Individual Details

Nathaniel Putnam

(Bef 11 Oct 1619 - 23 Jul 1700)

Read: Yeoman. Administrator of the church 1648 but his name not on the freeman's list

Perhaps "Nathanyell"

He was a follower of Rev Samuel Parris in his witch persecutions.
From Rand-Put:
Rand/Putnam Notes:

Nathaniel Putnam was born before 11 Oct 1619 in Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England. (42) He was baptized on 11 Oct 1619 in Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England. (43) He died on 23 Jul 1700 in Salem Village, Essex Co., MA. (44) He was about age 80 at death. In 1648, both Nathaniel and his wife Elizabeth were admitted to the church in Salem.

He was married to Elizabeth Hutchinson (daughter of Richard Hutchinson and Alice Bosworth) before 1648 in Salem Village, Essex Co., MA. (45, 46, 47, 48) The Putnam Leaflets have the marriage about 1652. "A Family Tree in America" has the marriage 3 Sept 1652. The reason we are using 1648 is an Elizabeth Putnam and Nathaniel Putnam were admitted to the church of Salem that year. The only other Elizabeth Putnam would be Nathaniel's sister who was already admitted in 1643. Elizabeth Hutchinson was born on 20 Aug 1629 in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, England. (49) She was baptized on 30 Aug 1629 in Arnold. (50, 51) She died on 24 Jun 1688 in Salem Village, Essex Co, MA (52,53) According to another account of ancient date, Elizabeth died 1 June, age 60. Nathaniel and Elizabeth had the following children:

Samuel Putnam
Nathaniel Putnam was born on 24 April 1655 in Salem Village, Essex Co, MA (54, 55) He was baptized on 27 May 1655 in First Church, Salem, Essex Co., MA. (56)
John Putnam
Joseph Putnam was born on 29 Oct 1659 in Salem Village, Essex Co., MA (57, 58)
Elizabeth Putanm
Captain Benjamin Putnam
Mary Putnam

42. Eben Putnam.. A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, Vol 1. Salem, MA, Salem Press, 1891. p. 3.
43. Ibid, p 3
44. The Essex Institute. Vital Records of Salem, to the End of the Year 1849. Salem, MA, 1918. Vol 6, p. 171.
45 Eben Putnam, p.22
46. Eben Putnam, The Putnam Leaflets. Vol. 2, p. 19.
47. Frank Putanm Deane, II. A Family Tree in America. 1979. p.54.
48. Family History Library, Salt Lake City. Film#1903753.
49. Eben Putnam, A History... p.22
50. Eben Putnam. The Putnam Leaflets. Vol 2, p. 19
51. Eben Putnam. A History... p.22.
52. Ibid.
53. The Essex Institute, p. 170.
54. Eben Putnam. A History...p.22
55. The Essex Institute. p. 215.
56. Eben Putnam. A History...p. 22.
57. Ibid p.22
58. The Essex Institute. p. 213
Nathaniel Putnam


11 Oct 1619
Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England

2 Jan 1652
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesto Elizabeth Hutchinson

23 Jul 1700
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States

II. 5 Nathaniel (John), baptized at Aston Abbotts, 11 Oct.,1619; died at Salem Village, 23 July, 1700; married at Salem, Elizabeth,daughter of Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinson of Salem Village, born 20 Aug., and baptized at Arnold in England, 30 Aug., 1629; died 24 June, 1688.7 In 1648, both Nathaniel and his wife Elizabeth were admitted to the church in Salem.
Of these only John, Benjamin and Mary survived their father. In 1694, Nathaniel and John Putnam testified to having lived in the Village since 1641. Nathaniel Putnam was a man of considerable landed property; his wife brought him seventy-five acres additional and on this tract he built his house and established himself.
Part of this property has remained uninterruptedly in the family. It is now better known as the "old Judge Putnam place." He was constable in 1656, and afterward deputy to the General Court, 1690-1691, selectman, and always at the front on all local questions, whether pertaining to 7 According to another account of ancient date, "1st June, ‘, 60."politics, religious affairs, or other town matters. "He had great business activity and ability and was a person of extraordinary powers of mind, of great energy and skill in the management of affairs and of singular sagacity, acumen and quickness of perception. He left a large estate."8
NATHANIEL PUTNAM was one of the principals in the great lawsuit concerning the ownership of the Bishop farm. His action in this matter was merely to prevent the attempts of Zerubabel Endicott to push the bounds of the Bishop grant over on his land. The real principals in the case were James Allen who had obtained the Bishop farm as part of his wife's dowry, and Zerubabel Endicott. The case was a long and complicated affair and was at last settled to the satisfaction of Allen and Putnam. Endicott was so chagrined that he was a different man and soon died from the effect of being cast by the courts. This Bishop grant which caused the trouble was sold by Allen to the Nurses and now belongs to Calvin Putnam. The above suit was settled in 1683.
During the unhappy trouble concerning the settlement of a minister over the parish at Salem Village, Nathaniel Putnam was a most determined opponent to the Rev. Mr. Bayley, but when Bayley was dismissed he joined with his brothers Thomas and John Putnam, Thomas Fuller, sr., and Joseph Hutchinson, sr., in a deed of gift to Mr. James Bayley of twenty-eight acres of upland and thirteen acres of meadow, which constituted a very valuable property. This was of date of 6 May, 1680. On 10 Dec., 1688, Lt. Nathaniel Putnam was one of four messengers sent to Rev. Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to the call of the parish. Parris put them off. His final engagement was settled by younger men, one of whom was Deacon Edward Putnam. Mr. Parris,however, was supported by Nathaniel Putnam, who four years later was completely deceived in regard to the witchcraft delusion. That he honestly believed in witchcraft and in the statements of the afflicted girls there seems to be no doubt; 8 Upham's Witchcraft that he was not inclined to be severe is evident, and his goodness of character shows forth in marked contrast with the almost bitter feeling shown by many of those concerned. Nathaniel lived to see the mistake all had made. That he should have believed in the delusion is not strange for belief in witchcraft was then all but universal. The physicians and ministers called upon to examine the girls, who pretended to be bewitched, agreed that such was the fact. Upham states that ninety-nine out of every hundred in Salem believed that such was the case. There can be no doubt that the expressed opinion of a man like Nathaniel Putnam must have influenced scores of his neighbors. His eldest brother had been dead seven years and he had succeeded to the position as head of the great Putnam family with its connections. He was known as "Landlord Putnam," a term given for many years to the oldest living member of the family. He saw his brother Thomas Putnam's family afflicted and, being an upright and honest man himself, believed in the disordered imaginings of his grandniece, Ann. These are powerful reasons to account for his belief and actions. The following extract from Upham brings out the better side of his character.--"Entire confidence was felt by all in his judgment, and deservedly. But he was a strong religionist, a life-long member of the church and extremely strenuous and zealous in his ecclesiastical relations. He was getting to be an old man and Mr. Parris had wholly succeeded in obtaining, for the time, possession of his feelings, sympathy, and zeal in the management of the church, and secured his full cooperation in the witchcraft prosecutions. He had been led by Parris to take the very front in the proceedings. But even Nathaniel Putnam could not stand by in silence and see Rebecca Nurse sacrificed. A curious paper, written by him, is among those which have been preserved:
"Nathaniel Putnam, Sr., being desired by Francis Nurse, Sr., to give information of what I could say concerning his wife's life and conversation, I, the above said, have known this said aforesaid woman forty years, and what I have observed of her, human frailties excepted, her life and conversation have been according to her profession, and she hath brought up a great family of children and educated them well, so that there is in some of them apparent savor of godliness. I have known her differ with her neighbors, but I never knew or heard of any that did accuse her of what she is now charged with."
A similar paper was signed by thirty-nine other persons of the village and the immediate vicinity, all of the highest respectability. The men and women who dared to do this act of justice must not be forgotten:--
"We whose names are here unto subscribed, being desired by Goodman Nurse to declare what we know concerning his wife's conversation for time past,--we can testify, to all whom it may concern, that we have known her for many years, and according to our observation, her life and conversation were according to her profession, and we never had any cause or grounds to suspect her of any such thing as she is now accused of.
Israel Porter Samuel Abbey
Elizabeth Porter Hepzibah Rea
Edward Bishop, Sr. Daniel Andrew
Hannah Bishop Sarah Amlrew
Joshua Rea Daniel Rea
Sarah Rea Sarah Putnam
Sarah Leach Jonathan Putnam
John Putnam Lydia Putnam
Rebecca Putnam Walter Phillips, Sr.
Joseph Hutchinson,Sr. Nathaniel Felton, Sr.
Lydia Hutchinson Margaret Phillips
William Osburn Tabitha Phillips
Hannah Osburne Joseph Holton, Jr.
Joseph Holton, Sr. Samuel Endicott
Sarah Holton Elizabeth Buxton
Benjamin Putnam Samuel Aborn
Sarah Putnam Isaac Cook
Job Swinnerton Elizabeth Cook
Esther Swinnerton Joseph Putnam"
Joseph Herrick, Sr.
An examination of the foregoing names in connection with the history of the village will show conclusive proof, that, if the matter had been left to the people there, it would never have reached the point to which it was carried. It was the influence of the magistracy and the government of the colony, and the public sentiment prevalent elsewhere, overruling that of that immediate locality, that drove on the storm.
The above document shows the position taken by the heads of several of the Putnam families of the Village.

