Individual Details

John Hanson

(1710 - Abt 1795)

He died before his wife wrote her will 31 May 1795.

Per Charles County Gentry by Harry Wright Newman, this was the daughter of John Hanson and Elizabeth Tyler of Charles County. Sarah wasn't mentioned in the records after this.
International Genealogical Index v5.0
Christening: 11 FEB 1753 Saint Johns Parish, Prince Georges, Maryland
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C507771 1701 - 1805 0014303 IT 1 Film 1002753 Film

I am not at all sure that Elizabeth Tyler was his wife, though the name of Henry Massey Hanson for their son and the surname suffix "Sr" seems to bear it out. Henry Massey was Elizabeth Tyler's step-father. John Hanson is called "Sr." in the 1757 probate of his mother-in-law. His father having died in 1754, prior to that , he was Jr. I am also not sure that Walter and John Hanson were his sons. His wife does not release dower on some of the lands he gave to his sons, but does on those where he SOLD land. BOTH Walter and the John I have as his son went by the suffix "youngest, yst". While his first cousin, John the President, had gone from "Yst" to "Jr." in Charles County, he was now in Prince George's County, so I don't think he was "Jr." in Charles County any longer, but he could have been. So I am not sure if "John, Jr." was John, Sr.'s son, or John the President. John Sr is paired with both John, Jr. and Yst in documents during this time.

It is also possible that he had more than one wife. When she would die, he would deed the property she brought as dower to his sons that he had by her. I just don't know from the records I have.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1993 Vol 34 No 1; Charles County Depositions by Robert W. Barnes; Continued from vol. 33, no 4, p. 693
HANSON, John, Age 69, 7 Aug. 1778; CHLR Y#3 67:469.

p. 24, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2,
Page 101. The mark of John Hanson Jr of CC was recorded May 6, 1735.

This is his father deeding land to him.
p. 63, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2,
Page 329. Recorded May 27, 1738. May 1, 1738 from John Hanson Sr of CC, Gent, to John Hanson Jr (son of the afd John Hanson Sr) of CC, for the natural love that he has for his said son and for 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, a certain parcel of land in CC, being part of a tract of land called Green Land, bounded by Moors Lodge, the bound tree of Bartons Meadow, containing 555 acres. Signed -John Hanson. Wit - Robert Hanson*, Samuel Hanson Jr*. [formerly called Husseys Addition but now Greenland]

1747, no wife signs:
p. 83, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1744-1752; Book Z#2
Page 184. At the request of Mary and Anne Hanson, the daughters of John Hanson Jr, the following deed of gift was recorded on Oct 16, 1747.
I, John Hanson Jr of CC, Gentleman, for the natural love I have for my 2 daughters, Mary Hanson and Anne Hanson, and for divers other good causes, I have made over to Mary and Anne, each of them, a Negro girl apiece and their increase, viz, Lucey I give to my daughter Mary, and Heneritta to my other daughter Anne, to be delivered to them at the age of 16 or day of marriage. If either of my daughters dies without issue, the Negroes to return to me, or if I should have another daughter, then I give such Negroes to her. If I should have no other daughter, then I give to either of my said daughters that is living, the Negroes of the other; daughter that should die without issue. If both my daughters die without issue, then the Negroes to return to me . I give to the heirs of either of my daughters, sd Negroes, forever. Signed Sep 23, 1747 - John Hanson, Jr. Wit - Sam. Chunn, Matthew Smallwood.

p. 123, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1744-1752; Book Z#2
Page 341. At the request of John Hanson Jr, the following deed was recorded on May 29, 1749.
May 8, 1749 from John Wheatley of CC, merchant, to John Hanson Jr of CC, Gentleman, for 85 £ sterling money of GB, 2 tracts of land. The 1st tract, Fendalls Delight, is bounded by a parcel of land formerly taken up by Daniel Johnson called Lyons Denn, Zachiah Swamp, containing and laid out for about 150 acres. Sd tract was, on Jul 6, 1722, by indenture, sold by John Hutchison of Prince Georges County, Gentleman, to John Martin of CC. The 2nd tract, called Zachias Old Bridge, is bounded by the west line of Fendalls Delight, containing and now laid out for about 73 acres. Sd 2nd tract of land was taken up by Michael Martin of CC on Apr 9, 1707, as may appear by patent. Sd tracts of land, on. Apr 6, 1747, by indenture, were sold by afd John Martin of CC to afd John Wheatley. Signed - Jno Wheatly. Wit - Allen Davies, Danl of St Thos Jenifer. Elizabeth, the wife of the said John Wheatley, released her dower.

