Individual Details

Thomas Hussey Luckett

(Bef 1693 - 1767)

p. 126, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber P, Page 208
Thomas Luckett, s/o Samuel & Elizabeth b. 12 Aug 1688

"Thomas Luckett, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Hussey) Luckett, was born August 12, 1688, at the head of Port Tobacco Creek, Charles County. His wife was Sarah, presumably a scion of the Catholic family of Boone in Charles County. Two sons have been placed - John Boone and Samuel. That there were other children is probable.
"Thomas Luckett died intestate, and in accordance with the customs of the times, letters of administration were issued to his widow Sarah Luckett. On August 14, 1734, William Middleton and William Hagan exhibited bond in court. His brothers, Ignatius Luckett and Thomas Hussey Luckett, as the kinsmen, certified on December 3, 1734, to the inventory appraised at L104/5/9, by James Middleton. By 1737 his widow had married William Semmes." ("The Lucketts of Portobacco" by Harry Wright Newman, 1938.)

Witnessed a deed from James Neale to his children, 21 Dec 1710.

p. 19, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, Volume L#2, page 78:
The mark of cattle and hogs of Thomas Luckett was recorded Mar 21, 1722.

p. 69, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, Volume L#2, Page 330. At the request of Thos Lucket, a mark for his son, Samuel, was recorded [no date given, among entries for Feb 1726/27].

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1717-1735
426: Thomas Luckett decd-3 Dec 1734-Igna Luckett & Thomas Hu Luckett kin-Sarah Luckett adm.

Thomas Luckett 20.201 CH £104.5.9 (Between entries for Nov 28 1734 and Dec 4 1734)
Appraisers: James Middleton, James Keech.
Creditors: Israel Illingsworth, William Hunkar (?).
Next of kin: Ignatius Luckett, Thomas H. Luckett.
Administratrix: Sarah Luckett.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1735-1752
7 Thomas Luckett-3 Sep 1735-Sarah Luckett Admr

Thomas Luckett 21.50 CH £6.7.0 Sep 3 1735
Appraisers: James Middleton, James Keech.
Administratrix: Sarah Luckett.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
479. Thomas Luckett dec'd final acct of Sarah Luckett exex. 17 Sept 1735. 5 children all minors. Wm Hagan sr & Wm Middleton Charles Co. Sure.

Thomas Luckett 13.311 A CH £104.5.9 £33.12.4 Sep 17 1735
Received from: John Hason.
Payments to: Dr. Gustavus Brown, William Hunter, John Mannery, Samuel Bishop, Israel Illingworth, James Boarman, John Parnham, Jr., Tasker & Dulany, Esq., Samuel Hanson, George Brett, John Lyon.
Mentions: 5 children (unnamed, minors).
Administratrix: Sarah Luckett.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