In the Name of God Amen, I Nathaniel Putnam of Sale
in ye County of Essex in ye province of ye Massachusets
Bay in New England being in perfect health & strength
& sound in mind& memory, yet Considering that old age
is come vpon me &ye vncertainty of my life doe make Th
my last Will &Testament hereby revoaking all former &
other wills by me heretofore at any time made.
Impes I resigne my soule to God whoe Gaue it & my body todece
burial hoping for agloriours resurrecon in & through
ye merits of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ to whome
bee Glory foreuer.
And For my Outward Estate which God hath bestowed on me
I Giue bequeath & bestow ye same as hereafter in this my
will is expressed.
Itm. I Giue vnto my daughter Mary Tuft ye wife of John
Tuft one hundred and Twenty pounds in money to be pa
by my Executor hereafter named within three yeares aft
decease to which withye fifty pounds which I formerly ga
her is in full & ouer & aboue what I promised her on marriage.
It. I Giue vnto my said Daughter Mary ye one half of my
household goods thatwere in ye house when my wife Deceas
in ye quality &condition that ye said goods sha
at my departure.
Itm. I Giue vnto my Grandchildren ye sons & daughters of
my daughter Elizabeth Flint Deceased, viz: to Mary who
hath a lame hand twenty poundes in money & to ye others
Eight Ten pounds apeice if they shall ariue at Age, viz:
ye sons at Twenty one yeares & ye Daughters at Eighteen
yeares or marriage to be paid by my Sonn John Putnam to
each of my said Nine grand children as they come to age
as aforesaid.
Itm. I Giue vuto my Sonne John Putnam besides about an
hundred acres ofvpland & about sixteen acres of meadow
which I haue already Giuen him by deed of Gift: viz: I
giue & bequeath vnto him all my land & meadow which I haue
lying on ye Northwesterly side of ye Riuer Caled Ipswich
Riuer scituate in Salem bounds in seueral peices containi
in ye whole about Seuenty acres be ye same more or less.
Itm. I Giue vnto my said Sonne John Putnam about one hundr
& sixty acres of land adjoyning to ye hundred acres of
land which I formerly gaue him by deed of Gift being his
homestead he paying to my sd nine grand children ye legaci
hereby giuen them.
Itm. I Giue to my Said Sonne John all ye remainder of that la
(besides what I hauesold). That I formerly purchased of
William Jeggles: all to be to him & his heirs foreuer.
Itm. I Giue to my said sonne twenty pounds in money to be
paid him by my Executor in three years after my decease.
Itm. I Giue to my said Sonne halfe my wearing apparell. Itm. I Giue to my sd son John Thirty pounds to be paid by
my Executor within one yeare after my decease in graine
& cattle at money price: which legacies with ye hundred
pound I Gaue him formerly for land sold which I had of Wm.
Jeggles is in full of his portion.
Itm. I Giue vnto my sonne Benjamin Putnam my homestead
that is my farme that I now dwell on as alsoe all my other
lands & meadows whether in possession or reuersion wheresoeu
scituate lying &being which are not perticularly in
this will otherwise disposed off. to be to him & his hiers F
Itm. I Giue to my said Sonne Benjamin all my personall Estate
whether money Cattle corne Debts or other estate what
Itm. I make & Constitute my said sonn Benjamin Putn
be ye sole Executor of this my last will & Testament.
Lastly. I Desire & apoint my Good friend Capt. Samuel Gardner
& Sargt John Leach to be ouerseers of this my will.
Itm: My Will further is that neither of my two sonns shall se
any of ye lands hereby Giuen them nor any wayes dispo
of ye same vntill ye Seuerall legacies & payments in th
my will Giuen & apointed be respectively paid and fullfill
or Security Giuen for payment of ye same; & yr lands respectiue
to stand bound for fullfilling of ye same.
It. my will is that in Case either of my sonns should negle
& refuse to pay what I haue ordered them to pay
or any differen cesarise either betwixt my two sonns or betwi
either of them &ye Legatees. Then & in such case
my will & desire is that my said ouerseers heare & determi
ye same & that Euery one acquiesce in what they shall
In Testimoney that this is my last Will & Testament I
hane herevnto set my hand & seale this 21 Day of February
1698-9, & in ye Eleuenth yeare of ye Reigne of Willi
3d of England & c.King defenr of ye faith.
Signed Sealed published Nathaniel Putnam [SEAL.]
& declared in psence of vs
Henry West
Henry West Juner Essex ss. Before ye Honble
Stephen Sewall Jonatha Corwin Esq. Judge of
Margaret Sewall Probate of Wills &c. August
12th 1700 Majr Stephen Sewall, Henry West Senr & Henry
West Junr all pesonally Appeared and made Oath they were
prsent and did see Natha Putnam Signe Seal & heard him
publish and Declare this Instrument to be his last Will a
Testament and that he was then of A Disposing mind to
there best undestanding & that they then subscribed as
Wittnesses in his psence.
Sworn Attest John Higginson Regr.
Vpon wch this Will is proued Approued and allowed being
pEsented by ye Executor therein named. Viz: Benja
Attest John Higginson Regr.
Essex ss. Probate Offic
Salem, Dec.28, 1889.
A true copy of original will and of probate on file in this offic
EZRA D. HINES, Asst. Register.
A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, Volume 1
Author: Eben Putnam
Call Number: R929.2 P99.1

Recording the ancestry and descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., JanPoutman of Albany, N.Y., and Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn.
Bibliographic Information: Putnam, Eben. A History of the PutnamFamily in England and America, Vol. 1. Salem, Mass.: The Salem Press, 189
A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, Volume 1, p 22-27
Wikipedia - Captain Nathaniel Putnam was born on October 10,1619 in Aston Abbots, Buckingham, England. He was baptized there the followingday. Nathaniel was admitted to the church of Salem, Massachusetts in 1648. Hemarried Elizabeth Hutchinson in 1650 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.Nathaniel died on July 23, 1700 in Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts.

(II) Nathaniel Putnam, son of John Putnam, was born in England,October n, 1619, and baptized at Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire. England,October 11, 1619. He died at Salem, July 23, 1700. He was a prosperous farmerand settled in what is now Danvers. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson, daughterof Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinson. She was born in Arnold, England,August 20, 1629, baptized there August 30, and died at Danvers, June 24, 1688.Both were admitted to the church at Salem in 1648. Part of the original homestead at Danvers is still known as the Judge Putnam place. Nathaniel Putnam was constable in 1656 and deputy to the general court in 1690-91. He was prominent in church and town, serving for some years as selectman. He had great business ability and activity and was a man of unusual powers of mind, "of great energy and skill in the management of affairs and of singular sagacity,acumen, and quickness of perception. He left a large estate." He was involved in a lawsuit over the ownership of the Bishop farm, so called, and his side of the controversy was successful in 1683. During the trouble over the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Bay ley he was an opponent, but when Mr. Bayley was dismissed he was one of those who contributed land, May 6, 1680, to make a farm for him. He had the rank of lieutenant. He was one of the four messengers to Rev. Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to their call. As the head of the large and influential Putnam family he was known for years as "Landlord Putnam." He was a leader in the witchcraft delusion which had its centre in Salem and Salem Village, where he lived. Upham says of him. "Entire confidence was felt by all in his judgement and deservedly. But he was a strong religionist, a life-long member of the church and extremely zealous in his ecclesiastical relations. He was getting to be an old man (at the time of the Delusion), and Mr. Parris had wholly succeeded in obtaining for the time possession of his feelings, sympathies and zeal in the management of the church, and secured his full co-operation in the witchcraft prosecutions. He had been led by Parris to take the very front of the proceedings. But even Nathaniel Putnam could not stand by in silence and see Rebecca Nourse sacrificed." Children of Nathaniel Putnam, born at Salem Village: 1.Samuel, born February 18, 1652, died young. 2. Nathaniel, horn April 24, 1655,died young. 3. John. born March 26. 1657, mentioned below. 4. Joseph, born October 29, 1659, died young.
5. Elizabeth, born August n, 1662, married Sergeant George Flint. 6. Benjamin, born December 24, 1664, died 1750; married Elizabeth Putnam. 7. Mary, born September 15, 1668, married John Tufts.
Genealogy and History of the State of Maine. (II) Nathaniel, third son of PUTNAM John and Priscilla Putnam, was baptized at Aston Abbotts,October 11, 1619, and died at Salem Village, July 23, 1700. He was a man of considerable landed property ; his wife brought him seventy- five acres additional, and on this tract he built his house and established himself. Part of his property has remained uninterruptedly in the family. It is now better known as the "old Judge Putnam place." He was constable in 1656, and afterwards deputy to the general STATE OF MAINE. 55
court, 1690-91, selectman, and always at the front on all local questions, whether pertaining to politics, religious affairs, or other town matters. "He had great business activity and ability, and was a person of extraordinary powers of mind, of great energy and skill in the management of affairs, and of singular sagacity, acumen and quickness of perception. He left a large estate." Nathaniel Putnam was one of the principals in the great lawsuit concerning the ownership of the Bishop farm. His action in this matter was merely to prevent the attempt of Zerubabel Endicott to push the bounds of the Bishop grant over his land. The case was a long and complicated affair, and was at last settled to the satisfaction of Allen and Putnam in 1683. December IQ, 1688, Lieutenant Nathaniel Putnam was one of the four messengers sent to Rev. Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to the call of the parish. Parris was afterwards installed as the minister of the parish, and four years later completely deceived Mr. Putnam in regard to the witchcraft delusion. That he honestly believed in witchcraft and in the statements of the afflicted girls there seems to be no doubt; that he was not inclined to be severe is evident,and his goodness of character shows forth in marked contrast with the almost bitter feeling shown by many of those concerned. He lived to see the mistake he had made. That he should have believed in the delusion is not strange, for belief in witchcraft was then all but universal. The physicians and ministers called upon to examine the girls, who pretended to be bewitched, agreed that such was the fact. Upham states that ninety- nine out of every one hundred in Salem believed that such was the case. There can be no doubt that the expressed opinion of a man like Nathaniel Putnam must have influenced scores of his neighbors. His eldest brother had been dead seven years, and he had succeeded to the position as head of the great Putnam family with its connections. He was known as "Landlord Putnam," a term given for many years to the oldest living member of the family. He saw the family of his brother Thomas Putnam afflicted, and being an upright and honest man himself, believed in the disordered imaginings of his grandniece, Ann. These are powerful reasons to account for his belief and actions. The following extract from Upham brings out the better side of his character : "Entire confidence was felt by all in his judgment, and deservedly. But he was a strong religionist, a lifelong member of the church, and extremely strenuous and zealous in his ecclesiastical relations. He was getting to be an old man, and AIr. Parris had whoily succeeded in obtaining, for the time, possession of his feelings, sympathy and zeal in the management of the church, and secured his full co-operation in the witchcraft prosecutions. He had been led by Parris to take the very front in the proceedings. But even Nathaniel Putnam could not stand by in silence and see Rebecca Nurse sacrificed. ? curious paper written by him is among those which have been preserved : "Nathaniel Putnam, senior, being desired by Francis Nurse, Sr., to give information of what i could say concerning his wife's lile and conversation. 1, the above said, have known this said aforesaid woman forty years, and what I have observed of her, human frailties excepted, her life and conversation have been to her profession, and she hath brought up a great family of children and educated them well, so that there is in some of them apparent savor of godliness. 1 have known her differ with her neighbors, but I never knew or heard of any that did accuse her of what she is now charged with." / Chapter 8 - Sinners in Salem
Captain Nathaniel Putnam was born on October 10, 1619 in Aston Abbots, Buckingham, England. He was baptized there the following day. Nathaniel was admitted to the church of Salem, Massachusetts in 1648. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson in 1650 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. Nathaniel died on July 23, 1700 in Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts.

