Individual Details

John Neville

(Abt 1620 - 15 Jan 1664)

Nevill, John, Portobacco, Charles Co., 15th Jan., 1664; 4th Feb., 1664. To wife Johanna, property, real and personal, formerly bestowed by deed of gift. To son William, plantation. To dau. Ellen Lambert, son John Lambert, grandson John Lambert, personalty. Test: Henry Bailye, Andrew Bashar. 1. 222. Editors: One Joan Porter was transported to Maryland in 1651 by Thomas Daynes and married to John Nevill by Jan 1652 (Patents AB&H:241, Gibb) See also The Ark and the Dove <../../arkdove.html>

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; Charles County Depositions by Robert W. Barnes
NEVIL, John, age 35, 26 Oct. 1658; CHLR A:25.

Nevill, John, Portobacco, Chas. Co., 15th Jan., 1664; 4th Feb., 1664.
To wife Johanna, property, real and personal, formerly bestowed by deed of gift.
To son William, plantation.
" dau. Ellen Lambert, son John Lambert, grandson John Lambert, personalty.
Test: Henry Bailye, Andrew Bashar. 1.222.

p. 244, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Charles County Court, 14 Nov 1665
Liber B, Page 492
Henry Moore sold Moore's Dish to Nevill family and is hereby acknowledging conveyance to John Nevill and the relict of John Nevill and overseers not agreeing, none of them would receive the said acknowledgment.

p. 246, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Charles County Court, 15 Nov 1665
Liber B, Page 495
Mr. Walter Story, Plt.; Mr. William Price and John Lambert, admns. of John Nevill, Def.; list of items on account totaling value of 1386#;
Page 496 defendants ordered to pay out of estate.
Mr. William Price, admn. of John Nevill confesses judgment to Mr. Thomas Mathews as atty. of Walter King for 400* of tobacco; court orders payment.

The Nevill's of Abergravenny by Shepherd Spencer Neville Brown 1993, Edward Neville, (probably born abt 1550 +/-) m. Rachel Lennard, had a son Henry who became the fifth (?) Lord Nevill of Abergravenny and that his younger brother John Nevill sailed to the Colonies to become the first ancestor of the Neville family in America. John Neville married, most probably in England one Bridget Thorsley or Thorsby. He isn't listed as a child of Edward Neville d: 1622 and Rachael Leonard b: 1550 of West Wicham, Kent, England. Their children are given as: Christopher Nevill m. Mary Darcy and Henry Nevill who m. Mary Sackvill and Catherine Vaux.

Boogher showed son James in his 1902 genealogy of the Neville family, other respected genealogist like H.W. Newman did not. Newman in his "The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate" in 1984, devoted 7 pages to John and his children. In it Newman observes that John's last will, probated 1665, identified only one son, William, one daughter, Ellen Lambert, and one grandson, John Lambert. He mentioned that William may have married late in life, and that there was also a court record of a Thomas Nevill who may or may not have been William's son. Newman positively identified no male descendant of John in this work. He did find another daughter, Rachael, who was not shown in his will. By his will, John left his son William the plantation on which he (John) lived. The will also mentions a separate deed of gift to his wife Joanna. We know John had several plantations and more children (at least Rachael) than were shown in the will, probably because they had been provided for earlier. Nothing in Newman's work precludes the existance of another son, James.
Boogher states: "James Neville, first of John and Bridget, born in 1640, at the Clefts in Calvert County, Maryland; settled in Northampton County VA in 1660-1, where on March 22, 1662, he obtrained a warrant for 1300 acres of land (See Liber 4, Folio 339, Land Office of Richmond, VA) and where he doubtless married; settling later in Isle of Wight County.
On March 6, 1674, James Neville, Sr., purchased 100 acres of land in Gloucester County, VA, in the name of his son John, then a minor, from Duncan Bohannan, formerly of Charles County, Maryland. It would appear from the records that the said 100 acres of land were deeded by Bohannan in settlement of the suit brought by James' father, John Neville, Sr., against the said Duncan Bohannan, in Charles County, Maryland,in 1662. (See Liber 6, folio 549, Land Office, Richmond, VA)." This statement was quoted in footnote 1 to page 6 of J.B. Neville's "370-year History."
Joseph B. Nevill seems to indicate that he looked at this evidence and concurred with Boogher's (James G. Walker) 8/27/97