1747-An Act to cut of the Entail of two Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Saint Patrick's Hill lying in Charles County and to Invest Thomas Hussey Luckett with An Estate in
Fee Simple in the said Land and to Entail a Tract or Parcell of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of a Tract of Land called Waidstone lying in Charles County aforesaid in Lieu thereof. Whereas Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife have by their Petition to this General Assembly set forth that on or about the Eighth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Fourteen a Certain Robert Price late of Charles County deceased made his last Will and Tes- tament in Writing and amongst other Devises and Bequests therein Contained he made the following That is to say I give and Bequeath as followeth This is to say two hundred Acres thereof I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth and to the Heirs of her Body forever and for and on Default of such issue then to my Daughter Mary which God was Pleased to Bless me with by my second and Present Mar- riage to Her and Her Heires forever And Whereas the Petitioners have further set forth that Thomas Hussey Luckett aforesaid inter- married with Elizabeth aforesaid mentioned in the Will of the said Robert Price by whom he had issue Anne aforesaid Wife to the said Jeremiah Adderton and that the said Elizabeth is since Dead And Whereas the said Thomas Hussey Luckett is Possessed in fee Sim- ple of Two Tracts or Parcells of Land lying in Charles County aforesaid the one Tract called Waidstone's Enlargement Patented for one Hundred Acres and the other being Part of a Tract of Land called Waidstone measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres accord- ing to the Courses mentioned by the said Petitioners in their said Petition which said two Tracts called Waidstone's Enlargement and part of the Tract called Waidstone lye contigious to the Tract of Land whereon the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife now dwell and Contains a greater Quantity of Land and Consists of much better and less Cultivated Land than the said Two hundred Acres part of Saint Patricks Hill aforesaid and whereas the said Thomas Hussey Luckett in the Petition aforesaid hath set forth that he is Willing and Desirous to Exchange the said two Tracts or Parcells of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of the Tract of Land called Waidstone for the Two Hundred Acres of Land part of the said Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill pro- vided the Entail made as aforesaid might be cut of and Whereas the said Petitioners Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton & Anne his Wife have Prayed the Leave of this General Assembly to bring in a Bill to cut of the Entail of the said two Hundred Acres of Land Part of the Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill lying in Charles County aforesaid and that the said Thomas Hussey Luckett may be invested with the same Estate therein as the said Robert Price at the time of the Devise so as aforesaid made by him was Invested with and that the said two Tracts or Parcells of Landthe one called Waidstones Enlargement Containing one Hundred Acres and the other being part of a Tract called Waidstone Con- taining by Measure one hundred and Twelve Acres may be Entailed according to the Intent of the said Testator Robert Price in the same
p. 409
Manner he intended the said two Hundred Acres part of the said
Tract of land called Saint Patricks Hill should be Entailed on the
said Elizabeth and the Heirs of her Body for ever and on Default of such issue then to his Daughter Mary and Her Heirs for ever And Whereas the truth of the Facts Contained in the said Petition are made to appear to this General Assembly Therefore Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and By the Authority of the same that the said Thomas Hussey Luckett be and hereby is Invested with an Absolute Estate in Fee simple of in and unto Two Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill lying in Charles County and Formerly devised by Robert Price of Charles County to Elizabeth and Mary his Daughters in Manner aforesaid anything in the said Will or any Law Statute usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding Saving to his Most Sacred Majesty his Heirs and Successors to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Successors and to all Bodies Politick and Corporate and all others not mentioned in this Act their several and Respective Rights Provided the said Thomas Hussey Luckett his Heirs or Assigns shall duly Convey unto the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife and the Heirs of the Body of the said Anne forever and on Default of such issue to Mary the Daughter of the said Robert Price and her Heirs for ever all that Tract or Parcell of Land called Waidstones Enlargement Containing and Patented for one Hundred Acres of Land by a firm and Sufficient Conveyance in the Law with a General Warranty and shall also duly Convey in the Manner and to the uses intents and Purposes aforesd all that Tract or Parcell of Land being part of a Tract called Waidstone according to the following Courses that is to say Beginning at a Red Oak being the First Bound tree of the said Parcell of Land called Waidstone running South South East one hundred and fifty Perches to a Spanish Oak, then West South West fifty four Perches then North West two Degrees, West one Hundred and Four Perches then North West Twenty four Perches thence North North West till it Strikes a Line drawn West North West from the Beginning Measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres by a firm and Sufficient Conveyance in the Law with a General Warranty And Be it Enacted by and with the Authority Advice & Consent aforesaid that the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife and all Persons Claim- ing under the Will of the said Robert Price be and are hereby Vested with the same Estate in the said Tract or Parcel of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and all that Part of the Tract called Waid-stone according to the Courses aforesaid as they would have had in the said two Hundred Acres Part of Saint Patrick's Hill aforesaid if this Act had never been made anything in the said Will or any Law Statute Usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding.

Session Laws

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Spring 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part II 1753-1779; Transcribed by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell [Extracted from LDS microfilm #13741/3375-05. The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County: Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1766-1773
156: Thomas Hussy Luckett-11 Jul 1767-George Jenkins & John Jenkins kin-Rodam Luckett

Thomas Hussey Luckett 95.42 CH £216.5.6 Dec 5 1767
(also Thomas Hussy Luckett)
Appraisers: Baker Brooke, Samuel Hanson, Jr.
Creditors: Robert Mundeli for John Glassford, George Hunter.
Next of kin: George Jenkins, John Jenkins.
Administratrix: Rhoden Luckett.

