Individual Details

Edward Brawner , The Elder

(1682 - )

One Edward Brawner's godfather, notice bequests to the same surnames as witnesses to Edward's will:
Thomas Plunket (Plinket), Prince George's Co, 5th Oct, 1716; 17th July, 1717.
To godson Edward Brawner, goddaus. Violetta Harrison, Frances Barnes and Sarah Coffer, personalty, and to godson and servant Henry Barnes, personalty at 20 yrs. of age, to which age sd. Henry is to be maintained.
To goddau. Henrietta Barnes and hrs, water mill at Mattawoman, she dying without issue, to pass to godson Thomas Barnes. Also to sd, Henrietta, servant tailor, Thomas Lloyd.
To Anne and Benjamin, dau. and son of friend Henry Barnes; Barbara Barnes, Thomas Coffer and Mary his wife, Rev. William Maconachie, Rev. John Fraser, Elizabeth Clements, Benjamin Henson, Jacob, Charles, Francis and Joseph Clements and Alex. Contee, mourning rings.
To godson. Thomas Barnes at 18 yrs, ex. and residuary legatee, and his hrs, all lands in Charles or Prince George Co, also mill adjoining dwelling house. He dying without issue, to pass to Benjamin Barnes and hrs, and in turn to Anne Barnes and hrs.
Test: Lawrence Anderson, Mary Anderson, Eleanor Sanders. 14. 516.

p. 63, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 300. At the request of Edwd Brawner, a mark for himself, a mark for his son Henry, a mark for his son Wm, and a mark for his son, Thos, was recorded on Aug 1, 1726.

Notice that Edward, Jr. and Henry are in Durham Parish, Lower Part. Edward, Sr. is in Port Tobacco West, Lower Part as is Peter Farnandis.
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
[The above is the title of the handwritten list. The list was read in sequence, top to bottom, left column first then right column, with the sequence number (within each district) for each person recorded below. The list was then alphabetized by surname and given name
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist
Edward Brawner 1 15 PTWL
Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 58 DL
Henry Brawner 2 57 DL

1734 Charles County Partial Tax List (A & B. only)
Characters and/or words that were unreadable or uncertain are shown within square brackets and with a question mark. The five columns of numbers had headings, but the last three headings were unreadable. Column #1 was labeled "Taxables" and column #2 was labeled "Required". Column #5 label could possibly have been "surplus".]
PTWL Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 3 80 - 77
PTWL Edward Brawner, Sr. 1 3 3 - -

p.43, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2
Page 178. Recorded Dec 6, 1736. Nov 3, 1736 from Edward Rumney of Anne Arundel County, Gent, to Edward Brawner of CC, planter, for 3500 lbs tobacco, all that parcel of land in CC called Hazard, bounded by Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward Rumney. Wit -Francis Linthicum, Rich Dorsey. Elizabeth, the wife of the said Edward Rumney, released her dower.

532 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
By the Committee of Accounts, June 9. 1747
Liber No. 46
In pursuance of an Order of the Lower House of Assembly, to settle Sundry ffees, arising due to the officers of that House and Sundry witnesses for attendance, on a Complaint made there against Henry Brook, farmer of his Lordship's Quit Rents in Charles County, and Samuel Hanson, Sheriff of said County; we have proceeded to tax the same in manner following.
To Edward Browner for 1 Attendence, and 4 Itinerant Charges 1.5.O

Notice: no wife signs.
p. 55, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#1 1/2)
Page (285). I, Edward Browner of CC, for the love I have for my son, Benjamin Browner of CC, I have given Benjamin 70 acres "at the west end and part of a tract of land called Hopewell". Signed Jan 25, 1755-Edwd (E his mark) Browner. Wit-Gustavus Brown, Willm Eilbeck. Recorded Feb 7, 1755.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; Charles County Depositions, Robert W. Barnes; p. 697-698
BRAWNER, Edward, age 75, 27-30 March 1758, deposed that John Woodward, Jr, died in his minority, and that Jno. Woodward the father m. the widow Newton who was deemed to be the daughter of Garrard Brown and lived at a place now shown by this deponent nigh where David Davis lately dwelt, which place the said Woodward got by [marriage to] his wife. The deponent said he knew a certain Dr. John Cornish between 60 and 70 years ago who then dwelt at a place likewise shown by the deponent where Benjamin Carpenter (one of the present deponents) now dwells and he understood that the said Cornish married the widow of Garrard Brown, and the place where the said Cornish dwelt was demed to be on a tract of land called Simpson's Supply, and further this deponent showed a place in a small old field, where there is a parcel of stones appearing to be a stone hearth and declared that a certain Richard Marshall who married, as he believes Mary, the youngest daughter of Garrard Brown about 60 years ago, dwelt at the same place, and that the said Richard had a son named GARRARD, and knows of no other child of the said Richard, and after the death of the said Richard Marshall a certain Richard Wise married the said Richard Marshall's widow, and dwelt at the same place, and after the death of the said Wise, a certain Dunaway married the said Wise's widow; CHLR 52:424. Age 75, 13 June 1758; CHLR52:329; Age 75, 24 July 1758; CHLR 52:581. Age 77, 11 Aug. 1760; CHLR 54:5

p. 30, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 226. Nov 12, 1762 from Edward Brawner of CC, planter, to William Brawner of CC, planter, for 5000 lbs of tobacco, a tract of land called Hazard, lying in CC, about _ _ from the head of Mattawoman Cr near the land of John _, bounded by the Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward (E his mark) Brawner. Wit-Jno Winter*, Dan of St Thomas Jenifer*. Recorded Jan 29, 1763.

p. 13, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 78. I, Edward Brawner of CC, for 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, I have given my son, Benjamin Brawner, a tract of land called Fortune, lying in CC, and bounded by a tract of land called Hopewell, Wards Delight, the west line of Moors fishing Creek, containing about 102 acres. Signed Aug 19, 1766-Edward (his mark) Brawner.