Some of John Neville's Descendants suggest that John Nevill with his "brother" Richard Nevill landed on St Clements Isle on 3-25-1634. In 1639, Pordinado Pulton demanded land for transporting Richard Nevill and "others" in 1633 (Maryland Land Office, Liber a.b-h, folio 150) Richard Neville acquired land in 1640 and was on the rent rolls of St Marys and Charles Counties. On 10-14-1651, John Lewger demanded land for transporting persons among whom was Ann, now wife of Richard Neville. By citation we know that Johanna (Joan) Porter was the wife of John Nevill before 1-29-1652 when he demanded 400 acres already assigned to him and 100 additional for transporting Joan Porter, his wife. It would seem that he could not have married the Ann sometimes attached to him in 1651 because she was the wife of Richard. This Ann is sometimes given as Ann Burroughs. Can I assume that John Neville only had then two wives, Bridget Throsley whom he married in 1639 and Johanna Porter whom he married in 1651? Yet, it is said that by his "third" wife, he had a son William. In John's will, he mentions only his wife Johanna, son William and daughter Ellen Lambert. John had a mistress by the name of Susanna Attechson for which he received 20 lashes for adultery and fornication. There is no record of Nevill issue by this little affair.
There is a record that James purchased land in the name of his son John b: 1661 who married Elizabeth Bohannen, whose five children are documented by will.
John married Bridget and had a proven daughter Ellen Lambert. John married Johanna Porter and had a son William Neville. William reportedly married a Joan and one Sarah Noble.
Is "Richard Nevill", the brother of John, or was he "Richard Nevitt or Knevitt"? Jim Walker 8/28/97
Shirley L Wilcox wrote: I am of the definite opinion that much of what has been written on the early Neville descendants of John is based on Boogher's 1902 report to his client. Apparently many people never went to the trouble to check out what he wrote to see if the sources were accurate or to see if they agreed with his conclusions. In addition, I think there is an element of many wanting to be connected to a noteworthy person & somehow being a descendant of an Ark & Dove passenger is desirable. I have pulled out Boogher's report, and will make a few comments. His first page talks about the derivation of the name & famous Neville's of the past. That is fine as long as one does not assume that we connect to a certain Neville family just because we have the same surname. On the second page Boogher says "Whether John Neville, the founder of the family in America, descends from this ancient house of France and England need not be discussed in these pages." If Boogher were alive, I would ask, "Why even bring it up then? By including it, it implies that there must be a connection. I would also question the statement that John is the founder of the family in America. This has caused many problems. Everyone is trying to trace back to John, when in fact there appear to have been a number of early immigrants of the Neville surname, and all the rest seem to be ignored. Perhaps we need to keep in mind that Boogher was commissioned to do the research & may have felt pressured by his client to at least make references to "possible" ties to the noteworthy families of Britain & France. If you read it carefully, he only hints at a possibility, but does not say it is so. I lived in Maryland from 1963-1978 and in the 1970s I made a number of trips to the Maryland State Archives to check records. Boogher, to his credit, gave some citations, for the early generations. Some I was able to verify, others I could not. I looked at both published & unpublished sources (mostly originals; very little was on microfilm). Boogher uses commas in some citations where there should be periods. For instance he cites "Liber A, B and H" which should be A.B.& H. The volumes were labeled with the initials of the clerk or officer in charge and do not follow an alphabetical order. Very early records have been published in the Maryland Archives series. Page 3 of Boogher's report mentions the stock mark of John Neville, but gives no reference. This can be found in the published Maryland Archives, Vol. 10, p9. It is also repeated in 1662 when he gave a cow named "Ring" to his son William (MD Archives, Vol. 53, p214). Page 3 also says that John Neville married three times. I believe that the Ann he found in records is Johanna, and that there were only two wives. She is given as the sister of Margaret Porter who married Francis Pope (? Newman, Flowering of Maryland Plantinate, p?), Francis was a sheriff & commissioner of the court; an important person in his time. On page 4 Boogher mentions that "5 May, 1662 John Neville instituted a suit by attachment against Duncan Bohannan for debt. (Chancery record for Charles county 1662), and in 1664 this suit was continued by counsel on account of the death of the Plaintiff." I could never find this in either the published Maryland Archives or in the original records. It is hard to believe that Boogher would make this up. Note that the citation is very "loose"; there is no book/liber and page/folio number. It may be that the date or something else is wrong and has therefor sent us looking in the wrong place. Unfortunately, this is a crucial document if it indeed does connect with the Gloucester County, VA family.
On 10 April 1979 I wrote to Joseph B. Neville to let him know that after several tries at the Maryland State Archives, I could not find the suit of John Neville vs Duncan Bohannan. On several occasions I asked staff at the Archives for help in finding the chancery suit. After telling them what I had already searched, all agreed that I had searched all possible places. I was told there were no special chancery records kept at this time, they were part of the regular court proceedings. The record of court proceedings does not show that the court met on 5 May 1662. I found no court listed in session between 22 April 1662 and 8 July 1662, although it is always possible that the clerk failed to write in a court date. Now, on 5 May 1662, the date Boogher gives, there is a bill in which John Benham agrees to pay James Lee by the 10th of November, 622 pounds tobacco, wit: Edward Leake, John Merehill. On the back of the bill James Lee assigned all his interest in the bill to John Nevill, 11 Feb 1662/3. Then on 11 Feb. 1662/3 James Lee gives John Nevill his power of attorney to recover the said bill. Wit: Humphery Haggate, George Thompson. Mr. Francis Pope [he was one of the court commissioners] who had more of Benhams tobacco in his hands than the bill amounted to, was then ordered to pay 622 pounds of tobacco to Mr. Nevill. (Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666, published in Maryland Archives LII I:433-I have a photocopy). My notes show that the above record was in a volume at the Archives labeled Charles County Land and Court Records, Vol. 1, B #1 and that originally only the right hand pages were numbered and then later all the pages were numbered in pencil. The original shows that the court date was 5 Jan. 1663, and that John Nevill having laid an attachment upon the estate of John Benham in the amount of 622 # tobacco, shows the following bill. then it goes on to the bill of John Benham to pay James Lee on 10 Nov next, 622# tobacco, dated 5 May 1662. This is on page 113/225, according to my notes. I did not find a continuance. Maybe someone needs to look at the estate of John Benham. I did find a 1664 continuance in the court record of 12 July 1664 (& also other dates) when it was ordered that John Nevills attachment against Mr. Henry Hudsons goods bee continued till the next court. (Chas County, Deeds B#1, p170-5/341-352). In what follows, & also in an earlier record, it appears that John Neville had an ordinary & that Henry Hudson who was a merchant and non-resident of Maryland, owed Nevill for food and lodging. When Henry Hudson posted security, 13 Oct 1663, using goods & cash, it was witnessed by John Lambert and William Nevill. (Chas County, Deeds B#1, p175/351-2). If this was John's son William, he was legally old enough to witness a deed. On 13 Sept. 1664 John Nevill was represented by his attorney William Price. The sheriff was ordered to appraise Hudsons goods & deliver to Nevill 2,259# tobacco as satisfaction of bill & costs. (Chas County, Deeds B#1, p181/364).
Now on ?20 Sept 1664 John Nevill demanded a warrant against James Lee in action of a debt of 918# tobacco (Chas County, Deeds B# 1, p190/382) & the defendant was ordered to pay (p192/383-4). Perhaps this was the continuance Boogher referred to. If so, maybe I needed to follow it further to find the name of Duncan Bohannan. Benham could possibly by a stretch be Bohannan, but the first name was John, not Duncan. Perhaps the record Boogher talks about was recorded in some other county. If it was in Maryland, one would expect it to have been abstracted in the published Maryland Archives. I have not searched all sources, Maryland & Virginia. At this point I don't remember if I searched the Maryland Archives to see if Duncan Bohannan was in any of those records. There is an index to Charles County Court Proceedings and Land Records. I was told Liber T & W have been lost. T was for 1694 and W was 1697; according to my notes, both had William Nevill references. In 1996 Esther E. Gregory (I corresponded with her in 1986 & 1987) published "Finley L. Underwood and Mahala Dowden, Their Ancestors and Descendants". She cites a number of early Maryland Records she ought to be studied if others have not done so. I quote from page 308: "There are some descendants of a James Nevill of Virginia who believe that he was the eldest son of John Nevill of Maryland, and was born at The Clefts about 1640. I tried very hard to find some proof of this. I read film of Charles County original records and the Maryland Archive books of the same records in print, and I did not find a single mention of a James Nevill or any indication that John Nevill had a son James." She goes on to say, "I haven't found anything to prove that James Nevill was John Nevill's son. John Nevill's wife had a child in December 1640, which some researchers think was James. I think it was probably Eleanor, because I found nothing to give a different birth date for her. I found no mention of John Nevill transferring land or other property to James. I didn't find any time James served as a witness to a deed or other document in the Records of Charles County, where John lived after it became a county. If John gave any property to James or to a John, Jr., the record should be in Charles County deeds, because they were mere boys when he moved to Charles County." Has anyone ever researched John Courts as a possible relative? Maryland Archives, Vol. 53, Proceedings of County Ct. of Charles County 1658-1666 & Manor Ct. of St Clements Manor 1659-1672, p170-1: John Nevill of Charles County, planter, gives to John Court Jr (son of John Courts Sr of Charles Co) one black heiffer aged about 2 years. If John Court Jr dies before he comes of age then the heifer & her increase shall fall to his sister Elisabeth Courts. If she dies before she comes of age then the property to go to John Courts Sr., father of John Jr. & Elisabeth. Wit: William Price & Merely Quite. On page 5 of Boogher's work, he says that Mrs. Johanna Neville, "doubtless married a second husband." The records do show that by 13 August 1666 she had married Thomas Hussey (Chas County, Deeds, Book C #1, , p61-64). It seems strange that Boogher did not find this deed. Given the dates of records in which William Neville was a witness, he may have been a child of Bridget, not Johanna. Shirley L Wilcox wrote: 1/14/97
JOHN NEVILLE, Sr.: This family is one of the oldest and greatest in English history. Various members of it have left an impress upon the story of the nation to which they belonged that will endure until the last legends of English history shall have been forgotten. The Nevilles are of Norman-French descent. Lodger's history of the existing British peerage states that Henry De Newburgh, 2nd, son of Roger De B/Dellemonte and Earl of M/Nellant was the founder of the family in England and that the castle of Warwick, was conferred upon him by William the Conqueror, and mentions that in Normandy two (2) places were called Neville and at least eighteen (18) places Neuville. While the authoriies do not entirely agree as to the origin of the family in England, yet it is beyond argument that Neville is a French name. Neville, Neuville and DeNewburgh, mean the same thing, and the beginnings of this family were undoubtedly in Normandy, the North of France. The greatest of them all was Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, the "King- maker" of England, who was beyond compare, the ablest and greatest subject of the English crown at any period of history. John Neville, the founder of the family in America, decends from this ancient house of France and England and need not be discussed in hese pages. Possibly he belonged to one of the junior branches and came to America in order to better the broken fortunes of his family. Much might be said in proof of this opinion; but it is not possible at this late date to support this contention by positive evidence from the American records. It is better to regard John Neville as a man of good family in his native land, but being of an active and enterprising disposition, determined to seek larger fortune in the New World. The valor of his descendants in the male lines in every war waged in this country and the domestic virtues of the women in the female lines, are the best tributes that can be paid to the courage and good qualities of John Neville who migrated to the colony of Marland, not later than 1635. It is clear from the land records of Maryland that John Neville was a planter residing at the Clefts on the west side of he Patuxent river, in St Mary's county, now Calvert, posessed of some means for at least four years as a single man, and about fourteen years before he made any demand upon the Lord Manor for lands due him under the law for transporting himself in 1635, and his wife Bridget in 1639, into the province of Maryland. In 1639 he transported his first wife, Bridget Throsley, an English woman as appears from his affidavit dated November 8, 1639, in which he states he transported his said wife, Bridget of some twenty years previous. (See liber 4, folio 186 warrent land office, Annapolis, Maryland. In 1649, according to the law of the colony, John Neville recorded his stock mark (Right ear slit, left, Under-Kovled) from this we understand his herd was pasturing on the public lands as well as his own. In 1649 John Neville demanded 200 acres of land for transporting himself and wife Bridget into the colony. (See liber A, D, and H, folio 27.) In 1651 he demanded 400 acres of land which had been assigned to him by George Ackrick, and one hundred acres for transporting Johanna Porter, his now wife, and on August 1, 1651, "A warrant was issued to lay out for John Neville Five Hundred acres upon Wiccokomico river (now Wicomico) in Charles county, joining the lands of Thomas Mitchell then to the southward of the Paturent river not formerly taken up & etc." (See Liber A, B and H, folio 241, land office, of Maryland). By his third wife there was born a son, William. In 1651 John Neville purchased five hundred acres of land in Charles county called Mooredith from Henry Moore and Elizabeth his wife. (See liber B, folio 89 which lands he deeded to his wife Johanna. Liber F, folio 23, Charles County record, land office of Maryland). In 1663, July 15/16, John Neville by deed from Robert Taylor for 300 acres of land in Charles county. (See liber B, No. 1, folio 84) and on Feb. 24, 1664, 400 acres by deed from Francis Armstrong, in Charles county (See liber B, No. 1, folio 92). May 5, 1662, John Neville instituted a suit by attachment against Duncan Bohannan for debt. (Chancery record for Charles county 1662), and in 1664 this suit was continued by counsel on accout of the death of the Plaintiff. John Neville died June 1664, as July of this year his will bearing date Jan. 7, 1664 was proven, in which are mentioned his wife Johanna and their son William, and his daughter Ellen Lambert, now wife of John of Charles county, and appoints his son William and his son-in-law John Lambert executors. He doubtless had provided for his elder children by deeds of gift or otherwise; hence no mention of their names in the will, this being a practicee quite common in colonial times where there were more than one set of children. (See will recorded in liber 1, No. E, folio 87) Letters testamentary, Provincial wills office, Annapolis, Maryland., (but not one of the regular Provincial will books.) By order of the court John Neville, Jr., was appointed as one of the appraisers of the estate of his father. (Liber 3, folio 242, Testamentary proceedings.) No report of final settlement of said estate by his executors has been found of record. In 1665, Johanna Neville, widow of John, purchased additonal lands in Charles county on Wicomico river (See Liber C, No. 1, folios 1 and 150.) In 1666 her son William also purchased a small tract of land in Charles county, (See Liber C, folios 61 and 150.) The date of the death of Mrs. Johanna Neville, relic of John, is not known. She doubtless married a second husband; hence her name as Neville is lost in the records, there being neither will, deed or intetate account to be found of her after 1665. As we have seen, the children of John Neville, the immigrant, by his three wifes were four.

