Individual Details

Samuel Luckett

(Abt 1650 - 18 Jul 1705)

SAMUEL LUCKETT: Settled in Maryland before 1678.
Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q Luckett, Ignatius, s/o Samuel and Elizabeth Luckett of Portobacco, b. 30 Jan 1689 Luckett, Samuell, s/o Samuel and Elizabeth Luckett at the head of Portobacco Creeke, b. 10 Oct 1685 Luckett, Thomas, s/o Samuell and Elizabeth Luckett at the head of Portobacco Creeke, b. 12 Aug 1688 Children of Elizabeth HUSSEY and Samuel LUCKETT are:. i. Samuel LUCKETT was born 10 OCT 1685 in Port Tobacco Parish,Charles County,Maryland, and died Bef 1750. He married Elizabeth Anne NEALE Bef 1711. She died Aft 1750. ii. Thomas LUCKETT was born 12 AUG 1688 in Port Tobacco,Charles County,Maryland, and died 4 AUG 1734 in Charles County,Maryland. iii. Ignatius LUCKETT was born 30 JAN 1689/1690 in Port Tobacco Creek,Charles County,Maryland, and died Abt 1735. iv. Thomas Hussey LUCKETT was born Aft 1689 in Charles County,Maryland, and died Abt 1767. "The Lucketts of Portobacco, MD", by Harry Wright Newman, provides an early history of the Luckett family in the Americas: "The Luckett family also has its traditions. The original Luckett was one of the colonists who settled in Lord Baltimore's Province of Avalon on the Isle of Newfoundland during 1621, and came to Virginia when Lord Baltimore visited that colony in 1629, and there he remained. A few years later in 1634 when Leonard Calvert, son of the First Lord Baltimore, established the Maryland Palatinate, he removed to Maryland to become once again under the sovereignty of his former lordship. Only little credence can be placed in this tradition, for no proof has been found for its authenticity". Settled in Maryland before 1678. Samuel was a member of the Maryland Provinical Court during 1696, he signed a Petition to the King as a member of the Provinical Court and as a Civil Officer of Charles County. Since Catholics could not hold public office indicates that he was a member of the Church of England. When Samuel died his estate was valued at 829 pounds, 13 shillings, 3 pence and included 7 white indentured servants but no slaves. At the Perogative Court held in Charles County during 1684, "Appeared Samuel Luckett of Charles County who intermarried with the relict and administrator of John Gardiner and showeth that he never intermedled with goods". Here proof exists of his marriage to the widow, and also for the belief that he had interferred with the estate of her deceased husband. (Harry Wright Newman) ===Samuel was a member of the Maryland Provincial Court during 1696, he signed a Petition to the King as a member of the Provincial Court and as a Civil Officer of Charles County. Since Catholics could not hold public office indicates that he was a member of the Church of England.
Luckett, Samuel, Chas. County, 5th March 1705; 18th July, 1705. To wife 150 A., "Smootes Chance" at Port Tobacco. To eld. son Samuel, 200 A., "Hussey's Discovery," also 150 A. adjacent to the land formerly knowne to be Capt, Josias Fendall's and now adjoining the widow Eliza: Hawkins. To son Thomas, 500 A. in Virginia, near Quanticott. To son Ignatius :100 A., "Thompson's Square." To young son Thomas Hussey Luckett, personalty. In event of death of any son or sons afsd. during minority or without issue., survivor or survivors to inherit deceased's portion. Residue of estate to wife and child, afsd including money due in England. Exs.: Wife and son Samuel Test: Philip BRISCOE, Sr., Jos. VENOM, Michaell WATERER. (3. 