Individual Details

John Putnam

(Bef 24 Jul 1617 - Bef 5 Nov 1620)

Died in infancy
John Putnam, II

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Birth: Jul. 24, 1617
Buckinghamshire, England
Death: Nov. 5, 1620
Buckinghamshire, England

Son of John and Priscilla Gould Putnam 

The birth date for John is based on his christening record found in; A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, by Eben Putnam 1891; and his death date is based on the burial date given.
Family links: 
  John Putnam (1580 - 1662)
  Priscilla Gould Putnam (1586 - 1662)
  Elizabeth Putnam Bailey (1612 - ____)*
  Thomas Putnam (1614 - 1686)*
  John Putnam (1617 - 1620)
  Nathaniel Putnam (1619 - 1700)*
  Sarah Putnam (1623 - 1676)*
  Phoebe Putnam (1624 - 1630)*
  Phebe Putnam (1624 - 1630)*
  John Putnam (1627 - 1710)*
*  Reverse Relationships:] body=[This relationship was not directly added to this memorial. Rather, it is calculated based on information added to the related person's memorial. For example: if Joe Public is linked to Jane Public as a spouse, a reciprocal link will automatically be added to Jane Public's memorial.] fade=[on] fadespeed=[.09]" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 136); text-decoration: underline;">Calculated relationship

Aston Abbotts (St. James the Great) Churchyard 
Aston Abbotts
Aylesbury Vale District
Buckinghamshire, England
Plot: Unknown
Created by: Ronnie Miller
Record added: Mar 11, 2016 
Find A Grave Memorial# 159271912
wiki trees
John Putnam (bef. 1617 - 1620)
Born before 24 Jul 1617
 in Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England
ANCESTORS Son of John Putnam Sr. and Priscilla (Gould) PutnamBrother of Elizabeth Putnam, Thomas Putnam Sr., Nathaniel Putnam, Sarah Putnam, Phoebe Putnam and John Putnam Jr.[spouse(s) unknown][children unknown]Died 5 Nov 1620
 in Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, England
Profile manager: Sam Duncan  [send private message]Profile last modified 17 Oct 2018 | Created 27 May 2012This page has been accessed 1,275 times.Contents
1 Biography
1.1 Birth
1.2 Death & Burial
2 Sources

John Putnam was baptized 24 JUL 1617, at Ashton Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, , England[1]
Death & Burial

John died in infancy; buried at Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire, , England 5 November 1620.[1]

↑ 1.0 1.1 A history of the Putnam family in England and America. Recording ..., Volume 1, By Eben Putnam.[1]
Attached Documents.
Lechner Family History, compiled by Michael Lechner, with my father Ted Harrold Lechner.


BirthBef 24 Jul 1617Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England
Christen24 Jul 1617Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England
DeathBef 5 Nov 1620Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England
Burial5 Nov 1620Aston Abbots, Buckinghamshire, England


FatherJohn Putnam ( - 1662)
MotherPriscilla Gould (1585 - 1668)
SiblingThomas Putnam (1614 - 1686)
SiblingElizabeth "Eliza" Putnam (1612 - 1643)
SiblingNathaniel Putnam (1619 - 1700)
SiblingSara Putnam (1622 - )
SiblingPhoebe Putnam (1624 - 1630)
SiblingJohn Putnam (1627 - 1710)
SiblingPhoebe Putnam (1627 - 1710)
