Individual Details

Mary Brock

(Abt 1654 - Bef 5 Mar 1727/28)

About Mary Brock, the daughter of Edward Brock of Brock Hall in Prince George's County.
Edward Brock transported himself, John Miles and several others named Evans into Maryland in 1671. He transported Elizabeth Brock, his wife, in 1673.
Edward Brock's will was dated 5 March 1712, and it was proved 19 June 1714. His daughter Mary Offutt was the only child mentioned by name, although he provided for his Offutt grandchildren, and those of his daughter Jane (though he didn't name her) who had married Matthew McBee (Macabee).
He appointed his son in law William Offutt the executor, but William relinquished to his niece Mary McBee and her husband, William Nicholls.
William Offutt's will was probated 10 Jun 1734 and Mary Brock Offutt's will was probated 11 Sep 1748.
Henry Brawner may have married a Mary Brock but he did not marry this Mary Brock. In any case, Mary Brawner was of an age to be Edward Brock's sister, not his daughter.

Charles County Court Record 1704-1710, Liber B, No.2
10 June 1707
p.326, Whereas John Birke a Mollatto servant Belonging to Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins came into Court in his proper person and Desires that he May be Free Being twenty one yeares and produceth for Evidence Mary the Wife of William Elliot formerly the Wife of Henry Brawner who Sold the said Mollatto to Mr. Henry Hawkins Dec'd. Whereupon It is the Opinion of the Court the said Mollatto is Free at Twenty One yeares of age.

Will of Mary Elliot.
To son Edward Brawner, 1 s.
To grandsons Edward, William, Thomas, and John Brawner (sons of son Edward aforesaid), granddaughters Elizabeth and Abigail Brawner (daughters of son Edward aforesaid), personalty.
To Henry Brawner (son of son William Brawner, deceased) and heirs 50 acres of 'Hunter's Kindness', and personalty at age of 21; he dying without issue, said 50 acres to pass to son John Brawner and heirs.
To son John aforesaid, executor, and residuary legatee.
Test: John Abington, Robert Wade, Sr, Thomas Philips, Richard Blew. Signed November 14, 1727. (Prince Georges County, Colonial Maryland Wills, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland, Liber 19, folio 353) Proved March 5, 1727/8.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills; Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) And Roberta Bolling Henry; Wills From 1726 To 1732; Volume VI; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland; 1988
Elliot, Mary, Prince George's Co., 14th Nov., 1727; 5th March, 1727-8.
To son Edward Broner, 1s. (1 shilling)
" grandsons Edward, William, Thomas and John Broner (sons of son Edward afsd.), granddaus. Elizabeth and Abigail Broner (daus. of son Edward afsd.), personalty.
" Henry Broner (son of Wm. Broner, dec'd) and hrs., 50 A. of "Hunter's Kindness"; and personalty at age of 21; he dying without issue, sd. 50 A. to pass to son John Broner and hrs.
Son John afsd., ex. and residuary legatee.
Test: Jno. Abengton, Robt. Wade, Sr., Thomas Philips, Richard Blew. 19,353.

Abstracts of the Inventories Of The Prerogative Court; Libers 12-14; 1726-1729; V. L. Skinner, Jr. Brookeville, Maryland 20833; May 1991
Mary Elliot 13.144 PG £238.10.11 May 21 1728 Jun 16 1728
Appraisers: John Hawkins, Walter Bayne.
Creditors: Joseph Newton, Charles Willett.
Next of kin: Daniel Thomas, Edward Brawner.
Administrator/Executor: John Brawner.


BirthAbt 1654Charles, Maryland
BirthBef 1665
MarriageAbt 1674Charles County, Maryland, United States - Henry Brawner
MarriageBef 1682Charles County, MD - Henry Brawner
MarriageAft 1699William Elliott
DeathBef 5 Mar 1727/28Prince George's, Maryland, United States


SpouseHenry Brawner (1650 - 1698)
ChildMary Brawner (1698 - )
ChildEdward Brawner , The Elder (1682 - )
ChildWilliam Brawner (1685 - 1720)
ChildHenry Brawner (1687 - 1698)
ChildJohn Brawner (1693 - 1744)
ChildMary Brawner (1698 - )
ChildBrawner ( - )
SpouseWilliam Elliott (1650 - 1727)
FatherMr. Brock ( - )
