Individual Details

Walter Greer

(Bet 1742 and 1759 - February 13, 1835)

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: It appears this Walter Greer could have been the son of William Greer, Sr. However, Don Raney, a researcher of this line feels Walter belongs to another unknown line. I have placed this Walter as a son of William Greer, Sr. in this genealogy to be able to find him more easily. It has not proven that Walter is a son of this William. William did have a son named Walter, however.)

(Lois Temple shows a listing on the bottom of her FGS 957, which shows a line of descent of James Greer down through the brothers, H. Lee and Larry C. Greear. Lois lists Nancy Ann Graham as the wife of Walter Greer.)

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: GREER FAMILY, 1980 by William Greer Peck, page 53, as per Mrs. James H. Mero, Hampton, Virginia, shows this Walter Greer, but appears to give the information for his nephew, Walter, son of Moses.)

"Walter Greer was born about 1757 and was a Revolutionary War Soldier serving from Botetourt County, Virginia and later from North Carolina (Tennessee). He stated in his pension application that he was born in Pennsylvania. He took up bounty land in Overton County, Tennessee, lived and died in Overton County, Tennessee in 1838." (Edward P. Savage, 8620 Timbercrest Circle, Charlotte, North Carolina 28226-4643,>, 1996.)

"Walter Greer was a farmer." (Don Raney. Some information from Revolutionary War Pension Application #3415 of Walter Greer.)

"This Indenture made the thirteenth of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and ninety one Between Walter Greer of the County of Sullivan & Territory of the United States of the one part & Joseph Smith of the County & Territory aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that I, Walter Greer for the consideration of the sum of twenty pounds good and lawful money of Virginia to me in hand paid hath bargained & sold unto the Joseph Smith one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres lying on the South side of the Holston River beginning at an Ash and Ceder by the road side on the river & running a due South Course till it strikes the old original line then along the said line to the corner joining of John Hall�s land & from the said corner to the Holston River then along said River to the beginning being part of a three hundred acre tract patten No. 263 of 300 Acres from the Secretary�s Office & attested by his Exel. Alex Martin & by these presents hath bargained & sold unto the said Joseph Smith the said tract or parcel of Land with all water & water courses, woods, houses, Orchards, timber, Improvements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the aboved named Joseph Smith, his heirs an assigns ____. I Walter Greer do promise for myself, my heirs Extr doth hereby warrant and defend the said bargained premises from the claims or claims of any person or persons whatever unto the said Joseph Smith, his heirs an assigns forever on testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written, (Signed) Walter Greer Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of us: John Spurgen Sullivan County December Session Thomas Barton 1791 the within deed was proven by the oath of John Spurgen a witness thereunto. Attest: Matt Rhea Febr. 16th 1792." (Sullivan County, NC Deed Bk 2, May 1775 to Nov 1796 Page 495. Transcribed: Edward P. Savage, 2 December 1997.)

"State of Tennessee No. 18090..... To all to whom these presents Shall Come, Greeting; Know you that by Virtue of Warrant No. 51 dated the 22nd day of October 1802 issued by William Macklin, Secretary of this State to Elijah Chisum for 100 acres and entered on the 5th day of September 1811 by No. 1500. There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto Walter Greer assignee of the said Elijah Chisum, a certain tract or parcel of land containing 100 acres by survey bearing the date 22 September 1814 lying in the Third district in Overton County on the Waters of the Roaring River and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the black-oaks near the foot of a ridge; thence, North eighty nine and one fourth poles to a black oak on the side of a ridge; thence, West one hundred and seventy eight and one half poles to a stake on the side of a ridge; thence, South eighty nine and one fourth poles to a large chestnut tree on the side of a ridge; thence, East one hundred seventy eight and one half poles to the beginning. With the Hereditaments and appurtenances, To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Walter Greer and his heirs forever.

"In witness whereof William Carroll, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the great Seal of the State to be affixed at Murfreesborough on the 28th day of September in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty two and of the Independence of the United States the Forty Seventh. Wm Carroll By the Governor Daniel Graham, Secretary. Walter Greer is entitled to the within mentioned tract of Land. F. McGavock D Register of West Tennessee. Recorded in the Registers office of West Tennessee Oct. 7th 1822 F. McGavock D Regr.