Maryland Calendar Of Wills; 1764-1767; Volume 13; Family Line Publications; Westminster, Maryland; 1992; p. 179
Brawner, Edward, Charles Co. 5 Sep, 1766; 3 Jan, 1767
To son John, tract whereon he lives called "Hopewell", 100 A.
To son Benjamin, tract called "Fortune", whereon I now live, 100 A. called Fortune.
To dau. Elizabeth Grant, furniture.
Dau.-in-law Elizabeth Nalley.
To granddau. Chloe Brawner, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, furniture.
Granddau. Priscilla Brawner, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth.
Dau. Abigall.
Exs: Sons John and Benjamin Brawner.
Wit: Benj. Smallwood, George Delozer, Violetta Coffee. 35. 316

According to the net, a "pair of Shilliards" was mentioned in several inventories about this time.

From the Brawner Bulletin:
Edward Brawner (1682-1766) died in Charles Co, MD leaving property through his Will, written Sept. 15, 1766 and probated Jan. 3, 1767, as follows:
To son John land called Hopewell (70 acres)
To son Benjamin land called Fortune (100 acres)
To daughter Elizabeth Grant 6 leather chairs, iron pot and rack spice mortar
To daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one bell mettle kettle
To granddaughter Chloe (daughter of Joseph & Sarah Brawner) one large iron pot.
To granddaughter Priscilla (daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Brawner) one feather bed and sheets, one rug and one blanket
Will also refers to daughter Abagail.
Sons John and Benjamin named co-executors.
No wife mentioned.
[Maryland Hall of Records, Wills, Liber 35, Page 316]

January 03, 1767. Will of Edward Brawner.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Edward Brawner of Charles County in the province of Maryland, being weak in body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to God, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, I bequeath my soul in the hands of almighty God my heavenly father by whom of his only grace trust to be and received in eternal rest throught the death of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ, in whose precious blood I set the whole and only hope of my salvation. My body in hopes of a joyful resurrection I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And as touching the distribution of my real and personal estate I dispose of the same as followeth: Imprimis. I will that all such debts as I justly owe be truly paid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John all that tract or parcel of land whereon he now lives called 'Hopewell, ' containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin all that tract or parcel of land called 'Fortune, ' whereon I now live containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Grant six leather chairs, one iron pot rack, and one sprie mortar and pestel.
Item. I bequeath to my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one belle metal kettle.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Chloe Brawner, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, one large iron pot containing about fifteen gallons.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Priscilla Brawner, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth, one featherbed, one pair of sheets, one rug, and one blanket.
Item. I give to my daughter Abigail one pair Shilliards and Pea.
And lastly, I do constitute and appoint my loving sons, John and Benjamin Brawner to be jointly executors of this my last will and testament, and I do utterly revoke all wills by me heretofore made and declared.
In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and seal this fifth day of September Anno Domini 1766.
Edward Brawner (his mark and seal)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Benjamin Smallwood, George Delozer, and Violetta Coffer.
Charles County on 3 January 1767, came George Delozer and Violetta Coffer, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almight God, do depose and say that they saw Edward Brawner, the testator, sign and seal the said will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament, and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they together with Bayne Smallwood, the other witness, severally subscribed as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the testator and at his request. Daniel Jenifer, Deputy Clerk. (Charles County, Colonial Maryland Wills, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland, Liber 35, folio 316)

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, Libers 4 And 5, 1763-1770; V. L. Skinner, Jr.
This section appears at the back of Liber 5. "Papers returned to the Prerogative Court beginning 20 February 1767." the Prerogative Court in 1767.
From Charles County, May 27.
Bonds: Henry Coffe, Alden Clayton, Francis Adams.
Wills: Mary Ching, William Pisson, Edward Brawner.
Accounts: John Crain.
Inventories: Thomas McDaniel, Lut. Jameson, Joseph King, Francis Montgomery, Ann Edelen.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

One Edward Brawner's godfather, notice bequests to the same surnames as witnesses to Edward's will:
Thomas Plunket (Plinket), Prince George's Co, 5th Oct, 1716; 17th July, 1717.
To godson Edward Brawner, goddaus. Violetta Harrison, Frances Barnes and Sarah Coffer, personalty, and to godson and servant Henry Barnes, personalty at 20 yrs. of age, to which age sd. Henry is to be maintained.
To goddau. Henrietta Barnes and hrs, water mill at Mattawoman, she dying without issue, to pass to godson Thomas Barnes. Also to sd, Henrietta, servant tailor, Thomas Lloyd.
To Anne and Benjamin, dau. and son of friend Henry Barnes; Barbara Barnes, Thomas Coffer and Mary his wife, Rev. William Maconachie, Rev. John Fraser, Elizabeth Clements, Benjamin Henson, Jacob, Charles, Francis and Joseph Clements and Alex. Contee, mourning rings.
To godson. Thomas Barnes at 18 yrs, ex. and residuary legatee, and his hrs, all lands in Charles or Prince George Co, also mill adjoining dwelling house. He dying without issue, to pass to Benjamin Barnes and hrs, and in turn to Anne Barnes and hrs.
Test: Lawrence Anderson, Mary Anderson, Eleanor Sanders. 14. 516.

p. 63, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 300. At the request of Edwd Brawner, a mark for himself, a mark for his son Henry, a mark for his son Wm, and a mark for his son, Thos, was recorded on Aug 1, 1726.

Notice that Edward, Jr. and Henry are in Durham Parish, Lower Part. Edward, Sr. is in Port Tobacco West, Lower Part as is Peter Farnandis.
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
[The above is the title of the handwritten list. The list was read in sequence, top to bottom, left column first then right column, with the sequence number (within each district) for each person recorded below. The list was then alphabetized by surname and given name
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist
Edward Brawner 1 15 PTWL
Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 58 DL
Henry Brawner 2 57 DL

1734 Charles County Partial Tax List (A & B. only)
Characters and/or words that were unreadable or uncertain are shown within square brackets and with a question mark. The five columns of numbers had headings, but the last three headings were unreadable. Column #1 was labeled "Taxables" and column #2 was labeled "Required". Column #5 label could possibly have been "surplus".]
PTWL Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 3 80 - 77
PTWL Edward Brawner, Sr. 1 3 3 - -

p.43, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2
Page 178. Recorded Dec 6, 1736. Nov 3, 1736 from Edward Rumney of Anne Arundel County, Gent, to Edward Brawner of CC, planter, for 3500 lbs tobacco, all that parcel of land in CC called Hazard, bounded by Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward Rumney. Wit -Francis Linthicum, Rich Dorsey. Elizabeth, the wife of the said Edward Rumney, released her dower.