This was probably a mis-write/read on the part of the recorders/transcribers, since Samuel Luckett identified Thomas Hussey Luckett as his youngest son, and the older sons' birthdates were recorded in the land/court records of Charles County. This should probably say "on June 4 last [1722] was of the age of 26 years".
p. 34, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, Volume L#2, page 140:
Page 140. At the request of Thos Hussy Luckett, the following deposition was recorded Jun 5, 1724.
Maryland. May 27, 1723. Mrs. Eliza Hanson, formerly wife of Samuel Luckett but now the wife of Mr. Jno Hanson of CC, declared that, to the best of her memory, her son, Thos Hussy Luckett, on Jun 4 last, was of the age of 46 years. Signed - James Stoddert.

The last time a compilation of the births entered in the Charles county court records was made was spring 1693. Thomas Hussey Luckett was after that date.

This is the first time he "signs" in the land records. Notice no wife signs:
p. 141, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber H#2, Page 34
28 Feb 1716; Recorded at request of Robert Hanson:
12 Dec 1716; Indenture from Thomas Hussey Luckett, Gent., to Robert Hanson; for 8,000* tobacco; a parcel called Montagues Mountains on the south side of St. Michael's Creek; laid out for 200 acres; also Montague's Addition bounded by Montagues Mountains; containing 100 acres; also Aspenals Chance bounding Montagues Addition containing 119 acres; /s/ Tho. Huss. Lucket; wit. Wm. Mills, Wm. Theobalds; 12 Dec 1716 Thomas Hussey Luckett ack. deed

p. 174, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber H#2, Page 306
11 Jan 1719: Thomas Hussey Luckett registers cattle marks.

1733 Charles County Tax List
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist.
Luckett Hussey 2 "Hussey Luckett's Quarter" 66 DU
Luckett Ignatius 12 144 PTE
Luckett Thomas 3 97 PTE
Luckett Thos. Hussey 5 61 PTWU