"This Grant Vacated for 38 acres a certificate having issued for that amt to the Grantee this 11th October 1822 __ No 2442 A. Foster Prest of the board of comms. of West Tennessee. Attest J Blackfan, Clerk. Rec'd the State Tax on the Within Grant February 2,1837 William Gore, clerk. The foregoing is a correct Registry of the original Grant and Certificates thereon to Walter Greer and was registered and certified the Second day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty seven. John Kennedy Register." (Overton Co., Tennessee, Deed Book G, Pages 346-347. Transcribed: Edward P Savage, 1 December 1997.)

"State of Tennessee No. 18528: To All to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting: Know Ye, that by Certificate No. 955 dated the 9th day of April 1812, issued by the Register of West Tennessee to John McIver for 100 acres and entered on the 12th of may 1814 by No. 3040. There is granted by the said State of Tennessee unto Walter Greer, assignee of the said John McIver, a certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres, by survey bearing the date the 22nd day of September 1814 lying in the third district in Overton County on the Waters of the Roaring River and bounded as follows, to wit; Beginning at the North East corner of his other entry at a black oak; thence, West with his line one Hundred and Seventy eight and one fourth poles to a stake; thence North Eighty nine poles to two black-oaks and dogwood; thence, East One Hundred and Seventy eight and one forth poles to a large gum and white-oak; thence, South Eighty nine poles to the beginning, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with all its appurtenances to the said Walter Greer and his heirs forever. In witness whereof William Carroll, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto Set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed at Murfreesborough on the 20th day of December the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty two and of the Independence of the United States the Forty seventh. By the Governor Wm Carroll Daniel Graham, Secretary.

"Walter Greer is entitled to the within mentioned tract of land . F. McGavock, Register of West Tennessee. Recorded in the Registers Office of West Tennessee, 26th February 1823. F. McGavock, Regr. Rec'd the State Tax on the Within Grant, February 2, 1837. William Gore, Clerk. The foregoing is a correct Registry of Grant No. 18528 to Walter Greer and was registered and certified on the Second day of February One thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty seven. John Kennedy, Register." (Overton Co., Tennessee, Deed Book G, Pages 347 - 348. Contributed by Ed Savage.)

A family group sheet from Beulah Hendrix, 3301 Riverside Drive, Anderson, California 96007, dated Jun 19, 1987 shows the children of Walter Greer (1757 - abt 1838) as Robert, William, Sally, Priscilla. Her information comes from the following sources: Land transaction that named those who interited Walter Greer's land after he died - dated 25 August 1838, Overton County, Tennessee; census records of Overton County, Tennessee; "Twenty Four Hundred Tennessee Pensioners" by Zella Armstrong, Revolution and War of 1812 (Pension from Overton County, Tennessee, 1832, shows Walter Greer's age as 75.).


BirthBet 1742 and 1759Baltimore County, Maryland, or Pennsylvania
Marriage1776Roanoke (Independent City), Virginia - Pricilla Ann "Nancy" Graham
DeathFebruary 13, 1835Overton County, Tennessee
MarriageAnn Railey


SpousePricilla Ann "Nancy" Graham (1754 - 1835)
ChildRobert Greer (1780 - )
ChildJames Greer (1782 - )
ChildPriscilla Greer (1791 - 1838)
ChildWilliam Greer (1790 - )
ChildSarah "Sally" Greer (1789 - 1860)
ChildMary Elizabeth "Betsy" Greer (1796 - )
ChildGeorge Washington Greer Sr. (1798 - 1859)
SpouseAnn Railey ( - )
FatherWilliam Greer Sr. (1710 - 1785)
MotherAnn "Mary" Fitch (1716 - 1785)
SiblingWilliam Greer Jr. (1732 - 1802)
SiblingJames Greer (1733 - )
SiblingShadrach Greer (1735 - )
SiblingJohn Greer (1736 - 1760)
SiblingAquilla Greer (1738 - )
SiblingBenjamin Greer (1740 - 1789)
SiblingMoses Greer Sr. (1744 - 1834)
SiblingMary Rebecca Greer (1746 - 1810)