p. 141, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1744-1752; Book Z#2
Page 415. At the request of John Hanson Jr, the following deed was recorded on Sep 8, 1750.
Aug 23, 1750 from John Marten Jr of CC, Gentleman, to John Hanson Jr of CC, for 55 £ sterling and for divers other good causes, a parcel of land called Lyons Den whereon John Marten Sr now lives, the right of reversion (after the death of sd John Marten Sr and his wife) being invested in sd John Marten Jr, as by deed executed by John Marten Sr. Signed -John Marten Jr. Wit - Walter Hanson, Dan of St Thos Jenifer. Elizabeth, the wife of sd John Marten Jr, released her dower.
Page 416. At the request of John Hanson Jr, the following instrument of writing was recorded on Aug [sic] 8, 1750.
I, John Marten Jr of CC, Gentleman, for 2500 lbs tobacco, have sold to John Hanson Jr of CC, Gentleman, all the corn & tobacco that now stands in the field at the plantation whereon I now live, with power to gather the corn & tobacco. Signed Aug 23, 1750 - John Merton Jr. Wit - Walter Hanson, Dan of St Thos Jenifer.

p. 67, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1756-1761 Book G#3
Page 384. Release of a Mortgage. Whereas John Luckett of CC, by his deed of mortgage dated Nov 10, 1756, made over to me a certain tract of land formerly called Husseys Addition but now Greenland, lying in CC, containing about 200 acres, redeemable by last Apr 1, and whereas I have consented that sd John Luckett should sell sd tract of land to John Hanson, and sd John Hanson on Nov 29, 1759, having paid me for sd John Luckett 80 £ sterling in part of sd Luckett's debt due to me, I do therefore by these presents, quit claim any right to the land afd which I have by virtue of the deed of mortgage. Signed Nov 29, 1759 - John Hanson, Jr. Wit -William Eilbeck. Recorded Nov 29, 1759.
Page 385. Nov 29, 1759 from John Luckett of CC, planter, to John Hanson of CC, for 80 £ sterling and for divers other good causes, a tract of land formerly called Husseys Addition, but now on a resurvey made, called Greenland, lying in CC, bounded by the New Exchange, containing and now laid out for about 200 acres. Signed - John Luckett. Wit -William Eilbeck, Jo: H. Harrison. Eleanor, the wife of the sd John Luckett, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Nov 29, 1759.

p. 70, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1756-1761 Book G#3
Page 398. Feb 25, 1760 from John Marten of CC, to John Hanson of CC, for 1000 lbs of crop tobacco and 11 £, a tract of land in CC called Martens Meadow, bounded by Fendalls Delight, containing and laid out for about 16 acres. Signed - Jno Marten. Wit - Gustavus Brown, Dan of St. Thos Jenifer. Recorded Feb 26, 1760.

1767, no wife signs:
p. 48, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 294. Nov 14, 1767 from John Hanson Sr of CC, Gentleman, to Henry Massey Hanson, son of sd John Hanson, for the natural love sd John has for his son, Henry Massey Hanson, and for 50 £ and for divers other good considerations, a tract of land in CC called the Second amendment, containing, according to certificate thereof, for about 546 acres. Signed - Jno Hanson. Wit - Jo: H: Harrison*, Jon Dent*. Recorded Nov 14, 1767.

p. 64, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1765-1770 O#3
Page 391. Deed of Gift. I, Josias Hawkins of CC, in consideration of a long friendship between me and my neighbor, Mrs. Elizabeth Hanson, wife of John Hanson Sr, for 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, I grant to Mrs. Elizabeth Hanson, a Negro man named Jacob, and a Negro woman named Lissey. Signed Feb 20, 1768 - J. Hawkins. Wit -Walter Hanson*, Susannah Hawkins. Recorded Apr 20, 1768.

1771, no wife signs:
p. 136, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1770-1775 S#3
Page 149. Apr 22, 1771 from John Hanson of CC, Gentleman, to Henry Massey Hanson, son of sd John Hanson, of CC, Gentleman. Sd John Hanson, by deed dated Nov 14, 1767, made over to sd Henry Massey Hanson, a tract of land in CC called the Second Amendment, according to the certificate thereof, 546 acres, by which deed he intended to make over to Henry all the lands I hold or have a right to, by virtue of my decd's father, John Hanson's will, but now being apprehensive that some part of the afd lands are not included within the sd deed, have therefore, for the natural love that I have for sd Henry and for 5 shillings and for divers other causes, I have granted sd Henry a tract of land called Hansons Amendment, which is not included within the lines of the afd tract called the Second Amendment, and all the other lands I hold which adjoin either of the before mentioned tracts. Signed - Jno Hanson. Wit - J Hawkins*, Jas Craik. Recorded May 1, 1771.