Elizabeth Hutchinson (1629-1688) b: August 20, 1629 in Arnold, England d: June 24, 1688 m: 1650 in Salem, Essex, MA
Samuel Putnam b: 1652, Salem, Mass
Nathaniel Putnam b: 1655, Salem, Mass
John Putnam (1657-1722) b: 1657, Salem, Mass
Joseph Putnam b: 1659, Salem, Mass
Elizabeth Putnam b: 1662, Salem, Mass DEATH: 1697
Benjamin Putnam (1664-1715)
b: 24 Dec 1664, Salem, Mass
m: 25 Aug 1686
d: 1715, Salem, Mass
Mary Putnam (1668-?) b: 1668, Salem, Mass
From Ed Putnam
NATHANIEL2 PUTNAM (JOHN1) was born Abt. 1619 in Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England, and died July 23, 1700 in Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts. He married ELIZABETH HUTCHINSON September 3, 1648 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, daughter of RICHARD HUTCHINSON and ALICEBOSWORTH. She was born August 20, 1629 in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, England, and died June 24, 1688 in Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts.

11.i. SAMUEL3 PUTNAM, b. December 18, 1652, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. 1679, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts.
ii. NATHANIEL PUTNAM, b. February 24, 1654/55, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. Bef. July 1700.
12.iii. JOHN PUTNAM, b. March 26, 1657, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. September 1722, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts.
iv. JOSEPH PUTNAM, b. August 29, 1659, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. Bef. July 1700.
13.v. ELIZABETH PUTNAM, b. August 11, 1662, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. March 6, 1696/97, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. CAPT. BENJAMIN PUTNAM, b. December 24, 1664, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. July 23, 1715, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts.
15.vii. MARY PUTNAM, b. July 15, 1668, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. July 1758, Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Historic Homes:
p. 54 Nathaniel Putnam, son of John Putnam was born at Ashton Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England, in 1619, and baptized October 11, that year. He died at Salem, July 23, 1700. He was a prosperous farmer, settled in what is now Danvers, Massachusetts. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson, daughter of Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinson. She was born in Arnold, England, August 20, 1629, and baptized there August 30; died at Danvers June 24, 1688. Both were admitted to the church at Salem in 1648, Their children were born at Salem Village.
Of their children, John, Benjamin and Mary alone survived their youth. Part of the original homestead of Nathaniel Putnam at Danvers is still known as the Judge Putnam place. Nathaniel was constable in 1656 and deputy to the general court in 1690-91. He was prominent in the church and town, serving for some years as selectman. He had great business ability and activity and was a man of unusual powers of mind, "of great eneergy and skill in the management of affairs and was of singular sagacity, acumen and quickness of perception. He left a large estate." He was involved in a lawsuit over ownership of the Bishop farm, so-called, a nd his side of the controversy was successful in 1683. During the trouble over the pastorate of Rev Mr Bayley he was an opponent, but when Mr Bayley was dismissed he was one of those who contributed land May 6, 1680, to make a farm for him. He had the rank of Lieutenant. He was one of the four messengers to Rev Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to their call. As the head of the large and influential Putnam family he was known for years as "Landlord" Putnam. He was a leader in the witchcraft delusion which had its centre in Salem and Salem Village where he lived. Upham says of him:"Entire confidence was felt by all in his judgement and deservedly. But he was a strong religionist, a life long member of the church and extremely strenuous and zealous in his ecclesiastical relations. He was getting to be an old man (at the time of the Delusion) and Mr Parris had wholly succeeded in obtaining for the time possession of his feelings, sympathies and zeal in the management of the church and secired his full co-operation in the witchcraft prosecutions. He had been led by Parris to take the very front of the proceedings. But even Nathaiel Putnam could not stand by in silence and see Rebecca Nurse sacrificed."

p. 280 Nathaniel Putnam, son of John Putnam, born in Abbotsason, England, 1620, came in 1639 to Salem, probably with his father's family. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Hutchinson of Salem. Richard Hutchinson was a yeoman, a proprietor of Salem as early as 1636, was admitted to the church April 4, 1647. He brought a farm in 1648, half of which he sold in 1651 to his son-in-law, Nathaniel Putnam. He was born in England in 1600 or 1601. His wife Alice joined the church before 1636. He married (second), October, 1668, Susanna Archard, who died November 26, 1674. He married (third) Sarah Standish, widow of James Standish. Children of Richard Hutchinson: Abigail, baptized December 25, 1636, married Anthony Ashby.
Hannah, baptized January 20, 1638-9, married Daniel Boardman.
John, born May, baptized July, 1643.
Elizabeth, married Nathaniel Putnam
____________married Thomas Hale.
______________, married James Hadlock.
Children of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Putnam: Samuel, John, Joseph, Nathaniel, Benjamin.
New England:
p. 9 Nathaniel Putnam was a man of considerable landed property; his wife brought him seventy-five acres additional, and on this tract he built his house and established himself. Part of his property has remained uninterruptedly in the family. It is now better known as the "old Judge Putnam place." He was always at the front on all local questions, whether pertaining to politics, religious affairs, and other town matters. Nathaniel was one of the principles in the great lawsuit concerning the ownership of the Bishop farm. His action in the matter was merely to prevent the attempt of Zerubabel Endicott to push the bounds of the Bishop grant over his land. The case was a long and complicated affair, and was settled to the satisfaction of Allen and Putnam in 1683. December 10, 1688, Lieutenant Nathaniel Putnam was one of four messengers sent to Rev Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to the call of the parish. Parris was afterwards installed as the minister of the parish and four years later completely deceived Mr. Putnam in regard to the witchcraft delusion. That he honestly believed in witchcraft there seems to be no doubt; that he was not inclined to be severe in evident, and his goodness of character shows forth in marked contrast with the most bitter feelings shown by many of those concerned. That he should have believed in the delusion is not strange for belief in witchcraft was then all but universal. The physicians and ministers called upon to examine the girls who pretended to be witched, agreed that such was the case. There can be no doubt that the expressed opinion of a man like Nathaniel Putnam must have influenced scores of his neighors. His eldest brother had been dead seven years, and he had succeeded to the position as head of the great Putnam family with his cinnections. He was known as "Landlord Putnam," a term given for many years to the oldest living member of the family. He saw the family of his brother, Thomas Putnam, afflicted, and being an upright and honest man himself believed in the disorder imaginings of his grandniece Ann. These are powerful reasons to account for his belief and actions. A curious paper written by him is among those which have been preserved: "Nathaniel Putnam, senior, being desired by Francis Nurse, senior, to give information of what I could say concerning his wife's life and conversation. I the above-said, have known this said aforesaid woman forty years and what I have observed of her, human frailties exceoted, her life and conversaton have been to her profession, and she hath brought up a great family of children and educated them well, so that there is in some of them apparent savor of godliness. I have known her differ with her neighbors, but I never knew or heard of any that did accuse her of what she is now charged with."
In 1694 Nathaniel and John Putnam testified to having lived in the village since 1641. In 1648 both Nathaniel
p. 10 and his wife were admitted to the church in Salem. Their childen were all born in Salem.
They may have been ancestors of President Calvin Coolidge.
Torrey has as Elizabeth PRINCE?/[HUTCHINSON]
Nathaniel PUTNAM b: October 11, 1619 in Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, Englandd: July 22, 1700 in Salem Village, MANOTES: In FTM's on-line genealogy library, Oct 1999, the following listing was found in Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1906:
PUTNAM, LIEUTENANT NATHANIEL, 1619-1700, Salem Village, Mass. Deputy to the General Court, 1690, '91. Appointed Lieutenant of the Foot Company of Salem Village, March 30, 1683.
From Topsfield Historical Collections Volume 11 printed 1906, page 24: In 1659, the boundary line between Salem Village and Topsfield seems to have been definitely established and agreed upon for the first time. Thomas Putnam and Nathaniel Putnam with Joseph Hutchinson, were the committee representing the claims of Salem. But this agreement as to boundary did not settle the difficulties of the recently established town of Topsfield, for disputes over bounds were constantly breaking out between the Topsfield men and the Putnams, the later claiming that the grant of the General Court in 1639 gave them the land extending to the river and in consequence they refused to pay taxes to Topsfield. They also occupied and cut timber upon land to which Topsfield claimed proprietorship. In 1680, the town of Topsfield appointed a committee to "sue for bounds," the members of the committee to have half the land they recovered or to be paid double wages. This was to encourage them to undertake the danger of personal risk of counter suit. In due course suit was brought by the Putnams against John Baker, one of the committee, and suit and counter suit followed until "a grate dele of monye and time hath ben Spent at ye Law . . . in a Likely way of Destroyeing and being destroyed one by another," as appears by a petition of the Putnams to the General Court in 1698 (Mass. Archives, Vol. 113, page 180). The General Court heard the claims of the two parties and decided in favor of Topsfield. Such, too, had been the decision of the lower court in 1680, for the committee appointed by the town: Baker, Towne, and How, recovered by law the land claimed by Topsfield. In 1686, the Putnams and Nathaniel Ingersoll, acting as "trustees or agents" for Salem Village, brought suit against John Curtis of Topsfield, for occupying and improving land belonging to Salem Village. Curtis owned property on the south side of the river now occupied by Richard Wheatland and Baxter P. Pike and in his declaration to the court (Essex Court Files, Vol. 46, leaf 75) he stated the claims of Topsfield so well that he easily won his case and the Putnams were obliged to pay 54 shillings court charges.
The Putnams were strong-willed men, of high temper and seemingly eager for controversy and even personal conflict. In a suit brought in 1686, Isaac Easty sen., Isaac Easty jr., John Towne, and Joseph Towne jr. testified that they were in the woods within Topsfield bounds on the south side of the river and "saw Capt. John Putnam of Salem Farms or Village & his sons & som of his cozins cutting down tymber within Topisfield bounds & on Topisfield mens properties & seuerall of Topisfield men forewarned Capt. John Putnam from Cutting Tymber on their land; the sd Capt. Puttnam replied, I haue faled the tymber yt is here cutt down on my orders & I will Keep Cutting & Careing away from This Land till next March, & ye sd Puttman being asked, what by violance, his answer, ay by violance & further sd you may sue me you know where I dwell & then did his company falle on." (Essex Court Files, Vol. 47, leaf 43.) The Court again decided in favor of the Topsfield men which of course only served to make the Putnams more bitter. We all know how easily children absorb the feelings of their elders and usually to an exaggerated extent. To them, the people hated by their fathers are capable of the most terrible crimes, therefore it is not surprising that among those first accused of witchcraft we find Rebecca Nurse of Salem Village, daughter of William Towne of Topsfield, and sister and aunt to the Townes who had "recovered" the so-called Putnam land.
NATHANIEL PUTNAM V. REBECCA NURSE (from Topsfield Historical Collections Volume 11):
"Nathaniell putnam senor being desired by francis nurse senor to giue informa[tion] of what i could say concerning his wifes f ... and conuersation; I the abouesayd did ... know this sayd aboue sayd woman fou . . . years & what i haue obserued of her human frailtys excepted: her life & conuersation hath been according to her proffession: & she hath brought up a great family of children & educated . . . well soe that there is in some of them apparent s . . . of godlines: i haue known her differ with her neig . . . but i neuer knew nor heard of any that did accus . . . of what she is now charged with..."
Massachusetts Historical Society MSS.--
Witchcraft MSS. p. 29.
To the excited imagination of these children, Rebecca Nurse was not the dear, saintly woman that she was to all others, but an enemy, and one capable of that blackest of all crimes, witchcraft. Sarah Cloyse, her sister, had married, first, Edmund Bridges of Ipswich and second, Peter Cloyse, who was born in 1639. She was a neighbor of her sister Rebecca, and had joined the Village church in 1690, being then about forty-eight years of age. She is described as a person of very nervous temperament and excedingly sensitive. She was greatly upset by the proceedings against her sister and did not wish to attend meeting the following Sunday, but as it was communion Sunday it was thought best that she should go. The nature of the sermon and the allusions to her sister Rebecca were such that she broke down and hastened from the meeting-house. Unfortunately the wind was strong and slammed the door. On the 8th of April a warrant was issued for her arrest. She was tried in the usual way but told John Indian, who was testifying against her, that he was a "grievious liar," and was so over-come by the horror of it all that she fainted. Later, while in prison, she joined with her sister Mary Estey in a remarkable petition to the judges. She was condemned but the general jail delivery took place before a time for her execution was set and so she escaped. The next Topsfield person to be arrested was Abigail Hobbs which took place on April 19, 1692. Two days later, her father and mother, William and Deliverance Hobbs, also were arrestcd. William Hobbs came to Salem Village from Lynn in 1660 and bought 80 acres of land from William Robinson of Salem. The cellar of the house in which he lived may still be seen on the left of Nichols street in Danvers, while going toward East street, about half-way between the corner of the Topsfield road and East street. The last of his descendants removed to Maine and it is said that none of them now are living. He appears to have been a good man and respected by his neighbors, but he was unfortunate in having a daughter, who, judging from the depositions, must have been either exceptionally daring in evil doing or partially insane for the neighbors testified that for nearly two years she had told of meeting the Devil, and of remaining alone in the woods all night, and when asked if she were not afraid, said she was not for she had sold herself to the Devil, body and soul. She seems to have been in the habit of conducting herself in an "unseemly way" when she visited the neighbor's houses, and tried to shame her mother by her foolish behavior. During her examination she confessed her compact with the Devil and described the images he brought to her and the instruction he gave as to the manner in which they should be used. She also described the meeting of witches in Mr. Parris' pasture and also told of the red bread and wine used in that unholy sacrament. It is said that a colony of spade-foot frogs formerly existed in the Parris pasture. These frogs make a noise that may be described as diabolical, and if one approaches however softly they instantly disappear. It has been suggested that this awful and unaccountable noise may have led to the belief that the witches held their meetings in this place. Of the later history of this unfortunate Hobbs girl nothing now appears. There are absolutely no traditions of these unfortunates for even the people of only two generations ago refused to talk of the witchcraft delusion. William Hobbs in his examination showed himself to be a manly, straightforward man and although his daughter and his wife both confessed, he still insisted on his own innocence. He was condemned however and remained in prison until December, when he was bailed by his neighbors John Nichols and Joseph Towne, who gave bond in the sum of two hundred pounds for bis appearance in January. He was kept away from that session of the court and the fine was paid, but at the next session of the court in May, the fine was remitted and he was cleared by proclamation. Of Deliverance, his wife. the story is sad and distressing. She confessed herself a witch and gave very minute details of the meetings in Mr. Parris' pasture, telling who were there and accusing Sarah Wilds of urging her to sign the Devil's book. She also said that Sarah Wilds was one of those who distributed the red bread. Ephraim Wilds said he thought that her desire to incriminate his mother arose from the fact that he was constable of Topsfield and had been obliged to arrest her. Our imagination shrinks from the picture of what these confessing witches must have had to face when the excitement had abated and people realized that they had saved their lives at the expense of their neighbors, or, as every one then believed that witches really existed, was it be possible that the community really believed that they told the truth about themselves, and that their tales about innocent persons were really a part of an awful compact.
............................ +Elizabeth HUTCHINSON b: August 20, 1629 in Englandd: June 24, 1688 in Salem Village, MAFather: Richard HutchinsonMother: Alice Bosworth

