Individual Details

James Allison Griffith Sr.

(December 8, 1834 - October 9, 1910)

FAG 15658242

"#34, taken August 17, 1867, J. A. Griffith, Pct. 4, in state 7 years, in county 7 years, in pct. 7 years, native of North Carolina." (1867 Comanche County, Texas Voter Registration list.)

"J. A. Griffith, a worthy representative of the agricultural interests of Comanche County (Texas), was born in North Carolina, December 8, 1834, a son of Daniel Griffith. J. A. Griffith was a child of only two years when his parents left the state of his nativity and removed to Kentucky. He also accompanied them to Missouri, when a youth of fourteen, and came to Texas in their company in 1858, a young man of twenty-four. He was largely reared on the frontier and shared in the experiences and hardships which always fall to the lot of early settlers. After coming to Comanche County he engaged in raising hogs and in hunting. For some years this region abounded in wild game and the followers of Nimrod found this a profitable as well as a pleasant pursuit. During the war he was in the state service on the frontier, and thus continued until hostilities had ceased. In 1871 he left Texas and went to Arkansas, remaining with his father until the fall of 1872, when he was married and established a home of his own.

"Mr. Griffith was joined in wedlock with Miss Sarah Green, who was born in Georgia in 1850, a daughter of William W. and Hannah (Dover) Green, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of South Carolina, their wedding being celebrated, however, in Georgia. Her father was a minister of the Primitive Baptist Church and was exempt from service in the war. In 1860 he moved to Texas, and in 1868 took up his abode in Arkansas. They (William W. and Hannah Green) were the parents of fifteen children, fourteen of whom reached years of maturity, as follows: H. H., Jesse M., Alford W., Susan E., Eliza J., Mary A., Caroline, Laura A., Sela A., Sarah A., William G., Gisson, John F. and Benjamin M. The mother and eleven of her children are members of the Primitive Baptist Church, and Jesse M. is a Missionary Baptist minister. Hannah A. is also connected with the Missionary Baptists, and William G. and Benjamin M. are ministers of the Primitive Baptist Church.

"The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Griffith was blessed with ten children, but five died in childhood. Those still living are James A., a farmer, William R., Daniel H., Cela M. and Sarah S., all at home. The parents hold their religious membership in the Primitive Baptist Church, and are highly esteemed people, whose friends throughout the community are many.

"Upon his marriage Mr. Griffith purchased a farm in Arkansas and at once began its cultivation. In 1885 he again came to Comanche County, where he has since resided, and purchased one hundred acres of improved land, to which he has since added one hundred and seventy-five acres. He now has one hundred and twenty-five acres under cultivation, and this rich and fertile tract yields to him a good income in return for the care and labor he bestows upon it. He also raises enough stock for the care of the farm. His home is conveniently situated within four miles of Comanche, and thus a near market is at hand, enabling him to secure easily the comforts of town life, and at the same time enjoy the pleasures of a country home." (HISTORY OF TEXAS, 1896, The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, pages 528 - 529.)

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: James Griffith's middle name of "Allison" has also been found as "Addison.")

"Sarah Ann Green (daughter of William Washington Green and Hannah Dover) married Alison Griffith. They both died last year in West Texas, there their children now reside except Daniel, who is a Doctor in Chicago, Illinois." (Biographical sketch by Jesse M. Green, written 1912, copy in Terry Archives.)

1880 Polk County, Arkansas census, ED 128, Sheet 20, line 25, Cove Township: James GRIFFITH, head, 45, farmer, NC, NC, NC; Sarah GRIFFITH, wife, 24, Ga, NC, Ga; James A. GRIFFITH, son, 5, Ark, NC, Ga; Wm R. GRIFFITH, son, 2, Ark, NC, Ga; (There were also two boarders, one was a teacher.).

1900 Comanche County, Texas census, Pct 1, taken 21 June 1900, ED 27, Sheet 15: James A. GRIFFITH, head, white, male, Dec 1834, age 66, NC, NC, NC; Sarah A. GRIFFITH, wife, white, female, Nov 1850, age 49, Ga, NC, SC; Daniel H. GRIFFITH, son, white, male, May 1884, age 16, Ark, NC, Ga; Celia M. GRIFFITH, daughter, white, female, November 1886, age 13, Tx, NC, Ga; Sallie Stella GRIFFITH, daughter, white, female, July 1992, age 7, Tx, NC, Ga.

1910 Nolan County, Texas census, ED 179, sheet 51, Family #52: James A. Griffith, head, male, white, age 75, first marriage, NC, NC, NC; Sara A. GRIFFITH, wife, female, white, age 54, first marriage, married 38 years, 10 children born - 5 living, Ga, NC, SC; Stella Z. DEONAZO?, dau, female, white, age 17, 1st marriage, married 2 years, one child born - one living, Tx, NC, Ga; Charles DES?AGO?, son-in-law, male, white, age 19, 1st marriage, Tx, Ala, Miss; Vera DES?AGO?, granddaughter, female, white, age 1, single, Tx, Tx, Tx; Cora B. DES?AGO?, boarder, female, white, age 11, single, Tx, Ala, Miss (this appears to be a sister of Charles. This census is very hard to read.)

Some additional information about the descendants of James Allison Griffith was sent by Sandy Griffith, P. O. Box 6706, Lakeland, Florida 33807, email: Sandra>.


BirthDecember 8, 1834North Carolina
MarriageAbt, 1872Arkansas - Sarah Ann "Sallie" Green
DeathOctober 9, 1910Nolan County, Texas
BurialChampion Cemetery, Nolan County, Texas


SpouseSarah Ann "Sallie" Green (1850 - 1910)
ChildGriffith ( - 1900)
ChildJames Allison "Alcee" Griffith Jr. (1875 - )
ChildWilliam Robert Griffith (1878 - 1948)
ChildA. L. J. Griffith (1880 - 1889)
ChildDr. Daniel Henry Griffith (1884 - 1949)
ChildCelia M. "Cela" Griffith (1886 - )
ChildGriffith ( - 1900)
ChildStella Sarah "Sallie" Griffith (1892 - 1991)
ChildGriffith ( - 1900)
ChildGriffith ( - 1900)
FatherDaniel D. Griffith (1812 - 1886)
MotherAnn Eliza Trotter (1818 - 1901)
SiblingMatilda Jane Griffith (1837 - )
SiblingGeorge Griffith ( - )
SiblingJoseph Franklin "Frank" Griffith (1839 - 1898)
SiblingJohn F. "Morten" Griffith (1842 - )
SiblingSarilda Carlsa "Zerilda" "Lorilda" Griffith (1845 - 1927)
SiblingMadison Emsley Griffith (1847 - 1903)
SiblingLouisa Rebecca Griffith (1850 - 1913)
SiblingJasper Newton "Newt" Griffith (1851 - 1936)
SiblingChristopher Colombus Griffith (1854 - 1934)
SiblingJemima Juliana "Narcissus" Griffith (1858 - 1926)
SiblingJulia "Julie" Ann Griffith (1862 - 1900)