1780, no wife signs:
p. 115, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1775-1782; V#3
Page 500. Dec 20, 1780 from John Hanson Sr of CC, planter, to Samuel Hanson, his son, of CC, for the natural love he has for sd Samuel and for 8000 lbs of crop tobacco, after the death of sd John Hanson Sr, part of a tract of land in CC called Greenland, containing and now laid out for about 124 acres. Signed - Jno Hanson. Wit - Dan Jenifer, W.H. Jenifer (CC JPs). Recorded Dec 20, 1780.

1782, wife Elizabeth signs:
p. 132, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1775-1782; V#3
Page 565. Mar 6, 1782 from John Hanson of CC, Gentleman, to William Morriss of CC, for 10 £ sterling and for divers other good causes, part of a tract of land called Greenland, lying in CC, bounded by a tract of land called Small Hope but on a resurvey called Morrisses Adventure, the beginning tree of Morrisses Enlargement, containing and now laid out for about 4 acres and 3 rods. Signed - Jno Hanson . Wit -Robt Young, Hoskins Hanson (CC Justices). Elizabeth, the wife of the afd John Hanson, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Mar 13, 1782.

p. 133, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1775-1782; V#3
Page 566. Mar 6, 1782 from William Morriss of CC, Gentleman, to John Hanson Sr of CC, for 10 £ sterling and for divers other good causes, part of a tract of land formerly called Small Hope but now on a resurvey made, called Morrisses Adventure, lying in CC, bounded by a tract of land called Greenland, containing and now laid out for 3 rods and 30 perches. Also part of one other tract called Morrisses Triangle, bounded by a tract of land called Greenland, containing and now laid out for about 1 acre 1 rod and 38 perches. Signed - William Morris. Wit - Robt Young, Hoskins Hanson (CC Justices) . Mary Ann, the wife of the afd William Morriss, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Mar 13, 1782.

1782, wife Elizabeth signs:
p. 133, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1775-1782; V#3
Page 567. Mar 6, 1782 from John Hanson of CC, Gentleman, to John Hanson and Walter Hanson of CC, for the natural love that I have for my sons, John Hanson & Walter Hanson, and for divers other good causes, I give to my sd sons, all that part of two tracts of land that the afd John Hanson purchased of William Morriss (viz) part of a tract of land called Morrisses Adventure and part of one other tract of land called Morrisses Triangle, and part of one other tract of land called Greenland, bounded by a tract called Small Hope now resurveyed and called Morrisses Adventure, a tract of land called Bartons Meadow now resurveyed into a tract of land called Greenland, the beginning tree of Morrisses Enlargement, a mulberry tree that stands over a spring, the Drying House, the mill, containing and now laid out for about 8 acres. Signed - Jno Hanson. Wit - Robt Young, Hoskins (CC Justices) . Elizabeth, the wife of the afd John Hanson, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Mar 13, 1782.

Maryland State Archives; Assessment of 1783, Index; Charles County
Col. James Hanson. 824 acres. CH 4th District, General p. 5. MSA S 1161-4-12 1/4/5/47
Samuel Hanson, Jr. 418 1/2 acres. CH 4th District, General p. 5.
Samuel Hanson, Esq. 705 acres. CH 4th District, General p. 6.
Samuel Hanson. Hansons Retreat, 54 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 5.
Samuel Hanson. Herefordshire, 150 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 5.
Samuel Hanson. Slaters Benefit, pt, 100 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 9.
Samuel Hanson. Green Forrest, 183 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 4.
Samuel Hanson. Coomes Park, 100 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 2.
Samuel Hanson. Hansons Triffle, 48 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 5.
Samuel Hanson. Madens Pleasure, 95 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 6.
Col. Samuel Hanson. Acquinsick, pt, 714 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 1.
Col. Samuel Hanson. Jockeys Discovery, 15 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 6.
Samuel Hanson, Jr. Greens Inheritance, pt, 52 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 4.
Samuel Hanson, Sr. Ferrills Neglect, 46 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 3.
Samuel Hanson, Sr. Addition to Herefordshire, 75 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 1.
Samuel Hanson, Sr. Poverty, 40 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 8.
Samuel Hanson, Sr. Addition to Green Forrest, 82 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 1.
Walter Hanson, Sr. 733 1/2 acres. CH 4th District, General p. 5.
Walter Hanson. Friendship, pt, 733 1/2 acres. CH 4th District, Land p. 3.