Archives of Maryland, Court and Testamentary Business, 1657. Volume 10, Page 506; John Nevill-Susan Attcheson
Whereas the matter Concerning John Nevill and Susan Attcheson was in agitation before this Court, And upon Reading the Depositions of Mary Gillford and Johanna Watts relateing to the Matter in question and before the Court did proceed any further, mr Nathaniell Burrowes to obstruct the Busieness in hand (which was to question the Said Nevill, and the Said Susan Attcheson for Suspition of Adultery and fornication) did Voluntarily obtrude himself and in the face of the Court object against the Wittnesses, And being demanded why, he so presumptiously Came to obstruct the matter in agitation, and whether he would prove the Wittnesses perjured, Answered, yes he would prove them perjured and being againe demanded if he would prove them pjured answered yes he believed he Should, upon which the Court hath Referr'd the further hearing of the matter in question untill the next Provinciall Court, And doth order that the Said Nevill Shall Stand Committed untill he Give Bond with Good Securitie for his appearance at the next Court, as also in the meane time for his good behaviour. And the Court farther order that the Said Burrowes Shall stand Committed untill he give bond with Securitie, for his appearance at the next Court to make his Charge against the Wittnesses or Suffer Such Censure as the Court then Shall think fitt.
Mary Gillford aged 30 yeares or thercabout, Sworne & Examined, Sayth that the last Lords day, being in her husbands house, looking forth at the Door did See the wife of James Attcheson, going over the fence, I asked a woman named Susan Barbary who was by, what She thought the Said Susan Attcheson, went over there for and asked her if She would go, and we would See, what the Said Susan Attcheson went over there for, and She Said yes, upon which we went without the Plantation a Compass about, and did See the Said Susan, and one John Nevill in the Thickett Standing up by a Tree upon which we turned back againe, to Call more Company, and Speaking to one Sanders Watts his wife, She went with us to the place, where we had Seen them before, but they were gone from that place, and looking about, we did See them in another place, in the thickett together upon the Ground by the Side of a tree, from whence I See them rise up, and Came to them I asked the woman what She did there, who answered that She went to go to the Garden, But this Deponent Saith, that there was no Garden that way but quite another way Signum Mary x Gillford