Posted by: Janice Mauldin CastlemanDate: November 11, 1999 at 13:25:13
In Reply to: Re: Colonel Israel Hutchinson - Danvers, MA by Claire Myers of 3839
NATHANIEL PUTNAM was the son of JOHN PUtnam (born Bef. January 17, 1579/80 in Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England, and died December 30, 1662 in Salem, Massachusetts) and PRISCILLA GOULD (married about January 1610/11 in Wingrave, Buckinghamshire, England, daughter of RICHARD GOULD and ELIZABETH). was born Abt. October 1619 in England, and died July 23, 1700 in Salem Village, Massachusetts. He married ELIZABETH HUTCHINSON WFT Est. 1641-1670 in Salem, Massachusetts, daughter of RICHARD HUTCHINSON and ALICE BOSWORTH.
More About NATHANIEL PUTNAM: Admitted Church: 1648, Salem, Massachusetts Baptism: October 11, 1619, Aston Abbotts, Bucks (Baptismal Register)
Notes for ELIZABETH HUTCHINSON: Daughter of Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinson of Salem Village. More About ELIZABETH HUTCHINSON: Admitted Church: 1648, Salem, Massachusetts Baptism: August 30, 1629, Arnold in England
SAMUEL22 PUTNAM, b. December 18, 1652, Salem Village, Massachusetts; d. 1676.
NATHANIEL PUTNAM, b. February 24, 1654/55; d. WFT Est. 1656-1745. More About NATHANIEL PUTNAM: Baptism: March 27, 1655, 1st Church, Salem, Massachusetts
JOHN PUTNAM, b. January 26, 1656/57, Salem Village, Massachusetts; d. September 1722, Salem Village, Massachusetts.
JOSEPH PUTNAM, b. August 29, 1659; d. WFT Est. 1660-1749. More About JOSEPH PUTNAM: Baptism: 1st Church, Salem, Massachusetts
ELIZABETH PUTNAM, b. August 11, 1662, Salem Village, Massachusetts; d. March 06, 1696/97.
BENJAMIN PUTNAM, b. December 24, 1664, Salem Village, Massachusetts; d. Abt. 1715, Salem Village, Massachusetts.
MARY PUTNAM, b. July 15, 1668, Salem Village, Massachusetts; d. WFT Est. 1718-1763.
Nathaniel Putnam

Birth: Oct. 11, 1619
Death: Jul. 23, 1700

Family links:
John Putnam (1580 - 1662)
Priscilla Gould Putnam (1586 - 1662)

Elizabeth Hutchinson Putnam (1629 - 1688)*

Samuel Putnam (1652 - ____)*
Nathaniel Putnam (1655 - 1700)*
John Putnam (1657 - 1722)*
Joseph Putnam (1659 - ____)*
Elizabeth Putnam Flint (1662 - 1697)*
Elizabeth Putnam Flint (1662 - 1697)*
Benjamin Putnam (1664 - 1715)*
Mary Putnam Tufts (1668 - ____)*

Elizabeth Putnam Bailey (1612 - ____)*
Thomas Putnam (1614 - 1686)*
John Putnam (1617 - 1620)*
Nathaniel Putnam (1619 - 1700)
Sarah Putnam (1623 - 1676)*
Phoebe Putnam (1624 - 1630)*
Phebe Putnam (1624 - 1630)*
John Putnam (1627 - 1710)*

* Reverse Relationships:] body=[This relationship was not directly added to this memorial. Rather, it is calculated based on information added to the related person's memorial. For example: if Joe Public is linked to Jane Public as a spouse, a reciprocal link will automatically be added to Jane Public's memorial.] fade=[on] fadespeed=[.09]" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 136); text-decoration: underline;">Calculated relationship


Created by: Karen Dawson
Record added: Dec 09, 2006
Find A Grave Memorial# 16967780
Nathaniel was born about 1619. He was the son of John Putnam and Priscilla Gould.

Nathaniel was bapt. at Aston Abbots, 11 Oct. 1619.[1]

Nathaniel Putnam, Sr., July 23, 1700, a. abt. 80 y. [2]

1648, Admitted to church

Involved in Salem Witchcraft trials. At first, he believed in trials. Later, he changed his mind and started to petition in opposition.

