Individual Details

Elizabeth Hussey

( - 1748)

Notes: Elizabeth was a Roman Catholic, as was her mother, and all four Luckett sons were brought up in the Catholic faith.
1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Chicamuxen: Rent Roll
page/Sequence: 291-37: ASPINALLS CHANCE: 210 acres; Possession of - 210 Acres -
Hanson, John: Surveyed 16 Sept 1680 for Henry Aspinall at a bound Red Oak a
bound tree of George Godfrey land called MILLBORNE: Other Tracts Mentioned:
MILLBORNE; ; ; other notes - John Hanson who married the widow of Samuel
Luckett, 119 Acres - Robert Hanson from Thomas Hussey Luckett 12 Dec 1716,100
Acres - Dorothy Perry from Thomas Harris (sp?) 12 Nov 1719, 100 Acres - Thomas
Skinner from John Mellor 17 Dec 1720 , 119 Acres - Thomas
Hussey Lockett from Robert Hanson 17 Nov 1724, Jeremiah Adderton from
Thomas Hussey Luckett 4 Oct 1738

p. 76, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 365. At the request of John Hanson of CC, Gent, the following deed was recorded this Jun 21, 1727.
Jun 15, 1727 from Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, to John Hanson of CC, Gent, for 25,000 lbs of tobacco and for divers other good causes, all that tract of land in CC called Hussyes Addition, bounded by Hussyes Adventure, the NW line of Moores Lodge, the bound tree of the new Exchange, containing and laid out for about 438 acres. Also, one other tract of land in CC, and bounded by Moores Lodge, the land of Henry Hawkins, containing and laid out for about 100 acres. Also, 3 other tracts of land in CC, one called Hussyes Lodge, containing 33 acres, another called Hussyes Reserve, containing 50 acres, and the other called Hussyes Lott, containing 103 acres. Signed - Henry Holland Hawkins. Wit - Robt Hanson*, Gust Brown*. Joan, the wife of Henry Holland Hawkins, relinquished her right of dower in and to the within mentioned land and premises.

p. 77, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 367. At the request of Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, the following deed was recorded this Jun 22, 1727.
Jun 14, 1727 from John Hanson of CC, Gent, and Elizabeth, his wife, only daughter and sole heiress of Thomas Hussy, late of CC, Gent, decd, to Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, for 20,000 lbs of tobacco and for divers other good causes, all that tract of land in CC called Hussyes Addition, bounded by Hussyes Adventure, Mores Lodge, the New Exchange, containing and laid out for about 438 acres. Also one other tract of land in CC, and bounded by Mores Lodge, the land of Henry Hawkins, containing and laid out for about 100 acres. Also, 3 other tracts of land in CC, one called Hussyes Lodge, containing 33 acres, another called Hussyes Reserve, containing 50 acres, and the other called Hussyes Lott, containing 103 acres. Signed - John Hanson, Eliza (X her mark) Hanson. Wit - Robt Hanson*, Gust Brown*.

William Earl 25.255 A CH £8.0.0 Nov 6 1705
also William Earles, William Erle.
Payments to: estate of Samuell Lucket.
Administrators: Elisabeth Hanson (wife of John Hanson, Jr.) and Samuell Lucket (executors of Samuell Lucket (administrator of deceased)).

John Hobson 19.517 A CH £106.6.8 £191.14.11 Jul 22 1743
Sureties: Matthew Barnes, Sr., William Theobalds.
Received from: Walter Maddox, William Cole, John Evans, Henry Barns, Barton Stone, Jo. Doyne, David Stone, Thomas Keyberd, Jeremiah Adderton, Robert Doyne, Richard King, Simon Smith, Richard Price, Edward Carter, John Hood, John Boye, John Stramat, Thomas Matthews, Matthew Coffer, Philip Clubb, John Beale, James Smallwood, Alexander McLaran, Henry More, James Goe, Hen. Woodyward, Robert Frankling, James Maddox, John Bigges, John Acton, Charles Ford, Samuel Chunn, Alex. Semmes, Daniel McDaniel, Henry Miles, Benjamin Douglass, Capt. Douglass, William Barker, Butler Stonestreet, Barton Hungerford, Henry Acton, Thomas Morris, Archabald Johnson, Benjamin Craycraft, John Baker, Thomas Thompson, William Keif, Edward Jenkins, William Cooksey, Samuel Wood, Isaac Wood, Edward Ford, Jacob Brandt, William Lary, John Cosey, (a blank line), Thomas Cawood, William Brent, Vincent Askin, Francis Adams, Jr., Thomas Smoot (Sece.), Matthew Clubb, John Thompson, Thomas Smoot, Jr., Alexander Mcferson.
Payments to: Richard Tarom, William Mcferson, John Muschet, Francis Goodred, Mr. John Chesley, William Neale, Henry Terret (in Virginia money), Daniel Dulany, Esq., Walter Hanson, Mr. Samuel Young, Jacob Smith (in Virginia money), Francis Ware.
Executrix (acting): Elisabeth Lucket, wife of Samuel Lucket.