Johanna Watts aged 25 years or thereabouts Sworne Saith, That what the abovenamed Deponent hath Said to her knowledge is truth, And farther Saith that when we found them, the Said Susan Attcheson, and John Nevill in the Thickett, they were Setting by a Tree Side that lay upon the Ground, And Comeing to them I this Deponent did Speake to the man, and asked him, if he were not ashamed to do So, having had Warning of Such doings, The Said Nevill replyed and desired me this Deponent, that I would Say nothing to the Said Susan Attcheson's husband, then I asked the Said Susan, why She Came there, who answered that She Came not there to meet with him the Said Nevill, but to go to her Garden I this Deponent asked her, if her Garden were that way, but this depont Saith, that the Garden was not that way but Contrary another way, And farther this Deponent Saith, that about a fortnight before the Sabbath day last, She asked the Said Susan Attcheson, why She did frequent the Said Nevill's Company, and would not Love her husband, who replyed her husband did abuse her, She Could not love him, And farther this Deponent Sayth, that She did hear her husband Sander Watts Say, that, when James Attcheson was over at the Court, which was adjourned, that the Said John Nevill and Susan Attcheson did lye in bed together, and that the Said Susan did Call the Said Nevill to bed to her, And farther Sayth not, Signum Johanna x Watts

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; Charles County Depositions by Robert W. Barnes
NEVIL, John, age 35, 26 Oct. 1658; CHLR A:25.