649 Calendar of Wills: Volume 3) === Cleborne Lomax 20.193 A CH £33.18.0 Dec 7 1701 Payments to: Mr. George Tubman, John Cassock, Edward Lampburgh, Thomas Hussey (dead) paid to Samuell Lucket who married Elisabeth the executrix. Administratrix: Blanck Lomax (relict). === Clement Theobald 8.85 A CH £9.10.6 #3986 Aug 1 1683 "killed by the strock of a horse". Payments to: Col. William chandler, Garret Fookes, Samuell Luckett, Edward France, William Dent. Administrator: Richard Morris, === Robert Cooper 8,228 A CH #10486 #8859 Oct 23 1684 Payments to: Col. William Chandler, Thomas Burford, Esq., Thomas Carvile, Thomas Grunwin of St, Mary's County, Samuell Luckett, Robert Browne, Dr. John Lemaire, Thomas Hussey, Henry Henley, Hugh French, Administrator: John Faning (gentleman), === Robert Cooper 8.230 I #10486 Apr 1 1682 The inventory is on the upper half of folios 230 and 231. List of debts: Mr. John Hambleton, Mr. Thomas Burford, Thomas Carvill, Mr. Grunwin, Samuell Luckett, Robert Browne, Dr, John Lemaire, Thomas Hussey, Henry Henley, Hugh French, Thomas Edwards, Maj. Boarsham, Ralph Gwine, John Gouge, Francis Newteing, John Gibbs, Richard Durding, Thomas Dobbing. Administrator: John Faning. === Mr. Ignatius Cussine [Causine] 16.66 A CH £129.16.5 £36,16,1 [1698] Payments to: John Watkins, Samuell Luckett, Thomas Smallwood, John Wathen, Mr, Francis Green. Executrix: June Reeves (relict), wife of Ugatt Reeves. == Charles County Circuit Court Liber L, Page 3 12 Aug 1684; Indenture from Wm. Smoote, planter, to Sam'll Luckett for 2,000# tobacco a parcel of land called Johnsons Choyse; bounded by land formerly laid out for Geo. Goodrick; containing 150 acres; /s/ Win. Smoote; Wm. Theobalds; Jno. Richards === Charles County Circuit Court Liber M, Page 192 14 Sep 1686; Indenture from Richard Wade, planter, to Thomas Hussey, Gent.; for 14,000# tobacco; a parcel of land formerly laid out for Zachary Wade called Wade's Land on the north side of Piscataway River about 1/2 mile east of Goose Bayis containing 300 acres; also another tract laid out for Zachary Wade called Wadestones containing 100 acres; /s/ Rich Wade; wit. Samuell Luckett, Cleborne Lomax === Charles County Land Records, Liber Q, Page 20 COURT OF 11 Nov 1690 Will of Richard Price of Nanjemy; entire estate to children, excepting a heifer to God-dau. Susanna Parker and a heifer to John Cufting; if my wife should fall to poverty that Samuell Luckett should take care of his God-dau. and that Philip Luen should take care of his God-son Thomas Prise; that Francis Harrisson and John Cable should take care of my son Richard Prise; wife Anne Prise, extx.; 22 Feb 1687; probate I I Nov 1690; /s/ Richard Prise (mark); wit. Francis Harrisson, James Finley, Philip Luen (Lewin Susanna Parker, d/o John Parker, rec'd her legacy from above will; I May 1689; /s/ John Parker; wit: John Done, George Brett (mark) John Cufting rec'd his legacy from above will; 11 May 1689; Isl John Cuffing (mark); wit. John Stepford, James Martin (mark) ===In January 1695, Samuel Luckett was bondsman for "Major James Smallwood who married Mary the relict of Robert Thompson, Jr., late of Charles County". All were his neighbors on Port Tobacco Creek.
Charles County Circuit Court Liber S, Page 431 13 Nov 1695; Indenture from Francis Hanby and Allse his wife; Alise binds her son Samuel Barker, now age 7 years, to Samuell Luckett; /s/ Francis Hanby (mark), Alise Hanby (mark); wit. Gilbt. Clarke, Tho. Burford === Charles County Circuit Court, Land Records, Liber D#2, Page 6 14 Jun 1712; Recorded at request of Michael Martin: 11 Jun 1712; Indenture from Samuel Luckett, planter, son and heir to Samuel Luckett, dec'd, to Michael Martin, planter; William Smoot ca 12 Aug 1684 conveyed to Samuel Luckett the elder a parcel called Johnson's Choice; bounded by George Goodrick; containing 100 acres; this indenture from Luckett to Martin; for £10; /s/ Samll. Luckett; wit. Thomas Onell, Bernard