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0044, Page 0544 - Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747; Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747. L. H. J. Liber No. 34; Mr Smallwood, from the Committee appointed to enquire into the Truth of the ffacts alledged in the Petition of Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton, and Anne his wife, delivers to Mr Speaker the following Report, viz.
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable the Lower House of Assembly, to equire into the Truth of the ffacts alledged in the petition of Thomas Hussey Luckett; and Jeremiah Adderton, and Anne his wife; June 18, 1747.
Your Committee do find his Lordship's Grant to Zachariah Wade, of a Tract of Land; called Waidstone containing 300 Acres bearing Date the 7th Day of October 1661, lying in Charles County. We also find another Grant from his said Lordship to the said Zachary Wade bearing Date the 20th of June, 1669, for a Tract of Land called Waidstones Enlargement, containing 100 Acres, lying also in Charles County. We also find that the said Zachary Wade, did by his last Will and Testament, bearing Date the 20th of May 1678, duly proved and Recorded, give unto his Eldest Son Richard Wade, the aforesaid Two Tracts of Land. We also find a Deed of Bargain and Sale, duly acknowledged and Recorded, as appears by a Copy of the Record and Certificate thereof, under the seal of the Office, for the aforesaid Two Tracts of Land, bearing Date the 14th of September 1686, from the said Richard Wade, to a Certain Thomas Hussey, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. We likewise find that the said Thomas Hussey, by his Last Will and Testament, duly proved, bearing Date the 6th Day of ffebruary 1699 and 1700, did Give and Bequeath unto his Grandson Thomas Hussey Luckett, 1310 acres of Land, lying in Chingomuxon; of which we apprehend the Two above mentioned Tracts of Land, called Waidstone's Enlargement, to be part. We further find the last Will and Testament of Robert Price, of Charles County, duly proved on the 22d of June 1715: In a Clause of which are the following words, viz. " That is to say, 200 acres thereof I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth, and to the Heirs of her Body for ever and for and on Default of such Issue, then to my Daughter Mary, which God was pleased to bless me with, by my second and present Marriage, to her, and her Heirs for ever" Which 200 acres, your Committee presume to be part of a Tract of Land, called St. Patrick's Hill, mentioned in the said Petition. And we likewise believe, that Anne the wife of Jeremiah Adderton, is Daughter and Heiress of the aforesaid Elizabeth, Daughter of the aforementioned Robert Price the Deviser, and lastly, we find that the Tract of Land Called Waidstones Enlargement, patented for 100 acres; and that part of the Tract of Land, called Waidstone, measuring 112 Acres, according to the Courses, mentioned in the aforesaid patent (leaving out the words, Two Degrees South, in the fifth Course, which we apprehend to be a Mistake) by the Information of Mr Bayne Smallwood, is better in Quality, and of greater value, than the aforesaid 200 acres, part of St. Patrick's Hill: All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of your Honourable House Signed per Order Wm Wilkins, Clerk
Which Report was read; and Leave is given to bring in a Bill accordingly.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0044, Page 0669 - Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747; Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747; Chapter X; p. 408
An Act to cut of the Entail of two Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Saint Patrick's Hill lying in Charles County and to Invest Thomas Hussey Luckett with An Estate in Fee Simple in the said Land and to Entail a Tract or Parcell of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of a Tract of Land called Waidstone lying in Charles County aforesaid in Lieu thereof.
Whereas Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife have by their Petition to this General Assembly set forth that on or about the Eighth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Fourteen a Certain Robert Price late of Charles County deceased made his last Will and Testament in Writing and amongst other Devises and Bequests therein Contained he made the following That is to say I give and Bequeath as followeth This is to say two hundred Acres thereof I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth and to the Heirs of her Body forever and for and on Default of such issue then to my Daughter Mary which God was Pleased to Bless me with by my second and Present Marriage to Her and Her Heires forever And Whereas the Petitioners have further set forth that Thomas Hussey Luckett aforesaid intermarried with Elizabeth aforesaid mentioned in the Will of the said Robert Price by whom he had issue Anne aforesaid Wife to the said Jeremiah Adderton and that the said Elizabeth is since Dead And Whereas the said Thomas Hussey Luckett is Possessed in fee Simple of Two Tracts or Parcells of Land lying in Charles County aforesaid the one Tract called Waidstone's Enlargement Patented for one Hundred Acres and the other being Part of a Tract of Land called Waidstone measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres according to the Courses mentioned by the said Petitioners in their said Petition which said two Tracts called Waidstone's Enlargement and part of the Tract called Waidstone lye contigious to the Tract of Land whereon the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife now dwell and Contains a greater Quantity of Land and Consists of much better and less Cultivated Land than the said Two hundred Acres part of Saint Patricks Hill aforesaid and whereas the said Thomas Hussey Luckett in the Petition aforesaid hath set forth that he is Willing and Desirous to Exchange the said two Tracts or Parcells of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of the Tract of Land called Waidstone for the Two Hundred Acres of Land part of the said Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill provided the Entail made as aforesaid might be cut of and Whereas the said Petitioners Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton & Anne his Wife have Prayed the Leave of this General Assembly to bring in a Bill to cut of the Entail of the said two Hundred Acres of Land Part of the Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill lying in Charles County aforesaid and that the said Thomas Hussey Luckett may be invested with the same Estate therein as the said Robert Price at the time of the Devise so as aforesaid made by him was Invested with and that the said two Tracts or Parcells of Land the one called Waidstones Enlargement Containing one Hundred Acres and the other being part of a Tract called Waidstone Containing by Measure one hundred and Twelve Acres may be Entailed according to the Intent of the said Testator Robert Price in the same Manner he intended the said two Hundred Acres part of the said Tract of land called Saint Patricks Hill should be Entailed on the said Elizabeth and the Heirs of her Body for ever and on Default of such issue then to his Daughter Mary and Her Heirs for ever And Whereas the truth of the Facts Contained in the said Petition are made to appear to this General Assembly Therefore Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and By the Authority of the same that the said Thomas Hussey Luckett be and hereby is Invested with an Absolute Estate in Fee simple of in and unto Two Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill lying in Charles County and Formerly devised by Robert Price of Charles County to Elizabeth and Mary his Daughters in Manner aforesaid anything in the said Will or any Law Statute usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding Saving to his Most Sacred Majesty his Heirs and Successors to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Successors and to all Bodies Politick and Corporate and all others not mentioned in this Act their several and Respective Rights Provided the said Thomas Hussey Luckett his Heirs or Assigns shall duly Convey unto the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife and the Heirs of the Body of the said Anne forever and on Default of such issue to Mary the Daughter of the said Robert Price and her Heirs for ever all that Tract or Parcell of Land called Waidstones Enlargement Containing and Patented for one Hundred Acres of Land by a firm and Sufficient Conveyance in the Law with a General Warranty and shall also duly Convey in the Manner and to the uses intents and Purposes aforesd all that Tract or Parcell of Land being part of a Tract called Waidstone according to the following Courses that is to say Beginning at a Red Oak being the First Bound tree of the said Parcell of Land called Waidstone running South South East one hundred and fifty Perches to a Spanish Oak, then West South West fifty four Perches then North West two Degrees, West one Hundred and Four Perches then North West Twenty four Perches thence North North West till it Strikes a Line drawn West North West from the Beginning Measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres by a firm and Sufficient Conveyance in the Law with a General Warranty And Be it Enacted by and with the Authority Advice & Consent aforesaid that the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife and all Persons Claiming under the Will of the said Robert Price be and are hereby Vested with the same Estate in the said Tract or Parcel of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and all that Part of the Tract called Waidstone according to the Courses aforesaid as they would have had in the said two Hundred Acres Part of Saint Patrick's Hill aforesaid if this Act had never been made anything in the said Will or any Law Statute Usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding.