532 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
By the Committee of Accounts, June 9. 1747
Liber No. 46
In pursuance of an Order of the Lower House of Assembly, to settle Sundry ffees, arising due to the officers of that House and Sundry witnesses for attendance, on a Complaint made there against Henry Brook, farmer of his Lordship's Quit Rents in Charles County, and Samuel Hanson, Sheriff of said County; we have proceeded to tax the same in manner following.
To Edward Browner for 1 Attendence, and 4 Itinerant Charges 1.5.O

Notice: no wife signs.
p. 55, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#1 ½)
Page (285). I, Edward Browner of CC, for the love I have for my son, Benjamin Browner of CC, I have given Benjamin 70 acres "at the west end and part of a tract of land called Hopewell". Signed Jan 25, 1755-Edwd (E his mark) Browner. Wit-Gustavus Brown, Willm Eilbeck. Recorded Feb 7, 1755.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; Charles County Depositions, Robert W. Barnes; p. 697-698
BRAWNER, Edward, age 75, 27-30 March 1758, deposed that John Woodward, Jr, died in his minority, and that Jno. Woodward the father m. the widow Newton who was deemed to be the daughter of Garrard Brown and lived at a place now shown by this deponent nigh where David Davis lately dwelt, which place the said Woodward got by [marriage to] his wife. The deponent said he knew a certain Dr. John Cornish between 60 and 70 years ago who then dwelt at a place likewise shown by the deponent where Benjamin Carpenter (one of the present deponents) now dwells and he understood that the said Cornish married the widow of Garrard Brown, and the place where the said Cornish dwelt was demed to be on a tract of land called Simpson's Supply, and further this deponent showed a place in a small old field, where there is a parcel of stones appearing to be a stone hearth and declared that a certain Richard Marshall who married, as he believes Mary, the youngest daughter of Garrard Brown about 60 years ago, dwelt at the same place, and that the said Richard had a son named GARRARD, and knows of no other child of the said Richard, and after the death of the said Richard Marshall a certain Richard Wise married the said Richard Marshall's widow, and dwelt at the same place, and after the death of the said Wise, a certain Dunaway married the said Wise's widow; CHLR 52:424. Age 75, 13 June 1758; CHLR52:329; Age 75, 24 July 1758; CHLR 52:581. Age 77, 11 Aug. 1760; CHLR 54:5

p. 30, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 226. Nov 12, 1762 from Edward Brawner of CC, planter, to William Brawner of CC, planter, for 5000 lbs of tobacco, a tract of land called Hazard, lying in CC, about _ _ from the head of Mattawoman Cr near the land of John _, bounded by the Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward (E his mark) Brawner. Wit-Jno Winter*, Dan of St Thomas Jenifer*. Recorded Jan 29, 1763.

p. 13, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 78. I, Edward Brawner of CC, for 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, I have given my son, Benjamin Brawner, a tract of land called Fortune, lying in CC, and bounded by a tract of land called Hopewell, Wards Delight, the west line of Moors fishing Creek, containing about 102 acres. Signed Aug 19, 1766-Edward (his mark) Brawner.

Maryland Calendar Of Wills; 1764-1767; Volume 13; Family Line Publications; Westminster, Maryland; 1992; p. 179
Brawner, Edward, Charles Co. 5 Sep, 1766; 3 Jan, 1767
To son John, tract whereon he lives called "Hopewell", 100 A.
To son Benjamin, tract called "Fortune", whereon I now live, 100 A. called Fortune.
To dau. Elizabeth Grant, furniture.
Dau.-in-law Elizabeth Nalley.
To granddau. Chloe Brawner, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, furniture.
Granddau. Priscilla Brawner, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth.
Dau. Abigall.
Exs: Sons John and Benjamin Brawner.
Wit: Benj. Smallwood, George Delozer, Violetta Coffee. 35. 316

According to the net, a "pair of Shilliards" was mentioned in several inventories about this time.

From the Brawner Bulletin:
Edward Brawner (1682-1766) died in Charles Co, MD leaving property through his Will, written Sept. 15, 1766 and probated Jan. 3, 1767, as follows:
To son John land called Hopewell (70 acres)
To son Benjamin land called Fortune (100 acres)
To daughter Elizabeth Grant 6 leather chairs, iron pot and rack spice mortar
To daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one bell mettle kettle
To granddaughter Chloe (daughter of Joseph & Sarah Brawner) one large iron pot.
To granddaughter Priscilla (daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Brawner) one feather bed and sheets, one rug and one blanket
Will also refers to daughter Abagail.
Sons John and Benjamin named co-executors.
No wife mentioned.
[Maryland Hall of Records, Wills, Liber 35, Page 316]

January 03, 1767. Will of Edward Brawner.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Edward Brawner of Charles County in the province of Maryland, being weak in body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to God, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, I bequeath my soul in the hands of almighty God my heavenly father by whom of his only grace trust to be and received in eternal rest throught the death of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ, in whose precious blood I set the whole and only hope of my salvation. My body in hopes of a joyful resurrection I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And as touching the distribution of my real and personal estate I dispose of the same as followeth: Imprimis. I will that all such debts as I justly owe be truly paid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John all that tract or parcel of land whereon he now lives called 'Hopewell, ' containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin all that tract or parcel of land called 'Fortune, ' whereon I now live containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Grant six leather chairs, one iron pot rack, and one sprie mortar and pestel.
Item. I bequeath to my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one belle metal kettle.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Chloe Brawner, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, one large iron pot containing about fifteen gallons.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Priscilla Brawner, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth, one featherbed, one pair of sheets, one rug, and one blanket.
Item. I give to my daughter Abigail one pair Shilliards and Pea.
And lastly, I do constitute and appoint my loving sons, John and Benjamin Brawner to be jointly executors of this my last will and testament, and I do utterly revoke all wills by me heretofore made and declared.
In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and seal this fifth day of September Anno Domini 1766.
Edward Brawner (his mark and seal)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Benjamin Smallwood, George Delozer, and Violetta Coffer.
Charles County on 3 January 1767, came George Delozer and Violetta Coffer, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almight God, do depose and say that they saw Edward Brawner, the testator, sign and seal the said will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament, and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they together with Bayne Smallwood, the other witness, severally subscribed as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the testator and at his request. Daniel Jenifer, Deputy Clerk. (Charles County, Colonial Maryland Wills, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland, Liber 35, folio 316)