White; ack. in open court by Samuel Luckett and Anne his wife === === age may be transcription error 26 year old is much closer Charles County, Maryland Liber L#2, Page 140. At the request of Thos Hussy Luckett, the following deposition was recorded Jun 5, 1724. Maryland. May 27, 1723. Mrs. Eliza Hanson, formerly wife of Samuel Luckett but now the wife of Mr. Jno Hanson of CC, declared that, to the best of her memory, her son,. Thos Hussy Luckett, on Jun 4 last, was of the age of 46 years. Signed - James Stoddert. === 1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Chicamuxen: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 353-14: LITTLE CRAYMORE: 50 acres; Possession of - 50 Acres - Hanson, John: Surveyed 3 July 1667 for Thomas Allanson on the South Side of Mattawoman or St. Thomas Creek on the back of the land of Walter Hall: Other notes - John Hanson who married the relict of Samuel Luckett, This land is Disclaimed, 200 Acres - Richard Speake from Robert Hanson 12 Aug 1742, 200 Acres - John Graham from William Prichard 10 Nov 1742, === STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1689 - 1693; THE ANTIENT PRESS p.210a KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I THOMAS HUSSEY of CHARLES COUNTY in ye PROVINCE of MARYLAND Gent have appointed my loveinge friend Capa. GEORGE BRENT of Stafford County to bee my true & lawfull Atturney to acknowledge in the County Court of Stafford one Deed of Gift to my Sonne in Law SAMUELL LUCKETT of CHARLES COUNTY in ye PROVINCE aforesaid for five hundred acres of land on QUANTIQUOTT CREEKE in Stafford County that I purchased of WM. BOWRNE Sonne and Heir of THOMAS BOWRNE deced ratiffieinge for stable and good whatsoever my said Atturney shall doe. In Wittness whereof I have sett my hande & seals this Eighth day of September 1691 In presence of CLEBORNE LOMAX, THO; HUSSEY THOS. WHICHALEY Recorded in the County Court records of Stafford October ye 6th 1691 === STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1689 - 1693; THE ANTIENT PRESS pp. 211- TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to whom these presents shall come I THOMAS HUSSEY of CHARLES COUNTY in ye PROVINCE of MARYLAND Gentl. send Greeting. Whereas I ye said THOMAS HUSSEY by a certaine Deed of Sale dated ye 6th day of October 1690 purchased of WM. BOWRNE of QUANTIQUOTT in Stafford County in ye Collony of Virga. ye Sonne & Heire of THOMAS BOWRNE deced five hundred acres of lande part of a tract of Two thousand acres of lande purchased by the said THOMAS BOWRNE deced of Capa. JOHN LORD as by said Deed of Sale upon record in the County Court of Stafford County may appeare Now Know yee that I the said THO. HUSSEY for that Love & affeccon that I beare towards my Son in Law SAMUELL LUCKETT of CHARLES COUNTY in the PROVINCE aforesaid and also for divers good causes Have given unto him ye said SAMUELL LUCKETT his heires for ever the abovesaid Five hundred acres of lande beinge on ye Southwest side of QUANTIQUOTT CREEKE in Stafford County in the Collony of Virga. beginninge att a marked white oake a Corner tree standing by a Marsh on ye South East side of a Swampe by QUANTIQUOTT CREEKE side & extendinge by a line of marked trees Southwest into ye Woods in Length three hundred & twenty perches to a marked red oake neare ye little Creeke from thence South East by a line of marked trees to a marked white oake another Corner tree by OUANTIQUOTT CREEKE side finally up ye Creeke of QUANTIQUOTT to ye first menconed white oake. In Wittness whereof I have sett my hande & Seale this Eighth day of September 1691 In presence of CLEBORNE LOMAX, THOS. HUSSEY THO. WHICHALEY This Deed of Gift was acknowledged by Capa. GEORGE BRENT Atturney of the said THOMAS HUSSEY === STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1699 - 1709; THE ANTIENT PRESS pp. 440- 442 To all Christian People .. I DANL. MORLEY of Charles County in Province of Maryland this 6th of March anno 1707 .. in consideration sum 7000 pounds of good Tobo and cask to me in hand paid by JOHN UNDERWOOD of Stafford County planter .. have sold all my right title and Interest to 300 acres of land situate on South side quantiquot creek in county afsd being part of the uppermost thousand acres included in WM. BOURNES Pattent of 2000 acres which uppermost thousand acres begins at a marked line of trees upon Quanticot Creek side running clear & through a small branch or Swamp which divides this thousand acres of land from 200 acres sold by Wm. Bourne to RICHARD GIBSON called Ankrans Land the first of which thousand (vizt) the sd Wm. Bourne sold unto THOMAS BARTON 400 acres running down the said creek for breadth & South west into the woods near the Little Back creek & parallel the head line the next 300 acres belonging to MARY the widow & relict of WM. WALTEREDGE deced running the same courses as the other so that the said 300 acres sold or in-tended to be sold is to take its first bounds beginning from the lowermost line of the said 300 acres belonging to MARY WALTEREDGE observing the same courses forementioned till it be compleat that 300 acres mentioned to be sold -- Presence G. Mason, Danl. x Morley G. Mason Junr., Cabl. Adams At Court held 8th September 1708 George Mason Gent. by virtue of a power of attorney .. acknowledged the within deed of sale of land .. & same is ordered to be recorded & is recorded. Know all men .. that I DANL. MORLEY of Charles County in Province of Maryland Planter have appointed my trusty & loving friend Collo. GEORGE MASON of Stafford County my true and lawful attorney .. to acknowledge and make over according to Law a certain deed by me signed unto John Underwood .. 6th day Presence C. Mason Junr., Danl. Morleys x mark Gabriel Adams Proved in Court 8th day Sept 1708 and is ordered to be recorded & is recorded. === STAFFORD COUNTY VA DEED & WILL BOOK 1699 - 1709; THE ANTIENT PRESS pp. 442- 443 To all Christian People .. I JOHN UNDERWOOD of Stafford County in concideratfon of 4000 pounds of Tobo 6 cask & a young steer to me in hand paid by THOMAS CHAPMAN SENR. of county afsd .. have sold a certain parcel of land upon the SW..side of Quantiquot Creek being part of 300 acres formerly purchased by THOMAS MORLEY lying in Bourns Pattent and sold by the heirs of said Morley to me bounding .. beginning at the head of a valley butting agt MATHEW GOSS path and running down the valley the dividing line which divides the aforesd Underwood and Chapman made by consent of each party to the land of RICHARD RICHEY thence by a line of marked trees SW to the Little Creek thence adjoining to the land of SAM,. LUCKETTS & running ENE to the head of the valley afsd containing 150 acres he it mare or less ., 6th day March 1707/8. Presence Wm. Jennings, John Underwood Francis x Purnell, Mich Westray Mary x Underwood AT Court held 8th September 1705 The within deed of sale was acknowledged in Court in person by Thomas Chapman Sent. and WILLIAM ALLENBY by virtue of a power of attorney from MARY UNDERWOOD relinquished her right of dower to the same which together with the deed is ordered to be recorded & is recorded. Know all men .. I Mary Underwood of Stafford County have appointed Willm. Allenby of Stafford County my true and lawful attorney to acknowledge and make over according to Law a certain deed of sale unto Thomas Chapman Senr. 6th day March 1707. Presence Will. Jennings, Mary x Underwood Mich. Westray, Francis Purnell's mark Recorded in Stafford County Court the 8th September 1708.