Marcelle D. Hoskins's "Samuel Luckett of MD: Some of His Descendants" (1990), which is lifted largely from "The Lucketts of Portobacco" by Harry W. Newman (Washington, 1938), contains the following:
"Elizabeth Hussey was the daughter of Thomas Hussey, Gent., and his wife, Johanna, who were of the Roman Catholic faith. The 'Gent.' indicated that he was descended from English gentry. Documents bearing his signature indicate that he was educated in letters, an accomplishment not too common among early settlers. The date of his birth is not known nor is the date of his death; however, his will was proved/probated 14 October 1700. In the will he granted to his youngest grandson and name sake, Thomas Hussey Luckett, the son of Elizabeth and Samuel Luckett, 1130 acres of land at Chicamuxen, Durham Parish, Charles County, MD. It seems that they had only two daughters: Elizabeth and Anne Hussey who was married to William Langworth. Thomas Hussey Luckett was the only son of Samuel and Elizabeth who was reared in the Roman Catholic faith, according to Mr. Newman."

...[Following Samuel's death], Elizabeth lost little time acquiring a third husband, and by 6 November 1705, she had married John Hanson. On that date, John Hanson and Elizabeth, and Samuel Luckett, her son, 'executors of Samuel Luckett, deceased...' rendered an account to the Perogative Court of Charles County.
'At the fall session of the County Court the Grand Jury with John Beale as foreman, indicted Nicholas Gulick, a Romanist priest, for "marrying John Hanson and the widow Luckett contrary to law." Likewise, John Hanson and Elizabeth, his wife, were indicted "for being & Suffering the ___ to marry."'
There are no known descendants of Elizabeth Hussey and John Gardiner who was a staunch Roman Catholic; Samuel Luckett, her second husband subscribed to the Church of England; and the third, John Hanson, was also of the Church of England. There were four children from this third marriage and all four of these children were reared within the Catholic Church."

These were difficult religious times dating back over 150 years to the reign of Henry VIII. Though the above commentaries make no mention or speculation of Elizabeth's true faith, it seems likely she was a closet Catholic. Her parents were Catholic, her first husband was Catholic, she was married to her third husband by a Catholic priest, and she reared the children from her first husband as Catholics. The only period she appears to follow the Church of England is during her marriage to Samuel Luckett. It is probably no coincidence that Thomas Hussey Luckett, a Catholic, was the only son of Samuel and Elizabeth's children to be named in the will of Elizabeth's father.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Bates, Marlene Strawser & Wright, F. Edward, "Early Charles County Maryland Settlers: 1658-1745 (Westminster, Maryland: Willow Bend Books, 2000), page 125.

Kolb, Olive Lewis, Worland, Wilfrie V., & Worland, Rev. T. Vincent, "One Man's Family: The Hisotry and Genealogy of the Worland Family in American, 1662-1962"

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The maximum number of generations a user may download is 10.

Bates, Marlene Strawser & Wright, F. Edward, "Early Charles County Maryland Settlers: 1658-1745 (Westminster, Maryland: Willow Bend Books, 2000), page 125.

Kolb, Olive Lewis, Worland, Wilfrie V., & Worland, Rev. T. Vincent, "One Man's Family: The Hisotry and Genealogy of the Worland Family in American, 1662-1962"



At the 1705 fall session of the County Court the grand jury, with JohnBeale as foreman, indicted Nicholas Gulick, a Romanist priest, for"marrying John Hanson and the widdow Luckett contrary to Law". Likewise,John Hanson and Elizabeth his wife were indicted "for being and sufferingthe . . . to marry".

