Individual Details

Joanna Porter

(Abt 1627 - Bet 1678 and 1680)

One Joan Porter was transported to Maryland in 1651 by Thomas Daynes and married to John Nevill by Jan 1652

She had a hair pulling contest with Goodie Rod at which time Goodie Rod yelled murder which brought several gentlemen to the scene. Goodie Rod seemed to have received the worst of the contest for she was hit in the chops' and was crying and torne or scratch about the throat and face and bled'.
Several years later, Joan filed a malicious defamation of character suit against a Thomas Baker. Joan's name eventually was cleared and Baker was required to ask forgiveness on bended knee. Though Joan later claimed she was afraid for her life from Baker, she appears to have been a woman well able to take care of herself."
Court Record (26, 71), 9 Jul 1662, Charles Co., Maryland, USA John Nevill Plt.; Mr Thomas Baker Def: case of defamation agst the wife of John Nevill. George Thompson swore that Thomas Baker told him in the present of Richard Dod and James Fox that heard goodie Nevill was to have sworn against him for "landlord Robisson" and that if she came to swear they would have put her by her oath that she was a common whore; wit: Richard Dod, James Fox, Mary Dod, age c26, Elizabeth Hussey age c 20y, Thomas Hussey; Board ordered Baker to ask forgiveness of John Nevill & his wife who said they desired Baker to ask God, not them, forgiveness.
George Thompson then told the story that Thomas Baker intended to use in court to impugn Joan Nevill's testimony against him: Being newly delivered of a Girle as she lay in bed shee invited a man that accidentally happened to bee thear [William Empson, whose wife, Mary, had assisted at the childbirth] to come to bed to her and get her a boy to her Girle at which speach...the party turned himself about and called his dog Trogian to perform the office as more fitting for a dog the[n] a man. Mr. Baker, said Thompson, had then asked him "whether or no I thought so wicked a woman was a Competent witness against any man."
Nevill's next witness was William Robisson, who, over Baker's objection, said that Baker had told him the same tale and had also reported of one John Blackwood that "he fukes her [Joan] oftener than John Nevill himself." Three more witnesses (all men) then appeared to bolster Nevill's case. Mr. Baker responded by calling three witnesses of his own, Mary Dod and Mr. Thomas and Mistress Elizabeth Hussey. All attested to hearing the story of Joan Nevill's childbed outburst not from Mr. Baker but from Susan Robisson, William's wife, who attended the birth along with Mary Empson and two other women. In his original petition to the court, John Nevill suggested that his wife had "spoken through overmuch Joy of her safe delivery of a Child" and that consequently "it is a most Malicious and injurious infamie Cast on her and altogether unbeseeming so modest a man as he by his place [as county commissioner] is bound (or at least to counterfet himself) to bee." The court agreed with Nevill's argument, concluding that "it was against nature that such a thing coold bee spoken with a desier and therefore aught not to have been reiterated as an infamie unto her." The judges ordered Mr. Baker to apologize to the Nevills in open court "upon his bended knees" and to pay court costs, but the Nevills "desiered the sayd baker to aske god forgivenes and with the leave of the board [court] not them." 15. Court Record (26) , 30 Jul 1663, Charles Co., Maryland, USA 30 July 1663: p. 145-154. 