Individual Details

Edward Brawner , The Younger

(Abt 1705 - Bef 15 May 1760)

Notice that Edward, Jr. and Henry are in Durham Parish, Lower Part. Edward, Sr. is in Port Tobacco West, Lower Part as is Peter Farnandis.
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
[The above is the title of the handwritten list. The list was read in sequence, top to bottom, left column first then right column, with the sequence number (within each district) for each person recorded below. The list was then alphabetized by surname and given name
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist
Edward Brawner 1 15 PTWL
Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 58 DL
Henry Brawner 2 57 DL

1734 Charles County Partial Tax List (A & B. only)
Characters and/or words that were unreadable or uncertain are shown within square brackets and with a question mark. The five columns of numbers had headings, but the last three headings were unreadable. Column #1 was labeled "Taxables" and column #2 was labeled "Required". Column #5 label could possibly have been "surplus".]
PTWL Edward Brawner, Jr. 1 3 80 - 77
PTWL Edward Brawner, Sr. 1 3 3 - -

Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2; p.44
Page 182. The mark of Edward Brawner Jr of CC was recorded Jan 10, 1736 [/7].
Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2; p.97
Page 365. The mark of Richard Brawner of CC, planter, was recorded Feb 11, 1740 [/1].

p.105, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Record; Book O No. 2;
Page 511. Recorded Jul 14, 1741. Jun 9, 1741 from Richard Johnson of CC, house carpenter, and Annastasia, his wife, to Edward Brawner Jr of CC, planter, for 5000 # tobacco and for other valuable considerations, a tract of land, being part of 2 tracts of land called Wheelers Delight and Wheelers Rest, formerly given and made over by Thomas Wheeler of CC to his son, John Wheeler, and by sd John Wheeler conveyed to Patrick Conally, and now in possession of sd Richard Johnson, containing and supposed to contain and laid out for about 120 acres. Also, one other tract of land called Lisbon, joining to the land above mentioned, bounded by Wheelers Delight, the low ground, containing and laid out for about 50 acres. Signed-Richard Johnson, Annastasia (A her mark) Johnson. Wit-Saml Hanson*, William Eilbeck*.
Page 512. Recorded Jul 15, 1741. Jun 10, 1741 from Edward Brawner Jr of CC, planter, and Elizabeth, his wife, to Richard Johnson of CC, house carpenter, for 5000 lbs tobacco and for other valuable considerations, a tract of land, being part of 2 tracts of land called Wheelers delight and Wheelers Rest, formerly given and made over by Thomas Wheeler of CC to his son, John Wheeler, and by sd John Wheeler conveyed to Patrick Conally, containing and supposed to contain and laid out for about 120 acres. Also, one other tract of land called Lisbon, joining to the land above mentioned, bounded by Wheelers Delight, the low ground, containing and laid out for about 50 acres. Signed-Edward Brawner, Elizabeth (E her mark) Brawner. Wit-Saml Hanson*, William Eilbeck*.

Abstracts Of The Administration Accounts Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland Libers 16-20 1737-1744 V. L. Skinner, Jr.
Anne Ebernethy 19.513 A. £651.8.1 £464.7.11 Jul 18 1743
Received from: Edward Brawner, Jr.

Brawner Land Grants
Grantee Date Location Name of Land Acres
Edward Brawner, Jr. 1743 Charles Co, MD Fountain Head 100

p. 47, Charles County Land Records Book Z#2
Page 45. At the request of Leonard Clements, the following deed was recorded on Jun 17, 1745.
Jun 6, 1745 from Edward Brawner Jr, of Prince Georges County, planter, to Leonard Clements of CC, planter, for 10 £ sterling and 3400 lbs tobacco and for divers other good causes, all that parcel of land called Fountain Head, lying in CC, adjoining a tract of land called White Oak Plain, containing and laid out for 100 acres. Signed-Edward Brawner. Wit-Wm Eilbeck, Walter Hanson. Eliza., wife to the sd Edward Brawner, released her dower.