Nevill, John, Portobacco, Chas. Co., 15th Jan., 1664; 4th Feb., 1664.
To wife Johanna, property, real and personal, formerly bestowed by deed of gift.
To son William, plantation.
" dau. Ellen Lambert, son John Lambert, grandson John Lambert, personalty.
Test: Henry Bailye, Andrew Bashar. 1.222.

p. 244, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Charles County Court, 14 Nov 1665
Liber B, Page 492
Henry Moore sold Moore's Dish to Nevill family and is hereby acknowledging conveyance to John Nevill and the relict of John Nevill and overseers not agreeing, none of them would receive the said acknowledgment.

p. 246, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Charles County Court, 15 Nov 1665
Liber B, Page 495
Mr. Walter Story, Plt.; Mr. William Price and John Lambert, admns. of John Nevill, Def.; list of items on account totaling value of 1386#;
Page 496 defendants ordered to pay out of estate.
Mr. William Price, admn. of John Nevill confesses judgment to Mr. Thomas Mathews as atty. of Walter King for 400* of tobacco; court orders payment.

The Nevill's of Abergravenny by Shepherd Spencer Neville Brown 1993, Edward Neville, (probably born abt 1550 +/-) m. Rachel Lennard, had a son Henry who became the fifth (?) Lord Nevill of Abergravenny and that his younger brother John Nevill sailed to the Colonies to become the first ancestor of the Neville family in America. John Neville married, most probably in England one Bridget Thorsley or Thorsby. He isn't listed as a child of Edward Neville d: 1622 and Rachael Leonard b: 1550 of West Wicham, Kent, England. Their children are given as: Christopher Nevill m. Mary Darcy and Henry Nevill who m. Mary Sackvill and Catherine Vaux.

Boogher showed son James in his 1902 genealogy of the Neville family, other respected genealogist like H.W. Newman did not. Newman in his "The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate" in 1984, devoted 7 pages to John and his children. In it Newman observes that John's last will, probated 1665, identified only one son, William, one daughter, Ellen Lambert, and one grandson, John Lambert. He mentioned that William may have married late in life, and that there was also a court record of a Thomas Nevill who may or may not have been William's son. Newman positively identified no male descendant of John in this work. He did find another daughter, Rachael, who was not shown in his will. By his will, John left his son William the plantation on which he (John) lived. The will also mentions a separate deed of gift to his wife Joanna. We know John had several plantations and more children (at least Rachael) than were shown in the will, probably because they had been provided for earlier. Nothing in Newman's work precludes the existance of another son, James.
Boogher states: "James Neville, first of John and Bridget, born in 1640, at the Clefts in Calvert County, Maryland; settled in Northampton County VA in 1660-1, where on March 22, 1662, he obtrained a warrant for 1300 acres of land (See Liber 4, Folio 339, Land Office of Richmond, VA) and where he doubtless married; settling later in Isle of Wight County.
On March 6, 1674, James Neville, Sr., purchased 100 acres of land in Gloucester County, VA, in the name of his son John, then a minor, from Duncan Bohannan, formerly of Charles County, Maryland. It would appear from the records that the said 100 acres of land were deeded by Bohannan in settlement of the suit brought by James' father, John Neville, Sr., against the said Duncan Bohannan, in Charles County, Maryland,in 1662. (See Liber 6, folio 549, Land Office, Richmond, VA)." This statement was quoted in footnote 1 to page 6 of J.B. Neville's "370-year History."
Joseph B. Nevill seems to indicate that he looked at this evidence and concurred with Boogher's (James G. Walker) 8/27/97