30 Jul 1663 Richard & Mary Dod, Plt: John & Joane Nevill, Def: be their atty Mr Francis Batchelor, that the defendant falsely and maliciously utter scandalous words against Mary Dod that she was the whore of Capt Batten; request oaths: Thomas Baker swore that at the time Mary Roe cried out murder, he heard goodie nevill say to Mary Dod that, she was Capt. Batten's whore and that she would prove her his whore and that she had a black eyed boy in her arms like its father..other bad words passed deponent remembers not Mary Row swore that Joane Nevill called Mary Dod Capt. Batten's whore; that she lay with him in sight of 6 or 8 men; Hannah Shelton swore essentially same as Mary Roe; Robert Cockerell swore that Joane Nevill said much the same as above including reference to black-eyed boy; Richard Roe swore to essentially the same including reference to Mary Empson; Defendant said that "both these business" happened some time ago: more oaths concerning this matter from Thomas Baker, Richard Row, Mary Row, Robert Cockerill, mentions John Blackwell; Plaintiff demanded referral to Provincial Court alleging his wife's reputation being ruined and that reparation is beyond the congnizance of this court; granted Richard Dod, Plt. John Nevill and Joane Nevill def. case of defamation, the following oaths requested.
Richard Roe swore that Richard Dod came over the fence put his hand in his pocket and took out his knife and said he would stab him if he came there; Thomas Baker swore that in June at his now dwelling plantation he heard someone cry murder and some people came running and Robert Cockerill came... Richard Dod being at the fence with his wife.. and they went along the path till they came to the log house and Richard Dod asked of John & Joane Nevill whether they intended to murder Mary Roe.. Dod drew out a knife. Robert Cockerill swore that Mary Roe crying out of murder. Richard Dod came up the log house where Joane Nevill asked what did he have to do to meddle with this business... Nevill claims they have swore false oath in case of defamation; Mary Row swore that in June Richard Dod heard her cry out murder and came to the house which this deponent lived in... Defendant requests referrral & plaintiff requests appeal to the Provincial Court which was granted. Richard Roe and & Mary Roe Plt. John & Joane Nevill Def action of trespass upon assault and battery damages of 3000# of tobacco sought and court cost: Richad Dod swore that in June he was walking out of doors towards the fence & heard Joane Nevill & Mary Roe consorting at the block home where Richard Rie did live... Oath of Thomas Baker he came to the log houme and herd the disturbance to which he has previously testified.. Robert Cockerill swore he saw Mary Roe all scratched and bloody and he was asked to take notice of it... Plaintiff requested jury; granted; jury men, Daniell Johnson, foreman, John Browne, Robert Taylor, William Hall, James Mackey, John Wheeler, Gils Tomkins, David Prichard, John Tomkinson, William Gother, Thomas Hussey, William Heard; Jury agreed it is assault & battery; defendant to pay damage of 10 groats (silver coin of England equal to 4 pennies, issued 1279 to 1662)
8. Trip (6) , 1656, EnglandGoodie Nevill made a trip to the homeland, for at court held in the Province in October 1656, Emperor Smith sued John Nevill for “Physick and Chirurgery” which he had administered to his wife. Nevill denied in court that his wife “never had any Such things of the said Smith”, but inasmuch as at that time the wife of John Nevill was in England, both parties agreed to refer the case “till the said Nevill’s wife returne out of England.