Maryland Calendar Of Wills 1759-1764; Volume 12; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 21157; 1992
Brawner, Edward, Frederick Co., farmer. 7 Apr, 1760; 15 May, 1760
To 3 eldest sons: Thomas, Richard and Henry, land which I hold, which I allow to be divided into 3 equal pts., son Richard, to have the 1st choice, Thomas the 2nd and Henry the 3rd.
To eldest son Richard, benefit of all land I hold until Thomas is of age, then Richard is to choose out his 1/3 pt, and Thomas his 3rd. Richard is to keep remainder until Henry comes of age; then Henry falls into his 3rd pt. and Richard is to bring up all my children until age; allow him the stock, cattle and etc.
To son Edward, sum of 15 #. out of moveable estate, when age 21.
To son William, 15 #.
To each of my daus., furniture, beds at age 16 and wife's clothing. Mentions certain clothes to Elizabeth.
To son John, at age 21, 10 #. annually; his maintenance by his bros. Richard, Thos. and Henry.
Ex:: Son Richard.
Wit: Samuel Carrick, James Patterson, William Shields. 31. 128

WILL OF EDWARD BRAWNER, [Frederick County, Maryland]: In the name of God Amen this seventh day of April 1760 I Edward Brawner of Frederick County and province of Maryland, Farmer, being verey sick and weak in body but of perfect Mind and Memory thanks be given to God therefore, calling unto mind the mortality of my bodey and known that it is apointed for all men once do die, I do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the Hands of God who gave it, and my bodey to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my three eldest Sons, Richard, Thomas and Henry all the Land I hold which I alon [?] to be divided into three equal parts, my Son Richard is to have the first choice and Thomas the second and Henry third;
I likewise allow my eldest Son Richard the benefit of all the Land I hold, until Thomas is of age; then Richard is to chose out his third part of said land and Thomas his third part and Richard is to keep the Remainder until Henry comes of age and then Henry falls into the third part and Richard is to bring up all my children until they are of age, at which time he is to find them good and sufficient victals and cloaths and for so doing I allow him to have the benefit of all their Work and of the Stock of Cattle and horses.
Item 3. I give and bequeath unto my son Edward the sum of fifteen pounds to be leveyed out of my moveable estate and paid to him when he arrives at the age of twenty one.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son William the sum of fifteen pounds to be leveyed out of said estate and paid him at the age of twenty one.
I give likewise each of my Daughters one feather bed and one hefier to be given them at the age of sixteen, all my wife's body cloaths, to be equally divided betwixt my two youngest except one cotten Gown and a velvet jogee to Elizabeth.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son John when he arrives at the age of twentey one ten pounds pr. year during his life time to be paid for his maintenance, by his three brothers, to-wit, Richard Thomas and Henry which is three pounds six shillings and eight pence to each.
I likewise constitute make and ordain my eldest son Richard to be whole and sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament and I do utterly disallow revoke and disannual all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacys, Bequeaths and Executors by me in any way before named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed, published, Pronounced and declared by the said Edward Brawner as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers. [Signed:] Edward Brawner (Seal)
Tests: Samuel Carrick, James Patterson, William Shields.
Note: The probate was not attached to the Will, but other evidence, including the estate inventory, indicates that Edward died later in 1760, the year in which he wrote his Will. Proved 15 May 1760,

**Who were these next of kin? Ann, his step-mother?**
Abstracts of the Inventories Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland Libers 70-80 1760-1763 V. L. Skinner, Jr. Brookeville, Maryland 20833 August 1989
Edward Brawner 72.100 FR £132.19.5 Nov 21 1760
Appraisers: William Shields, James Patterson.
Next of kin: Archibald Machall, Ann Brawner, Adam Henry.
Executor: Richard Brawner.

Abstracts Of The Balance Books Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland Libers 2 And 3 1755-1763 V. L. Skinner, Jr.
Edward Brawner 3.98 D. FR £135.1.5 Aug 31 1761
Legatees: Edward Brawner, William Brawner, each of his daughters (unnamed)
Distribution to: children (unknown to this office).
Executor: Richard Brawner.