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, Libers 4 And 5, 1763-1770; V. L. Skinner, Jr.
This section appears at the back of Liber 5. "Papers returned to the Prerogative Court beginning 20 February 1767." the Prerogative Court in 1767.
From Charles County, May 27.
Bonds: Henry Coffe, Alden Clayton, Francis Adams.
Wills: Mary Ching, William Pisson, Edward Brawner.
Accounts: John Crain.
Inventories: Thomas McDaniel, Lut. Jameson, Joseph King, Francis Montgomery, Ann Edelen.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

One Edward Brawner's godfather, notice bequests to the same surnames as witnesses to Edward's will:
Thomas Plunket (Plinket), Prince George's Co, 5th Oct, 1716; 17th July, 1717.
To godson Edward Brawner, goddaus. Violetta Harrison, Frances Barnes and Sarah Coffer, personalty, and to godson and servant Henry Barnes, personalty at 20 yrs. of age, to which age sd. Henry is to be maintained.
To goddau. Henrietta Barnes and hrs, water mill at Mattawoman, she dying without issue, to pass to godson Thomas Barnes. Also to sd, Henrietta, servant tailor, Thomas Lloyd.
To Anne and Benjamin, dau. and son of friend Henry Barnes; Barbara Barnes, Thomas Coffer and Mary his wife, Rev. William Maconachie, Rev. John Fraser, Elizabeth Clements, Benjamin Henson, Jacob, Charles, Francis and Joseph Clements and Alex. Contee, mourning rings.
To godson. Thomas Barnes at 18 yrs, ex. and residuary legatee, and his hrs, all lands in Charles or Prince George Co, also mill adjoining dwelling house. He dying without issue, to pass to Benjamin Barnes and hrs, and in turn to Anne Barnes and hrs.
Test: Lawrence Anderson, Mary Anderson, Eleanor Sanders. 14. 516.

p. 63, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 300. At the request of Edwd Brawner, a mark for himself, a mark for his son Henry, a mark for his son Wm, and a mark for his son, Thos, was recorded on Aug 1, 1726.

Notice that Edward, Jr. and Henry are in Durham Parish, Lower Part. Edward, Sr. is in Port Tobacco West, Lower Part as is Peter Farnandis.
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
[The above is the title of the handwritten list. The list was read in sequence, top to bottom, left column first then right column, with the sequence number (within each district) for each person recorded below. The list was then alphabetized by surname and given name
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist
Edward Brawner 1 15 PTWL
Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 58 DL
Henry Brawner 2 57 DL

1734 Charles County Partial Tax List (A & B. only)
Characters and/or words that were unreadable or uncertain are shown within square brackets and with a question mark. The five columns of numbers had headings, but the last three headings were unreadable. Column #1 was labeled "Taxables" and column #2 was labeled "Required". Column #5 label could possibly have been "surplus".]
PTWL Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 3 80 - 77
PTWL Edward Brawner, Sr. 1 3 3 - -

p.43, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2
Page 178. Recorded Dec 6, 1736. Nov 3, 1736 from Edward Rumney of Anne Arundel County, Gent, to Edward Brawner of CC, planter, for 3500 lbs tobacco, all that parcel of land in CC called Hazard, bounded by Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward Rumney. Wit -Francis Linthicum, Rich Dorsey. Elizabeth, the wife of the said Edward Rumney, released her dower.

532 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
By the Committee of Accounts, June 9. 1747
Liber No. 46
In pursuance of an Order of the Lower House of Assembly, to settle Sundry ffees, arising due to the officers of that House and Sundry witnesses for attendance, on a Complaint made there against Henry Brook, farmer of his Lordship's Quit Rents in Charles County, and Samuel Hanson, Sheriff of said County; we have proceeded to tax the same in manner following.
To Edward Browner for 1 Attendence, and 4 Itinerant Charges 1.5.O

Notice: no wife signs.
p. 55, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#1 1/2)
Page (285). I, Edward Browner of CC, for the love I have for my son, Benjamin Browner of CC, I have given Benjamin 70 acres "at the west end and part of a tract of land called Hopewell". Signed Jan 25, 1755-Edwd (E his mark) Browner. Wit-Gustavus Brown, Willm Eilbeck. Recorded Feb 7, 1755.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; Charles County Depositions, Robert W. Barnes; p. 697-698
BRAWNER, Edward, age 75, 27-30 March 1758, deposed that John Woodward, Jr, died in his minority, and that Jno. Woodward the father m. the widow Newton who was deemed to be the daughter of Garrard Brown and lived at a place now shown by this deponent nigh where David Davis lately dwelt, which place the said Woodward got by [marriage to] his wife. The deponent said he knew a certain Dr. John Cornish between 60 and 70 years ago who then dwelt at a place likewise shown by the deponent where Benjamin Carpenter (one of the present deponents) now dwells and he understood that the said Cornish married the widow of Garrard Brown, and the place where the said Cornish dwelt was demed to be on a tract of land called Simpson's Supply, and further this deponent showed a place in a small old field, where there is a parcel of stones appearing to be a stone hearth and declared that a certain Richard Marshall who married, as he believes Mary, the youngest daughter of Garrard Brown about 60 years ago, dwelt at the same place, and that the said Richard had a son named GARRARD, and knows of no other child of the said Richard, and after the death of the said Richard Marshall a certain Richard Wise married the said Richard Marshall's widow, and dwelt at the same place, and after the death of the said Wise, a certain Dunaway married the said Wise's widow; CHLR 52:424. Age 75, 13 June 1758; CHLR52:329; Age 75, 24 July 1758; CHLR 52:581. Age 77, 11 Aug. 1760; CHLR 54:5

p. 30, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 226. Nov 12, 1762 from Edward Brawner of CC, planter, to William Brawner of CC, planter, for 5000 lbs of tobacco, a tract of land called Hazard, lying in CC, about _ _ from the head of Mattawoman Cr near the land of John _, bounded by the Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward (E his mark) Brawner. Wit-Jno Winter*, Dan of St Thomas Jenifer*. Recorded Jan 29, 1763.

p. 13, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 78. I, Edward Brawner of CC, for 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, I have given my son, Benjamin Brawner, a tract of land called Fortune, lying in CC, and bounded by a tract of land called Hopewell, Wards Delight, the west line of Moors fishing Creek, containing about 102 acres. Signed Aug 19, 1766-Edward (his mark) Brawner.