p. 154, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Record Book Z#2
Page 462. At the request of Jeremiah Aderton, the following deed was recorded on Mar 26, 1751.
Dec 12, 1750 from Thomas Hussy Luckett of CC, planter, to Jeremiah Aderton & Anne, his wife, for divers good causes and for 200 acres (being part of a tract of land called St Patricks Hill) in CC, of which the entail was cut off by an Act of Assembly, passed at the City of Annapolis on May 16, 1740 an estate in fee simple invested in sd Luckett on condition that Luckett conveyed to sd Jeremiah Aderton & Ann, his wife, certain lands therein mentioned which will more at large appear by sd Act wherewith Luckett acknowledges himself fully satisfied by being invested with an estate in fee simple in the 200 acres by the act afd, and hereby grants sd Jeremiah Aderton and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of the body of sd Anne, and on default of such issue, to Mary, the daughter of Robert Price (mentioned in the afd Act) forever, a tract of land called Wadestones Enlargement, containing and patented for 100 acres, and also all that part of a parcel of land, being part of a tract called Wade Stone (both lying in CC), containing 112 acres. Signed - Thos Hu: Luckett. Wit - R Harrison, Walter Hanson. Eliner, the wife of the sd Luckett, released her dower.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Spring 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part II 1753-1779; Transcribed by Ruth King and Carol Mitchell [Extracted from LDS microfilm #13741/3375-05. The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County: Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1766-1773
156: Thomas Hussy Luckett-11 Jul 1767-George Jenkins & John Jenkins kin-Rodam Luckett

Thomas Hussey Luckett 95.42 CH £216.5.6 Dec 5 1767
(also Thomas Hussy Luckett)
Appraisers: Baker Brooke, Samuel Hanson, Jr.
Creditors: Robert Mundeli for John Glassford, George Hunter.
Next of kin: George Jenkins, John Jenkins.
Administratrix: Rhoden Luckett.

This was probably a mis-write/read on the part of the recorders/transcribers, since Samuel Luckett identified Thomas Hussey Luckett as his youngest son, and the older sons' birthdates were recorded in the land/court records of Charles County. This should probably say "on June 4 last [1722] was of the age of 26 years".
p. 34, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, Volume L#2, page 140:
Page 140. At the request of Thos Hussy Luckett, the following deposition was recorded Jun 5, 1724.
Maryland. May 27, 1723. Mrs. Eliza Hanson, formerly wife of Samuel Luckett but now the wife of Mr. Jno Hanson of CC, declared that, to the best of her memory, her son, Thos Hussy Luckett, on Jun 4 last, was of the age of 46 years. Signed - James Stoddert.

The last time a compilation of the births entered in the Charles county court records was made was spring 1693. Thomas Hussey Luckett was after that date.