In the Name of God Amen, I Nathaniel Putnam of Salem, in ye County of Essex in ye province of ye Massachusets Bay in New England being in perfect health & strength & sound in mind & Memory, yet Concidering that old age is come upon me & ye vncertainty of my life doe make This my last Will & Testament hereby revoaking all former & other wills by me heretofore at any time made.
Imprs I resigne my soule to God whoe Gane it & my body to decent burial hoping for a gloriours resurrecon in & through ye merits of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ to whome bee Glory foreuer.
And For my Outward Estate which God hath bestowed on me I Giue bequeath & bestow ye same as hereafter in this my will is expressed.
Itm. I Giue vnto my daughter Mary Tuft ye wife of John Tuft one hundred and Twenty pounds in money to be paid by my Executor hereafter named within three yeares after my decease to which with ye fifty pounds which I formerly gave her is in full & ouer & aboue what I promised her on marriage.
It. I Giue vnto my said Daughter Mary ye one half of my household goods that were in ye house when my wife Deceased in ye quality & condition that ye said goods shall be at my departure.
Itm. I Giue vnto my Grandchildren ye sons & daughters of my daughter Elizabeth Flint Deceased, viz: to Mary who hath a lame hand twenty poundes in money & to ye others Eight Ten pounds a peice if they shall ariue at Age, viz: ye sons at Twenty one yeares & ye Daughters at Eighteen yeares or marriage to be paid by my Sonn John Putnam to each of my said Nine grand children as come to age as aforesaid.
Itm. I Giue vnto my Sonne John Putnam besides about an hundred acres of vpland & about sixteen acres of meadow which I haue already Giuen him by deed of Gift: viz: I giue & bequeath vnto him all my land & meadow which I haue lying on ye Northwesterly side of ye Riuer Caled Ipswich Riuer scituate in Salem bounds in seueral peices containing in ye whole about Seuenty acres be ye same more of less.
Itm. I Giue vnto my said Sonne John Putnam about one hundred & sixty acres of land adjoyning to ye hundred acres of land which I formerly gaue him by deed of Gift being his homestead he paying to my sd nine grand children ye legacies hereby giuen them.
Itm. I Giue to my Said Sonne John all ye remainder of that land (Besides what I haue sold) That I formerly purchased of William Joggog: all to be to him & his heirs foreuer.
Itm. I Giue to my said sonne twenty pounds in money to be paid him by my Executor in three years after my decease.
Itm. I Giue to my said Sonne halfe my wearing apparell.
Itm. I Giue to my sd son John Thirty pounds to be paid by my Executor within one yeare after my decease in graine & cattle at money price: which legacies with ye hundred pound I gaue him formerly for land sold which I had of Wm. Jeggly is in full of his portion.
Itm. I Giue vnto my sonne Benjamin Putnam my homestead that is my farme that I now dwell on as alsoe all my other lands & meadows whether in possession or reuersion wheresoeuer scituate lying & being which are not perticularly in this will otherwise disposed off. to be to him & his hiers Foreuer.
Itm. I Giue to my Sonne Benjamin all my personall Estate whether money Cattle corne Debts or other estate what ever.
Itm. I make & constitute my said sonn Benjamin Putnam to be ye sole Executor of this my last will & Testament.
Lastly. I Desire & apoint my Good friend Capt. Samuel Gardner & Sargt John Leach to be ouerseers of this my will.
Itm. My Will further is that neither of my two sonns shall sell any of ye lands hereby Giuen them nor any wayes dispose od ye same vntill ye Seuerall legacies & payments in this my will Giuen & apointed be respectively paid and fulfilled or Security Giuen for payment of ye same: & ye lands respectiuely to stand bound for fullfilling of ye same.
It. my will is that in Case either of my sonns should neglect & refuse to pay what I haue ordered them to pay or any differences arise either betwixt my two sonns or betwixt either of them & ye Legatees. Then & in such case my will & desire is that my said ouerseers heare & determine ye same & that Euery one acquiesce in what they shall doe.
In Testimoney that this is my last Will & Testament I haue herevnto set my hand & seale this 21 Day of February 1698-9, & in ye Eleuenth yeare of ye Reigne of William ye 3d of England &c. King defenr of ye faith.
Signed Sealed published Nathaniel Putnam [seal.]
& declared in psence of vs
Henry WestHenry West Juner Essex ss. Before ye HonbleStephen Sewall Jonatha Corwin Esq. Judge ofMargaret Sewall Probate of Wills &c. August
12th 1700 Majr Stephen Sewall, Henry West Senr & Henry West Junr all pesonally Appeared and made Oath they were prsent and did see Natha Putnam Signe Seal & heard him publish and Declare this instrument to be his last Will and Testament and that he was then of A Disposing mind to there best undestanding & that they then subscribed as Wittnesses in his psence.
Sworn Attest John Higginson Regr.Vpon wch this Will is proued Approued and allowed being pEsented by ye Executor therein named. Viz: BenjaPutnam.Attest John Higginson Regr.Essex ss. Probate Office.Salem, Dec. 28, 1889.
A true copy of original will and probate on file in the office.
Attest, Ezra D. Hines, Asst. Register.[3][5][6] Salem Village later became Danvers.
Husband: Nathaniel PutnamWife: Elizabeth HutchinsonMarriage: 1651 Salem, Essex County, MassachusettsChild: Samuel PutnamChild: Nathaniel PutnamChild: Joseph PutnamChild: Elizabeth PutnamChild: Benjamin PutnamChild: Mary Putnam

1 A history of the Putnam family in England and America. Recording ...,
3 3.0 3.1 Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881.Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.)
4 Paragraphing used to facilitate ease of reading
5 Vital Records of Salem Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. VI – Deaths. Salem, Mass: The Essex Institute, 1925.
6 "Danvers Church Records."[Transcribed by the late WM. THADDEUS HARRIS, Esq.] NEHGR 13:56.
Attached Documents.
A history of the Putnam family in England and America. Recording ..., Volume 1, By Eben Putnam.[1]
Lechner Family History, compiled by Michael Lechner, with my father Ted Harrold Lechner.
Stearns, Ezra S. Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire (Lewis Publishing Company, 1908) Vol. 2, Page 844
Biographical Sketches of Worcester County, MA
Image 337-42/960
(II) Nathaniel Putnam, son of John (1), married and was thefather of five children: Samuel, John, Joseph, Nathaniel, Benjamin, born July11, 1764.
new wiki trees
Nathaniel Putnam (1619 - 1700)
[uncertain] Nathaniel
Born 11 Oct 1619
in Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England
ANCESTORS Son of John Putnam Sr. and Priscilla (Gould) PutnamBrother of Elizabeth Putnam, Thomas Putnam Sr., John Putnam, Sarah Putnam, Phoebe Putnam and John Putnam Jr.Husband of Elizabeth (Hutchinson) Putnam
— married 2 Jan 1652 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Bay ColonyDESCENDANTS Father of Samuel Putnam, Nathaniel Putnam, John Putnam, Joseph Putnam, Elizabeth (Putnam) Flint, Benjamin Putnam and Mary (Putnam) TuftsDied 23 Jul 1700
in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Profile managers: Sara Patton [send private message] and Puritan Great Migration Project WikiTree [send private message]Profile last modified 17 Mar 2021 | Created 30 Dec 2010This page has been accessed 5,718 times.
Nathaniel Putnam migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1620-1640).
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1 Biography
1.1 Arrival in Salem, Massachusetts
1.2 Court Record
1.3 Salem Witch Trials
1.4 Will
1.5 Death
2 Sources

Nathaniel Putnam was born about 1619. He was the son of John Putnam and Priscilla Gould. Nathaniel was bapt. at Aston Abbots, 11 Oct. 1619.[1]
Arrival in Salem, Massachusetts

From Pioneers of Massachusetts:
"Putnam, Nathaniel (who deposed 30 (1) 1685, [aged] about 65 years, that he had lived 46 yrs. in Salem,) m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Hutchinson"; thus the year of arrival in Salem would be c. 1639.[2] (Note: The "(1)" refers to the month, Old Style, which is March.)
Nathaniel Putnam was one of three influential immigrant brothers, became head of the prominent Putnam family of Danvers, MA after his brother Thomas died in 1686. Nathaniel was smart, perceptive and energetic, very active in business and skilled at it. With his father John Putnam, Nathaniel left Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England about 1634 and came to New England. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson in 1651. Before 1673, he and his brother John invested in an ironworks on lands they owned in nearby Rowley. When the financially-troubled enterprise burned in 1674, they sued the managers for negligence. [3]
For years, Nathaniel joined his neighbors in protesting that Salem Village ("the Farms," later Danvers) was too far away from Salem for its men to be expected to share in mandatory guard duty there. For that and other reasons, he wanted Salem Village to become independent from the town of Salem. In 1669 a Salem court ordered him to apologize publicly over this issue or pay a fine of 20 pounds.
In 1681, second in wealth only to his brother Thomas, Nathaniel was taxed 9 pounds 10 shillings, while Francis Nourse was only taxed 18 shillings and Samuel Nourse and John Tarbell were each taxed one pound four shillings. He lived on 75 acres acquired from his father-in-law Richard Hutchinson. Even after Danvers built its own church in 1672, (Nathaniel served on the first building committee), a Salem constable seized two and a half acres from his front yard because he refused to pay taxes to support the Salem Town congregation. He was a steadfast servant to the Danvers church. With his relatives and neighbors (but not his wife), he put his stubby signature on the first Danvers church covenant on Nov. 19, 1689. Church Covenant, Salem Village, 1689 "We do, in some measure of sinceritie, this day give up ourselves unto God in Christ, to be for him and not for another, at the same time renouncing all the vanities and Idols of this present evil world..." Nathaniel knew the Nourses for forty years. His land holdings bordered on the Nourses to the south, and the two families bickered about the property line. Yet when Rebecca Nourse was accused of witchcraft by some of his Putnam relatives, Nathaniel defended her, writing to the court, "She hath brought up a great family of children and educated them well, so that there is in some of them apparent savor of godliness." Thirty other neighbors signed a similar letter.
Putnam Gen p. 22: "In 1694, Nathaniel and John Putnam testified to having lived in the Village since 1641. Nathaniel Putnam was a man of considerable landed property; his wife brought him seventy five acres additional and on this tract he built his house and established himself....
He was constable in 1656, and afterward deputy to the General Court, 1690-91, selectman, and always at the front on all local questions, whether pertaining to politics, religious affairs, or other town matters. "He had great business activity and ability and was a person of extraordinary powers of mind, of great energy and skill in the management of affairs and of singular sagacity, acumen and quickness of perception. He left a large estate."[4].