Maryland Calendar Of Wills; 1764-1767; Volume 13; Family Line Publications; Westminster, Maryland; 1992; p. 179
Brawner, Edward, Charles Co. 5 Sep, 1766; 3 Jan, 1767
To son John, tract whereon he lives called "Hopewell", 100 A.
To son Benjamin, tract called "Fortune", whereon I now live, 100 A. called Fortune.
To dau. Elizabeth Grant, furniture.
Dau.-in-law Elizabeth Nalley.
To granddau. Chloe Brawner, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, furniture.
Granddau. Priscilla Brawner, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth.
Dau. Abigall.
Exs: Sons John and Benjamin Brawner.
Wit: Benj. Smallwood, George Delozer, Violetta Coffee. 35. 316

According to the net, a "pair of Shilliards" was mentioned in several inventories about this time.

From the Brawner Bulletin:
Edward Brawner (1682-1766) died in Charles Co, MD leaving property through his Will, written Sept. 15, 1766 and probated Jan. 3, 1767, as follows:
To son John land called Hopewell (70 acres)
To son Benjamin land called Fortune (100 acres)
To daughter Elizabeth Grant 6 leather chairs, iron pot and rack spice mortar
To daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one bell mettle kettle
To granddaughter Chloe (daughter of Joseph & Sarah Brawner) one large iron pot.
To granddaughter Priscilla (daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Brawner) one feather bed and sheets, one rug and one blanket
Will also refers to daughter Abagail.
Sons John and Benjamin named co-executors.
No wife mentioned.
[Maryland Hall of Records, Wills, Liber 35, Page 316]

January 03, 1767. Will of Edward Brawner.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Edward Brawner of Charles County in the province of Maryland, being weak in body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to God, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, I bequeath my soul in the hands of almighty God my heavenly father by whom of his only grace trust to be and received in eternal rest throught the death of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ, in whose precious blood I set the whole and only hope of my salvation. My body in hopes of a joyful resurrection I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And as touching the distribution of my real and personal estate I dispose of the same as followeth: Imprimis. I will that all such debts as I justly owe be truly paid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John all that tract or parcel of land whereon he now lives called 'Hopewell, ' containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin all that tract or parcel of land called 'Fortune, ' whereon I now live containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Grant six leather chairs, one iron pot rack, and one sprie mortar and pestel.
Item. I bequeath to my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one belle metal kettle.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Chloe Brawner, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, one large iron pot containing about fifteen gallons.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Priscilla Brawner, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth, one featherbed, one pair of sheets, one rug, and one blanket.
Item. I give to my daughter Abigail one pair Shilliards and Pea.
And lastly, I do constitute and appoint my loving sons, John and Benjamin Brawner to be jointly executors of this my last will and testament, and I do utterly revoke all wills by me heretofore made and declared.
In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and seal this fifth day of September Anno Domini 1766.
Edward Brawner (his mark and seal)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Benjamin Smallwood, George Delozer, and Violetta Coffer.
Charles County on 3 January 1767, came George Delozer and Violetta Coffer, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almight God, do depose and say that they saw Edward Brawner, the testator, sign and seal the said will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament, and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they together with Bayne Smallwood, the other witness, severally subscribed as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the testator and at his request. Daniel Jenifer, Deputy Clerk. (Charles County, Colonial Maryland Wills, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland, Liber 35, folio 316)

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, Libers 4 And 5, 1763-1770; V. L. Skinner, Jr.
This section appears at the back of Liber 5. "Papers returned to the Prerogative Court beginning 20 February 1767." the Prerogative Court in 1767.
From Charles County, May 27.
Bonds: Henry Coffe, Alden Clayton, Francis Adams.
Wills: Mary Ching, William Pisson, Edward Brawner.
Accounts: John Crain.
Inventories: Thomas McDaniel, Lut. Jameson, Joseph King, Francis Montgomery, Ann Edelen.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

One Edward Brawner's godfather, notice bequests to the same surnames as witnesses to Edward's will:
Thomas Plunket (Plinket), Prince George's Co, 5th Oct, 1716; 17th July, 1717.
To godson Edward Brawner, goddaus. Violetta Harrison, Frances Barnes and Sarah Coffer, personalty, and to godson and servant Henry Barnes, personalty at 20 yrs. of age, to which age sd. Henry is to be maintained.
To goddau. Henrietta Barnes and hrs, water mill at Mattawoman, she dying without issue, to pass to godson Thomas Barnes. Also to sd, Henrietta, servant tailor, Thomas Lloyd.
To Anne and Benjamin, dau. and son of friend Henry Barnes; Barbara Barnes, Thomas Coffer and Mary his wife, Rev. William Maconachie, Rev. John Fraser, Elizabeth Clements, Benjamin Henson, Jacob, Charles, Francis and Joseph Clements and Alex. Contee, mourning rings.
To godson. Thomas Barnes at 18 yrs, ex. and residuary legatee, and his hrs, all lands in Charles or Prince George Co, also mill adjoining dwelling house. He dying without issue, to pass to Benjamin Barnes and hrs, and in turn to Anne Barnes and hrs.
Test: Lawrence Anderson, Mary Anderson, Eleanor Sanders. 14. 516.

p. 63, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 300. At the request of Edwd Brawner, a mark for himself, a mark for his son Henry, a mark for his son Wm, and a mark for his son, Thos, was recorded on Aug 1, 1726.