These are the many families of, both direct and indirect, of my ancestores. I hope that these will give leads and links to others. If incorrect and/or additional information is known, please let me know.

Samuel LUCKETT Sex: M Birth: 1650 in Kent,England Death: 18 JUL 1705 in Port Tobacco,Charles Co.,MD Burial: JUL 1705 Unknown Change Date: 14 AUG 2003 at 09:13:10 Marriage 1 Elizabeth HUSSEY b: Abt 1645 in Charles Co.,MD
Married: Abt 1666 in Charles Co.,MD
Sarah "Berry" Hines LUCKETT b: Abt 1668 in Charles County,Maryland
Thomas LUCKETT b: 1676 in Unknown
Ignatius LUCKETT b: 30 JAN 1688/1689 in Port Tabacco,Charles County,MD.

I hate errors, so please inform me of any so I may correct them, this work is best I could do as of Nov 2006 and is all I have in general. Please use with caution. jhll

Bates, Marlene Strawser & Wright, F. Edward, "Early Charles County Maryland Settlers: 1658-1745 (Westminster, Maryland: Willow Bend Books, 2000), page 125.

Kolb, Olive Lewis, Worland, Wilfrie V., & Worland, Rev. T. Vincent, "One Man's Family: The Hisotry and Genealogy of the Worland Family in American, 1662-1962"

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Cleborne Lomax 20.193 A CH £33.18.0 Dec 7 1701
Payments to: Mr. George Tubman, John Cassock, Edward Lampburgh, Thomas Hussey (dead) paid to Samuell Lucket who married Elisabeth the executrix.
Administratrix: Blanck Lomax (relict).

Luckett, Samuel, Chas. Co, 5th Mar., 1705; 18th July, 1705.
To wife ---, 150 A, "Smootes Chance" at Port Tobacco.
" eld. son Samuel, 200 A, "Hussey's Discovery," also 150 A. adjacent to the land formerly knowne to be Capt. Josias Fendall's and now adjoining the widow Eliza: Hawkins.
" son Thomas, 500 A. in Virginia, near Quanticott.
" son Ignatius, 100 A, "Thompson's Square."
" young. son Thomas Hussey Luckett, personalty.
In event of death of any son or sons afsd. during minority or without issue, survivor or survivors to inherit deceased's portion.
Residue of estate to wife and child. afsd, including money due in England.
Exs.: Wife and son Samuel.
Test: Philip Briscoe, Sr., Jos. Venom, Michaell Waterer. 3. 649

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1677-1717; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory)
186: Samuel Luckett decd-[died 2 Apr 1705]

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
9. Samuel Luckett Sr. dec'd. addl. acct. of John Hanson Jr in right of his wife Elizabeth Hanson & Samuel Luckett exers. 22 Apr 1707. Paid to John Smith of Jordan Smith.

Samuel Luckett 27.12 A CH £828.13.3 #247515 Apr 22 1707
The amount of the inventory is equivalent to #199119.
Payments to: Dr. Francies Sarson, Dr. Joseph Venour, Mr. William Ingham, Capt. Daniel Watts, Samuel Todd, Robert Hager, Mary Stiggeleare, Henry Netherton, Dr. William Loch, Samuel Peale, John Dennison, Joseph Dewell, Gerrard Sly, Gerrard Branson, Thomas Plunkett, Mr. Thomas Dent, Mr. Plator.
Executors: Samuel Luckett, Elisabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, Jr.

Samuell Lucket, Sr. 29.234 A CH £926.1.11 #9698 Apr 28 1709
The amount of the inventory is equivalent to #222263.
The inventory alao included #13904.
Payment: to: Mr. John Rogers, John Smith, Mr. Edward Diggs, Rand Garland, Col. John Contee.
Executors: Elisabeth Hanson wife of John Hanson, Jr. and Samuel Lucket.

Newman's "The Lucketts of Portobacco" (1938) states that the surname Luckett comes from the name Luke. Luckett is said to be of Norman-French origin, and legend tells that one Locard went to England with William the Conqueror in 1066. The most common derivatives of the name are Luckett and Lockett, both surnames that were common in Kent, England as early as the 1530s.

Marcelle D. Hoskins's "Samuel Luckett of MD: Some of His Descendants" (1990), which is lifted largely from "The Lucketts of Portobacco" by Harry W. Newman (Washington, 1938), contains the following:
"The first record of our immigrant ancestor, Samuel Luckett, which we have found, dates 1678, when he received 830 pounds of tobacco for his participation in the Nanticoke War. Man power was not conscripted for this war and we surmise that only young, adventurous men served. This would provide a basis for estimating Samuel's age; therefore, an estimate might place his birth about the year 1650. No ship's passenger list has been located which shows Samuel's arrival in this country.
No record has been found telling us that Samuel Luckett applied for his 50 acres of land which was due each settler upon declaring his intent to make his home in MD. An assumption could be that he paid his own way to MD. Newman has suggested that Samuel may have been sent by his father to promote the family business in London and/or Bristol.
In March 1684, at Port Tobacco, MD, Samuel witnessed the will of his neighbor, Colonel William Chandler, an early and wealthy planter, who had migrated from Virginia. In August of that same year, he purchased from William Smoot of Wicomico, for 5000 pounds of tobacco, the tract of land 'Johnson's Royke', formerly laid out for George Goodrick.
Samuel Luckett was married to Elizabeth Hussey, widow of John Gardiner, ca 1684. On 24 November 1683, she had been granted letters of adminstration on the estate of her deceased husband. At the Perogative Court held in Charles County, MD, during 1684, '...appeared Samuel Luckett of Charles County who inter-married with the relict and administrator of John Gardiner and showeth that he never inter-married with goods...'
..."Among the records in the Archives of MD can be found many land transactions attributed to Samuel Luckett. In the year 1696, the record shows that he was a member of the Provincial Court and signed a petition to the King of England [William III] as a civil officer of Charles County. This would establish him as member of the Church of England since beginning with the reign of William and Mary, all members of the Catholic faith were barred from holding office.
At the time of Samuel Luckett's death he owned at least 1100 acres of land which were willed to his three oldest sons, Samuel, Thomas, and Ignatius, and his wife; he gave Elizabeth a tract of land called 'Smoot's Chance', and to the youngest son, Thomas Hussey, who had become the beneficiary of his grandfather Hussey, he gave Personalty. The residue of his estate was bequeathed to his wife and children which included 'money due to me in England and elsewhere...'"