The first husband of Elizabeth Hussey was a member of a staunch RomanCatholic family, but Samuel Luckett was not and furthermore was notconverted to her faith, yet there is every evidence that her four Luckettsons were all raised under the Catholic banner. Her third husband was ofa family as staunch in their support of the Church of England as theGardiners were of Rome, yet one sees a scion being married by a Romanpriest. And their four Hanson children were raised under the dogma ofRome.
Elizabeth's father, Thomas Hussey, entered the Province as an indenture,but was styled Gent. This indicates that he was "a scion of the Englishgentry". His signature is found on documents which proves that he waseducated --an accomplishment not always attributable to many of the earlysettlers. He became one of the interesting characters of the early daysand once wrote to Lord Baltimore that he had been robbed by the Indians"of alle but the clothes on my bodye". He contracted numerous marriages,and while it is not clear whether he professed the Roman or Anglicanfaith, it is known that his second wife was a Catholic, the religionwhich was imparted to their two daughters. Source: The Lucketts ofPortobacco, MD.

Thomas Hussey died at the beginning of the eighteenth century, and by hiswill, proved October 14, 1700, he devised his grandson and namesake,Thomas Hussey Luckett, 1,310 acres of land at Chingamucon (Chicamuxen)which lay in Durham Parish, the western-most portion of the county.

Elizabeth was a Roman Catholic, as was her mother, and all four Luckett sons were brought up in the Catholic faith.

Elizabeth HUSSEY
Sex: F
Birth: Abt 1645 in Charles Co.,MD
Death: 1748 in Port Tobacco,Charles Co. MD
Burial: 1748 Port Tobacco,Charles Co. MD Change Date: 14 AUG 2003 at 09:14:39 Father: Thomas HUSSEY b: Abt 1630 in Unknown Mother: Joanna Porter NEVILLE b: Abt 1630 in England Marriage 1 Samuel LUCKETT b: 1650 in Kent,England
Married: Abt 1666 in Charles Co.,MD
Sarah "Berry" Hines LUCKETT b: Abt 1668 in Charles County,Maryland
Thomas LUCKETT b: 1676 in Unknown
Ignatius LUCKETT b: 30 JAN 1688/1689 in Port Tabacco,Charles County,MD.

I hate errors, so please inform me of any so I may correct them, this work is best I could do as of Nov 2006 and is all I have in general. Please use with caution. jhll