This is the first time he "signs" in the land records. Notice no wife signs:
p. 141, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber H#2, Page 34
28 Feb 1716; Recorded at request of Robert Hanson:
12 Dec 1716; Indenture from Thomas Hussey Luckett, Gent., to Robert Hanson; for 8,000* tobacco; a parcel called Montagues Mountains on the south side of St. Michael's Creek; laid out for 200 acres; also Montague's Addition bounded by Montagues Mountains; containing 100 acres; also Aspenals Chance bounding Montagues Addition containing 119 acres; /s/ Tho. Huss. Lucket; wit. Wm. Mills, Wm. Theobalds; 12 Dec 1716 Thomas Hussey Luckett ack. deed

p. 174, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber H#2, Page 306
11 Jan 1719: Thomas Hussey Luckett registers cattle marks.

1733 Charles County Tax List
"A List of the Number of Taxables Belonging to the Several Persons in Charles County abstracts from the Several Constables Lists for the year 1733"
Surname Given Name Taxables Notes Number Dist.
Luckett Hussey 2 "Hussey Luckett's Quarter" 66 DU
Luckett Ignatius 12 144 PTE
Luckett Thomas 3 97 PTE
Luckett Thos. Hussey 5 61 PTWU

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0044, Page 0544 - Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747; Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747. L. H. J. Liber No. 34; Mr Smallwood, from the Committee appointed to enquire into the Truth of the ffacts alledged in the Petition of Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton, and Anne his wife, delivers to Mr Speaker the following Report, viz.
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable the Lower House of Assembly, to equire into the Truth of the ffacts alledged in the petition of Thomas Hussey Luckett; and Jeremiah Adderton, and Anne his wife; June 18, 1747.
Your Committee do find his Lordship's Grant to Zachariah Wade, of a Tract of Land; called Waidstone containing 300 Acres bearing Date the 7th Day of October 1661, lying in Charles County. We also find another Grant from his said Lordship to the said Zachary Wade bearing Date the 20th of June, 1669, for a Tract of Land called Waidstones Enlargement, containing 100 Acres, lying also in Charles County. We also find that the said Zachary Wade, did by his last Will and Testament, bearing Date the 20th of May 1678, duly proved and Recorded, give unto his Eldest Son Richard Wade, the aforesaid Two Tracts of Land. We also find a Deed of Bargain and Sale, duly acknowledged and Recorded, as appears by a Copy of the Record and Certificate thereof, under the seal of the Office, for the aforesaid Two Tracts of Land, bearing Date the 14th of September 1686, from the said Richard Wade, to a Certain Thomas Hussey, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. We likewise find that the said Thomas Hussey, by his Last Will and Testament, duly proved, bearing Date the 6th Day of ffebruary 1699 and 1700, did Give and Bequeath unto his Grandson Thomas Hussey Luckett, 1310 acres of Land, lying in Chingomuxon; of which we apprehend the Two above mentioned Tracts of Land, called Waidstone's Enlargement, to be part. We further find the last Will and Testament of Robert Price, of Charles County, duly proved on the 22d of June 1715: In a Clause of which are the following words, viz. " That is to say, 200 acres thereof I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth, and to the Heirs of her Body for ever and for and on Default of such Issue, then to my Daughter Mary, which God was pleased to bless me with, by my second and present Marriage, to her, and her Heirs for ever" Which 200 acres, your Committee presume to be part of a Tract of Land, called St. Patrick's Hill, mentioned in the said Petition. And we likewise believe, that Anne the wife of Jeremiah Adderton, is Daughter and Heiress of the aforesaid Elizabeth, Daughter of the aforementioned Robert Price the Deviser, and lastly, we find that the Tract of Land Called Waidstones Enlargement, patented for 100 acres; and that part of the Tract of Land, called Waidstone, measuring 112 Acres, according to the Courses, mentioned in the aforesaid patent (leaving out the words, Two Degrees South, in the fifth Course, which we apprehend to be a Mistake) by the Information of Mr Bayne Smallwood, is better in Quality, and of greater value, than the aforesaid 200 acres, part of St. Patrick's Hill: All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of your Honourable House Signed per Order Wm Wilkins, Clerk
Which Report was read; and Leave is given to bring in a Bill accordingly.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0044, Page 0669 - Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747; Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747; Chapter X; p. 408
An Act to cut of the Entail of two Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Saint Patrick's Hill lying in Charles County and to Invest Thomas Hussey Luckett with An Estate in Fee Simple in the said Land and to Entail a Tract or Parcell of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of a Tract of Land called Waidstone lying in Charles County aforesaid in Lieu thereof.