Notice that Edward, Jr. and Henry are in Durham Parish, Lower Part. Edward, Sr. is in Port Tobacco West, Lower Part as is Peter Farnandis.
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
[The above is the title of the handwritten list. The list was read in sequence, top to bottom, left column first then right column, with the sequence number (within each district) for each person recorded below. The list was then alphabetized by surname and given name
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist
Edward Brawner 1 15 PTWL
Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 58 DL
Henry Brawner 2 57 DL

1734 Charles County Partial Tax List (A & B. only)
Characters and/or words that were unreadable or uncertain are shown within square brackets and with a question mark. The five columns of numbers had headings, but the last three headings were unreadable. Column #1 was labeled "Taxables" and column #2 was labeled "Required". Column #5 label could possibly have been "surplus".]
PTWL Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 3 80 - 77
PTWL Edward Brawner, Sr. 1 3 3 - -

p.43, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2
Page 178. Recorded Dec 6, 1736. Nov 3, 1736 from Edward Rumney of Anne Arundel County, Gent, to Edward Brawner of CC, planter, for 3500 lbs tobacco, all that parcel of land in CC called Hazard, bounded by Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward Rumney. Wit -Francis Linthicum, Rich Dorsey. Elizabeth, the wife of the said Edward Rumney, released her dower.

532 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
By the Committee of Accounts, June 9. 1747
Liber No. 46
In pursuance of an Order of the Lower House of Assembly, to settle Sundry ffees, arising due to the officers of that House and Sundry witnesses for attendance, on a Complaint made there against Henry Brook, farmer of his Lordship's Quit Rents in Charles County, and Samuel Hanson, Sheriff of said County; we have proceeded to tax the same in manner following.
To Edward Browner for 1 Attendence, and 4 Itinerant Charges 1.5.O

Notice: no wife signs.
p. 55, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#1 1/2)
Page (285). I, Edward Browner of CC, for the love I have for my son, Benjamin Browner of CC, I have given Benjamin 70 acres "at the west end and part of a tract of land called Hopewell". Signed Jan 25, 1755-Edwd (E his mark) Browner. Wit-Gustavus Brown, Willm Eilbeck. Recorded Feb 7, 1755.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; Charles County Depositions, Robert W. Barnes; p. 697-698
BRAWNER, Edward, age 75, 27-30 March 1758, deposed that John Woodward, Jr, died in his minority, and that Jno. Woodward the father m. the widow Newton who was deemed to be the daughter of Garrard Brown and lived at a place now shown by this deponent nigh where David Davis lately dwelt, which place the said Woodward got by [marriage to] his wife. The deponent said he knew a certain Dr. John Cornish between 60 and 70 years ago who then dwelt at a place likewise shown by the deponent where Benjamin Carpenter (one of the present deponents) now dwells and he understood that the said Cornish married the widow of Garrard Brown, and the place where the said Cornish dwelt was demed to be on a tract of land called Simpson's Supply, and further this deponent showed a place in a small old field, where there is a parcel of stones appearing to be a stone hearth and declared that a certain Richard Marshall who married, as he believes Mary, the youngest daughter of Garrard Brown about 60 years ago, dwelt at the same place, and that the said Richard had a son named GARRARD, and knows of no other child of the said Richard, and after the death of the said Richard Marshall a certain Richard Wise married the said Richard Marshall's widow, and dwelt at the same place, and after the death of the said Wise, a certain Dunaway married the said Wise's widow; CHLR 52:424. Age 75, 13 June 1758; CHLR52:329; Age 75, 24 July 1758; CHLR 52:581. Age 77, 11 Aug. 1760; CHLR 54:5

p. 30, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 226. Nov 12, 1762 from Edward Brawner of CC, planter, to William Brawner of CC, planter, for 5000 lbs of tobacco, a tract of land called Hazard, lying in CC, about _ _ from the head of Mattawoman Cr near the land of John _, bounded by the Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward (E his mark) Brawner. Wit-Jno Winter*, Dan of St Thomas Jenifer*. Recorded Jan 29, 1763.

p. 13, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 78. I, Edward Brawner of CC, for 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, I have given my son, Benjamin Brawner, a tract of land called Fortune, lying in CC, and bounded by a tract of land called Hopewell, Wards Delight, the west line of Moors fishing Creek, containing about 102 acres. Signed Aug 19, 1766-Edward (his mark) Brawner.

Maryland Calendar Of Wills; 1764-1767; Volume 13; Family Line Publications; Westminster, Maryland; 1992; p. 179
Brawner, Edward, Charles Co. 5 Sep, 1766; 3 Jan, 1767
To son John, tract whereon he lives called "Hopewell", 100 A.
To son Benjamin, tract called "Fortune", whereon I now live, 100 A. called Fortune.
To dau. Elizabeth Grant, furniture.
Dau.-in-law Elizabeth Nalley.
To granddau. Chloe Brawner, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, furniture.
Granddau. Priscilla Brawner, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth.
Dau. Abigall.
Exs: Sons John and Benjamin Brawner.
Wit: Benj. Smallwood, George Delozer, Violetta Coffee. 35. 316

According to the net, a "pair of Shilliards" was mentioned in several inventories about this time.

From the Brawner Bulletin:
Edward Brawner (1682-1766) died in Charles Co, MD leaving property through his Will, written Sept. 15, 1766 and probated Jan. 3, 1767, as follows:
To son John land called Hopewell (70 acres)
To son Benjamin land called Fortune (100 acres)
To daughter Elizabeth Grant 6 leather chairs, iron pot and rack spice mortar
To daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one bell mettle kettle
To granddaughter Chloe (daughter of Joseph & Sarah Brawner) one large iron pot.
To granddaughter Priscilla (daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Brawner) one feather bed and sheets, one rug and one blanket
Will also refers to daughter Abagail.
Sons John and Benjamin named co-executors.
No wife mentioned.
[Maryland Hall of Records, Wills, Liber 35, Page 316]