SOURCE: Debra Patek's website

She had a hair pulling contest with Goodie Dod at which time Goodie Rodyelled murder which brought several gentlemen to the scene. Goodie Dodseemed to have received the worst of the contest for she was hit in thechops' and was crying and torne or scratch about the throat and face andbled'.
Several years later, Joan filed a malicious defamation of character suitagainst a Thomas Baker. Joan's name eventually was cleared and Baker wasrequired to ask forgiveness on bended knee. Though Joan later claimed shewas afraid for her life from Baker, she appears to have been a woman wellable to take care of herself."
SOURCE: Debra Patek's website

Court Record (26, 71), 9 Jul 1662, Charles Co., Maryland, USA
John Nevill Plt.; Mr Thomas Baker Def: case of defamation agst the wifeof John Nevill. George Thompson swore that Thomas Baker told him in thepresent of Richard Dod and James Fox that heard goodie Nevill was to havesworn against him for "landlord Robisson" and that if she came to swearthey would have put her by her oath that she was a common whore; wit:Richard Dod, James Fox, Mary Dod, age c26, Elizabeth Hussey age c 20y,Thomas Hussey; Board ordered Baker to ask forgiveness of John Nevill &his wife who said they desired Baker to ask God, not them, forgiveness.

George Thompson then told the story that Thomas Baker intended to use incourt to impugn Joan Nevill's testimony against him: Being newlydelivered of a Girle as she lay in bed shee invited a man thataccidentally happened to bee thear [William Empson, whose wife, Mary, hadassisted at the childbirth] to come to bed to her and get her a boy toher Girle at which speach...the party turned himself about and called hisdog Trogian to perform the office as more fitting for a dog the[n] a man.Mr. Baker, said Thompson, had then asked him "whether or no I thought sowicked a woman was a Competent witness against any man."

Nevill's next witness was William Robisson, who, over Baker's objection,said that Baker had told him the same tale and had also reported of oneJohn Blackwood that "he fukes her [Joan] oftener than John Nevillhimself." Three more witnesses (all men) then appeared to bolsterNevill's case. Mr. Baker responded by calling three witnesses of his own,Mary Dod and Mr. Thomas and Mistress Elizabeth Hussey. All attested tohearing the story of Joan Nevill's childbed outburst not from Mr. Bakerbut from Susan Robisson, William's wife, who attended the birth alongwith Mary Empson and two other women. In his original petition to thecourt, John Nevill suggested that his wife had "spoken through overmuchJoy of her safe delivery of a Child" and that consequently "it is a mostMalicious and injurious infamie Cast on her and altogether unbeseeming somodest a man as he by his place [as county commissioner] is bound (or atleast to counterfet himself) to bee." The court agreed with Nevill'sargument, concluding that "it was against nature that such a thing cooldbee spoken with a desier and therefore aught not to have been reiteratedas an infamie unto her." The judges ordered Mr. Baker to apologize to theNevills in open court "upon his bended knees" and to pay court costs, butthe Nevills "desiered the sayd baker to aske god forgivenes and with theleave of the board [court] not them."

15. Court Record (26) , 30 Jul 1663, Charles Co., Maryland, USA
30 July 1663: p. 145-154. 30 Jul 1663 Richard & Mary Dod, Plt: John &Joane Nevill, Def: be their atty Mr Francis Batchelor, that the defendantfalsely and maliciously utter scandalous words against Mary Dod that shewas the whore of Capt Batten; request oaths: Thomas Baker swore that atthe time Mary Roe cried out murder, he heard Goodie Nevill say to MaryDod that, she was Capt. Batten's whore and that she would prove her hiswhore and that she had a black eyed boy in her arms like itsfather..other bad words passed deponent remembers not. Mary Row sworethat Joane Nevill called Mary Dod Capt. Batten's whore; that she lay withhim in sight of 6 or 8 men; Hannah Shelton swore essentially same as MaryRoe; Robert Cockerell swore that Joane Nevill said much the same as aboveincluding reference to black-eyed boy; Richard Roe swore to essentiallythe same including reference to Mary Empson; Defendant said that "boththese business" happened some time ago: more oaths concerning this matterfrom Thomas Baker, Richard Row, Mary Row, Robert Cockerill, mentions JohnBlackwell; Plaintiff demanded referral to Provincial Court alleging hiswife's reputation being ruined and that reparation is beyond thecongnizance of this court; granted Richard Dod, Plt. John Nevill andJoane Nevill def. case of defamation, the following oaths requested.

Richard Roe swore that Richard Dod came over the fence put his hand inhis pocket and took out his knife and said he would stab him if he camethere; Thomas Baker swore that in June at his now dwelling plantation heheard someone cry murder and some people came running and RobertCockerill came... Richard Dod being at the fence with his wife.. and theywent along the path till they came to the log house and Richard Dod askedof John & Joane Nevill whether they intended to murder Mary Roe.. Doddrew out a knife. Robert Cockerill swore that Mary Roe crying out ofmurder. Richard Dod came up the log house where Joane Nevill asked whatdid he have to do to meddle with this business... Nevill claims they haveswore false oath in case of defamation; Mary Row swore that in JuneRichard Dod heard her cry out murder and came to the house which thisdeponent lived in... Defendant requests referrral & plaintiff requestsappeal to the Provincial Court which was granted. Richard Roe and & MaryRoe Plt. John & Joane Nevill Def action of trespass upon assault andbattery damages of 3000# of tobacco sought and court cost: Richad Dodswore that in June he was walking out of doors towards the fence & heardJoane Nevill & Mary Roe consorting at the block home where Richard Riedid live... Oath of Thomas Baker he came to the log houme and herd thedisturbance to which he has previously testified.. Robert Cockerill sworehe saw Mary Roe all scratched and bloody and he was asked to take noticeof it... Plaintiff requested jury; granted; jury men, Daniell Johnson,foreman, John Browne, Robert Taylor, William Hall, James Mackey, JohnWheeler, Gils Tomkins, David Prichard, John Tomkinson, William Gother,Thomas Hussey, William Heard; Jury agreed it is assault & battery;defendant to pay damage of 10 groats (silver coin of England equal to 4pennies, issued 1279 to 1662)