-- MERGED NOTE ------------ I14441 Michael Marshall === Sources: Title: Jeannine O'Nan [] Text: citing Newman Title: Linda Townshend Title: She is probably his 2nd wife and may not be the mother of these children Title: Linda Townshend Text: Linda claims these children are not of these parents as they had no issue === Deed from Charles County, Maryland, Nov. 13, 1677: Thomas Hussey, of Maryland, Gent. and Johannah his wife deeded to Rachell Ashford, natural daughter of Johannah and wife of Michael Ashford, of Charles County, Carpenter, for love and affections 'Moore's Ditch' in Charles County on the west side of Zachia Swamp adjoining the land of George Goodrick and Robert Goodrick. For want of issue after the death of Rachell Ashford then ye said Thomas Hussey & Johanah his wife do by these presents grant ye said land to Mary Hussey and Elizabeth Hussey their natural daughters equally and for want of such issue then ye said Thomas Hussey and Johanna his wife unto ye heirs of Her ye said Johannah sister Margaret wife of Francis Pope, of Charles County deceased. === John Hobson 19.517 A CH £106.6.8 £191.14.11 Jul 22 1743 Sureties: Matthew Barnes, Sr., William Theobalds. Received from: Walter Maddox, William Cole, John Evans, Henry Barns, Barton Stone, Jo. Doyne, David Stone, Thomas Keyberd, Jeremiah Adderton, Robert Doyne, Richard King, Simon Smith, Richard Price, Edward Carter, John Hood, John Boye, John Stramat, Thomas Matthews, Matthew Coffer, Philip Clubb, John Beale, James Smallwood, Alexander McLaran, Henry more, James Goe, Hen. Woodyward, Robert Frankling, James Maddox, John Bigges, John Acton, Charles Ford, Samuel Chunn, Alex. Semmes, Daniel McDaniel, Henry Miles, Benjamin Douglass, Capt. Douglass, William Barker, Butler Stonestreet, Barton Hungerford, Henry Acton, Thomas Morris, Archabald Johnson, Benjamin Craycraft, John Baker, Thomas Thompson, William Keif, Edward Jenkins, William Cooksey, Samuel Wood, Isaac Wood, Edward Ford, Jacob Brandt, William Lary, John Cosey, (a blank line), Thomas Cawood, William Brent, Vincent Askin, Francis Adams, Jr., Thomas Smoot (Sece.), Matthew Clubb, John Thompson, Thomas Smoot, Jr., Alexander Mcferson. Payments to: Richard Tarom, William Mcferson, John Muschet, Francis Goodred, Mr. John Chesley, William Neale, Henry Terret (in Virginiamoney), Daniel Dulany, Esq., Walter Hanson, Mr. Samuel Young, Jacob Smith (in Virginia money), Francis Ware. Executrix (acting): Elisabeth Lucket, wife of Samuel Lucket. === Cleborne Lomax 20.193 A CH £33.18.0 Dec 7 1701 Payments to: Mr. George Tubman, John Cassock, Edward Lampburgh, Thomas Hussey (dead) paid to Samuell Lucket who married Elisabeth the executrix. Administratrix: Blanck Lomax (relict). === LUCKETT, BENJAMIN, Charles Co. 3 April 1750 6 July 1750To brother Thomas Luckett, 50 A. of Manor land adjoining to the tract "Quick Dispatch", personalty. To mother, heifer and after her death to my brother Samuel Luckett. Brother, Thomas, ex. Wit: John Roby, Elizabeth Cooper, Elizabeth Luckett. 27.320. === === age may be transcription error 26 year old is much closer Charles County, Maryland Liber L#2, Page 140. At the request of Thos Hussy Luckett, the following deposition was recorded Jun 5, 1724. Maryland. May 27, 1723. Mrs. Eliza Hanson, formerly wife of Samuel Luckett but now the wife of Mr. Jno Hanson of CC, declared that, to the best of her memory, her son,. Thos Hussy Luckett, on Jun 4 last, was of the age of 46 years. Signed - James Stoddert. === Charles County Maryland Circuit Court Records, Liber H#2, Page 449 14 Jul 1721; Recorded at request of John Hanson, Gent.: 14 Jul 1721; Indenture from William Wills, Gent., to John Hanson, Gent.; for 25,000# tobacco; a tract called Newport; bounded by land of George Goodrick; containing 150 acres; also land called Discovery bounded by 600 acres formerly' surveyed for George Goodrick; bounded by line of Zachia Manor; containing 150 acres; said tract were originally taken up by Thomas Hussey, father of Elizabeth, wife of John" Hanson; also Ingerstone on the east side of Zachia Swamp bounding Discovery belonging to Thomas Hussey and land of Thomas Smoot; laid out for 230 acres originally taken up by George Thompson which became the right of Thomas Hussey; also Moores Lodge on the north side of the Potomac on the north branch of Zachia Swamp adjoining land laid out for Daniel Johnson and Richard Morris; containing 150 acres; also Moores Gore of 50 acres; bounded by Moores Lodge; also 2 parcels of land sold by Nathan Barton to John Allen, Gent. adj. Moores Lodge; 100 acres granted sd. Barton sold 11 Sep 1675 by John Allen to Tho. Notley of St. Mary's Co., merchant; 24 Apr 1676 Notley conveyed to Thomas Hussey containing 880 acres; after decease of Thomas Hussey the above several deeds became the right of his dau. Elizabeth wife of John Hanson 13 Jul 1721; /s/ William Wills, wit. W. Hoskins, Wm. Theobald, Thomas Stone; 14 Jul 1721 ack. by William Wills === Charles County Liber L#2 Page 365. At the request of John Hanson of CC, Gent, the following deed