Samuel Luckett's Will:
"In the name of God, Amen. I, Samuel Luckett of Charles County in the province of MD, being very weak in body but in perfect sense of sound mind disposeing memory, do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, herby revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made.
First, I bequeath my soul to God that give it trusting in the alone merits of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ for full and free pardon of all my sins, my body to the earth from whence it came to have a decent and Christian burial at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. Imprimis. I will that what debts oweing from me by law or convenience be lawfully answered and paid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my loving wife one tract of parcel of land situate in Port Tobacco commonly known by the name Smoot's Chance with all house and appurtenances thereunto belonging containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less and an old negro called Hercules, a negro boy called Peter, a negro girl called Betty.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Samuel Luckett one tract or parcel of land commonly known by the name of Hussey's Discovery containing two hundred acres more or less. I likewise give him, the said Samuel, a negro woman named Jenny aged twenty or there abouts, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg or quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows, and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due me in England or elsewhere with what other movables not mentioned, my loving wife's thirds being first deducted.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas one parcel or tract of land situate and lying near a place called Quantiquott containing five hundred acres more or less, likewise, a negro man called Marke aged thirty odd, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg and quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due me in England or elsewhere with what other movables not mentioned, my loving wife's thirds first being deducted.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Ignatius one parcel or tract of land containing one hundred acres more or less commonly known by the name Thompson's Square, two negro women called Margaret and Ann, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg or quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due to me in England or elsewhere with what other moveables not mentioned, my loving wife's thirds being first deducted.
Item. I give and bequeath to my youngest son Thomas Hussey Luckett a negro man named Jack and a negro woman, his wife, called Sarah, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg or quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due to me in England or elsewhere with what other moveables not mentioned, my loving wife's third being first deducted.
Item. My intent is and I bequeath to every(one) of those to whome I given any female negroes to have not only them but their increase to them and their heirs forever.
Item. In case many of my sons before mentioned shall die before they or any of them respectively shall either arrive to sufficient age or one and twenty, or dye without lawful issue then their and every part of their respective descendants to be equally divided amongst the survivors.
Item. To my before mentioned son Samuel I give and bequeath one tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and fifity acres lying and being adjacent to the land formerly known to be Capt. Jonas Fendall's and now adjoining to the widdow Elizabeth Hawkins.
Lastly I do herby constitute and appoint my dear and loving wife and my eldest son Samuel Luckett to be my joint executors for the executing of my last will and testament and nothing to be done unless jointly consented to by both parties. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-fifth day of March Anno Domini one thousand and seven hundred and five.
Samuel (his mark) Luckett
Witnesses: Philip Briscoe, Joseph Venom, Michl Waterer

The inventory of Samuel's estate was appraised Aug. 23, 1705 by Capt. Philip Briscoe and Michl Martin. This appraisal also names Samuel's date of death as April 23, 1705. It is a very large estate worth over 500 Pounds. Included in the appraisal are 7 negro slaves and 8 white or mulatto indentured servants, all valued at 253 Pounds.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Cleborne Lomax 20.193 A CH £33.18.0 Dec 7 1701
Payments to: Mr. George Tubman, John Cassock, Edward Lampburgh, Thomas Hussey (dead) paid to Samuell Lucket who married Elisabeth the executrix.
Administratrix: Blanck Lomax (relict).