8. Trip (6) , 1656, England Goodie Nevill made a trip to the homeland,for at court held in the Province in October 1656, Emperor Smith suedJohn Nevill for "Physick and Chirurgery" which he had administered to hiswife. Nevill denied in court that his wife "never had any Such things ofthe said Smith", but inasmuch as at that time the wife of John Nevill wasin England, both parties agreed to refer the case "till the said Nevill’swife returne out of England".

WILL OF: Nevill, John, Portobacco, Charles Co., 15th Jan., 1664; 4thFeb., 1664. To wife Johanna, property, real and personal, formerlybestowed by deed of gift. To son William, plantation. To dau. EllenLambert, son John Lambert, grandson John Lambert, personalty. Test: HenryBailye, Andrew Bashar. 1. 222.
Charles County Circuit Court Liber G, Page 72
13 Nov 1677; Deed of Gift from Thomas Hussey and Johannah his wife, to
Rachell Ashford, wife of Michael Ashford and natural daughter of
Johannah; a parcel of land called Moore's Ditch lying on the west side
of Zachia Swamp; containing 500 acres; /s/ Thomas Hussey, Johannah
Hussey (mark); wit. Cleborne Lomax, Thomas Jenkins
Deed from Charles County, Maryland, Nov. 13, 1677: Thomas Hussey, of
Maryland, Gent. and Johannah his wife deeded to Rachell Ashford,
natural daughter of Johannah and wife of Michael Ashford, of Charles
County, Carpenter, for love and affections 'Moore's Ditch' in Charles
County on the west side of Zachia Swamp adjoining the land of George
Goodrick and Robert Goodrick. For want of issue after the death of
Rachell Ashford then ye said Thomas Hussey & Johanah his wife do by
these presents grant ye said land to Mary Hussey and Elizabeth Hussey
their natural daughters equally and for want of such issue then ye
said Thomas Hussey and Johanna his wife unto ye heirs of Her ye said
Johannah sister Margaret wife of Francis Pope, of Charles County

I hate errors, so please inform me of any so I may correct them, this work is best I could do as of Nov 2006 and is all I have in general. Please use with caution. jhll

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Arrived MD the Ark & the Dove 1634

Was there a daughter, Joan Neville? Notice second deed.
p. 3, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber C, Page 61
13 Aug 1666; Indenture from William Nevill, planter, and Thomas Hussey, Gent., and Johanna his wife, the relict of John Nevill, dec'd, to Thomas Wentworth, planter; for 2,600* of tobacco; a tract on the north side of the Piscataway River called Wheeler's Palme; containing 150 acres; /s/ William Nevill, Thomas Hussey, Johanna Hussey (mark); wit. Gerrard Fouke, John Wright, John Lewgar
p. 6, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber C, Page 150
17 Aug 1666; Indenture from William Nevill of Portobacco to Thomas Mathews, Gent.; for 3,000# of tobacco, a parcel of land called Huckle Berry Swamp laid out for 300 acres; located in the woods back of the land of Thomas Baker; /s/ William Nevill, Joane Nevill (mark); wit. Samuell Cressey, Ignatius Causeen