*****Adam Henry*****
Capt. Alexander Beall 76.339 FR £21.1.0 Jun 1 1761 Jun 1761
Appraisers: Charles Hedges, Peter Stilly.
Mentions: Christopher Lowndes for Christopher Lowndes & Co.
Mentions: Frederick Hatfield.
Executrix: Sarah Henry, wife of Adam Henry.
HENRY, Adam, Gent., Frederick Co. 31 Jan, 1770 15 Sep, 1770
To wife Sarah, Ex.
Wit: Lawrence Creager, Jacob Weller Jr., John Wheller Jr. 38. 117

From Early Charles County Maryland Settlers 1658-1745 in SLC by Marlene Strawser Bates & F. Edward Wright.
Frederick County, Maryland Brawners
An early family near Mount St Mary's College was that of Edward Brawner. It appears that the Brawners have come from Piscataway Hundred in Prince George's County. Edward Brawner joined the Catholic Settlement (in Emmitsburg, MD) with his survey of Elder's Kindness on February 3, 1743. This land is located along Emmitsburg Road, the old US 15. It may be identified in the 1873 Atlas as the home of Joseph Brawner opposite Mount St Mary's College. Four Brawner heads of families paid quick rents in Frederick, Co. for its first year 1748. Except for land held by Robert Wilson and John Douthet and the few acres surveyed for Daniel Dulaney, all the land surveyed during the second decade of Frederick County's settlement, from one mile north of Thurmont to the Pennsylvania border above Emmitsburg, was owned by Catholics. There appear to have been no settlers on Carrollsburg at early dates, but the Catholic settlement begun in the forks of Owens Creek by the Livers, Elder and Brawner families expanded progressively northward toward Emmitsburg until today the area has become nationally known.

Edward Brawner was made overseer of the road from Ambrose's Mill to the temporary Pennsylvania line in 1754 and 1755. Edward was married to Elizabeth Wheeler, who predeceased him. In his will dated April 7, 1760, he noted that he was the father of sons: Richard, Thomas, Henry, Edward, William and John.

His eldest son, Richard Brawner, served as Constable of Upper Monocacy Hundred in 1759 and 1760 and enlarged his father's land through a resurvey in 1771. Richard married William Elder's daughter, Elizabeth. Richard Brawner bought land from Elder in 1767. In 1769, Richard bought 99 acres from the Resurvey on Elder's Kindness from Thomas Brawner.

Another of Edward's sons, Henry Brawner married Mary Ogle Butler (widow of Peter Butler). Joseph Ogle's 1765 will cryptically noted that "Mary and Peter Butler have parted from each other". Still, when Captain Butler wrote his own will in 1764, he named his wife Mary as executrix. In 1779 as Mary Brawner, late widow of Peter Butler, she released her rights of dower in the sale of College Green to Alexander Ogle.

In 1799, Henry (along with Guy Elder) was deeded from Ann Elder, 42 acres on Owens Creek called Peace, her slaves, horses, cattle, and household property. After their deaths, all was deeded to Ann's sisters, Elizabeth Hobbs and Charity Lilly.

November 19, 1805 was the breaking of the ground for Mount St Mary's Parish on the hill. Many men, women and children were eager to have a hand in the work, and one lady in the neighborhood, Mrs. Brawner, gathered her children and slaves, (ten to twelve of them), armed with baskets, and leading them to the spot chosen for the church, directed them in gathering the loose stones lying about and carrying them away.

It was another Brawner who made the north road leading up to the mountain, using the large rocks removed to build the stone causeway just above the Dam called Plunket's Folly.

Richard's grandson, Dr. John B. Brawner, son of William, was the college physician for many years. John B. Brawner was born in Virginia, Aug. 16, 1852. He was in the drug business from 1870. He received his M.D. from the University of Maryland, 1872. He settled at once in Emmitsburg and was a physician at MSM College and St Joseph's Academy for 50 years. Dr. John B. Brawner wife's name was Ann Cecilia Rose Brawner. A John Brawner married Mary (last name unknown at this time) and had a daughter, Mary Rosella (b. Apr. 7, 1885, d. Aug. 7, 1951) who married Felix Henry Lingg.


BirthAbt 1705Charles County, MD
MarriageAbt 1726Charles County, MD - Elizabeth Wheeler
DeathBef 15 May 1760Frederick County, Md


SpouseElizabeth Wheeler (1704 - 1760)
ChildThomas Brawner (1740 - 1822)
ChildRichard Brawner (1736 - 1783)
FatherEdward Brawner , The Elder (1682 - )
MotherElizabeth Farnandis (1683 - 1723)
SiblingHenry Brawner (1710 - 1744)
SiblingElizabeth Brawner (1712 - 1792)
SiblingWilliam Brawner (1719 - 1784)
SiblingThomas Brawner (1721 - 1727)
SiblingJohn Brawner (1723 - 1798)
SiblingAbigail Brawner (1727 - 1809)