Luckett, Samuel, Chas. Co, 5th Mar., 1705; 18th July, 1705.
To wife ---, 150 A, "Smootes Chance" at Port Tobacco.
" eld. son Samuel, 200 A, "Hussey's Discovery," also 150 A. adjacent to the land formerly knowne to be Capt. Josias Fendall's and now adjoining the widow Eliza: Hawkins.
" son Thomas, 500 A. in Virginia, near Quanticott.
" son Ignatius, 100 A, "Thompson's Square."
" young. son Thomas Hussey Luckett, personalty.
In event of death of any son or sons afsd. during minority or without issue, survivor or survivors to inherit deceased's portion.
Residue of estate to wife and child. afsd, including money due in England.
Exs.: Wife and son Samuel.
Test: Philip Briscoe, Sr., Jos. Venom, Michaell Waterer. 3. 649

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1677-1717; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory)
186: Samuel Luckett decd-[died 2 Apr 1705]

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
9. Samuel Luckett Sr. dec'd. addl. acct. of John Hanson Jr in right of his wife Elizabeth Hanson & Samuel Luckett exers. 22 Apr 1707. Paid to John Smith of Jordan Smith.

Samuel Luckett 27.12 A CH £828.13.3 #247515 Apr 22 1707
The amount of the inventory is equivalent to #199119.
Payments to: Dr. Francies Sarson, Dr. Joseph Venour, Mr. William Ingham, Capt. Daniel Watts, Samuel Todd, Robert Hager, Mary Stiggeleare, Henry Netherton, Dr. William Loch, Samuel Peale, John Dennison, Joseph Dewell, Gerrard Sly, Gerrard Branson, Thomas Plunkett, Mr. Thomas Dent, Mr. Plator.
Executors: Samuel Luckett, Elisabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson, Jr.

Samuell Lucket, Sr. 29.234 A CH £926.1.11 #9698 Apr 28 1709
The amount of the inventory is equivalent to #222263.
The inventory alao included #13904.
Payment: to: Mr. John Rogers, John Smith, Mr. Edward Diggs, Rand Garland, Col. John Contee.
Executors: Elisabeth Hanson wife of John Hanson, Jr. and Samuel Lucket.

Newman's "The Lucketts of Portobacco" (1938) states that the surname Luckett comes from the name Luke. Luckett is said to be of Norman-French origin, and legend tells that one Locard went to England with William the Conqueror in 1066. The most common derivatives of the name are Luckett and Lockett, both surnames that were common in Kent, England as early as the 1530s.

Marcelle D. Hoskins's "Samuel Luckett of MD: Some of His Descendants" (1990), which is lifted largely from "The Lucketts of Portobacco" by Harry W. Newman (Washington, 1938), contains the following:
"The first record of our immigrant ancestor, Samuel Luckett, which we have found, dates 1678, when he received 830 pounds of tobacco for his participation in the Nanticoke War. Man power was not conscripted for this war and we surmise that only young, adventurous men served. This would provide a basis for estimating Samuel's age; therefore, an estimate might place his birth about the year 1650. No ship's passenger list has been located which shows Samuel's arrival in this country.
No record has been found telling us that Samuel Luckett applied for his 50 acres of land which was due each settler upon declaring his intent to make his home in MD. An assumption could be that he paid his own way to MD. Newman has suggested that Samuel may have been sent by his father to promote the family business in London and/or Bristol.
In March 1684, at Port Tobacco, MD, Samuel witnessed the will of his neighbor, Colonel William Chandler, an early and wealthy planter, who had migrated from Virginia. In August of that same year, he purchased from William Smoot of Wicomico, for 5000 pounds of tobacco, the tract of land 'Johnson's Royke', formerly laid out for George Goodrick.
Samuel Luckett was married to Elizabeth Hussey, widow of John Gardiner, ca 1684. On 24 November 1683, she had been granted letters of adminstration on the estate of her deceased husband. At the Perogative Court held in Charles County, MD, during 1684, '...appeared Samuel Luckett of Charles County who inter-married with the relict and administrator of John Gardiner and showeth that he never inter-married with goods...'
..."Among the records in the Archives of MD can be found many land transactions attributed to Samuel Luckett. In the year 1696, the record shows that he was a member of the Provincial Court and signed a petition to the King of England [William III] as a civil officer of Charles County. This would establish him as member of the Church of England since beginning with the reign of William and Mary, all members of the Catholic faith were barred from holding office.
At the time of Samuel Luckett's death he owned at least 1100 acres of land which were willed to his three oldest sons, Samuel, Thomas, and Ignatius, and his wife; he gave Elizabeth a tract of land called 'Smoot's Chance', and to the youngest son, Thomas Hussey, who had become the beneficiary of his grandfather Hussey, he gave Personalty. The residue of his estate was bequeathed to his wife and children which included 'money due to me in England and elsewhere...'"

