Individual Details

John Hanson

(1681 - Bef 1 May 1754)

This deed would certainly qualify him for the title "Court House" John Hanson, wouldn't it?
p. 131, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1729-1733; Book M#2
Page 249. At the request of Mr. John Hanson Sr of CC, the following deed was recorded this May 13, 1731.
Apr 26, [1731] from Robt Hanson, John King, Henry Holland Hawkins, Robert Yates, Thos Stone, and Richard Tarvin, Gent, Justices of CC Court, to James Maddock of CC, innholder. By an act made at a session of Assembly begun and held at Annapolis on Tuesday, Oct 10, 1728, entitled an act for erection of a courthouse and prison on the east side of the head of Portobacco Cr at a place called Chandler Town in CC, and for making sale of the old courthouse and prison, a majority of sd Justices are authorized to sell the old courthouse and prison, with the land thereto belonging. At a Court of the Lord Proprietary held in Charles Town on the 2nd Tuesday in Nov last past, the Justices, in open court, exposed the old courthouse and prison and its land, to public sale, and then and there sold the same to afd James Haddock, he being the best purchaser, for 1505 lbs of tobacco. Now this deed further witnesses that the Justices afd, have conveyed to James Maddox all that parcel of land whereon the old courthouse and prison do stand, containing 3 acres (as by the certificate and plat thereof, entered in the records of CC Liber V fol 277 may appear). Signed - Robt Hanson, John King, Henry Hawkins, Robt Yates, Thos Stone, Richard Tarvin. Wit - Geo Dent*, Jno Hanson.
Page 250. At the request of Mr. Jno Hanson Sr of CC, the following assignment was recorded May 14, 1731.
Apr 27, 1731 from James Maddock of CC, innholder, to John Hanson of CC, for 1200 lbs of tobacco and also for other good causes, all that parcel of land in CC which the afd James purchased of the Justices of CC Court, containing 3 acres, as by the deed dated Apr 26. Signed - James Maddoke. Wit - Robt Hanson, Henry Hawkins. This deed was acknowledged by James Maddock and Mary, his wife.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1993 Vol 34 No 1; Charles County Depositions by Robert W. Barnes; Continued from vol. 33, no 4, p. 693
HANSON, John, age 66, 9 Sept. 1747; CHLR 1745-1748 41:186.
Her Excellency's Gift - 28 April 1719. For Elizabeth Rogers, widow. John Hanson, aet 31 (NJL note: should this be "aet 37"?)

John Hanson had not updated his will to include his new wife, Mary.
Abstracts of Maryland Wills by Carson Gibb
Liber 29, folio 241
5 June 1747
HANSON, JOHN, Charles Co.
To wife, Elizabeth Hanson, for life, whole e.r. & p.& the disposal of my e. not given to my 3 chldn. Eliz. Wheeler, John Hanson, & Elinor Hagon.
To dau. Elizabeth Wheeler, wife of Leonard Wheeler, negro man Blackney & negro woman Cisley.
To [only] son John Hanson, this part of Hansons Amendment, negro man Benjamin, negro woman Phillis, my riding horse, bridle & saddle, & clothes.
To dau. Elinor Hagon, wife of William Hagon, negro man Thomas & negro woman Judah.
Extr: s'd wife, Elizabeth Hanson, & s'd son John Hanson.
Witn: Henry Hawkins, S[amuel] Hanson, Francis Ware.
1 May 1754, Francis Ware deposed that after the d. of his father he found the within will signed, sealed, & witnessed as it now is.
11 May 1754, Messrs. Edwd. & Henry Goodrick, sons-in-law to s'd John Hanson, deposed that s'd will - especially the name at the bottom - is in the hand- writing of s'd John Hanson dec'd.
11 May 1754, Geo. Goodrick, another of dec'd's sons-in-law, confirmed his bros' dep. & added that he has seen s'd Francis Ware write his name as it is wrote on s'd will.
21 May 1754, Walter Hanson swore that John Hanson's signing of s'd will closely resembles his signing, which he has often seen.
27 Sept. 1754, Dr. Gustavus Brown swore that the will & the signing are in s'd John Hanson's hand, as are the signing of the 3 witn.
[same day], Charles Courts swore that the signing of Francis Ware is his.
[same day], Godshal Barnes swore that the will & the signing are in dec'd's hand & the names of Saml. Hanson & Frans. Ware are in their hands.
21 Sept. 1754, Mrs. Violetta Sewall swore that a week or 10 days before s'd John Hanson was mar. to her mother, Mrs. Mary Goodrick, he said he did not want anything of her & would leave her as good as he found her.
[same day], Mr. Edward Goodrick swore that, shortly before s'd John Hanson mar. his mother, deponent gave his approval provided she make over to his bro. Francis her 350a.
27 Sept. 1754, Mrs. Ann McCay swore that a short time before s'd Mr. John Hanson was mar. to her sister, Mary Goodrick, she heard an agreement betw. them that neither should claim any part of the other's fortune.
24 June 1754, Leonard Wheeler of Prince George's Co., planter, is bound to John Hanson & William Hagon of Charles Co. in £800 sterl to abide by the determination of Walter Hanson, Robert Yates, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, John Stoddart, & Bayne Smallwood in the dispute over the 2 wills of John Hanson, one of 3 April 1744 & the other of 5 June 1747.
[same day], Wm. Hagan of Charles Co., planter, is bound to John Hanson of Charles Co. & Leonard Wheeler of Prince George's £800 sterl. to abide by the determination of Messrs. John Stoddart [et al.] in the dispute over the extrship & property of the e. of John Hanson dec'd betw. Wm. Hagon & Eleanor, his wife & John Hanson, extr., & Leonard Wheeler, who mar. a dau. of s'd John Hanson dec'd.
14 Aug. 1754, the determination of John Stoddert, Bayne Smallwood, Walter Hanson, Robert Yates, & Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer: 1) the will bearing date 5 June 1747 shall be deemed as the last & only will of s'd John Hanson dec'd. 2) within 30 days Wm. Hagan & Eleanor, his wife, are to quit claim to Hansons Amendment. [3]) within 30 days s'd Wm. Hagan relinquish all right to the extrship of s'd John Hanson's e.
[The will dated 3 April 1744 is the only will for s'd John Hanson recorded in Charles Co., in Wills Liber AD5, folio 20.]

Charles County, Maryland Register of Wills: AC4, i, 1750-1752 & AD5, i, 1752-1756; Abstracted by Leslie & Neil Keddie, The Family Tree Bookshop,
Folio 20: JOHN HANSON, Sr. 04/03/1744; 03/14/1754;
"being in health and in sound & perfect mind and Memory ..." Bequeaths to:
1. John Hanson -son -to have testator's gray horse called "Diamont" and no more of the estate he being already advanced by testator.
2. Basil Wheeler-grandson, John Wheeler-grandson


Birth1681Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland
Birth1681Port Tobacco, Charles, Md
MarriageBef 6 Nov 1705Charles County, Maryland, United States - Elizabeth Hussey
Marriage20 Jul 1749Charles County, Maryland - Mary Boswell
DeathBef 1 May 1754Charles County, Maryland, United States
DeathBef 1 May 1754Charles County, MD
Death1 May 1754Charles County, Maryland
Alt nameJohn Hanson , Sr.


SpouseElizabeth Hussey ( - 1748)
ChildMary Eleanor Hanson (1707 - 1772)
ChildJohn Hanson (1710 - 1795)
ChildElizabeth Hanson (1708 - 1782)
ChildMary Hanson (1710 - 1749)
SpouseMary Boswell (1701 - 1766)