was recorded this Jun 21, 1727. Jun 15, 1727 from Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, to John Hanson of CC, Gent, for 25,000 lbs of tobacco and for divers other good causes, all that tract of land in CC called Hussyes Addition, bounded by Hussyes Adventure, the NW line of Moores Lodge, the bound tree of the new Exchange, containing and laid out for about 438 acres. Also, one other tract of land in CC, and bounded by Moores Lodge, the land of Henry Hawkins, containing and laid out for about 100 acres. Also, 3 other tracts of land in CC, one called Hussyes Lodge, containing 33 acres, another called Hussyes Reserve, containing 50 acres, and the other called Hussyes Lott, containing 103 acres. Signed - Henry Holland Hawkins. Wit - Robt Hanson*, Gust Brown*. Joan, the wife of Henry Holland Hawkins, relinquished her right of dower in and to the within mentioned land and premises. === Charles County Liber L#2 Page 367. At the request of Henry Holland Hawkins of CC:, Gent, the following deed was recorded this Jun 22, 1727. Jun 14, 1727 from John Hanson of CC, Gent, and Elizabeth, his wife, only daughter and sole heiress of Thomas Hussy, late of CC, Gent, decd, to Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, for 20,000 lbs of tobacco and for divers other good causes, all that tract of land in CC called Hussyes Addition, bounded by Hussyes Adventure, Mores Lodge, the New Exchanae, containing and laid out for about 438 acres. Also one other tract of land in CC, and bounded by Mores Lodge, the land of Henry Hawkins, containing and laid out for about 100 acres. Also, 3 other tracts of land in CC, one called Hussyes Lodge, containing 33 acres, another called Hussyes Reserve, containing 50 acres, and the other called Hussyes Lott, containing 103 acres. Signed - John Hanson, Eliza (X her mark) Hanson. Wit - Robt Hanson*, Gust Brown*. === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Chicamuxen: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 360-59: HUSSEYS ADVENTURE: 100 acres; Possession of - 100 Acres - Hanson, John: Surveyed 8 Sept 1687 for Thomas Hussey: Conveyance notes - John Hanson who married the widow of Samuel Luckett, Resurveyed into Resurvey of several tracts 25 Sept 1735, Folio 426,, , , , === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Port Tobacco: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 331-211: HUSSEYS LODGE: 33 acres; Possession of - 33 Acres - Hanson, John:Surveyed 24 Mar 1687 for Thomas Hussey (poss by John Hanson who married the relict of Samuel Luckett): Other Tracts Mentioned: Conveyance notes - 33 Acres - Henry Holland Hawkins from John Hanson & Elizabeth; 14 June 1727, 33 Acres - John Hanson from Henry Holland Hawkins; 15 June 1727,This land is disclaimed, === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Port Tobacco: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 332-212: HUSSEYS LOTT: 103 acres; Possession of - 103 Acres - Hanson, John: Surveyed 26 Jan 1687 for Thomas Hussey (poss by John Hanson who married the relict of Samuel Luckett): Conveyance notes - 103 Acres - Henry Holland Hawkins from John Hanson & Elizabeth; 14 June 1727, 103 Acres - John Hanson from Henry Holland Hawkins; 15 June 1727,This land is disclaimed, === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Port Tobacco: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 319-123: HUSSEYS RESERVE: 50 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Hanson, John: Surveyed (no time listed (1667) for Thomas Hussey in the woods adjoining to the land laid out for Henry Moore called MOORE (poss. by John Hanson by his marrying the relict of Samuel Luckett.): Other Tracts Mentioned: MOORES; ; ; Conveyance notes - 50 Acres - Henry Holland Hawkins from John Hanson &Elizabeth; 14 June 1727, 50 Acres - John Hanson from Henry Holland Hawkins; 15 June 1727,This land is disclaimed === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Port Tobacco: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 320-130: NEW EXCHANGE: 150 acres; Possession of - 150 Acres - Shaw, Ralph : Surveyed 14 July 1668 for George Taylor in the woods on the East side Port Tobacco fresh beginning at a ME'd oak in a valley: Conveyance notes - 150 Acres - Ralph Shaw Jr. from Ralph Shaw Sr.; 20 Nov 1711, 30 Acres - James Maddox from Ralph Shaw; 2 May 1718,64 Acres - James Maddox from Ralph Shaw; 7 April 1719, , , , === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Chicamuxen: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 353-14: LITTLE CRAYMORE: 50 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Hanson, John: Surveyed 3 July 1667 for Thomas Allanson on the South Side of Mattawoman or St. Thomas Creek on the back of the land of Walter Hall: Other notes - John Hanson who married the relict of Samuel Luckett, This land is Disclaimed, 200 Acres - Richard Speake from Robert Hanson 12 Aug 1742, 200 Acres - John Graham from William Prichard 10 Nov 1742, Father: Thomas Hussey b: 1634 in England Mother: Johanna (Joan) Porter b: 1627 in England