Samuel Luckett's Will:
"In the name of God, Amen. I, Samuel Luckett of Charles County in the province of MD, being very weak in body but in perfect sense of sound mind disposeing memory, do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, herby revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made.
First, I bequeath my soul to God that give it trusting in the alone merits of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ for full and free pardon of all my sins, my body to the earth from whence it came to have a decent and Christian burial at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. Imprimis. I will that what debts oweing from me by law or convenience be lawfully answered and paid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my loving wife one tract of parcel of land situate in Port Tobacco commonly known by the name Smoot's Chance with all house and appurtenances thereunto belonging containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less and an old negro called Hercules, a negro boy called Peter, a negro girl called Betty.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Samuel Luckett one tract or parcel of land commonly known by the name of Hussey's Discovery containing two hundred acres more or less. I likewise give him, the said Samuel, a negro woman named Jenny aged twenty or there abouts, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg or quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows, and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due me in England or elsewhere with what other movables not mentioned, my loving wife's thirds being first deducted.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas one parcel or tract of land situate and lying near a place called Quantiquott containing five hundred acres more or less, likewise, a negro man called Marke aged thirty odd, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg and quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due me in England or elsewhere with what other movables not mentioned, my loving wife's thirds first being deducted.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Ignatius one parcel or tract of land containing one hundred acres more or less commonly known by the name Thompson's Square, two negro women called Margaret and Ann, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg or quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due to me in England or elsewhere with what other moveables not mentioned, my loving wife's thirds being first deducted.
Item. I give and bequeath to my youngest son Thomas Hussey Luckett a negro man named Jack and a negro woman, his wife, called Sarah, two feather beds, two blanketts, one rugg or quilt, one boulster, two pillows, six cows, six sows and one boar, and an equal part of the moneys due to me in England or elsewhere with what other moveables not mentioned, my loving wife's third being first deducted.
Item. My intent is and I bequeath to every(one) of those to whome I given any female negroes to have not only them but their increase to them and their heirs forever.
Item. In case many of my sons before mentioned shall die before they or any of them respectively shall either arrive to sufficient age or one and twenty, or dye without lawful issue then their and every part of their respective descendants to be equally divided amongst the survivors.
Item. To my before mentioned son Samuel I give and bequeath one tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and fifity acres lying and being adjacent to the land formerly known to be Capt. Jonas Fendall's and now adjoining to the widdow Elizabeth Hawkins.
Lastly I do herby constitute and appoint my dear and loving wife and my eldest son Samuel Luckett to be my joint executors for the executing of my last will and testament and nothing to be done unless jointly consented to by both parties. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-fifth day of March Anno Domini one thousand and seven hundred and five.
Samuel (his mark) Luckett
Witnesses: Philip Briscoe, Joseph Venom, Michl Waterer

The inventory of Samuel's estate was appraised Aug. 23, 1705 by Capt. Philip Briscoe and Michl Martin. This appraisal also names Samuel's date of death as April 23, 1705. It is a very large estate worth over 500 Pounds. Included in the appraisal are 7 negro slaves and 8 white or mulatto indentured servants, all valued at 253 Pounds.


BirthAbt 1650Kent, England
MarriageAbt 1666Port Tobacco, Charles, Md - Elizabeth Hussey
BurialJul 1705Unknown
Death18 Jul 1705Port Tobacco, Charles Co., Maryland
ReligionChurch of England


SpouseElizabeth Hussey ( - 1748)
ChildSarah Hines "Berry" Luckett (1668 - 1739)
ChildSamuel Luckett Jr (1685 - 1725)
ChildThomas Luckett (1688 - 1734)
ChildIgnatius Luckett (1689 - 1735)
ChildThomas Hussey Luckett (1693 - 1767)
FatherThomas Luckett (1624 - )