Whereas Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife have by their Petition to this General Assembly set forth that on or about the Eighth Day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Fourteen a Certain Robert Price late of Charles County deceased made his last Will and Testament in Writing and amongst other Devises and Bequests therein Contained he made the following That is to say I give and Bequeath as followeth This is to say two hundred Acres thereof I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth and to the Heirs of her Body forever and for and on Default of such issue then to my Daughter Mary which God was Pleased to Bless me with by my second and Present Marriage to Her and Her Heires forever And Whereas the Petitioners have further set forth that Thomas Hussey Luckett aforesaid intermarried with Elizabeth aforesaid mentioned in the Will of the said Robert Price by whom he had issue Anne aforesaid Wife to the said Jeremiah Adderton and that the said Elizabeth is since Dead And Whereas the said Thomas Hussey Luckett is Possessed in fee Simple of Two Tracts or Parcells of Land lying in Charles County aforesaid the one Tract called Waidstone's Enlargement Patented for one Hundred Acres and the other being Part of a Tract of Land called Waidstone measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres according to the Courses mentioned by the said Petitioners in their said Petition which said two Tracts called Waidstone's Enlargement and part of the Tract called Waidstone lye contigious to the Tract of Land whereon the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife now dwell and Contains a greater Quantity of Land and Consists of much better and less Cultivated Land than the said Two hundred Acres part of Saint Patricks Hill aforesaid and whereas the said Thomas Hussey Luckett in the Petition aforesaid hath set forth that he is Willing and Desirous to Exchange the said two Tracts or Parcells of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and Part of the Tract of Land called Waidstone for the Two Hundred Acres of Land part of the said Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill provided the Entail made as aforesaid might be cut of and Whereas the said Petitioners Thomas Hussey Luckett, Jeremiah Adderton & Anne his Wife have Prayed the Leave of this General Assembly to bring in a Bill to cut of the Entail of the said two Hundred Acres of Land Part of the Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill lying in Charles County aforesaid and that the said Thomas Hussey Luckett may be invested with the same Estate therein as the said Robert Price at the time of the Devise so as aforesaid made by him was Invested with and that the said two Tracts or Parcells of Land the one called Waidstones Enlargement Containing one Hundred Acres and the other being part of a Tract called Waidstone Containing by Measure one hundred and Twelve Acres may be Entailed according to the Intent of the said Testator Robert Price in the same Manner he intended the said two Hundred Acres part of the said Tract of land called Saint Patricks Hill should be Entailed on the said Elizabeth and the Heirs of her Body for ever and on Default of such issue then to his Daughter Mary and Her Heirs for ever And Whereas the truth of the Facts Contained in the said Petition are made to appear to this General Assembly Therefore Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and By the Authority of the same that the said Thomas Hussey Luckett be and hereby is Invested with an Absolute Estate in Fee simple of in and unto Two Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract of Land called Saint Patricks Hill lying in Charles County and Formerly devised by Robert Price of Charles County to Elizabeth and Mary his Daughters in Manner aforesaid anything in the said Will or any Law Statute usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding Saving to his Most Sacred Majesty his Heirs and Successors to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Successors and to all Bodies Politick and Corporate and all others not mentioned in this Act their several and Respective Rights Provided the said Thomas Hussey Luckett his Heirs or Assigns shall duly Convey unto the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife and the Heirs of the Body of the said Anne forever and on Default of such issue to Mary the Daughter of the said Robert Price and her Heirs for ever all that Tract or Parcell of Land called Waidstones Enlargement Containing and Patented for one Hundred Acres of Land by a firm and Sufficient Conveyance in the Law with a General Warranty and shall also duly Convey in the Manner and to the uses intents and Purposes aforesd all that Tract or Parcell of Land being part of a Tract called Waidstone according to the following Courses that is to say Beginning at a Red Oak being the First Bound tree of the said Parcell of Land called Waidstone running South South East one hundred and fifty Perches to a Spanish Oak, then West South West fifty four Perches then North West two Degrees, West one Hundred and Four Perches then North West Twenty four Perches thence North North West till it Strikes a Line drawn West North West from the Beginning Measuring one Hundred & Twelve Acres by a firm and Sufficient Conveyance in the Law with a General Warranty And Be it Enacted by and with the Authority Advice & Consent aforesaid that the said Jeremiah Adderton and Anne his Wife and all Persons Claiming under the Will of the said Robert Price be and are hereby Vested with the same Estate in the said Tract or Parcel of Land called Waidstones Enlargement and all that Part of the Tract called Waidstone according to the Courses aforesaid as they would have had in the said two Hundred Acres Part of Saint Patrick's Hill aforesaid if this Act had never been made anything in the said Will or any Law Statute Usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding.