January 03, 1767. Will of Edward Brawner.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Edward Brawner of Charles County in the province of Maryland, being weak in body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to God, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, I bequeath my soul in the hands of almighty God my heavenly father by whom of his only grace trust to be and received in eternal rest throught the death of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ, in whose precious blood I set the whole and only hope of my salvation. My body in hopes of a joyful resurrection I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And as touching the distribution of my real and personal estate I dispose of the same as followeth: Imprimis. I will that all such debts as I justly owe be truly paid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John all that tract or parcel of land whereon he now lives called 'Hopewell, ' containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin all that tract or parcel of land called 'Fortune, ' whereon I now live containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Grant six leather chairs, one iron pot rack, and one sprie mortar and pestel.
Item. I bequeath to my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one belle metal kettle.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Chloe Brawner, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, one large iron pot containing about fifteen gallons.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Priscilla Brawner, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth, one featherbed, one pair of sheets, one rug, and one blanket.
Item. I give to my daughter Abigail one pair Shilliards and Pea.
And lastly, I do constitute and appoint my loving sons, John and Benjamin Brawner to be jointly executors of this my last will and testament, and I do utterly revoke all wills by me heretofore made and declared.
In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and seal this fifth day of September Anno Domini 1766.
Edward Brawner (his mark and seal)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Benjamin Smallwood, George Delozer, and Violetta Coffer.
Charles County on 3 January 1767, came George Delozer and Violetta Coffer, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almight God, do depose and say that they saw Edward Brawner, the testator, sign and seal the said will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament, and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they together with Bayne Smallwood, the other witness, severally subscribed as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the testator and at his request. Daniel Jenifer, Deputy Clerk. (Charles County, Colonial Maryland Wills, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland, Liber 35, folio 316)

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, Libers 4 And 5, 1763-1770; V. L. Skinner, Jr.
This section appears at the back of Liber 5. "Papers returned to the Prerogative Court beginning 20 February 1767." the Prerogative Court in 1767.
From Charles County, May 27.
Bonds: Henry Coffe, Alden Clayton, Francis Adams.
Wills: Mary Ching, William Pisson, Edward Brawner.
Accounts: John Crain.
Inventories: Thomas McDaniel, Lut. Jameson, Joseph King, Francis Montgomery, Ann Edelen.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

One Edward Brawner's godfather, notice bequests to the same surnames as witnesses to Edward's will:
Thomas Plunket (Plinket), Prince George's Co, 5th Oct, 1716; 17th July, 1717.
To godson Edward Brawner, goddaus. Violetta Harrison, Frances Barnes and Sarah Coffer, personalty, and to godson and servant Henry Barnes, personalty at 20 yrs. of age, to which age sd. Henry is to be maintained.
To goddau. Henrietta Barnes and hrs, water mill at Mattawoman, she dying without issue, to pass to godson Thomas Barnes. Also to sd, Henrietta, servant tailor, Thomas Lloyd.
To Anne and Benjamin, dau. and son of friend Henry Barnes; Barbara Barnes, Thomas Coffer and Mary his wife, Rev. William Maconachie, Rev. John Fraser, Elizabeth Clements, Benjamin Henson, Jacob, Charles, Francis and Joseph Clements and Alex. Contee, mourning rings.
To godson. Thomas Barnes at 18 yrs, ex. and residuary legatee, and his hrs, all lands in Charles or Prince George Co, also mill adjoining dwelling house. He dying without issue, to pass to Benjamin Barnes and hrs, and in turn to Anne Barnes and hrs.
Test: Lawrence Anderson, Mary Anderson, Eleanor Sanders. 14. 516.

p. 63, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 300. At the request of Edwd Brawner, a mark for himself, a mark for his son Henry, a mark for his son Wm, and a mark for his son, Thos, was recorded on Aug 1, 1726.

Notice that Edward, Jr. and Henry are in Durham Parish, Lower Part. Edward, Sr. is in Port Tobacco West, Lower Part as is Peter Farnandis.
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
[The above is the title of the handwritten list. The list was read in sequence, top to bottom, left column first then right column, with the sequence number (within each district) for each person recorded below. The list was then alphabetized by surname and given name
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist
Edward Brawner 1 15 PTWL
Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 58 DL
Henry Brawner 2 57 DL

1734 Charles County Partial Tax List (A & B. only)
Characters and/or words that were unreadable or uncertain are shown within square brackets and with a question mark. The five columns of numbers had headings, but the last three headings were unreadable. Column #1 was labeled "Taxables" and column #2 was labeled "Required". Column #5 label could possibly have been "surplus".]
PTWL Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 3 80 - 77
PTWL Edward Brawner, Sr. 1 3 3 - -

p.43, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2
Page 178. Recorded Dec 6, 1736. Nov 3, 1736 from Edward Rumney of Anne Arundel County, Gent, to Edward Brawner of CC, planter, for 3500 lbs tobacco, all that parcel of land in CC called Hazard, bounded by Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward Rumney. Wit -Francis Linthicum, Rich Dorsey. Elizabeth, the wife of the said Edward Rumney, released her dower.

532 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
By the Committee of Accounts, June 9. 1747
Liber No. 46
In pursuance of an Order of the Lower House of Assembly, to settle Sundry ffees, arising due to the officers of that House and Sundry witnesses for attendance, on a Complaint made there against Henry Brook, farmer of his Lordship's Quit Rents in Charles County, and Samuel Hanson, Sheriff of said County; we have proceeded to tax the same in manner following.
To Edward Browner for 1 Attendence, and 4 Itinerant Charges 1.5.O

Notice: no wife signs.
p. 55, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#1 1/2)
Page (285). I, Edward Browner of CC, for the love I have for my son, Benjamin Browner of CC, I have given Benjamin 70 acres "at the west end and part of a tract of land called Hopewell". Signed Jan 25, 1755-Edwd (E his mark) Browner. Wit-Gustavus Brown, Willm Eilbeck. Recorded Feb 7, 1755.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; Charles County Depositions, Robert W. Barnes; p. 697-698
BRAWNER, Edward, age 75, 27-30 March 1758, deposed that John Woodward, Jr, died in his minority, and that Jno. Woodward the father m. the widow Newton who was deemed to be the daughter of Garrard Brown and lived at a place now shown by this deponent nigh where David Davis lately dwelt, which place the said Woodward got by [marriage to] his wife. The deponent said he knew a certain Dr. John Cornish between 60 and 70 years ago who then dwelt at a place likewise shown by the deponent where Benjamin Carpenter (one of the present deponents) now dwells and he understood that the said Cornish married the widow of Garrard Brown, and the place where the said Cornish dwelt was demed to be on a tract of land called Simpson's Supply, and further this deponent showed a place in a small old field, where there is a parcel of stones appearing to be a stone hearth and declared that a certain Richard Marshall who married, as he believes Mary, the youngest daughter of Garrard Brown about 60 years ago, dwelt at the same place, and that the said Richard had a son named GARRARD, and knows of no other child of the said Richard, and after the death of the said Richard Marshall a certain Richard Wise married the said Richard Marshall's widow, and dwelt at the same place, and after the death of the said Wise, a certain Dunaway married the said Wise's widow; CHLR 52:424. Age 75, 13 June 1758; CHLR52:329; Age 75, 24 July 1758; CHLR 52:581. Age 77, 11 Aug. 1760; CHLR 54:5

p. 30, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 226. Nov 12, 1762 from Edward Brawner of CC, planter, to William Brawner of CC, planter, for 5000 lbs of tobacco, a tract of land called Hazard, lying in CC, about _ _ from the head of Mattawoman Cr near the land of John _, bounded by the Muddy Branch, containing and laid out for about 83 acres. Signed-Edward (E his mark) Brawner. Wit-Jno Winter*, Dan of St Thomas Jenifer*. Recorded Jan 29, 1763.