Archives of Maryland, Volume 60, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671-1674. Page 500, Liber E [p. 134] Whereas At a Court held in Charles Countie on the 15th of Novembr 1665 Walter Story obteyned Judgemt agst Wm Price & John Lambert Admrs of John Nevill deceased for the sume of thirteene hundred eighty six pounds of tobacco as by the sd Judgemt relacon beinge thereunto had more plainly may appeare Theis are therefore to certifle whom it may concerne That I Henry Bonner of Charles Countie Gent haveinge marryed Elizabeth Story the Relict & Admrx of Walter Story dec doe acknowledge to have recd of Thomas Hussey who marryed the Relict of John Nevill dec full Satisfaccon for the sd sume menconed in the Judgemt of Court aforesaide In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand this 11th day of June 1673 Henry Bonner The above menconed rect was acknowledged in open Court by the sd Henry Bonner unto the sd Thomas Hussey.

p, 52, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber G, Page 72
13 Nov 1677; Deed of Gift from Thomas Hussey and Johannah his wife, to Rachell Ashford, wife of Michael Ashford and natural daughter of Johannah; a parcel of land called Moore's Ditch lying on the west side of Zachia Swamp; containing 500 acres; /s/ Thomas Hussey, Johannah Hussey (mark); wit. Cleborne Lomax, Thomas Jenkins

Liber G, page 72, Charles County, MD, Nov. 13, 1677: Thomas Hussey, of MD, Gent. and Johannah his wife deeded to Rachell Ashford, natural daughter of Johannah and wife of Michael Ashford, of Charles County, Carpenter, for love and affections 'Moore's Ditch' in Charles County on the west side of Zachia Swamp adjoining the land of George Goodrick and Robert Goodrick. For want of issue after the death of Rachell Ashford then 'ye said Thomas Hussey & Johanah his wife do by these presents grant ye said land to Mary Hussey and Elizabeth Hussey their natural daughters equally and for want of such issue then ye said Thomas Hussey and Johanna his wife unto ye heirs of Her ye said Johannah's sister Margaret wife of Francis Pope, of Charles County deceased.' /s/ Thomas Hussey, Johannah Hussey (mark); wit. Cleborne Lomax, Thomas Jenkins

p. 148, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Charles County Court, 30 Jul 1663
Liber B, Page 145
Richard and Mary Dod, Plt.; John and Joane Nevill, Def., by their atty. Mr. Francis Batchelor; that the defendant falsely and maliciously utter scandalous words against Mary Dod that she was the whore of Capt. Batten; request oaths;
Thomas Baker swore that at the time Mary Roe cried out murder, he heard goodie Nevill say to Mary Dod that she was Capt. Batten's whore and that she would prove her his whore and that she had a black eyed boy in her arms like its father-other bad words passed deponent remembers not Mary Row swore that Joane Nevill called Mary Dod Capt. Batten's whore; that she lay with him in sight of 6 or 8 men; Hannah Shelton swore essentially same as Mary Row; Robert Cockerell swore that Joane Nevill said much the same as above including reference to black-eyed boy; Richard Roe swore to essentially the same including reference to Mary Empson;
Defendant said that "both these businesses" happened some time ago; more oaths concerning this matter from Thomas Baker, Richard Row, Mary Row, Robert Cockerill; mentions John Blackwell;
Plaintiff demanded referral to Provincial Court alleging his wife's reputation being ruined and that reparation is beyond the cognizance of this court; granted
Richard Dod, Plt., John Nevill and Joane Nevill, Def.; case of defamation; the following oaths requested:
Richard Roe swore that Richard Dod came over the fence put his hand in his pocket and took out his knife and said he would stab him if he came there;
Thomas Baker swore that in June at his now dwelling plantation he heard someone cry murder and some people came running and Robert Cockerill came.Richard Dod being at the fence with his wife.and they went along the path till they came to the log house and Richard Dod asked of John and Joane Nevill whether they intended to murder Mary Roe.Dod drew out a knife-Robert Cockerill swore that Mary Roe crying out of murder
Richard Dod came up the log house where Joane Nevill asked what did he have to do to meddle with this business Nevill claims they have swore false oath in case of defamation; Mary Row swore that in June Richard Dod heard her cry out murder and came to the house which this deponent lived in. Defendant requests referral and plaintiff requests appeal to the Provincial Court which was granted
Richard Roe and Mary Roe, Plt.; John Nevill and Joane Nevill, Def.; action of trespass upon assault and battery damages of 3000* of tobacco sought and court cost; Richard Dod swore that in June he was walking out of doors towards the fence and heard Joane Nevill and Mary Roe consorting at the block home where Richard Roe did live.. Oath of Thomas Baker states he came to the log home and herd the disturbance to which he has previously testified.
Robert Cockerill swore he saw Mary Roe all scratched and bloody and he was asked to take notice of it,. Plaintiff requested jury; granted; jury men: Daniell Johnson, foreman; John Browne, Robert Taylor, William Hall, James Mackey, John Wheeler, Gils Tomkins, David Prichard, John Tomkinson, William Gother, Thomas Hussey, William Heard; Jury agreed it is assault and battery; defendant to pay damage of 10 groats (silver coin of England equal to 4 pennies; issued 1279 to 1662)