p. 154, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Record Book Z#2
Page 462. At the request of Jeremiah Aderton, the following deed was recorded on Mar 26, 1751.
Dec 12, 1750 from Thomas Hussy Luckett of CC, planter, to Jeremiah Aderton & Anne, his wife, for divers good causes and for 200 acres (being part of a tract of land called St Patricks Hill) in CC, of which the entail was cut off by an Act of Assembly, passed at the City of Annapolis on May 16, 1740 an estate in fee simple invested in sd Luckett on condition that Luckett conveyed to sd Jeremiah Aderton & Ann, his wife, certain lands therein mentioned which will more at large appear by sd Act wherewith Luckett acknowledges himself fully satisfied by being invested with an estate in fee simple in the 200 acres by the act afd, and hereby grants sd Jeremiah Aderton and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of the body of sd Anne, and on default of such issue, to Mary, the daughter of Robert Price (mentioned in the afd Act) forever, a tract of land called Wadestones Enlargement, containing and patented for 100 acres, and also all that part of a parcel of land, being part of a tract called Wade Stone (both lying in CC), containing 112 acres. Signed - Thos Hu: Luckett. Wit - R Harrison, Walter Hanson. Eliner, the wife of the sd Luckett, released her dower.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

5 Mar 1705: Mentioned in father's will.
Witnessed a deed from James Neale to his children, 21 Dec 1710.

p. 19, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, Volume L#2, page 78:
The mark of cattle and hogs of Thomas Luckett was recorded Mar 21, 1722.

p. 69, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, Volume L#2, Page 330. At the request of Thos Lucket, a mark for his son, Samuel, was recorded [no date given, among entries for Feb 1726/27].

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1717-1735
426: Thomas Luckett decd-3 Dec 1734-Igna Luckett & Thomas Hu Luckett kin-Sarah Luckett adm.

Thomas Luckett 20.201 CH £104.5.9 (Between entries for Nov 28 1734 and Dec 4 1734)
Appraisers: James Middleton, James Keech.
Creditors: Israel Illingsworth, William Hunkar (?).
Next of kin: Ignatius Luckett, Thomas H. Luckett.
Administratrix: Sarah Luckett.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1735-1752
7 Thomas Luckett-3 Sep 1735-Sarah Luckett Admr

Thomas Luckett 21.50 CH £6.7.0 Sep 3 1735
Appraisers: James Middleton, James Keech.
Administratrix: Sarah Luckett.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
479. Thomas Luckett dec'd final acct of Sarah Luckett exex. 17 Sept 1735. 5 children all minors. Wm Hagan sr & Wm Middleton Charles Co. Sure.

Thomas Luckett 13.311 A CH £104.5.9 £33.12.4 Sep 17 1735
Received from: John Hason.
Payments to: Dr. Gustavus Brown, William Hunter, John Mannery, Samuel Bishop, Israel Illingworth, James Boarman, John Parnham, Jr., Tasker & Dulany, Esq., Samuel Hanson, George Brett, John Lyon.
Mentions: 5 children (unnamed, minors).
Administratrix: Sarah Luckett.


BirthBef 1693Port Tobacco,Charles County, Maryland
Marriage1717Elizabeth Price
Death1767Charles County, Maryland
MarriageRebecca Douglass
ReligionRoman Catholic
ReligionChurch of England


SpouseRebecca Douglass ( - )
SpouseElizabeth Price (1690 - 1747)
ChildAnne Luckett ( - )
ChildElizabeth Luckett ( - )
FatherSamuel Luckett (1650 - 1705)
MotherElizabeth Hussey ( - 1748)
SiblingSarah Hines "Berry" Luckett (1668 - 1739)
SiblingSamuel Luckett Jr (1685 - 1725)
SiblingThomas Luckett (1688 - 1734)
SiblingIgnatius Luckett (1689 - 1735)

