Individual Details

Francis James Templer

(6 Jun 1792 - 22 Oct 1854)

b.1792 m.1816 Eleanor Williams d.1854 (00950)

Educated Blundell's Tiverton (Aug 1801-Dec1804)
11 March 1806 - Joined the Royal Regiment of Artillery as a Gentleman Cadet.
4 June 1810 - Promoted to Second Lieutenant Royal Artillery.
18 December 1813 - Promoted to Lieutenant.
23 May 1817 - Resigned from the Army. Joined the Ceylon Civil Service and proceeded to Ceylon in the ship 'Alexander'. Was in the Ceylon Civil Service for 37 years.
1831 - Promoted Judge in Chilaw. Built St James' Church there.
1833-43 - Collector of Taxes? in Colombo.
1845 - Treasurer.
Founder of the Calpe Hunt.

From Justin Templer

This is the last will and testament
of me Francis James Templer; I hereby revoke and make void all wills
and codicils made by me herebefore and appoint my dearly beloved wife Ellen Templer and my son Francis Buller Templer the Executrix and Executor of this my will ~ I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife for her sole and absolute use the sum of one thousand pounds stirling after first transferring a sum of one thousand five hundred pounds stirling to the trustees named in my marriage settlement viz John Templer and Henry Williams and which should have been transferred at the time the Knowles Estate was sold at the demise of my mother. I give devise and bequeath the whole of my property whether in lands houses monies goods chattels of whatever kind & description, whatsoever and wheresoever situate or found
of which I may be possessed of or be entitled to, to my said dearly beloved wife Ellen Templer for her natural life and on her death to be equally divided between my children Katherine Mary Wodehouse, Francis Buller Templer and Annie Henrietta Buller, share and share alike or in the event of either of my said children being dead I give the said share that he or she would have been entitled to, to his or her child or children; should however there be no child, such share to be equally divided between the survivors or the whole to the survivor should there be only one. In witness whereof I the said Francis James Templer the testator has to this my last will and testament set my hand this fifth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three ~ F. J. Templer ~ Witness ~ J. N. Mack ~

This is a codicil to the last will and testament of me Francis James Templer now residing at number 33 Montpellier Road Brighton Sussex Esquire. I confirm the will which I have made whilst I was in the island of Ceylon and which is deposited in the Treasury of that island but the date of which I have not at hand to refer to, subject only to the limited disposition which I am about to make by this codicil. I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Eleanor, in addition to all and every the benefits given by my will, all the monies and securities for money arrears of salary and credits which may belong to me at the time of my decease and also all the furniture and personal chattels and effects in England which may belong to me at my death to hold the same unto my said wife absolutely for her own benefit and I confirm the appointment of my said wife as Executrix of my will and whereas I am not certain whether or not my said will is so framed as to operate a disposition of the Cinnamon Garden with Bungodoro or cottage and store (?) on it at Columbo in Ceylon and the house with some (?) acres of land at Newtra (?) Ellca in Ceylon which I have acquired since the making of my said will; now incase the will is so framed as to pass them, then I leave such properties to pass under the same will but in case of there being no disposition thereof, then I give devise and bequeath the same properties at Columbo and Newtra Elca subject to any incumbrances which may be upon them or either of them at my decease unto my said wife Eleanor her heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns absolutely and beneficially
in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty four ~ F. J. Templer ~ signed and published by the said Francis James Templer the testator as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witness ~ Charlotte Acland Sunning Nells (?) Kingston on Thames Surrey ~ David Black Solicitor, Brighton.

Proved at London with a codicil 3rd February 1855 before the Worshipful
Thomas Spinks, Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Elln Templer, Widow, The relict and Francis Buller Templer Esquire, son, the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.

Stuart Drabble

The Times
Burial Year 1854
First Names Francis James
Surname Templer
Age 62y
Date of Death 22 - Oct
Place of Death Brighton
Entry On 22 at Brighton, Francis James Templer, aged 62yrs, 37yrs a civilian on the island of Ceylon.

Historic Chilaw church celebrates 175 years (Sri Lanka)
The name of Francis James Templer, the Collector of Chilaw is inseparably associated with this church as he was responsible for putting up the building in 1817. The community owed so much to him that his Christian name James was chosen to be the name of the Church. The Ceylon Gazette also states that it was named "St. James' Church" in compliment to Francis James Templer. A mural tablet is seen to this day embedded in the east wall of the church.

Francis James Templer was in the Civil Service, 1817-47. He came out with Mrs. Templer and family by the ship Alexander, which left on July 5 and arrived at Colombo on November 13, 1817. He had married at Falmouth on April 16, 1816. He was successively Provincial Judge, Calpentyn; Agent of Government, Ratnapura ; Sitting Magistrate, Colombo; Collector of Chilaw; Collector of Colombo and Government Agent, 1833-43; Fiscal, Jaffna,1845; Treasurer, October 1, 1845. He was Agent of Government at Ratnapura at the time of this child's death. He died in October, 1854. He was father of Francis Buller Templer, C.C.S. His eldest daughter, Catherine Mary, married Philip E. Wodehouse, C.C.S., afterwards Sir Philip Wodehouse, Governor of the Cape, on December 19, 1834. His daughter Annie Henrietta married Arthur William Buller, afterwards Sir Arthur Buller, Queen's Advocate.


Birth6 Jun 1792Bexley, Kent, England, United Kingdom
MilitaryFrom 12 Nov 1806 to 23 May 1817Royal Artillery
Marriage16 Apr 1816Falmouth, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom - Eleanor Williams
Death22 Oct 185415 Franklin Street, Brighton, Sussex, England, United Kingdom
OccupationCeylon Civil Service for 37 years; Treasurer of Ceylon
Military serviceNapoleonic ?


SpouseEleanor Williams (1796 - 1877)
ChildDame Katherine Mary Templer (1817 - 1866)
ChildFrancis Buller Templer (1819 - 1903)
ChildJames Berkeley Templer (1820 - 1822)
ChildEllen Maria Templer (1821 - 1822)
ChildAnne Henriette Maria Templer (1823 - 1907)
ChildHenry Dawson Skinner Templer (1826 - 1832)
ChildAlice Trevor Templer (1827 - 1915)
FatherJames Templer (1748 - 1813)
MotherMary Buller (1740 - 1829)
SiblingJohn James Templer ( - 1781)
SiblingMary Templer (1778 - 1869)
SiblingAnne Sophia Templer (1780 - 1866)
SiblingGeorge Templer (1781 - 1843)
SiblingFrederick Edward Templer (1782 - 1796)
SiblingCommander William Templer RN (1784 - 1805)
SiblingCharles Templer (1786 - 1806)
SiblingAmelia Templer (1787 - 1837)
SiblingRev John James Templer (1788 - 1869)
SiblingCharlotte Frances Templer (1789 - 1875)