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Arrived MD the Ark & the Dove 1634

Was there a daughter, Joan Neville? Notice second deed.
p. 3, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber C, Page 61
13 Aug 1666; Indenture from William Nevill, planter, and Thomas Hussey, Gent., and Johanna his wife, the relict of John Nevill, dec'd, to Thomas Wentworth, planter; for 2,600* of tobacco; a tract on the north side of the Piscataway River called Wheeler's Palme; containing 150 acres; /s/ William Nevill, Thomas Hussey, Johanna Hussey (mark); wit. Gerrard Fouke, John Wright, John Lewgar
p. 6, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber C, Page 150
17 Aug 1666; Indenture from William Nevill of Portobacco to Thomas Mathews, Gent.; for 3,000# of tobacco, a parcel of land called Huckle Berry Swamp laid out for 300 acres; located in the woods back of the land of Thomas Baker; /s/ William Nevill, Joane Nevill (mark); wit. Samuell Cressey, Ignatius Causeen

Archives of Maryland, Volume 60, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671-1674. Page 500, Liber E [p. 134] Whereas At a Court held in Charles Countie on the 15th of Novembr 1665 Walter Story obteyned Judgemt agst Wm Price & John Lambert Admrs of John Nevill deceased for the sume of thirteene hundred eighty six pounds of tobacco as by the sd Judgemt relacon beinge thereunto had more plainly may appeare Theis are therefore to certifle whom it may concerne That I Henry Bonner of Charles Countie Gent haveinge marryed Elizabeth Story the Relict & Admrx of Walter Story dec doe acknowledge to have recd of Thomas Hussey who marryed the Relict of John Nevill dec full Satisfaccon for the sd sume menconed in the Judgemt of Court aforesaide In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand this 11th day of June 1673 Henry Bonner The above menconed rect was acknowledged in open Court by the sd Henry Bonner unto the sd Thomas Hussey.

p, 52, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber G, Page 72
13 Nov 1677; Deed of Gift from Thomas Hussey and Johannah his wife, to Rachell Ashford, wife of Michael Ashford and natural daughter of Johannah; a parcel of land called Moore's Ditch lying on the west side of Zachia Swamp; containing 500 acres; /s/ Thomas Hussey, Johannah Hussey (mark); wit. Cleborne Lomax, Thomas Jenkins

Liber G, page 72, Charles County, MD, Nov. 13, 1677: Thomas Hussey, of MD, Gent. and Johannah his wife deeded to Rachell Ashford, natural daughter of Johannah and wife of Michael Ashford, of Charles County, Carpenter, for love and affections 'Moore's Ditch' in Charles County on the west side of Zachia Swamp adjoining the land of George Goodrick and Robert Goodrick. For want of issue after the death of Rachell Ashford then 'ye said Thomas Hussey & Johanah his wife do by these presents grant ye said land to Mary Hussey and Elizabeth Hussey their natural daughters equally and for want of such issue then ye said Thomas Hussey and Johanna his wife unto ye heirs of Her ye said Johannah's sister Margaret wife of Francis Pope, of Charles County deceased.' /s/ Thomas Hussey, Johannah Hussey (mark); wit. Cleborne Lomax, Thomas Jenkins