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Chicamuxen: Rent Roll
page/Sequence: 291-37: ASPINALLS CHANCE: 210 acres; Possession of - 210 Acres -
Hanson, John: Surveyed 16 Sept 1680 for Henry Aspinall at a bound Red Oak a
bound tree of George Godfrey land called MILLBORNE: Other Tracts Mentioned:
MILLBORNE; ; ; other notes - John Hanson who married the widow of Samuel
Luckett, 119 Acres - Robert Hanson from Thomas Hussey Luckett 12 Dec 1716,100
Acres - Dorothy Perry from Thomas Harris (sp?) 12 Nov 1719, 100 Acres - Thomas
Skinner from John Mellor 17 Dec 1720 , 119 Acres - Thomas
Hussey Lockett from Robert Hanson 17 Nov 1724, Jeremiah Adderton from
Thomas Hussey Luckett 4 Oct 1738

p. 76, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 365. At the request of John Hanson of CC, Gent, the following deed was recorded this Jun 21, 1727.
Jun 15, 1727 from Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, to John Hanson of CC, Gent, for 25,000 lbs of tobacco and for divers other good causes, all that tract of land in CC called Hussyes Addition, bounded by Hussyes Adventure, the NW line of Moores Lodge, the bound tree of the new Exchange, containing and laid out for about 438 acres. Also, one other tract of land in CC, and bounded by Moores Lodge, the land of Henry Hawkins, containing and laid out for about 100 acres. Also, 3 other tracts of land in CC, one called Hussyes Lodge, containing 33 acres, another called Hussyes Reserve, containing 50 acres, and the other called Hussyes Lott, containing 103 acres. Signed - Henry Holland Hawkins. Wit - Robt Hanson*, Gust Brown*. Joan, the wife of Henry Holland Hawkins, relinquished her right of dower in and to the within mentioned land and premises.

p. 77, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 367. At the request of Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, the following deed was recorded this Jun 22, 1727.
Jun 14, 1727 from John Hanson of CC, Gent, and Elizabeth, his wife, only daughter and sole heiress of Thomas Hussy, late of CC, Gent, decd, to Henry Holland Hawkins of CC, Gent, for 20,000 lbs of tobacco and for divers other good causes, all that tract of land in CC called Hussyes Addition, bounded by Hussyes Adventure, Mores Lodge, the New Exchange, containing and laid out for about 438 acres. Also one other tract of land in CC, and bounded by Mores Lodge, the land of Henry Hawkins, containing and laid out for about 100 acres. Also, 3 other tracts of land in CC, one called Hussyes Lodge, containing 33 acres, another called Hussyes Reserve, containing 50 acres, and the other called Hussyes Lott, containing 103 acres. Signed - John Hanson, Eliza (X her mark) Hanson. Wit - Robt Hanson*, Gust Brown*.

William Earl 25.255 A CH £8.0.0 Nov 6 1705
also William Earles, William Erle.
Payments to: estate of Samuell Lucket.
Administrators: Elisabeth Hanson (wife of John Hanson, Jr.) and Samuell Lucket (executors of Samuell Lucket (administrator of deceased)).

John Hobson 19.517 A CH £106.6.8 £191.14.11 Jul 22 1743
Sureties: Matthew Barnes, Sr., William Theobalds.
Received from: Walter Maddox, William Cole, John Evans, Henry Barns, Barton Stone, Jo. Doyne, David Stone, Thomas Keyberd, Jeremiah Adderton, Robert Doyne, Richard King, Simon Smith, Richard Price, Edward Carter, John Hood, John Boye, John Stramat, Thomas Matthews, Matthew Coffer, Philip Clubb, John Beale, James Smallwood, Alexander McLaran, Henry More, James Goe, Hen. Woodyward, Robert Frankling, James Maddox, John Bigges, John Acton, Charles Ford, Samuel Chunn, Alex. Semmes, Daniel McDaniel, Henry Miles, Benjamin Douglass, Capt. Douglass, William Barker, Butler Stonestreet, Barton Hungerford, Henry Acton, Thomas Morris, Archabald Johnson, Benjamin Craycraft, John Baker, Thomas Thompson, William Keif, Edward Jenkins, William Cooksey, Samuel Wood, Isaac Wood, Edward Ford, Jacob Brandt, William Lary, John Cosey, (a blank line), Thomas Cawood, William Brent, Vincent Askin, Francis Adams, Jr., Thomas Smoot (Sece.), Matthew Clubb, John Thompson, Thomas Smoot, Jr., Alexander Mcferson.
Payments to: Richard Tarom, William Mcferson, John Muschet, Francis Goodred, Mr. John Chesley, William Neale, Henry Terret (in Virginia money), Daniel Dulany, Esq., Walter Hanson, Mr. Samuel Young, Jacob Smith (in Virginia money), Francis Ware.
Executrix (acting): Elisabeth Lucket, wife of Samuel Lucket.