Birth: 11 OCT 1619 in Aston Abbotts, Bucks County, England 1 Baptism: 11 OCT 1619 Aston Abbotts, Bucks (Baptismal Register) 1
Christening: Source: _History of Salem, MA_, Vol. II, 1638-1670, by Sidney Perley, Salem, MA, 1926, 'CD-ROM,' Vol. 2, p. 109, (James R. Taylor,
Marriage: Source: The Hutchinson Family: or the Descendants of Barnard Hutchinson, of Cowlam, England, compiled by Perley Derby, Essex Institute Press, 1870, Salem, Massachusetts, p. 7; History of the Town of Wilton, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, by Abiel Abbot Livermore and Sewell Putnam, Lowell, Mass., Marden & Rowell, Printers, 1888, p. 415.
Occupation: Yeoman (Derby, p. 7)
Deacon of First Church in Salem Village (now Danvers), Massachusetts, (A Genealogy of the Hutchinson Family of Yorkshire, and of the American Branch of the Family Descended from Richard Hutchinson, of Salem, Mass, by Joseph Lemuel Chester, David Clapp & Son, Printers, 1868, Boston, Massachusetts, p. 23).
Occupation: Constable 1656
Occupation: Deputy to General Court 1691
Event: Admitted to Church, Salem Village, Essex, MA Misc 1648 Salem Village, Essex, MA From J. B. Felt's "Annals of Salem" 2nd Edition, 1845 Nathaniel admitted to the 1st Church of Salem-1648, Resident of Salem--1641
Father: John Putnam b: 17 JAN 1577/78 in Aston, Abbots, Buckinghamshir, England Mother: Priscilla Gould b: 3 JUN 1582 in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, England Marriage1Elizabeth Hutchinson b: 20 AUG 1629 in Arnold, Notinghamshire, England
Married 3 Sept 1652 Salem
Samuel Putnam b: 18 FEB 1652/53 in Salem Village, Massachusetts
Nathaniel Putnam b: 24 APR 1655
John Flint Putnam b: 26 JAN 1656/57 in Salem Village, Massachusetts
Joseph Putnam b: 29 AUG 1659
Elizabeth Putnam b: 11 AUG 1662 in Salem Village (now Danvers), Essex Co, MA (md. Sgt George Flint
Benjamin Putnam b: 11 AUG 1662 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
James Putnam b: AFT 1652
Mary Putnam b: 15 SEP 1668 in Salem Village, Massachusetts
Sources: Abbrev: v13t2652.FTWTitle: v13t2652.FTWRepository: cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ryder10&id=I4947
Court Record

At court in June 1666 aged about aged 46 Nathaniel Putnam deposed that later end of January 1664, Bray Wilkins by Providence having his house burned...Nathaniel and others contributed to help Wilkins...[5]
In Dec 1652, Nathaniel Putnam and Richard Graves differed over a son of Graves who was then a servant to Putnam. The matter was referred to Capt. Hathorne and Henry Bartholomew. EQC 1-276 [6]

Salem Witch Trials

Name: Nathaniel Putnam, Sr Admitted to church 1648 Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts. He was a leader in the witchcraft hysteria, but supported Rebecca Nurse From "Life of Israel Putnam" by Increase Tarbox:
Involved in Salem Witchcraft trials. At first, he believed in trials. Later, he changed his mind and started to petition in opposition.[citation needed]
April 21, 1692: Mary Black, negro of Lt. Nathaniel Putnam was accused with several others, by Thomas Putnam and John Buxton of Salem Village, 'of acts of Witchcraft' on Anna Putnam and Marcy Lewis. Cleared by proclamacion, January. 11. 1692/3: Mr. Nathaniel Putnam of Salem Village. his negro.' [7]
May 30, 1692: Lt. Nathaniel Putnam and Joseph Whipple made complaints against Elizabeth Fosdick, wife of John and Elizabeth Paine, wife of Stephen, 'for sundry acts of Witchcraft' committed on the 'bodies Marcy Lewis and Mary Warren of Salem Village' . [8]
June 1, 1692: Nathaniel Putnam was one of the witnesses summoned about indictments against Joseph Willard, who was later executed on August 19, 1692. [9]
June 29, 1692: Nathaniel Putnam Sr., at the request of Francis Nurse, regarding his wife Rebecca, testified that he differed with the opinions of her neighbors and he never heard of what she was 'now accused with'. [10]Will

WILL OF NATHANIEL PUTNAM[11] (Paragraphing used to facilitate ease of reading.)
In the Name of God Amen, I Nathaniel Putnam of Salem, in ye County of Essex in ye province of ye Massachusets Bay in New England being in perfect health & strength & sound in mind & Memory, yet Concidering that old age is come upon me & ye vncertainty of my life doe make This my last Will & Testament hereby revoaking all former & other wills by me heretofore at any time made.Imprs I resigne my soule to God whoe Gane it & my body to decent burial hoping for a gloriours resurrecon in & through ye merits of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ to whome bee Glory foreuer.And For my Outward Estate which God hath bestowed on me I Giue bequeath & bestow ye same as hereafter in this my will is expressed.Itm. I Giue vnto my daughter Mary Tuft ye wife of John Tuft one hundred and Twenty pounds in money to be paid by my Executor hereafter named within three yeares after my decease to which with ye fifty pounds which I formerly gave her is in full & ouer & aboue what I promised her on marriage.It. I Giue vnto my said Daughter Mary ye one half of my household goods that were in ye house when my wife Deceased in ye quality & condition that ye said goods shall be at my departure.Itm. I Giue vnto my Grandchildren ye sons & daughters of my daughter Elizabeth Flint Deceased, viz: to Mary who hath a lame hand twenty poundes in money & to ye others Eight Ten pounds a peice if they shall ariue at Age, viz: ye sons at Twenty one yeares & ye Daughters at Eighteen yeares or marriage to be paid by my Sonn John Putnam to each of my said Nine grand children as come to age as aforesaid.Itm. I Giue vnto my Sonne John Putnam besides about an hundred acres of vpland & about sixteen acres of meadow which I haue already Giuen him by deed of Gift: viz: I giue & bequeath vnto him all my land & meadow which I haue lying on ye Northwesterly side of ye Riuer Caled Ipswich Riuer scituate in Salem bounds in seueral peices containing in ye whole about Seuenty acres be ye same more of less.Itm. I Giue vnto my said Sonne John Putnam about one hundred & sixty acres of land adjoyning to ye hundred acres of land which I formerly gaue him by deed of Gift being his homestead he paying to my sd nine grand children ye legacies hereby giuen them.Itm. I Giue to my Said Sonne John all ye remainder of that land (Besides what I haue sold) That I formerly purchased of William Joggog: all to be to him & his heirs foreuer.Itm. I Giue to my said sonne twenty pounds in money to be paid him by my Executor in three years after my decease.Itm. I Giue to my said Sonne halfe my wearing apparell.Itm. I Giue to my sd son John Thirty pounds to be paid by my Executor within one yeare after my decease in graine & cattle at money price: which legacies with ye hundred pound I gaue him formerly for land sold which I had of Wm. Jeggly is in full of his portion.Itm. I Giue vnto my sonne Benjamin Putnam my homestead that is my farme that I now dwell on as alsoe all my other lands & meadows whether in possession or reuersion wheresoeuer scituate lying & being which are not perticularly in this will otherwise disposed off. to be to him & his hiers Foreuer.Itm. I Giue to my Sonne Benjamin all my personall Estate whether money Cattle corne Debts or other estate what ever.Itm. I make & constitute my said sonn Benjamin Putnam to be ye sole Executor of this my last will & Testament.Lastly. I Desire & apoint my Good friend Capt. Samuel Gardner & Sargt John Leach to be ouerseers of this my will.Itm. My Will further is that neither of my two sonns shall sell any of ye lands hereby Giuen them nor any wayes dispose od ye same vntill ye Seuerall legacies & payments in this my will Giuen & apointed be respectively paid and fulfilled or Security Giuen for payment of ye same: & ye lands respectiuely to stand bound for fullfilling of ye same.It. my will is that in Case either of my sonns should neglect & refuse to pay what I haue ordered them to pay or any differences arise either betwixt my two sonns or betwixt either of them & ye Legatees. Then & in such case my will & desire is that my said ouerseers heare & determine ye same & that Euery one acquiesce in what they shall doe.In Testimoney that this is my last Will & Testament I haue herevnto set my hand & seale this 21 Day of February 1698-9, & in ye Eleuenth yeare of ye Reigne of William ye 3d of England &c. King defenr of ye faith.Signed Sealed published Nathaniel Putnam [seal.]

& declared in psence of vs
Henry WestHenry West Juner Essex ss. Before ye HonbleStephen Sewall Jonatha Corwin Esq. Judge ofMargaret Sewall Probate of Wills &c. August12th 1700 Majr Stephen Sewall, Henry West Senr & Henry West Junr all pesonally Appeared and made Oath they were prsent and did see Natha Putnam Signe Seal & heard him publish and Declare this instrument to be his last Will and Testament and that he was then of A Disposing mind to there best undestanding & that they then subscribed as Wittnesses in his psence.Sworn Attest John Higginson Regr.Vpon wch this Will is proued Approued and allowed being pEsented by ye Executor therein named. Viz: BenjaPutnam.Attest John Higginson Regr.Essex ss. Probate Office.Salem, Dec. 28, 1889.
A true copy of original will and probate on file in the office.
Attest, Ezra D. Hines, Asst. Register.[11]Death

Nathaniel died Salem Village, 23 July 1700 age "about 79 or 80".[12][13][14] Salem Village later became Danvers.
Nathaniel Putnam, Sr., July 23, 1700, a. abt. 80 y. [15]
Death: Sources: The Hutchinson Family: or the Descendants of Barnard Hutchinson, of Cowlam, England, compiled by Perley Derby, Essex Institute Press, 1870, Salem, Massachusetts, p. 7; Salem VR, 6:171, (James R. Taylor,