Some of John Neville's Descendants suggest that John Nevill with his "brother" Richard Nevill landed on St Clements Isle on 3-25-1634. In 1639, Pordinado Pulton demanded land for transporting Richard Nevill and "others" in 1633 (Maryland Land Office, Liber a.b-h, folio 150) Richard Neville acquired land in 1640 and was on the rent rolls of St Marys and Charles Counties. On 10-14-1651, John Lewger demanded land for transporting persons among whom was Ann, now wife of Richard Neville. By citation we know that Johanna (Joan) Porter was the wife of John Nevill before 1-29-1652 when he demanded 400 acres already assigned to him and 100 additional for transporting Joan Porter, his wife. It would seem that he could not have married the Ann sometimes attached to him in 1651 because she was the wife of Richard. This Ann is sometimes given as Ann Burroughs. Can I assume that John Neville only had then two wives, Bridget Throsley whom he married in 1639 and Johanna Porter whom he married in 1651? Yet, it is said that by his "third" wife, he had a son William. In John's will, he mentions only his wife Johanna, son William and daughter Ellen Lambert. John had a mistress by the name of Susanna Attechson for which he received 20 lashes for adultery and fornication. There is no record of Nevill issue by this little affair.
There is a record that James purchased land in the name of his son John b: 1661 who married Elizabeth Bohannen, whose five children are documented by will.
John married Bridget and had a proven daughter Ellen Lambert. John married Johanna Porter and had a son William Neville. William reportedly married a Joan and one Sarah Noble.
Is "Richard Nevill", the brother of John, or was he "Richard Nevitt or Knevitt"? Jim Walker 8/28/97
Shirley L Wilcox wrote: I am of the definite opinion that much of what has been written on the early Neville descendants of John is based on Boogher's 1902 report to his client. Apparently many people never went to the trouble to check out what he wrote to see if the sources were accurate or to see if they agreed with his conclusions. In addition, I think there is an element of many wanting to be connected to a noteworthy person & somehow being a descendant of an Ark & Dove passenger is desirable. I have pulled out Boogher's report, and will make a few comments. His first page talks about the derivation of the name & famous Neville's of the past. That is fine as long as one does not assume that we connect to a certain Neville family just because we have the same surname. On the second page Boogher says "Whether John Neville, the founder of the family in America, descends from this ancient house of France and England need not be discussed in these pages." If Boogher were alive, I would ask, "Why even bring it up then? By including it, it implies that there must be a connection. I would also question the statement that John is the founder of the family in America. This has caused many problems. Everyone is trying to trace back to John, when in fact there appear to have been a number of early immigrants of the Neville surname, and all the rest seem to be ignored. Perhaps we need to keep in mind that Boogher was commissioned to do the research & may have felt pressured by his client to at least make references to "possible" ties to the noteworthy families of Britain & France. If you read it carefully, he only hints at a possibility, but does not say it is so. I lived in Maryland from 1963-1978 and in the 1970s I made a number of trips to the Maryland State Archives to check records. Boogher, to his credit, gave some citations, for the early generations. Some I was able to verify, others I could not. I looked at both published & unpublished sources (mostly originals; very little was on microfilm). Boogher uses commas in some citations where there should be periods. For instance he cites "Liber A, B and H" which should be A.B.& H. The volumes were labeled with the initials of the clerk or officer in charge and do not follow an alphabetical order. Very early records have been published in the Maryland Archives series. Page 3 of Boogher's report mentions the stock mark of John Neville, but gives no reference. This can be found in the published Maryland Archives, Vol. 10, p9. It is also repeated in 1662 when he gave a cow named "Ring" to his son William (MD Archives, Vol. 53, p214). Page 3 also says that John Neville married three times. I believe that the Ann he found in records is Johanna, and that there were only two wives. She is given as the sister of Margaret Porter who married Francis Pope (? Newman, Flowering of Maryland Plantinate, p?), Francis was a sheriff & commissioner of the court; an important person in his time. On page 4 Boogher mentions that "5 May, 1662 John Neville instituted a suit by attachment against Duncan Bohannan for debt. (Chancery record for Charles county 1662), and in 1664 this suit was continued by counsel on account of the death of the Plaintiff." I could never find this in either the published Maryland Archives or in the original records. It is hard to believe that Boogher would make this up. Note that the citation is very "loose"; there is no book/liber and page/folio number. It may be that the date or something else is wrong and has therefor sent us looking in the wrong place. Unfortunately, this is a crucial document if it indeed does connect with the Gloucester County, VA family.
On 10 April 1979 I wrote to Joseph B. Neville to let him know that after several tries at the Maryland State Archives, I could not find the suit of John Neville vs Duncan Bohannan. On several occasions I asked staff at the Archives for help in finding the chancery suit. After telling them what I had already searched, all agreed that I had searched all possible places. I was told there were no special chancery records kept at this time, they were part of the regular court proceedings. The record of court proceedings does not show that the court met on 5 May 1662. I found no court listed in session between 22 April 1662 and 8 July 1662, although it is always possible that the clerk failed to write in a court date. Now, on 5 May 1662, the date Boogher gives, there is a bill in which John Benham agrees to pay James Lee by the 10th of November, 622 pounds tobacco, wit: Edward Leake, John Merehill. On the back of the bill James Lee assigned all his interest in the bill to John Nevill, 11 Feb 1662/3. Then on 11 Feb. 1662/3 James Lee gives John Nevill his power of attorney to recover the said bill. Wit: Humphery Haggate, George Thompson. Mr. Francis Pope [he was one of the court commissioners] who had more of Benhams tobacco in his hands than the bill amounted to, was then ordered to pay 622 pounds of tobacco to Mr. Nevill. (Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666, published in Maryland Archives LII I:433-I have a photocopy). My notes show that the above record was in a volume at the Archives labeled Charles County Land and Court Records, Vol. 1, B #1 and that originally only the right hand pages were numbered and then later all the pages were numbered in pencil. The original shows that the court date was 5 Jan. 1663, and that John Nevill having laid an attachment upon the estate of John Benham in the amount of 622 # tobacco, shows the following bill. then it goes on to the bill of John Benham to pay James Lee on 10 Nov next, 622# tobacco, dated 5 May 1662. This is on page 113/225, according to my notes. I did not find a continuance. Maybe someone needs to look at the estate of John Benham. I did find a 1664 continuance in the court record of 12 July 1664 (& also other dates) when it was ordered that John Nevills attachment against Mr. Henry Hudsons goods bee continued till the next court. (Chas County, Deeds B#1, p170-5/341-352). In what follows, & also in an earlier record, it appears that John Neville had an ordinary & that Henry Hudson who was a merchant and non-resident of Maryland, owed Nevill for food and lodging. When Henry Hudson posted security, 13 Oct 1663, using goods & cash, it was witnessed by John Lambert and William Nevill. (Chas County, Deeds B#1, p175/351-2). If this was John's son William, he was legally old enough to witness a deed. On 13 Sept. 1664 John Nevill was represented by his attorney William Price. The sheriff was ordered to appraise Hudsons goods & deliver to Nevill 2,259# tobacco as satisfaction of bill & costs. (Chas County, Deeds B#1, p181/364).
Now on ?20 Sept 1664 John Nevill demanded a warrant against James Lee in action of a debt of 918# tobacco (Chas County, Deeds B# 1, p190/382) & the defendant was ordered to pay (p192/383-4). Perhaps this was the continuance Boogher referred to. If so, maybe I needed to follow it further to find the name of Duncan Bohannan. Benham could possibly by a stretch be Bohannan, but the first name was John, not Duncan. Perhaps the record Boogher talks about was recorded in some other county. If it was in Maryland, one would expect it to have been abstracted in the published Maryland Archives. I have not searched all sources, Maryland & Virginia. At this point I don't remember if I searched the Maryland Archives to see if Duncan Bohannan was in any of those records. There is an index to Charles County Court Proceedings and Land Records. I was told Liber T & W have been lost. T was for 1694 and W was 1697; according to my notes, both had William Nevill references. In 1996 Esther E. Gregory (I corresponded with her in 1986 & 1987) published "Finley L. Underwood and Mahala Dowden, Their Ancestors and Descendants". She cites a number of early Maryland Records she ought to be studied if others have not done so. I quote from page 308: "There are some descendants of a James Nevill of Virginia who believe that he was the eldest son of John Nevill of Maryland, and was born at The Clefts about 1640. I tried very hard to find some proof of this. I read film of Charles County original records and the Maryland Archive books of the same records in print, and I did not find a single mention of a James Nevill or any indication that John Nevill had a son James." She goes on to say, "I haven't found anything to prove that James Nevill was John Nevill's son. John Nevill's wife had a child in December 1640, which some researchers think was James. I think it was probably Eleanor, because I found nothing to give a different birth date for her. I found no mention of John Nevill transferring land or other property to James. I didn't find any time James served as a witness to a deed or other document in the Records of Charles County, where John lived after it became a county. If John gave any property to James or to a John, Jr., the record should be in Charles County deeds, because they were mere boys when he moved to Charles County." Has anyone ever researched John Courts as a possible relative? Maryland Archives, Vol. 53, Proceedings of County Ct. of Charles County 1658-1666 & Manor Ct. of St Clements Manor 1659-1672, p170-1: John Nevill of Charles County, planter, gives to John Court Jr (son of John Courts Sr of Charles Co) one black heiffer aged about 2 years. If John Court Jr dies before he comes of age then the heifer & her increase shall fall to his sister Elisabeth Courts. If she dies before she comes of age then the property to go to John Courts Sr., father of John Jr. & Elisabeth. Wit: William Price & Merely Quite. On page 5 of Boogher's work, he says that Mrs. Johanna Neville, "doubtless married a second husband." The records do show that by 13 August 1666 she had married Thomas Hussey (Chas County, Deeds, Book C #1, , p61-64). It seems strange that Boogher did not find this deed. Given the dates of records in which William Neville was a witness, he may have been a child of Bridget, not Johanna. Shirley L Wilcox wrote: 1/14/97
JOHN NEVILLE, Sr.: This family is one of the oldest and greatest in English history. Various members of it have left an impress upon the story of the nation to which they belonged that will endure until the last legends of English history shall have been forgotten. The Nevilles are of Norman-French descent. Lodger's history of the existing British peerage states that Henry De Newburgh, 2nd, son of Roger De B/Dellemonte and Earl of M/Nellant was the founder of the family in England and that the castle of Warwick, was conferred upon him by William the Conqueror, and mentions that in Normandy two (2) places were called Neville and at least eighteen (18) places Neuville. While the authoriies do not entirely agree as to the origin of the family in England, yet it is beyond argument that Neville is a French name. Neville, Neuville and DeNewburgh, mean the same thing, and the beginnings of this family were undoubtedly in Normandy, the North of France. The greatest of them all was Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, the "King- maker" of England, who was beyond compare, the ablest and greatest subject of the English crown at any period of history. John Neville, the founder of the family in America, decends from this ancient house of France and England and need not be discussed in hese pages. Possibly he belonged to one of the junior branches and came to America in order to better the broken fortunes of his family. Much might be said in proof of this opinion; but it is not possible at this late date to support this contention by positive evidence from the American records. It is better to regard John Neville as a man of good family in his native land, but being of an active and enterprising disposition, determined to seek larger fortune in the New World. The valor of his descendants in the male lines in every war waged in this country and the domestic virtues of the women in the female lines, are the best tributes that can be paid to the courage and good qualities of John Neville who migrated to the colony of Marland, not later than 1635. It is clear from the land records of Maryland that John Neville was a planter residing at the Clefts on the west side of he Patuxent river, in St Mary's county, now Calvert, posessed of some means for at least four years as a single man, and about fourteen years before he made any demand upon the Lord Manor for lands due him under the law for transporting himself in 1635, and his wife Bridget in 1639, into the province of Maryland. In 1639 he transported his first wife, Bridget Throsley, an English woman as appears from his affidavit dated November 8, 1639, in which he states he transported his said wife, Bridget of some twenty years previous. (See liber 4, folio 186 warrent land office, Annapolis, Maryland. In 1649, according to the law of the colony, John Neville recorded his stock mark (Right ear slit, left, Under-Kovled) from this we understand his herd was pasturing on the public lands as well as his own. In 1649 John Neville demanded 200 acres of land for transporting himself and wife Bridget into the colony. (See liber A, D, and H, folio 27.) In 1651 he demanded 400 acres of land which had been assigned to him by George Ackrick, and one hundred acres for transporting Johanna Porter, his now wife, and on August 1, 1651, "A warrant was issued to lay out for John Neville Five Hundred acres upon Wiccokomico river (now Wicomico) in Charles county, joining the lands of Thomas Mitchell then to the southward of the Paturent river not formerly taken up & etc." (See Liber A, B and H, folio 241, land office, of Maryland). By his third wife there was born a son, William. In 1651 John Neville purchased five hundred acres of land in Charles county called Mooredith from Henry Moore and Elizabeth his wife. (See liber B, folio 89 which lands he deeded to his wife Johanna. Liber F, folio 23, Charles County record, land office of Maryland). In 1663, July 15/16, John Neville by deed from Robert Taylor for 300 acres of land in Charles county. (See liber B, No. 1, folio 84) and on Feb. 24, 1664, 400 acres by deed from Francis Armstrong, in Charles county (See liber B, No. 1, folio 92). May 5, 1662, John Neville instituted a suit by attachment against Duncan Bohannan for debt. (Chancery record for Charles county 1662), and in 1664 this suit was continued by counsel on accout of the death of the Plaintiff. John Neville died June 1664, as July of this year his will bearing date Jan. 7, 1664 was proven, in which are mentioned his wife Johanna and their son William, and his daughter Ellen Lambert, now wife of John of Charles county, and appoints his son William and his son-in-law John Lambert executors. He doubtless had provided for his elder children by deeds of gift or otherwise; hence no mention of their names in the will, this being a practicee quite common in colonial times where there were more than one set of children. (See will recorded in liber 1, No. E, folio 87) Letters testamentary, Provincial wills office, Annapolis, Maryland., (but not one of the regular Provincial will books.) By order of the court John Neville, Jr., was appointed as one of the appraisers of the estate of his father. (Liber 3, folio 242, Testamentary proceedings.) No report of final settlement of said estate by his executors has been found of record. In 1665, Johanna Neville, widow of John, purchased additonal lands in Charles county on Wicomico river (See Liber C, No. 1, folios 1 and 150.) In 1666 her son William also purchased a small tract of land in Charles county, (See Liber C, folios 61 and 150.) The date of the death of Mrs. Johanna Neville, relic of John, is not known. She doubtless married a second husband; hence her name as Neville is lost in the records, there being neither will, deed or intetate account to be found of her after 1665. As we have seen, the children of John Neville, the immigrant, by his three wifes were four.

