 1925)

BIRTH-DEATH-BURIAL-PARENTS: Death Certificate for Carrie G. Williams; 1925;
Jordan, Garfield Cty, MT; Copy in possession of Nancy & Art Hawkinson; Death
Certificate Information: Born: 2 Sep 1925, Died: 29 Sep 1925, Age: 16 days, Dr.
Farrand, Buried on Nelson Farm, Family was residing at Butte Creek.

Carrie G. was born in 1925 while the family was residing at Butte Creek. She
died at the age of 16 days and was buried on the Nelson farm.


Birth4 Sep 1925Jordan, Garfield, Montana
Death20 Sep 1925, Garfield, Montana
Burial, Garfield, Montana, Nelson Farm


FatherWilliam M. "Doc" Williams (1873 - )
MotherCarrie Ellen Broughton (1892 - 1966)
SiblingJoseph "Little Joe" Williams (1917 - 1963)
SiblingNellie Elizabeth Williams (1918 - )
SiblingJohn Williams (1926 - 1995)
SiblingJames W. Williams (1928 - 1994)
SiblingCarrie Ellen Williams (1931 - 2008)
SiblingDollie Evelyn Williams (1934 - 1991)