↑ A history of the Putnam family in England and America, page 3
↑ The Pioneers of Massachusetts, A Descriptive List..., Charles Henry Pope, published by Charles H. Pope, Boston, Mass., 1900, p. 376
↑ Upham's Witchcraft
↑ New England, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins, 1620-1635 for Nathaniel Putnam link
↑ New England, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins, 1620-1635 for Nathaniel Putnam
↑ Salem Witchcraft Papers No.136.1: Salem Witch Trials : Documentary Archive and Transcription Project,
↑ Salem Witchcraft Papers No. 058: Salem Witch Trials : Documentary Archive and Transcription Project,
↑ Salem Witchcraft Papers No. 137 and SWP No. 137.14: Salem Witch Trials : Documentary Archive and Transcription Project,
↑ Salem Witchcraft Papers No. 94: SWP No. 94.10 Salem Witch Trials : Documentary Archive and Transcription Project,
↑ 11.0 11.1 Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881.Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.)
↑ A history of the Putnam family in England and America. Recording ...,
↑ Vital Records of Salem Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849. Vol. VI – Deaths. Salem, Mass: The Essex Institute, 1925.
↑ "Danvers Church Records." Transcribed by the late WM. THADDEUS HARRIS, Esq., NEHGR 13:56.
↑ Massachusetts Vital -- Salem, Essex, Deaths P
See also:
Attached Documents.
A History of the Putnam Family in England and America (subtitled "Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, N.Y., Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn."), Eben Putnam, The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co., Salem, Mass., U.S.A., 1891; available on-line at Google Books or; Nathaniel is No. 5 in this book (Generation II) and his main entry is on page 22 (image 113 of 517 in the PDF)
Stearns, Ezra S. Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire (Lewis Publishing Company, 1908) Vol. 2, Page 844
The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Nathaniel Putnam

comment.Jack ParkerWould probably have been buried in the Putnam Burial ground in Danvers (formerly Salem Village), off Sylvan Street. That burying ground was closed and all of the bodies re-interred in Porters Burial Ground or Walnut Grove. I have catalogued both of those cemeteries and have not found him, however both of those cemeteries, as well as another Putnam Cemetery and Putnamville cemetery have many of his descendants.posted Nov 03, 2018 by Jack Parker
II. 5 Nathaniel (John), baptized at Aston Abbotts, 11 Oct., 1619; died at Salem Village, 23 July, 1700; married at Salem, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinson of Salem Village, born 20 Aug., and baptized at Arnold in England, 30 Aug., 1629; died 24 June, 1688.7 In 1648, both Nathaniel and his wife Elizabeth were admitted to the church in Salem.
Of these only John, Benjamin and Mary survived their father. In 1694, Nathaniel and John Putnam testified to having lived in the Village since 1641. Nathaniel Putnam was a man of considerable landed property; his wife brought him seventy-five acres additional and on this tract he built his house and established himself.
Part of this property has remained uninterruptedly in the family. It is now better known as the "old Judge Putnam place." He was constable in 1656, and afterward deputy to the General Court, 1690-1691, selectman, and always at the front on all local questions, whether pertaining to 7 According to another account of ancient date, "1st June, ‘, 60." politics, religious affairs, or other town matters. "He had great business activity and ability and was a person of extraordinary powers of mind, of great energy and skill in the management of affairs and of singular sagacity, acumen and quickness of perception. He left a large estate."8
NATHANIEL PUTNAM was one of the principals in the great lawsuit concerning the ownership of the Bishop farm. His action in this matter was merely to prevent the attempts of Zerubabel Endicott to push the bounds of the Bishop grant over on his land. The real principals in the case were James Allen who had obtained the Bishop farm as part of his wife's dowry, and Zerubabel Endicott. The case was a long and complicated affair and was at last settled to the satisfaction of Allen and Putnam. Endicott was so chagrined that he was a different man and soon died from the effect of being cast by the courts. This Bishop grant which caused the trouble was sold by Allen to the Nurses and now belongs to Calvin Putnam. The above suit was settled in 1683.
During the unhappy trouble concerning the settlement of a minister over the parish at Salem Village, Nathaniel Putnam was a most determined opponent to the Rev. Mr. Bayley, but when Bayley was dismissed he joined with his brothers Thomas and John Putnam, Thomas Fuller, sr., and Joseph Hutchinson, sr., in a deed of gift to Mr. James Bayley of twenty-eight acres of upland and thirteen acres of meadow, which constituted a very valuable property. This was of date of 6 May, 1680. On 10 Dec., 1688, Lt. Nathaniel Putnam was one of four messengers sent to Rev. Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to the call of the parish. Parris put them off. His final engagement was settled by younger men, one of whom was Deacon Edward Putnam. Mr. Parris, however, was supported by Nathaniel Putnam, who four years later was completely deceived in regard to the witchcraft delusion. That he honestly believed in witchcraft and in the statements of the afflicted girls there seems to be no doubt; 8 Upham's Witchcraft that he was not inclined to be severe is evident, and his goodness of character shows forth in marked contrast with the almost bitter feeling shown by many of those concerned. Nathaniel lived to see the mistake all had made. That he should have believed in the delusion is not strange for belief in witchcraft was then all but universal. The physicians and ministers called upon to examine the girls, who pretended to be bewitched, agreed that such was the fact. Upham states that ninety-nine out of every hundred in Salem believed that such was the case. There can be no doubt that the expressed opinion of a man like Nathaniel Putnam must have influenced scores of his neighbors. His eldest brother had been dead seven years and he had succeeded to the position as head of the great Putnam family with its connections. He was known as "Landlord Putnam," a term given for many years to the oldest living member of the family. He saw his brother Thomas Putnam's family afflicted and, being an upright and honest man himself, believed in the disordered imaginings of his grandniece, Ann. These are powerful reasons to account for his belief and actions. The following extract from Upham brings out the better side of his character.--"Entire confidence was felt by all in his judgment, and deservedly. But he was a strong religionist, a life-long member of the church and extremely strenuous and zealous in his ecclesiastical relations. He was getting to be an old man and Mr. Parris had wholly succeeded in obtaining, for the time, possession of his feelings, sympathy, and zeal in the management of the church, and secured his full co”peration in the witchcraft prosecutions. He had been led by Parris to take the very front in the proceedings. But even Nathaniel Putnam could not stand by in silence and see Rebecca Nurse sacrificed. A curious paper, written by him, is among those which have been preserved:
"Nathaniel Putnam, Sr., being desired by Francis Nurse, Sr., to give information of what I could say concerning his wife's life and conversation, I, the above said, have known this said aforesaid woman forty years, and what I have observed of her, human frailties excepted, her life and conversation have been according to her profession, and she hath brought up a great family of children and educated them well, so that there is in some of them apparent savor of godliness. I have known her differ with her neighbors, but I never knew or heard of any that did accuse her of what she is now charged with."
A similar paper was signed by thirty-nine other persons of the village and the immediate vicinity, all of the highest respectability. The men and women who dared to do this act of justice must not be forgotten:--
"We whose names are hereunto subscribed, being desired by Goodman Nurse to declare what we know concerning his wife's conversation for time past,--we can testify, to all whom it may concern, that we have known her for many years, and according to our observation, her life and conversation were according to her profession, and we never had any cause or grounds to suspect her of any such thing as she is now accused of.
Israel Porter Samuel Abbey
Elizabeth Porter Hepzibah Rea
Edward Bishop, Sr. Daniel Andrew
Hannah Bishop Sarah Amlrew
Joshua Rea Daniel Rea
Sarah Rea Sarah Putnam
Sarah Leach Jonathan Putnam
John Putnam Lydia Putnam
Rebecca Putnam Walter Phillips, Sr.
Joseph Hutchinson, Sr. Nathaniel Felton, Sr.
Lydia Hutchinson Margaret Phillips
William Osburn Tabitha Phillips
Hannah Osburne Joseph Holton, Jr.
Joseph Holton, Sr. Samuel Endicott
Sarah Holton Elizabeth Buxton
Benjamin Putnam Samuel Aborn
Sarah Putnam Isaac Cook
Job Swinnerton Elizabeth Cook
Esther Swinnerton Joseph Putnam"
Joseph Herrick, Sr.
An examination of the foregoing names in connection with the history of the village will show conclusive proof, that, if the matter had been left to the people there, it would never have reached the point to which it was carried. It was the influence of the magistracy and the government of the colony, and the public sentiment prevalent elsewhere, overruling that of that immediate locality, that drove on the storm.
The above document shows the position taken by the heads of several of the Putnam families of the Village.