Marcelle D. Hoskins's "Samuel Luckett of MD: Some of His Descendants" (1990), which is lifted largely from "The Lucketts of Portobacco" by Harry W. Newman (Washington, 1938), contains the following:
"Elizabeth Hussey was the daughter of Thomas Hussey, Gent., and his wife, Johanna, who were of the Roman Catholic faith. The 'Gent.' indicated that he was descended from English gentry. Documents bearing his signature indicate that he was educated in letters, an accomplishment not too common among early settlers. The date of his birth is not known nor is the date of his death; however, his will was proved/probated 14 October 1700. In the will he granted to his youngest grandson and name sake, Thomas Hussey Luckett, the son of Elizabeth and Samuel Luckett, 1130 acres of land at Chicamuxen, Durham Parish, Charles County, MD. It seems that they had only two daughters: Elizabeth and Anne Hussey who was married to William Langworth. Thomas Hussey Luckett was the only son of Samuel and Elizabeth who was reared in the Roman Catholic faith, according to Mr. Newman."

...[Following Samuel's death], Elizabeth lost little time acquiring a third husband, and by 6 November 1705, she had married John Hanson. On that date, John Hanson and Elizabeth, and Samuel Luckett, her son, 'executors of Samuel Luckett, deceased...' rendered an account to the Perogative Court of Charles County.
'At the fall session of the County Court the Grand Jury with John Beale as foreman, indicted Nicholas Gulick, a Romanist priest, for "marrying John Hanson and the widow Luckett contrary to law." Likewise, John Hanson and Elizabeth, his wife, were indicted "for being & Suffering the ___ to marry."'
There are no known descendants of Elizabeth Hussey and John Gardiner who was a staunch Roman Catholic; Samuel Luckett, her second husband subscribed to the Church of England; and the third, John Hanson, was also of the Church of England. There were four children from this third marriage and all four of these children were reared within the Catholic Church."

These were difficult religious times dating back over 150 years to the reign of Henry VIII. Though the above commentaries make no mention or speculation of Elizabeth's true faith, it seems likely she was a closet Catholic. Her parents were Catholic, her first husband was Catholic, she was married to her third husband by a Catholic priest, and she reared the children from her first husband as Catholics. The only period she appears to follow the Church of England is during her marriage to Samuel Luckett. It is probably no coincidence that Thomas Hussey Luckett, a Catholic, was the only son of Samuel and Elizabeth's children to be named in the will of Elizabeth's father.


MarriageAbt 1666Port Tobacco, Charles, Md - Samuel Luckett
MarriageAbt 1680Oakley, St Mary's, MD - John Gardiner
MarriageBef 6 Nov 1705Charles County, Maryland, United States - John Hanson
Burial1748Port Tobacco,Charles Co. Md
Death1748Port Tobacco, Charles Co., Maryland
MarriageJohn Gardiner
Alt nameElizabeth Hussy


SpouseJohn Gardiner (1655 - 1683)
SpouseSamuel Luckett (1650 - 1705)
ChildSarah Hines "Berry" Luckett (1668 - 1739)
ChildSamuel Luckett Jr (1685 - 1725)
ChildThomas Luckett (1688 - 1734)
ChildIgnatius Luckett (1689 - 1735)
ChildThomas Hussey Luckett (1693 - 1767)
SpouseJohn Hanson (1681 - 1754)
ChildMary Eleanor Hanson (1707 - 1772)
ChildJohn Hanson (1710 - 1795)
ChildElizabeth Hanson (1708 - 1782)
ChildMary Hanson (1710 - 1749)
FatherThomas Hussey (1634 - 1700)
MotherJoanna Porter (1627 - 1690)
SiblingMary Hussey (1666 - 1691)