p. 13, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 78. I, Edward Brawner of CC, for 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, I have given my son, Benjamin Brawner, a tract of land called Fortune, lying in CC, and bounded by a tract of land called Hopewell, Wards Delight, the west line of Moors fishing Creek, containing about 102 acres. Signed Aug 19, 1766-Edward (his mark) Brawner.

Maryland Calendar Of Wills; 1764-1767; Volume 13; Family Line Publications; Westminster, Maryland; 1992; p. 179
Brawner, Edward, Charles Co. 5 Sep, 1766; 3 Jan, 1767
To son John, tract whereon he lives called "Hopewell", 100 A.
To son Benjamin, tract called "Fortune", whereon I now live, 100 A. called Fortune.
To dau. Elizabeth Grant, furniture.
Dau.-in-law Elizabeth Nalley.
To granddau. Chloe Brawner, dau. of Joseph and Sarah, furniture.
Granddau. Priscilla Brawner, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth.
Dau. Abigall.
Exs: Sons John and Benjamin Brawner.
Wit: Benj. Smallwood, George Delozer, Violetta Coffee. 35. 316

According to the net, a "pair of Shilliards" was mentioned in several inventories about this time.

From the Brawner Bulletin:
Edward Brawner (1682-1766) died in Charles Co, MD leaving property through his Will, written Sept. 15, 1766 and probated Jan. 3, 1767, as follows:
To son John land called Hopewell (70 acres)
To son Benjamin land called Fortune (100 acres)
To daughter Elizabeth Grant 6 leather chairs, iron pot and rack spice mortar
To daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one bell mettle kettle
To granddaughter Chloe (daughter of Joseph & Sarah Brawner) one large iron pot.
To granddaughter Priscilla (daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Brawner) one feather bed and sheets, one rug and one blanket
Will also refers to daughter Abagail.
Sons John and Benjamin named co-executors.
No wife mentioned.
[Maryland Hall of Records, Wills, Liber 35, Page 316]

January 03, 1767. Will of Edward Brawner.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Edward Brawner of Charles County in the province of Maryland, being weak in body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to God, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, I bequeath my soul in the hands of almighty God my heavenly father by whom of his only grace trust to be and received in eternal rest throught the death of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ, in whose precious blood I set the whole and only hope of my salvation. My body in hopes of a joyful resurrection I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And as touching the distribution of my real and personal estate I dispose of the same as followeth: Imprimis. I will that all such debts as I justly owe be truly paid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John all that tract or parcel of land whereon he now lives called 'Hopewell, ' containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin all that tract or parcel of land called 'Fortune, ' whereon I now live containing by patent one hundred acres, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Grant six leather chairs, one iron pot rack, and one sprie mortar and pestel.
Item. I bequeath to my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Nalley one belle metal kettle.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Chloe Brawner, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, one large iron pot containing about fifteen gallons.
Item. I give to my granddaughter, Priscilla Brawner, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth, one featherbed, one pair of sheets, one rug, and one blanket.
Item. I give to my daughter Abigail one pair Shilliards and Pea.
And lastly, I do constitute and appoint my loving sons, John and Benjamin Brawner to be jointly executors of this my last will and testament, and I do utterly revoke all wills by me heretofore made and declared.
In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand and seal this fifth day of September Anno Domini 1766.
Edward Brawner (his mark and seal)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Benjamin Smallwood, George Delozer, and Violetta Coffer.
Charles County on 3 January 1767, came George Delozer and Violetta Coffer, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly and solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almight God, do depose and say that they saw Edward Brawner, the testator, sign and seal the said will and heard him publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament, and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that they together with Bayne Smallwood, the other witness, severally subscribed as witnesses to the said will in the presence of the testator and at his request. Daniel Jenifer, Deputy Clerk. (Charles County, Colonial Maryland Wills, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland, Liber 35, folio 316)

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland, Libers 4 And 5, 1763-1770; V. L. Skinner, Jr.
This section appears at the back of Liber 5. "Papers returned to the Prerogative Court beginning 20 February 1767." the Prerogative Court in 1767.
From Charles County, May 27.
Bonds: Henry Coffe, Alden Clayton, Francis Adams.
Wills: Mary Ching, William Pisson, Edward Brawner.
Accounts: John Crain.
Inventories: Thomas McDaniel, Lut. Jameson, Joseph King, Francis Montgomery, Ann Edelen.


MarriageAbt 1703Charles County, MD - Elizabeth Farnandis
Marriage5 Mar 1726Charles County, MD - Anne Ball


SpouseElizabeth Farnandis (1683 - 1723)
ChildEdward Brawner , The Younger (1705 - 1760)
ChildHenry Brawner (1710 - 1744)
ChildElizabeth Brawner (1712 - 1792)
ChildWilliam Brawner (1719 - 1784)
ChildThomas Brawner (1721 - 1727)
ChildJohn Brawner (1723 - 1798)
ChildAbigail Brawner (1727 - 1809)
SpouseAnne Ball (1700 - 1766)
ChildJoseph Brawner (1727 - 1791)
ChildBenjamin Brawner (1731 - 1808)
FatherHenry Brawner (1650 - 1698)
MotherMary Brock (1654 - 1727)
SiblingMary Brawner (1698 - )
SiblingWilliam Brawner (1685 - 1720)
SiblingHenry Brawner (1687 - 1698)
SiblingJohn Brawner (1693 - 1744)
SiblingMary Brawner (1698 - )
SiblingBrawner ( - )