Archives of Maryland, Court and Testamentary Business, 1657. Volume 10, Page 506; John Nevill-Susan Attcheson
Whereas the matter Concerning John Nevill and Susan Attcheson was in agitation before this Court, And upon Reading the Depositions of Mary Gillford and Johanna Watts relateing to the Matter in question and before the Court did proceed any further, mr Nathaniell Burrowes to obstruct the Busieness in hand (which was to question the Said Nevill, and the Said Susan Attcheson for Suspition of Adultery and fornication) did Voluntarily obtrude himself and in the face of the Court object against the Wittnesses, And being demanded why, he so presumptiously Came to obstruct the matter in agitation, and whether he would prove the Wittnesses perjured, Answered, yes he would prove them perjured and being againe demanded if he would prove them pjured answered yes he believed he Should, upon which the Court hath Referr'd the further hearing of the matter in question untill the next Provinciall Court, And doth order that the Said Nevill Shall Stand Committed untill he Give Bond with Good Securitie for his appearance at the next Court, as also in the meane time for his good behaviour. And the Court farther order that the Said Burrowes Shall stand Committed untill he give bond with Securitie, for his appearance at the next Court to make his Charge against the Wittnesses or Suffer Such Censure as the Court then Shall think fitt.
Mary Gillford aged 30 yeares or thercabout, Sworne & Examined, Sayth that the last Lords day, being in her husbands house, looking forth at the Door did See the wife of James Attcheson, going over the fence, I asked a woman named Susan Barbary who was by, what She thought the Said Susan Attcheson, went over there for and asked her if She would go, and we would See, what the Said Susan Attcheson went over there for, and She Said yes, upon which we went without the Plantation a Compass about, and did See the Said Susan, and one John Nevill in the Thickett Standing up by a Tree upon which we turned back againe, to Call more Company, and Speaking to one Sanders Watts his wife, She went with us to the place, where we had Seen them before, but they were gone from that place, and looking about, we did See them in another place, in the thickett together upon the Ground by the Side of a tree, from whence I See them rise up, and Came to them I asked the woman what She did there, who answered that She went to go to the Garden, But this Deponent Saith, that there was no Garden that way but quite another way Signum Mary x Gillford