Hoskins Hanson. 100 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 5.
Hoskins Hanson. Cains Purchase, pt, 100 acres. CH 5th District, Land p. 2.
Jane H. Hanson. CH 5th District, General p. 5.
Samuel Hanson, of Walter. CH 5th District, General p. 4.
Samuel Hanson, of William 144 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 4.
Samuel Hanson. Hansons Green, pt, 144 acres. Notes: escheat. CH 5th District, Land p. 4.
Theophilus Hanson. 310 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 4.
Theophilus Hanson. Abbergary Resurveyed, 243 acres.. CH 5th District, Land p. 1.
Theophilus Hanson. Hansons Green, pt, 67 acres. Note: escheat. CH 5th District, Land p. 4.
Walter Hanson, of Walter. 221 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 5.
Walter Hanson, Sr. 633 acres. CH 5th District, General p. 4.
Walter Hanson. Harwood, pt, 633 acres. CH 5th District, Land p. 4.
Walter Hanson, Jr. His Excellencys Gift, pt, 221 acres. CH 5th District, Land p. 4.

Henry M. Hanson. Second Amendment, 546 acres. Note: rsrvyd. CH 6th District, Land p. 12.
Hoskins Hanson. Nuddles Branch, pt, 6 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 11.
Hoskins Hanson. Thompsons Chance, 230 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 15.
Hoskins Hanson. Littleworth, 189 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 9.
Hoskins Hanson. Wilkinsons Throne, 200 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 15.
John Hanson, Jr. Martins Meadows, 15 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 11.
John Hanson, Jr. Greenland, pt, 355 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 6.
John Hanson, Sr. Fendalls Delight, 143 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 5.
John Hanson, of John. Old Bridges, 40 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 11.
John Hanson, of John. Lyons Den, 150 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 9.
John Hanson, of John. Newstite, 40 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 11.
Samuel Hanson. The Gore, 46 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 14.
Samuel Hanson, Sr. Three Brothers, 140 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 14.
Samuel Hanson, Sr. Robeys Help, 118 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 13.
Samuel Hanson, of John. Greenland, pt, 200 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 6.
Walter Hanson, Sr. Chandlers Hills, 100 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 3.
Walter Hanson, Sr. Thompson Town, pt, 100 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 14.
Walter Hanson, of John. Greenland, pt, 200 acres. CH 6th District, Land p. 6.

Hanson Walter Harrison. 1302 acres. CH 7th District, General p. 6.
Maj. Samuel Hanson. 860 acres. CH 7th District, General p. 6.
Samuel Hanson. St. Johns, pt, 800 acres. CH 7th District, Land p. 9.
Maj. Samuel Hanson. Goniers Choice, pt, 60 acres. CH 7th District, Land p. 4.



Birth1710Charles County, Maryland
MarriageAbt 1730Elizabeth Tyler
Event27 May 1738Charles County
Event26 Dec 1739Prince George's
Event29 May 1749Charles County
Event8 Aug 1750Charles County Maryland
Event8 Sep 1750Charles County Maryland
Event5 Sep 1754Charles County
Event26 Dec 1757Charles County
Event29 Nov 1759Charles County
Event26 Feb 1760Charles County
Event6 Mar 1782Charles County
Event10 Oct 1792Charles County
DeathAbt 1795Charles County, Maryland
Alt nameJohn Hanson , Jr.


SpouseElizabeth Tyler (1713 - 1795)
ChildMary Hanson (1731 - )
ChildAnne Hanson (1732 - )
ChildHenry Massey Hanson (1733 - 1815)
ChildElizabeth Hanson (1734 - )
ChildSamuel Hanson (1735 - )
ChildWalter Hanson (1737 - )
ChildJohn Hanson (1739 - )
FatherJohn Hanson (1681 - 1754)
MotherElizabeth Hussey ( - 1748)
SiblingMary Eleanor Hanson (1707 - 1772)
SiblingElizabeth Hanson (1708 - 1782)
SiblingMary Hanson (1710 - 1749)