In the Name of God Amen, I Nathaniel Putnam of Sale
in ye County of Essex in ye province of ye Massachusets
Bay in New England being in perfect health & strength
& sound in mind & memory, yet Considering that old age
is come vpon me & ye vncertainty of my life doe make Th
my last Will & Testament hereby revoaking all former &
other wills by me heretofore at any time made.
Impes I resigne my soule to God whoe Gaue it & my body to dece
burial hoping for a gloriours resurrecon in & through
ye merits of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ to whome
bee Glory foreuer.
And For my Outward Estate which God hath bestowed on me
I Giue bequeath & bestow ye same as hereafter in this my
will is expressed.
Itm. I Giue vnto my daughter Mary Tuft ye wife of John
Tuft one hundred and Twenty pounds in money to be pa
by my Executor hereafter named within three yeares aft
decease to which with ye fifty pounds which I formerly ga
her is in full & ouer & aboue what I promised her on marriage.
It. I Giue vnto my said Daughter Mary ye one half of my
household goods that were in ye house when my wife Deceas
in ye quality & condition that ye said goods sha
at my departure.
Itm. I Giue vnto my Grandchildren ye sons & daughters of
my daughter Elizabeth Flint Deceased, viz: to Mary who
hath a lame hand twenty poundes in money & to ye others
Eight Ten pounds a peice if they shall ariue at Age, viz:
ye sons at Twenty one yeares & ye Daughters at Eighteen
yeares or marriage to be paid by my Sonn John Putnam to
each of my said Nine grand children as they come to age
as aforesaid.
Itm. I Giue vuto my Sonne John Putnam besides about an
hundred acres of vpland & about sixteen acres of meadow
which I haue already Giuen him by deed of Gift: viz: I
giue & bequeath vnto him all my land & meadow which I haue
lying on ye Northwesterly side of ye Riuer Caled Ipswich
Riuer scituate in Salem bounds in seueral peices containi
in ye whole about Seuenty acres be ye same more or less.
Itm. I Giue vnto my said Sonne John Putnam about one hundr
& sixty acres of land adjoyning to ye hundred acres of
land which I formerly gaue him by deed of Gift being his
homestead he paying to my sd nine grand children ye legaci
hereby giuen them.
Itm. I Giue to my Said Sonne John all ye remainder of that la
(besides what I haue sold). That I formerly purchased of
William Jeggles: all to be to him & his heirs foreuer.
Itm. I Giue to my said sonne twenty pounds in money to be
paid him by my Executor in three years after my decease.
Itm. I Giue to my said Sonne halfe my wearing apparell. Itm. I Giue to my sd son John Thirty pounds to be paid by
my Executor within one yeare after my decease in graine
& cattle at money price: which legacies with ye hundred
pound I Gaue him formerly for land sold which I had of Wm.
Jeggles is in full of his portion.
Itm. I Giue vnto my sonne Benjamin Putnam my homestead
that is my farme that I now dwell on as alsoe all my other
lands & meadows whether in possession or reuersion wheresoeu
scituate lying & being which are not perticularly in
this will otherwise disposed off. to be to him & his hiers F
Itm. I Giue to my said Sonne Benjamin all my personall Estate
whether money Cattle corne Debts or other estate what
Itm. I make & Constitute my said sonn Benjamin Putn
be ye sole Executor of this my last will & Testament.
Lastly. I Desire & apoint my Good friend Capt. Samuel Gardner
& Sargt John Leach to be ouerseers of this my will.
Itm: My Will further is that neither of my two sonns shall se
any of ye lands hereby Giuen them nor any wayes dispo
of ye same vntill ye Seuerall legacies & payments in th
my will Giuen & apointed be respectively paid and fullfill
or Security Giuen for payment of ye same; & yr lands respectiue
to stand bound for fullfilling of ye same.
It. my will is that in Case either of my sonns should negle
& refuse to pay what I haue ordered them to pay
or any differences arise either betwixt my two sonns or betwi
either of them & ye Legatees. Then & in such case
my will & desire is that my said ouerseers heare & determi
ye same & that Euery one acquiesce in what they shall
In Testimoney that this is my last Will & Testament I
hane herevnto set my hand & seale this 21 Day of February
1698-9, & in ye Eleuenth yeare of ye Reigne of Willi
3d of England &c. King defenr of ye faith.
Signed Sealed published Nathaniel Putnam [SEAL.]
& declared in psence of vs
Henry West
Henry West Juner Essex ss. Before ye Honble
Stephen Sewall Jonatha Corwin Esq. Judge of
Margaret Sewall Probate of Wills &c. August
12th 1700 Majr Stephen Sewall, Henry West Senr & Henry
West Junr all pesonally Appeared and made Oath they were
prsent and did see Natha Putnam Signe Seal & heard him
publish and Declare this Instrument to be his last Will a
Testament and that he was then of A Disposing mind to
there best undestanding & that they then subscribed as
Wittnesses in his psence.
Sworn Attest John Higginson Regr.
Vpon wch this Will is proued Approued and allowed being
pEsented by ye Executor therein named. Viz: Benja
Attest John Higginson Regr.
Essex ss. Probate Offic
Salem, Dec. 28, 1889.
A true copy of original will and of probate on file in this offic
EZRA D. HINES, Asst. Register.
A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, Volume 1
Author: Eben Putnam
Call Number: R929.2 P99.1

Recording the ancestry and descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, N.Y., and Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn.
Bibliographic Information: Putnam, Eben. A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, Vol. 1. Salem, Mass.: The Salem Press, 189
A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, Volume 1 , p 22-27
Wikipedia - Captain Nathaniel Putnam was born on October 10, 1619 in Aston Abbots, Buckingham, England. He was baptized there the following day. Nathaniel was admitted to the church of Salem, Massachusetts in 1648. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson in 1650 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. Nathaniel died on July 23, 1700 in Salem Village, Essex, Massachusetts.

(II) Nathaniel Putnam, son of John Putnam, was born in England, October n, 1619, and baptized at Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire. England, October 11, 1619. He died at Salem, July 23, 1700. He was a prosperous farmer and settled in what is now Danvers. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson, daughter of Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinson. She was born in Arnold, England, August 20, 1629, baptized there August 30, and died at Danvers, June 24, 1688. Both were admitted to the church at Salem in 1648. Part of the original homestead at Danvers is still known as the Judge Putnam place. Nathaniel Putnam was constable in 1656 and deputy to the general court in 1690-91. He was prominent in church and town, serving for some years as selectman. He had great business ability and activity and was a man of unusual powers of mind, "of great energy and skill in the management of affairs and of singular sagacity, acumen, and quickness of perception. He left a large estate." He was involved in a lawsuit over the ownership of the Bishop farm, so called, and his side of the controversy was successful in 1683. During the trouble over the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Bay ley he was an opponent, but when Mr. Bayley was dismissed he was one of those who contributed land, May 6, 1680, to make a farm for him. He had the rank of lieutenant. He was one of the four messengers to Rev. Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to their call. As the head of the large and influential Putnam family he was known for years as "Landlord Putnam." He was a leader in the witchcraft delusion which had its centre in Salem and Salem Village, where he lived. Upham says of him. "Entire confidence was felt by all in his judgement and deservedly. But he was a strong religionist, a life-long member of the church and extremely zealous in his ecclesiastical relations. He was getting to be an old man (at the time of the Delusion), and Mr. Parris had wholly succeeded in obtaining for the time possession of his feelings, sympathies and zeal in the management of the church, and secured his full co-operation in the witchcraft prosecutions. He had been led by Parris to take the very front of the proceedings. But even Nathaniel Putnam could not stand by in silence and see Rebecca Nourse sacrificed." Children of Nathaniel Putnam, born at Salem Village: 1. Samuel, born February 18, 1652, died young. 2. Nathaniel, horn April 24, 1655, died young. 3. John. born March 26. 1657, mentioned below. 4. Joseph, born October 29, 1659, died young.
5. Elizabeth, born August n, 1662, married Sergeant George Flint. 6. Benjamin, born December 24, 1664, died 1750; married Elizabeth Putnam. 7. Mary, born September 15, 1668, married John Tufts.
Genealogy and History of the State of Maine. (II) Nathaniel, third son of PUTNAM John and Priscilla Putnam, was baptized at Aston Abbotts, October 11, 1619, and died at Salem Village, July 23, 1700. He was a man of considerable landed property ; his wife brought him seventy- five acres additional, and on this tract he built his house and established himself. Part of his property has remained uninterruptedly in the family. It is now better known as the "old Judge Putnam place." He was constable in 1656, and afterwards deputy to the general STATE OF MAINE. 55
court, 169091, selectman, and always at the front on all local questions, whether pertaining to politics, religious affairs, or other town matters. "He had great business activity and ability, and was a person of extraordinary powers of mind, of great energy and skill in the management of affairs, and of singular sagacity, acumen and quickness of perception. He left a large estate." Nathaniel Putnam was one of the principals in the great lawsuit concerning the ownership of the Bishop farm. His action in this matter was merely to prevent the attempt of Zerubabel Endicott to push the bounds of the Bishop grant over his land. The case was a long and complicated affair, and was at last settled to the satisfaction of Allen and Putnam in 1683. December IQ, 1688, Lieutenant Nathaniel Putnam was one of the four messengers sent to Rev. Samuel Parris to obtain his reply to the call of the parish. Parris was afterwards installed as the minister of the parish, and four years later completely deceived Mr. Putnam in regard to the witchcraft delusion. That he honestly believed in witchcraft and in the statements of the afflicted girls there seems to be no doubt; that he was not inclined to be severe is evident, and his goodness of character shows forth in marked contrast with the almost bitter feeling shown by many of those concerned. He lived to see the mistake he had made. That he should have believed in the delusion is not strange, for belief in witchcraft was then all but universal. The physicians and ministers called upon to examine the girls, who pretended to be bewitched, agreed that such was the fact. Upham states that ninety- nine out of every one hundred in Salem believed that such was the case. There can be no doubt that the expressed opinion of a man like Nathaniel Putnam must have influenced scores of his neighbors. His eldest brother had been dead seven years, and he had succeeded to the position as head of the great Putnam family with its connections. He was known as "Landlord Putnam," a term given for many years to the oldest living member of the family. He saw the family of his brother Thomas Putnam afflicted, and being an upright and honest man himself, believed in the disordered imaginings of his grandniece, Ann. These are powerful reasons to account for his belief and actions. The following extract from Upham brings out the better side of his character : "Entire confidence was felt by all in his judgment, and deservedly. But he was a strong religionist, a lifelong member of the church, and extremely strenuous and zealous in his ecclesiastical relations. He was getting to be an old man, and AIr. Parris had whoily succeeded in obtaining, for the time, possession of his feelings, sympathy and zeal in the management of the church, and secured his full co-operation in the witchcraft prosecutions. He had been led by Parris to take the very front in the proceedings. But even Nathaniel Putnam could not stand by in silence and see Rebecca Kurse sacrificed. ? curious paper written by him is among those which have been preserved : "Nathaniel Putnam, senior, being desired by Francis Nurse, Sr., to give information of what i could say concerning his wife's lile and conversation. 1, the above said, have known this said aforesaid woman forty years, and what I have observed of her, human frailties excepted, her life and conversation have been to her profession, and she hath brought up a great family of children and educated them well, so that there is in some of them apparent savor of godliness. 1 have known her differ with her neighbors, but I never knew or heard of any that did accuse her of what she is now charged with." / Chapter 8 - Sinners in Salem


BirthBef 11 Oct 1619Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England
Christen11 Oct 1619Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England
Immigration1634with his parents,
MarriageAbt 1651Salem, Essex, MA - Elizabeth Hutchinson
Death23 Jul 1700Salem, Mass Bay Colony
Relationship8th great grandfather of Mary Putnam Muller


SpouseElizabeth Hutchinson (1629 - 1688)
ChildSamuel Putnam (1652 - 1676)
ChildNathaniel Putnam (1655 - )
ChildJohn Putnam (1657 - 1722)
ChildJoseph Putnam (1659 - )
ChildElizabeth Putnam (1662 - 1697)
ChildCaptain Benjamin PUTNAM (1664 - 1715)
ChildMary Putnam (1668 - 1758)
SpouseElizabeth Prince ( - )
Spouseunknown Gedney ( - )
FatherJohn Putnam ( - 1662)
MotherPriscilla Gould (1585 - 1668)
SiblingThomas Putnam (1614 - 1686)
SiblingElizabeth "Eliza" Putnam (1612 - 1643)
SiblingJohn Putnam (1617 - 1620)
SiblingSara Putnam (1622 - )
SiblingPhoebe Putnam (1624 - 1630)
SiblingJohn Putnam (1627 - 1710)
SiblingPhoebe Putnam (1627 - 1710)