Johanna Watts aged 25 years or thereabouts Sworne Saith, That what the abovenamed Deponent hath Said to her knowledge is truth, And farther Saith that when we found them, the Said Susan Attcheson, and John Nevill in the Thickett, they were Setting by a Tree Side that lay upon the Ground, And Comeing to them I this Deponent did Speake to the man, and asked him, if he were not ashamed to do So, having had Warning of Such doings, The Said Nevill replyed and desired me this Deponent, that I would Say nothing to the Said Susan Attcheson's husband, then I asked the Said Susan, why She Came there, who answered that She Came not there to meet with him the Said Nevill, but to go to her Garden I this Deponent asked her, if her Garden were that way, but this depont Saith, that the Garden was not that way but Contrary another way, And farther this Deponent Saith, that about a fortnight before the Sabbath day last, She asked the Said Susan Attcheson, why She did frequent the Said Nevill's Company, and would not Love her husband, who replyed her husband did abuse her, She Could not love him, And farther this Deponent Sayth, that She did hear her husband Sander Watts Say, that, when James Attcheson was over at the Court, which was adjourned, that the Said John Nevill and Susan Attcheson did lye in bed together, and that the Said Susan did Call the Said Nevill to bed to her, And farther Sayth not, Signum Johanna x Watts


BirthAbt 1620England
BirthAbt 1623England
MarriageAbt 1639The Clifts, Calvert, MD -
MarriageBef 29 Jan 1652Charles County, Maryland, USA - Joanna Porter
Death15 Jan 1664Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland, USA
DeathBef 4 Feb 1664/65Charles County, Maryland, United States
DeathBef 4 Feb 1664/65Charles County, MD
MarriageBridget Thoresly
Research NotesDescendant Register, John Neville


SpouseJoanna Porter (1627 - 1690)
ChildRachel Neville (1658 - )
ChildWilliam Neville ( - )
ChildEllen Neville ( - )
SpouseBridget Thoresly ( - )