p. 148, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Charles County Court, 30 Jul 1663
Liber B, Page 145
Richard and Mary Dod, Plt.; John and Joane Nevill, Def., by their atty. Mr. Francis Batchelor; that the defendant falsely and maliciously utter scandalous words against Mary Dod that she was the whore of Capt. Batten; request oaths;
Thomas Baker swore that at the time Mary Roe cried out murder, he heard goodie Nevill say to Mary Dod that she was Capt. Batten's whore and that she would prove her his whore and that she had a black eyed boy in her arms like its father-other bad words passed deponent remembers not Mary Row swore that Joane Nevill called Mary Dod Capt. Batten's whore; that she lay with him in sight of 6 or 8 men; Hannah Shelton swore essentially same as Mary Row; Robert Cockerell swore that Joane Nevill said much the same as above including reference to black-eyed boy; Richard Roe swore to essentially the same including reference to Mary Empson;
Defendant said that "both these businesses" happened some time ago; more oaths concerning this matter from Thomas Baker, Richard Row, Mary Row, Robert Cockerill; mentions John Blackwell;
Plaintiff demanded referral to Provincial Court alleging his wife's reputation being ruined and that reparation is beyond the cognizance of this court; granted
Richard Dod, Plt., John Nevill and Joane Nevill, Def.; case of defamation; the following oaths requested:
Richard Roe swore that Richard Dod came over the fence put his hand in his pocket and took out his knife and said he would stab him if he came there;
Thomas Baker swore that in June at his now dwelling plantation he heard someone cry murder and some people came running and Robert Cockerill came.Richard Dod being at the fence with his wife.and they went along the path till they came to the log house and Richard Dod asked of John and Joane Nevill whether they intended to murder Mary Roe.Dod drew out a knife-Robert Cockerill swore that Mary Roe crying out of murder
Richard Dod came up the log house where Joane Nevill asked what did he have to do to meddle with this business Nevill claims they have swore false oath in case of defamation; Mary Row swore that in June Richard Dod heard her cry out murder and came to the house which this deponent lived in. Defendant requests referral and plaintiff requests appeal to the Provincial Court which was granted
Richard Roe and Mary Roe, Plt.; John Nevill and Joane Nevill, Def.; action of trespass upon assault and battery damages of 3000* of tobacco sought and court cost; Richard Dod swore that in June he was walking out of doors towards the fence and heard Joane Nevill and Mary Roe consorting at the block home where Richard Roe did live.. Oath of Thomas Baker states he came to the log home and herd the disturbance to which he has previously testified.
Robert Cockerill swore he saw Mary Roe all scratched and bloody and he was asked to take notice of it,. Plaintiff requested jury; granted; jury men: Daniell Johnson, foreman; John Browne, Robert Taylor, William Hall, James Mackey, John Wheeler, Gils Tomkins, David Prichard, John Tomkinson, William Gother, Thomas Hussey, William Heard; Jury agreed it is assault and battery; defendant to pay damage of 10 groats (silver coin of England equal to 4 pennies; issued 1279 to 1662)


BirthAbt 1627England
BirthAbt 1635England
MarriageBef 29 Jan 1652Charles County, Maryland, USA - John Neville
Research Notes9 Jul 1662Defamation case - Charles co., Maryland
Marriage15 Nov 1665Port Tobacco, Charles Co., Md - Thomas Hussey
DeathBet 1678 and 1680Charles County, MD
DeathBef 11 Nov 1690Port Tobacco, Charles Co., Md
ReligionRoman Catholic


SpouseJohn Neville (1620 - 1664)
ChildRachel Neville (1658 - )
ChildWilliam Neville ( - )
ChildEllen Neville ( - )
SpouseThomas Hussey (1634 - 1700)
ChildElizabeth Hussey ( - 1748)
ChildMary Hussey (1666 - 1691)
FatherThomas Porter ( - )
SiblingMargaret Porter (1630 - 1667)
FatherThomas Porter ( - )
SiblingMargaret Porter (1630 - 1667)

